Kill Game (2016) Poster


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The fatal consequences of pranking
TheLittleSongbird21 August 2018
Loved the idea for 'Kill Game', which for recent modest to low budget film viewings was one that was really quite creative. Executed right, 'Kill Game' had potential to be quite decent. The cover/poster/advertising was attention grabbing and does make one want to see the film. Really admire any film that includes and tackles the topical subject of bullying, an everyday issue that's far too frequent and nowhere near enough is done to stop it.

'Kill Game' could have done so much more with such a great concept and is not necessarily a great film, or even particularly good. There are a fair few problematic elements here, including deciding early on whether to continue watching. That said, it is watchable enough, just about worth sticking with and the potential is not completely wasted. There are plus points, and fortunately in 'Fear Clinic's' case those plus points are quite big. It's all been summed up very well, so don't have an awful lot to add other than my own (fairly similar) thoughts.

Starting with the plus points, the acting is better than average and in the lead cast quite good. The secondary parts are a little ropy sure but even then it could have been far worse.

Mostly, 'Kill Game' looks reasonable, it's atmospherically shot and the effects for the budget were much better than expected, not incredible but not amateurish.

It does handle the bullying angle with intelligence and in a way that's easy to identify with. 'Kill Game' starts off really well, where one can see where what happens for much of the film originates from and why it happens. There is suspense and creepiness here and there and the sound isn't too obvious or intrusive.

However, it has been said that 'Kill Game' was primarily let down by the script. Have to completely agree with this. It doesn't flow enough, can be cheesy and lacks tautness. Worse is that it does try to do far too much with far too many elements and not doing enough with any of them. A shame, because there were some great ideas here.

A problem that also badly affects the story, which becomes muddled and confusing from jumping from one thing to the next with little refinement or proper exploration. There are pacing problems in the middle act and from the halfway point onwards, parts are rushed and it also feels like too much is being stretched to sustain the overlong running time, some of it not needed.

Much of the second half is ridiculous and weird, again because of the lack of clarity in the story and over-ambition of the script. The finesse also goes and it becomes cheap visually, the surgery sequence looks awful. The twists and turns mostly are obvious and don't make sense, the red herrings just convolute the story even more and the identity of the killer and motivation didn't really surprise all that much. The film gets unintentionally silly in the third act, where the tension and suspense captured well in the first half dissipates, and it all becomes far too coincidental and over-convenient.

Concluding, a great concept and some good elements but suffers from too cooks spoil the under-seasoned broth. 5/10 Bethany Cox
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No Skill Game
shawnblackman10 May 2016
A graduating class decides to prank a classmate at the beach which ends up in tragedy. What really happened is covered up. Sometime later the classmates are starting to die one by one. Who knows what they did last summer and who is going to die next? As you can guess this has been done a few times before but what is a little different is a creepy Marilyn Monroe mask and personally catered deaths. The way you died reflected what you did.

It wasn't gory but a couple of scenes had you cringing. The effects were pretty good but the cast however was awful. What was well done was you were always wondering who was under the mask. You think you knew who it was but then alas.

I was amazed at how awful these kids were to everybody. You here all the cruel jokes they played on people as they try and figure out who it might be which makes you feel no remorse for them(You also wonder why they aren't dead already).

A couple of cool scenes is all you get in this one. It just feels like a been there done that kind of film. Avoid this one or maybe just watch the last 6 minutes.
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Solid acting, weird script, odd direction but not bad!
moonmonday26 March 2016
Warning: Spoilers
First off, I will say this: the acting was overall very good, with only a few moments of the less skillful actors taking focus. That's not to say that all the minor parts were bad or populated by bad actors; on the whole, the acting was strong, and much more solid than you might expect from a film like this.

Second, I want to praise it for actually having the cojones to buck expectation and have mainly guys on display here, rather than the usual T&A-fest. It's always welcome to see more guys show a little skin in these. There wasn't much of it in general, which kept the film feeling pretty dignified overall, and what was there was well-done.

The sound's good, the acting is good, the characters are well-cast, the effects (aside from the ridiculous surgery sequence) are surprisingly great, and the premise is intriguing.

But that segues neatly into the largest problem with this movie: its script.

