20 Reviews
Continues in the Christian apocalypse mostly after the Rapture.
suite9224 April 2014
Warning: Spoilers
This film takes up just after the first movie ends. There are a few scenes of the Sheriff's home life, and how the Rapture affected it. Then we get back to the pursuit of Josh by Hawg.

There are several flashbacks to explain Josh's fighting abilities. There are several action sequences of fighting among Josh and allies versus Hawg and allies. There are other flashbacks to what made Hawg so ornery, cantankerous, and murderous.

The overall trend is to push Josh toward being religious and toward breaking his military training. Hawg's gang is mostly wiped out. Cat gets free of her father.

Josh finds that his wife and daughter have been taken up in the Rapture. He sets out to do something, which I expect might be explained in the third film.


Cinematography: 10/10 Fine camera work again.

Sound: 8/10 No particular problems.

Acting: 6/10 I liked David A. R. White, Brian Bosworth, Logan White, and even Eric Roberts in his short role. Many of the secondary actors were not so good.

Screenplay: 5/10 Long on flashbacks to explain the motivations of characters from the first film. Again, short of story for a 90 minute movie.
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OK Christian post-rapture theme movie
mike-ryan45517 October 2013
It wasn't great but it wasn't bad either. I gave it a five. If it weren't Christian I might have gone as low as a four but because it was I gave it the benefit of the doubt and a bit extra.

I am a Christian but I don't believe in the Rapture doctrine. John Nelson Darby first proposed and popularized the pre-tribulation rapture in 1827. The Rapture always seemed like an easy out to me - the good escape Satan's rampage before the Son of God returns. I think there will be no such miracle. Instead believers will have to slog through Hell.

That all aside, I like a clean movie where religious ideas are expressed. The movie comes from Pure Flix Entertainment and even features a walk-on by Bruce Marchiano as Jesus. Even though it is far too clean for today's broadcast TV it still manages to pack in enough motorcycles and gratuitous violence to satisfy the urge.

It's OK for Church youth night but it wouldn't get a permanent place in my video collection.
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Succeeds for the Most Part
Uriah4322 February 2014
This movie picks up where the previous movie, "Revelation Road: The Beginning of the End" left off with all of the true Christians being taken up into heaven while the lead character "John McManus" (David A.R. White) still has a biker gang out to kill him. On top of that he is essentially being held as a prisoner in a motel by the owner who refuses to let anybody leave until they pay in hard cash. Other elements of this movie include a girl named "Beth" (Noelle Coet) who has seen her grandparents taken up into heaven before her very eyes and is now all alone in the world, an angry leader of a biker gang by the name of "Hawg" (Brian Bosworth) who wants vengeance upon Josh for killing some of his men and an attractive young woman named "Cat" (Logan White) who is the daughter of Hawg but is totally rejected by him. Throw in some other characters and various other subplots and the viewer might understand the challenge facing the director (Gabriel Sabloff) in trying to neatly tie everything together. He succeeds for the most part. Unfortunately, while there were some scenes which were outstanding they were typically followed or preceded by other scenes which lacked the same attention to detail. Especially those pertaining to the Christian elements. As a result the movie seemed a bit rough and uneven. That said, while I enjoyed the movie for the most part I have to rate this film as about average simply because I didn't think it flowed as smoothly from one scene to the next as it should have.
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Mad Max for Christians
bkoganbing15 July 2015
The saga of Revelation Road continues in The Sea Of Glass And Fire as David A.R. White tries to get back to home and hearth, but can't avoid a nasty gang of bikers. The bikers are straight out of those Mad Max pictures and are led by the great Brian Bosworth of the NFL.

To help you along in case you missed the first Revolutionary Road film (and I did)are some generous clips from the previous film to bring you up to speed.

White's an Afghan war veteran who's a prototype enhanced to chemically and psychologically drive the fear out of him. A chemically induced Rambo. Those skills come back though in these films as he faces off against Bosworth and company.

But add to this the fact that the Rapture has come and with it a breakdown of society. The good people for the most part have gone. That's something that's never quite made clear in these films, just what are the criteria for making the cut? White hasn't, clearly Bosworth hasn't, but it seems as though a few good people didn't either.

Because it is the End Times, by definition there should not be sequels. Yet we sometimes get even more than one with some interesting plot premises for them.

When you come right down to it The Sea Of Glass And Fire is really Mad Max for Christians.
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Purpose of this movie is religious propaganda
tomas-hokenberi10 September 2013
I watched both parts of the movie, expecting some light action movie. Both parts have some solid (but not great) action details and plot, but at the end they turned out to be nothing more than Christian religious propaganda.

It should be rated PG-18 on the account of this blatant propaganda!