It's too ambitious and ends up just being confusing, boring, and frustrating at turns. It tries to be clever too often and fails every time. We have too many dream sequences here, too many memories, too many red herrings, and just some very questionable stuff that tries too hard to mislead the audience...while at the same time muddling its own story.

The massive runtime is one thing that really contributes to a convoluted narrative. At almost two hours long, this film is way too lengthy. Things start happening very quickly, but that isn't really as good a thing as you'd think. That just means that it starts getting really confusing very fast, because it picks up basically after the story has started and run for some time. It's disorienting, since we not only have to become familiar with the characters, we also have to understand what is uniting them and the secret they have in common.

A big mistake the movie makes is just going off the rails far too early, though. It becomes outrageously over the top around halfway through, and it never really recovers from that. It just ends up looking silly and unbelievable, and it doesn't help that the development past that point is pretty ludicrous too. You'll think you've figured it out, because you'll spot the obvious red herrings (and the questionable direction doesn't help), and then it'll veer off in some random direction and end up not telling you anything when it seems about to explain.

Overall it hinges on massive coincidences, as if they had been planned for, and there's just too much that goes exactly as expected to be believable. It's all too convenient, especially when the killer's identity is made clear...or at least heavily indicated. Yep, that's right -- it never says it outright, which might have been handled well in a better movie. It wasn't here, it just makes it seem like the whole experience was pretty worthless and meaningless.

It literally would have made more sense and been slightly more satisfying -- still very stupid, but better than what we got -- if the last dream sequence in the hospital (if you saw it, you know which one I mean) had been the actual ending.

It makes me want to see the cast and crew do a better movie, honestly. Maybe one with a more consistent tone. Do they want you to take it seriously as a drama? Do they want you to feel like it's more of an old-fashioned slasher? Is it supposed to be totally over the top, or is it supposed to feel more realistic? They never really decide, and you can't really have it both ways.

It is worth watching at least once, though. It wasn't a terrible movie, it was just perhaps too ambitious for its ability to realize. It's certain to be a great time with friends, especially with some suitably adult beverages involved. If you like classic slashers and love a puzzle, this one will probably appeal to you.
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this film will kill brain cells its that bad
wycherleyp-960-4706589 January 2016
Kill game more like kill me as this film is awful from the script to the acting, screen shots camera angles the only best part is when you see the credits as then you know its finished. Its the same old story of a bunch of teenagers who play pranks on others and would you believe it one of those pranks goes wrong and someone dies, 5 years later somebody starts killing the group members one by one. From the start you can figure out who the killer is and evan the kills are pretty stupid theirs not a lot of good things to say about this film and evan the harcore thriller/horror fans out there would not like this film. Overall kill game is a low budget very poor attempt at a horror film that's plot has been done more times than iv had Sunday dinners.
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Four out of ten.
Patient44426 January 2016
The reasons are: acting, for such a movie is better than one might expect. Tho it looks cheap the actors did their job as good as they could and they deserve a point for effort. Second the plot, tho used since the 90s, has an overall, almost decent execution, it can stand for a horror, especially if you're not into this type too much. The killings are rip offs and repetitive but you do get to see them, and not too many low budget horrors show you the actual death of a character. And lastly, the costume is interesting, got my attention and I did wanted to see it more often.

Little else to say, it's a movie that has been made since I Know What You Did Last Summer, and it isn't the greatest copy cat out there, so no, I will not recommend it, but I have to say I've seen far worse. Did I enjoy it, had some fun, or managed to fill my 1.5 hour in a productive way? Don't think so.

But if you just want to see a horror movie because you love this genre and have to see all you can see, this might even seem like a little flick compared to others.

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Dumb... Just Dumb
darrenmalloy30 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Don't waste your time with this movie. Wait till the end of the film and you still don't know who the killer is. I call that a dumb movie.
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SaintRanGee17 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This movie feels like a child explaining something where they go with the story but forget something so go back and add it without context.

I wanted to like the movie but it was hard to get a story straight, you know a friend died and they talked about a friend that died in a prank years before, then they skip to mild harrassment for 30 seconds, pizzas ordered on them, prostitute sent to the one. The recently dead guys not girlfriend, but maybe something went on, comes back to town and bumps into the pranked dead guy's twin brother (yeah he's got a twin now). Her response is she has seen a ghost and the twins response is yeah I look just like him apparently (later find out their twins) but it was a chance meeting on the street to a woman he claims to recognize from a yearbook, they have sex on the third time meeting but every meeting he yelled at her and the alternated being nice, bipolar like at best.

So the friends start dying one at a time and they think it's revenge for all the pranks they played on people in highschool which arent so much of pranks as behaviour of future serial killers. The audience sees the masked killer but none of the friends that live have seen it yet near the end where masks start popping up they're all suspicious that the ones with the masks are the killer, this makes no sense because the mask has no context to the characters. Also one dies from a liposuction kill with all sorts of inaccuracies in the scene, but there is no doctor that would perform it on the girl as she has little to no fat at all on her.

The actors tried, they weren't too but they weren't awful and I honestly don't know if it's them or a reflection of a disjointed script, it's a case of the movie could've have been ok but looks like no one knew where the story was going, some sort of improv writing I guess

I give it 5 because I did want to like it but. It just couldn't figure out where it was going and it offered no closure, I assume because the writers didn't take the time to remember that there was a killer with notice apparently.
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Illogical and kinda stupid
jessiehenderson-412945 February 2023
The movie doesn't really stand out since the idea itself has been done before like a hundred times. I know what you did last summer meet scream kind of thing. The acting was mediocre at best (some parts were really awful, with a few good moments here and there) also, did they say a group of good looking friends? Because even that is questionable (there was like maybe 2 eye candies) it had the potential to be good, but it just fell flat and character development was almost non existent that I didn't feel sorry for anyone that died, they're not likeable people, but maybe that's the point? Also, the cops are really dumb and a lot of the decisions made by the characters were just stupid. Was it the worst hour and a half I spent? Definitely not.. While I did enjoy some moments (and the design of the mask was cool I thought) overall I don't necessarily recommend. Also, it wanted you to wonder who the killer might be, but to me it was kinda obvious from the beginning who it was...
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This movie left me wondering who the killer was?
sheliawells82522 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
All in all it was entertaining. I was left in confusion at the end. This movie never really showed the viewers who the killer/murderer was. There were two or three that was suggested who the murderer was, but they were all victims. So that left me confused as to who was killing everyone? I hate movies that doesn't add up towards the ending. Bummer.
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Just another slasher movie with a serial killer wearing a Marilyn Monroe mask.
peterp-450-29871622 September 2016
You know the saying "What goes around, comes around" ? That really applies to seven friends who graduated together and share a terrible secret with each other. Until the group of friends slowly starts to shrink, because they are murdered one by one. Now, when hearing the stories of these annoying bullies, you're inclined to think they had it coming. Because the tricks they played upon their fellow students (and even teachers), wasn't something to be taken lightly. Those jokes were so radical, a fellow student got killed. And now there appears to be someone who wants to take revenge on this gang of clowns. And the way they are killed, is linked to a particular joke they've pulled.

"Kill Game" isn't an unbelievable good horror. But it tries to honour the traditions of the better hacker / slasher films from the 70s (for instance "Halloween" and "Friday the 13th"). So this means that a group of stupid and arrogant teenagers is gathered again to serve as cattle for slaughter. And the mysterious serial killer wears a grim mask, of course. In this case, it's a Marilyn Monroe mask. Also a list of all candidate murderers is needed. This list may turn out to be exceptionally long. After counting all fellow students and teachers who were victims of a malicious prank, you'll get a significant number of candidates. And as a highlight, the twin brother of the poor devil who didn't survive a joke appears.

But beyond these few similarities with older slasher films, this is a film that effortlessly will sink into oblivion. Anyhow, the lousy acting (inherent to this kind of films) and the not so original story-line are also present. What remains is a typical game of guessing who's the perpetrator, what's the motive and who'll eventually survive. And there's also someone whose profile complies with the characteristics of the perpetrator. Obviously that's a wrong assumption. How surprising! Indeed, a stack of known clichés. The only thing that remains is how the victims were killed. So, it isn't exactly breathtaking cinema. The only thing I've learned out of this movie, is that it isn't very smart to bully others.