I advise anyone not being "bible belt" religious fanatic to avoid this movie, and particularly to protect children from its shameful propaganda. The only purpose of this movie is to try to convince the unsuspecting viewer in the biblical truths. Most probably the expected naive audience are children.
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This was, uhm, special...
paul_haakonsen14 September 2013
Right, well from the movie cover (and/or poster) to this movie, then I was expecting some kind of post apocalyptic movie. So it was without hesitation that I sat down to watch "Revelation Road 2: The Sea of Glass and Fire". In retrospect, then the whole "Revelation" part of the movie title should have made be stop dead in my tracks and rethink this. Had I known that I was in for a prolonged movie of Christian propaganda, then I had never sat down to watch it.

I can honestly say that I haven't seen part 1, and nor do I plan to do so, especially not now after having suffered through this Christian ordeal. It was an affront to all that I believe in.

The story is about the rapture taking place out of the blue, and God claims those worthy to his kingdom, leaving the rest of the humans on this rock called Earth, where mankind quickly turn against one another and becomes 'savages' in the term that compassion, love and trust is obliterated apparently within a short time.

I didn't find the story the least bit enjoyable in any sense, as it was just dripping with Christian propaganda at every single twist and turn.

It should be noted, though, that the people in the movie were doing good enough jobs with their given characters and roles.

Don't do the same mistake as I did, and get suckered in by the movie cover / poster, because you will be sorely disappointed. "Revelation Road 2: The Sea of Glass and Fire" gets a 3 out of 10 rating from me given the production value and the acting performances.
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Too bad...
twiswall17 February 2015
You know for what I assume was a low budget film it was actually not too bad. However all of the Jesus references are really annoying. I mean I assume this was paid for by a Christian producer or something but its SO much and SO often that it really takes the enjoyment out of the movie. Its like squashing a holy roller mass into a sci-fi movie. I would be embarrassed to recommend this film to anyone. Which is really too bad because if the Christian religious references were reduced by even 25% it would be more than tolerable. I mean I am a Christian and its even annoying for me...so I can't imagine how bad it would be for someone of a different faith to try and watch this movie. Oh and I posted this and am now revising my review because my first review was at 30 minutes into the film. I am lowering the vote. I had to actually quit the movie which is saying something as I watch even the worst of movies through if possible. They should have a warning label at the start stating "This is an annoyingly Christian movie. The first part of the series was much better. This one took the Christian references to a point that was just absurd. Too bad other than the over the top preaching it was a decent movie. I made it a little over an hour before I had to quit. I can't even fathom the third part of the series. Hallelujah and praise be to Jesus that I can't be forced to watch episode 3.
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Very good movie
crazywhovian732 October 2013
First I would like to say that all the atheists, agnostics and everybody else bashing this film and part one before it, if you really didn't like the movies based on the movies themselves then fine so be it, but to come on here bashing the films and whining like pathetic little brats because they promoted God and Christianity is probably one of the stupidest and most idiotically pointless wastes of time because they are Christian movies. WHY ARE YOU GENIUSES SURPRISED THEY PROMOTE Christianity?! Stop bashing our religion just because it's the "in thing", we aren't bothered by it, it won't change our beliefs and you only look like fools acting like you don't care while you constantly hang around talking about it. If you want in just ask, you will be welcomed. That being said, I really enjoyed both films as well as a few others I have seen with David A.R White. It got me thinking about things in my life, it had action though it wasn't watered down with it, i really enjoyed the story. It was a good film and I look forward to part 3 provided one is on the horizon.
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Didn't learn my lesson from the first installment.
bjjnedan12 September 2013
Warning: Spoilers
The same buddy that suggested I watch the first, said that this is so much better. Well, the first one was terrible, so it wouldn't take much. Revelation Road 2 is pretty much Revelation Road 1, just with all of the characters having a God awakening, or brainwashing, or whatever. This could've have been a very touching story about our hero fighting to get to his family, then coming to terms with his family being taken from him. But, all the Christian Propaganda made it all pretty f*cking terrible. I was raised Christian, so I know that in the long winded fairytale that is the Bible, after the saved are kidnapped by that narcissist with a superiority complex, there is suppose to be fire, death, pestilence, (good f*cking action). Since this movie takes up directly where the 1st left off, that's what was suppose to happen. It didn't. So..., this movie is a complete waste of time.
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A+ Christian Based Film
alyssameyer5 October 2013
Warning: Spoilers
First off, I do not see what anyone found so bad about this movie. Yes, it is a Christian made movie, so they are going to talk about God in the film. This is an excellent movie for family to watch. No gore, sex, nudity etc. This movie as well as the first one have a good storyline behind them and meaning. Something that makes you think about your life, the way you treat others and learn forgiveness. I think for this to be considered a low budget film, it has excellent acting, some action and once again a powerful message. I recommend this movie to anyone who don't mind watching a Christian based film or needs encouragement. I give this movie an A+ Excellent movie. David A.R White makes some great movies with great messages and meaning behind them. I look forward to number 3 if one comes out.
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Long and 'drawn-out' Christian movie
syrus-xl13 September 2013
I watched both of these movies, and considering I had watched another Christian movie the night before, I was expecting more from this one, going by the trailer.