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Good Slasher Flick
tmdarby10 February 2016
I'm not sure why this is rated so low. The movie was pretty good. It's a solid slasher film. The acting was pretty good, and the screen play was well done. The unfolding of the plot was also done very well. There were some twists and turns that kept you off balance as to who the killer was. The gore was also pretty well done, not overly done with special effects.

There are a few plot holes, but nothing serious. I liked the mask the killer uses, old lady killer kind of adds a creepy factor that some movies miss.

All in all, good movie if you are a fan of slasher movies.
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Brain twisted
Daniel_From_LA11 January 2020
I want to know who that man behind the mysterious mask is. I didn't understand the outcome of the movie. Who's the one who killed that person returned?
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A new level of stupid.
veritybingo17 April 2021
Stunningly awful on every possible level.

Dreadful acting, plot, dialogue and everything else. This is the kind of film that reminds you that life is too short.

You have been warned.
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adynato2 September 2018
Kids must fight of ghost who has come back for revenge. Wow, I have never read a plot like that one before. I thought the tittle looked good and wanted to give it a try. I did not expect much as the budget is only 5.000.000 USD, but it was much worse than I anticipated The script and acting could all have been better, but it was the overall product that disappointed the most. There is no originality in the story, just same ol jump scares as you get in any other horror movie. Further, there is much that should have been done differently. Personally, I did not like the costumes and the atmosphere was You need to give me a reason to pay and watch your movies. Don't just make a movie out of anything. I believe that the movie companies should stop wasting their resources on stuff like this and make some actual good horror movies.
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I should've dnf'd
pattiffany529 June 2023
Pros It's shot semi competently The acting could be worse.

Main Cons (without spoilers) It felt like at least 50 scenes were missing from the movie despite it being so long. Someone would do something or die and then in the next scene everyone would know about it despite most of the time not even a day had gone by. The flow of time was absolutely terrible.

Even if you wanted to try and guess the killer you can't since the movie is edited terribly. It's absolutely terribly paced.

The movie isn't scary, aside from one gruesome scene.

Scenes linger a bit too long.

Characters make a decision then 30 seconds later do the exact opposite.

The audio fades or isn't very clear at times.

Forced or awkward expository dialogue.

The ending (as well as most scenes) makes absolutely no sense and you could easily remove the last 20 minutes and it would make no difference.

The main story / plot doesn't make sense and technically shouldn't have been logically possible.
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Decent retread that falls a little short.
jmbovan-47-1601736 September 2021
So good idea, some truly gross scenes, but the movie falls short in the mystery department. The plot doesn't come together well. Acting is meager. Production is okay. Nothing special. Could have been much more, but I'm guessing budgetary concerns left much to be imagined.
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A Film That Rips Off Every Horror Film Ever Done Before It!
ecspringer201016 January 2021
This film is pretty much a rip off of every horror film made, starting with the Marilyn Monroe masked used in the film, it basically copies the fact that Michael Myers in Halloween ( the original 1978 film ) used a Captain Kirk mask with the eyes cut out, this pretty much copied that as well! The blonde wig used by the killer also is also a direct copycat of Psycho, which was some time before Halloween. Many other elements are borrowed from Scream, I Know What You Did Last Summer, all the way to the forgotten 1980's horror film Slaughter High, where a group of classmates teased a kid, who organized a high school reunion to get revenge. I won't reveal the plot of this film, but also it uses elements of Saw as well! To sum up my review, if you have seen those films, which most people have, then you may as well pass on this one, but if you are curious of what this crazy b horror film is about, just know a viewer warned you, it is a complete waste of time!
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Not sure
gavt4 February 2019
Warning: Spoilers
It not much scary I watched it and even my little brother did we really didn't scared
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nogodnomasters23 May 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This is a slasher who-dun-it. Jimmy (Nathan Ross Murphy) is the first to die. A small group of close friends attend his funeral, friends who all share a secret of a student who died from a prank. They soon realize that they too may become targets but they don't know who it targeting them as they have prank'd so many people, they have no idea who is getting revenge against them. To top it all off, the deceased had a twin brother who lived out of town and is now visiting attempting to discover what happened to his brother.

The film was all over the place with killing and clues. The killer wore a mask, but no one alive knew that. When a mask is found, how was it associated with the killer? I liked the fact we had numerous suspects, but they should have developed the characters better.