No one in my family is religious, and we hate people that try and push their religions upon us. In my view if I wanted to become a Christian or belong to any other religion I would go to the relevant church.

To be honest if you are expecting an action packed movie, which the trailer implies, forget it. All this movie does is try to push across is Christianity, the acting was poor and mostly unknown – it is not the sort of movie I would go around bragging I had watched.

I gave this a rating of just 2 out of 10 considering the content and bad concept of approaching Christianity within a movie. I have watched other movies about religion, but this one I would not recommend.
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Better than Sunday school
willdallas5324 November 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I have watched both films,so I thought I knew what to expect going into this one. I was wrong. The second film takes everything that was wrong with the first film and makes it much much worse. Most importantly, its not thrilling at all. The actors just randomly stop whatever they are doing and start preaching to each other. Whoever wrote this movie has clearly never heard of subtlety. There is no sea of glass and fire or apocalyptic scenes, just some lights flickering, lightning and poorly acted earthquake scenes. Its not full of super amazing special effects, its not full of action, its just a church movie with a few special effects that were added with a computer in post production. If that's what your looking for then you will like it just fine. If your looking for more than that you will be disappointed.
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Not Good
maxaira28 October 2013
I have been a Christian for over fifty years; I have been in pastoral ministry over thirty years. I believe I have a good handle on the Word and the Christian life. This film says absolutely nothing about either. From the standpoint of the "rapture" (so called) the film is totally lacking in a Biblical foundation. I am not sure what a non-believer would think about what is portrayed here, except that perhaps there is a second chance following Christ's return. This could not be further from the truth. And the last thirty seconds wherein God is portrayed by a scruffy old man welcoming someone who has spent the majority of his life in a motorcycle gang and knows nothing of Christ, absolute nonsense. Don't writers and producers of these films read the Word before producing them. Perhaps they should view a fine film like "Fireproof" wherein the Gospel message is graciously and fully presented before making up biblical fairy tales. Now please, don't think I am trying to be harsh for harshness sake, I am trying to wake up the alleged Christian film making community into putting Scriptural truth into their films and stop trying to attract the world through violence that they can get anywhere else. This is the Living Word of the Living God they're attempting to put on film. They must do it prayerfully, and reverently and honestly. God will use nothing less.
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A nice rapture set-up
laecornell27 December 2015
The pre-tribulation theology is predominant in nearly all of the Pureflix movies about the rapture. However, this film does a nice job of creating a sense of confusion that would likely accompany such an event, and it creates a compelling if not overly nuanced storyline for Brian Bosworth's character. As regards production and even writing I think it is obvious that Pureflix is about the last man standing in Christian cinema, and if we want to know why we have to look at the facts. Of every dollar Christians spend in entertainment about five cents goes to building and maintaining a Christian movie industry and 90 cents goes to outlets which impress the senses but don't edify the spirit of God. Is there some reason why every actor in this film is in every other Pureflix Production? On the music side of things CCM is heading the same way. The church needs to commit to media at more than the level of regurgitating doctrine or promoting the Aerican CEO pastorate and leave it in the floor. This movie had several interesting things. A.R. White is believable as himself and I enjoy the roles where he plays a guy you can trust. His car was just fine. May the Lord see and send a refreshing and a broadening blessing to all of Christian media in the years that remain. Let there be a final and clear testimony to the world from the heart of the empire.
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hideous pile of putrid nonsense
oznewmedia17 September 2013
Lowest form of religious proselytizing cretinism.

Balmy nonsense dredged from the bottomless drecks of the American Religious Reich propaganda mill.

Don't waste your precious time!

Designed for the most naive audience capable of only child-like gullibility.

Horrible acting, deranged plot.

Just more religiously inspired haters trying to brainwash humans to hate life, to hate the world and to hate other people not brainwashed as they are.
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An excellent Christian film about The Rapture from Revelations.
ccunning-735876 October 2019
An excellent Christian film about The Rapture from Revelations. No one knows how the rapture will work out in detail. Christians debate pre, mid, and post Tribulation all the time. There are verses to support all three positions. This is similar to many 'Left Behind' End Times movies and books. (I like the Left Behind book series) This a movie about 'possible' scenarios. I believe that this is the second movie in the series. This movie is not a big budget hollywood movie but it has much more socially redeeming qualities than the visceral garbage that hollywood generates these days. I believe that all believers will like the movie, this movie may plant a seed in some non-believers, and the anti-Christians will probably not like the move, though it may plant a seed through conviction... Hope springs eternal!
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No Fear
nogodnomasters28 April 2018
Warning: Spoilers
The film opens with the end of the world narration and a bit part by Eric Roberts, who sadly was the best actor in the production. We get to flashback the first film and relive the Rapture again. The whole world is plunged into darkness, except where the sun is still shining, or those who have generators. Joshua (David A.R. White) our main character is traveling west with Beth (Noell Coet) and attempting to avoid the evil biker gang that carries the Hammer of Thor. We find out this was a Christian biker group at one time and that Joshua is really Jason Bourne, but no Matt Damon.