There is a scene where they close the trunk and we see an upside down Illinois license plate: A16 W732 which would read selm or 5ELM 9TV. I don't know if that was meant to be a clue, a message, or they just did it because they didn't have any way to pixilate it due to the budget. But the camera did land on it for a few seconds, I assume the director wanted us to see it. Your thoughts?

Guide: F-bomb. Brief sex and nudity (Sari Sanchez)
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Solid Horror Film
Zane3143 February 2016
I really enjoyed this film. In the day and age where every horror film consists of found footage with untalented actors, this was a breath of fresh air. It had a great running suspense throughout the whole film, the cast was great, and the story reminded me of classics like Scream, and I Know What You Did Last Summer. It was a really taut film that paid homage to great slasher flicks of the past, while not being cheesy or campy in any way. I would definitely recommend this film to any fellow horror fans out there! You will not be disappointed!

Finally, I think this film is topical as it deals with the subject of bullying. Once again, it does so in an intelligent manner not commonly found in most horror films.
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A cheap slasher that offers nothing new
Elvis-Del-Valle17 September 2023
Kill Game is a low-budget film that seeks to be an old-fashioned slasher like many others that had a great reception in the 80s and 90s. It uses some of the typical clichés of any slasher narrating an obvious story of revenge. . The film is predictable, but ends up raising doubts at the end regarding the identity of the murderer. The special effects are clearly low-budget, but the death scenes show promise. Of all the characters present, Beth overacts quite a bit. The script manages to tell a promising murder story, but nothing that has not been seen in other slashers. Kill Game is just another film in the bunch that manages to be an entertaining slasher, but it doesn't add anything new to the films of this subgenre. My final rating for this movie is a 6/10.
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Be prepared to not sleep well after watching this scary flick!
ginammercer18 January 2016
This movie scared me more than I thought it would! It kept me on the edge....well paced, creepy and not sure at all what would show up in the next scene or pop around the corner! The story line is even more scary when you think about all the harm that is done in today's world as a result of bullying....this movie chills you to the bone because of that realization. I liked the gritty, realistic tone of the movie.....and that mask was pretty scary!!! What also made the movie interesting for me was that I did not recognize any actor, so I did not have any preconceived ideas about any of the actors. It allowed me to sort of sink in and lose if I was watching a group of friends that had no idea the were being filmed in their group scenes.
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Better Than You Think
chamberscarlos-4165126 June 2022
Remember how you felt when you saw "April Fool's Day" & "Happy Death Day" & " Urban Legend"& all those other oddball killer on the loose films that never quite scared you like "Halloween" or "The Exorcist" but wasn't as hip & pop-culturey as the "Scream" flicks? That's the vibe I got from "Kill Game". All the usual suspects are here but the story is actually so well told the movie begs you to stick with it to the very end which provides multiple gotcha moments in the last 10 minutes alone. If the bizarrely masked old lady is what drew you to the flick you won't be disappointed. This Killer eats up the screen in every scene it appears. A truly menacing dark figure that could easily be Michael Meyers' aunt. With just enough blood & gore to not feel absurd it's well worth the watch & should be mandatory Halloween viewing. I'd love to see the killer sprung off into a sequel much darker a la "Terrifier". It's a definite YES for me.
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Great Revenge Movie
boltmartha27 February 2024
Loved the Kill Game. All those people got what they deserved. The first black haired girl that was tortured I would change that scene. I wouldn't have killed a dear for her, the dear was way so much better than her. I would have replaced her blood with kerosene. All the others got exactly what they deserved. It shows that what you do in highschool to torture and demean others comes back to haunt you and get revenge. I could have thought up a lot of other horrible ways to pay them back but the movie was good nonetheless. Hope that if people are really watching this that they think twice before they act.
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robinsonbrooklynr7 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
What an amazing film made from a low budget. Suspenseful, gory, enticing, and way more than you'd expect. Didn't except the movie to pull off that many "you thoughts". I really enjoyed this and it left me in my toes throughout the whole thing. Even though the killer is not revealed it is still a very good movie and i definitely recommend if you are looking for something that messes with your mind!

I loved every aspect of this and there are many more movies that are better but this is by far the best starting from almost nothing. Crazy how they can make just a simple concept into an all time amazing horror film.
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