Add a reading from the Gospel of Matthew, four bikers symbolizing the Four Horsemen, and a few bad bikers trying to be redeemed and you pretty much have it part 2.

The acting and script is still bad, but appears to be an improvement over the first one. Were those soda pop tops as part of a biker necklace?

No animals were harmed and no African-Americans were Raptured during the making of this film.

Parental Guide: No f-bombs, sex, or nudity.
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Reality of Reviews
edtemple-24-53539220 October 2019
Every movie has some type of message that is propaganda. Once you get past that you'll see that this movie represents a depiction a biblical truths. Does it get the point across and is it entertaining? Yes. God used Brian Bosworth and his tormented life to play a role of somebody tormented and if you listen to his testimony that led to his conversion to Christianity. The movie get you thinking about what will happen when the world is coming to a close (as we know it). I just wish the critics of the movie could set aside their anti-Christian bias.
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So Bad That Jesus Sued
hutchinsr-133643 February 2024
You'd think that a bunch of washed up 90s actors and rasslers would be able to produce a decent movie.... Wait, no you wouldn't. It's exactly that. The acting is unbelievably bad, the script was written by a 7 year old and the "action" scenes could have been better filmed on a toy camera.

I find it hard to believe that there could have been a movie ever made worse than this one but I've yet to see the first one and I plan to keep it that way.

Last thing. Who wrote the fight scene by the river? Was that written by Hulk Hogan? So utterly awful that I had to leave the room.

I keep telling myself that they made two of these but apparently there are enough morons out there to keep it going, I guess.
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Better acting, mostly. Movie with a continuing message
grrogers5518 December 2022
One reviewer claims to be an expert on faith, having been a believer for fifty years and in the ministry for thirty. Okay, and for MOST things I would say someone who knows the Bible inside and out would be a good go-to person regarding faith in Christ! But, NO ONE but God knows what the world will be like after the Rapture. NO ONE living is an expert! The Post Rapture world will be a violent, murderous place where God's rules don't apply! And what will life be like for those who realize they screwed up and were only Churchians? Will they have to pick up guns and defend what's left of their families? Will they do so to protect the defenseless after gaining a saving faith they didn't have before the world went to hell? I do not believe these movies were made with violence to attract unbelievers! It CLEARLY didn't work as you can determine from unbelievers reviews! Here's another thought: when Jesus came into the world and sought the castaways, he was looked down on by the religious elitists of the day. He was unorthodox in His approach. PureFlix is also unorthodox in that it doesn't make sanitized "church" movies! Praise God for PureFlix's bold approach to what will be an extremely unholy time in human history!

Rampant Evil and violence, global economic and political turmoil and global geological upheaval, diseases (pestilences). The Story(ies) of The End is (are) a hard one to tell. No one knows for sure what the world is going to Look like.

Maybe you don't like Christians telling these stories! But I will say this: if a BILLION people vanish in an instant ("in the twinkling of an eye"), and the world is turned upside down almost overnight, I think a lot of people will be looking for the Christian stories to find out what the H- just happened!

People will be saying that "Aliens did it!" (Like, "Scotty FINALLY beamed them up"); "mudder earth, gaia, did it, revenge for hurting 'her'!"; "swamp gases reclaiming its own"; or like a new ager said years ago, "Christians will be taken to another plane by the ascended ones to be re-educated because they just didn't get it". (Paraphrased because the memory is forty years old) Uh huh! The Rapture will be explained away. And the one who comes as "savior" will wow the world, and his right hand man (beast number two) will perform miracles, even calling fire down from heaven... and people will fall down and worship The Beast. (Or ELSE you lose your head, LITERALLY)

The world will be looking for answers. Why have only babies, even in the womb, little children and certain teens and adults been "taken", and four-fifths of the world's population still here? Hmmm, better get out any bibles that may be left (that haven't been destroyed by The Beast or his prophet and minions), and Christian movies, IF electricity still works.

"The End is near! The End is here!" But only God knows the day and the hour when these things will occur. There's only one Way, and it ain't worship of self ("Om") or nature.

Will YOU be ready?
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