11 Reviews
Not a single likeable character, no real closure.
ptlerner5 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I found the movie to be extremely disappointing on the account of the fact, that none of the characters are acting in any understandable way, nor are they likeable or relatable in any way at all.

The husband is an obviously over the top stupid and careless guy, who apparently goes on a month-long (!) trip away every year (??), leaving his wife and two kids alone. He is shown again and again to be a bit callous and not knowing about his wife. We are obviously needing to understand that he is not doing well in the relationship.

The wife Nina is throwing her life and family away to get with some old flame, a seemingly younger guy without too much consideration. We are just supposed to take it that this guy who she had a one-night-stand with is some sort of "the one who got away" and that this guy also feels the same. We are also just supposed to take it that it's okay for her to act out on account of her husband's behavior.

The other guy is acting stupidly, and short-sighted and is willingly driving a family apart for some woman who he barely really knows. And we are to see that he bought chocolate for kids, so he's a great guy apparently.

The storyline progresses in fairly obvious ways until the end, at which point the movie tries to be super deep with an open ending that leaves the viewer unresolved without any real closure. I guess it's supposed to make you wonder how hard of a decision it is for Nina to leave her husband? In reality, it just makes you realize how little you care about anybody in this movie as they are all doing the most insensitive, careless behavior all the time and just get the consequences of their actions laid out.

Overall a complete waste of time to watch in my opinion.
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This ain't Ingmar Bergman's Scenes From a Marriage
paul-allaer11 March 2023
As Tonight You'll Sleep With Me (2022 release from Poland; 93 min.) opens, we are introduced to a family including 2 young girls. The husband isn't particularly nice to his wife Nina. To make matters worse, he decides to take off on a month long solo vacation in Iceland. Meanwhile Janek, Nina's ex-boyfriend from over a decade ago, starts a new job as Nina's assistant at a magazine. No, really! At this time we are 10 minutes into the movie.

Couple of comments: this Polish marriage drama is almost from the get-go predictable. The husband character is more than a little unpleasant. There is little subtlety. Ingmar Bergman's "Scenes From a Marriage" this ain't! Yet not all is lost. Nina is played by leading Polish actress Roma Gasiorowska and she pretty much takes the movie on her shoulders. Alas, it is not sufficient, but it does make watching the movie bearable.

"Tonight You'll Sleep With Me" recently started streaming on Netflix. As I was scrolling through the newly added titles, I stumbled upon this, and decided to give it a shot. If you are in the mood for a Polish marriage drama that is a little too predictable, I'd readily suggest you check it out, and draw your own conclusion.
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... depth of a bottle cap
bjarias14 August 2023
... this another weak-dumb Netflix offering... really only interesting thing about it is that it has seventeen IMDb-critic-reviews (read-several, all saying how bad it was-is) while having only seven written reviews from viewers (now-eight)

... there's truly nothing worthy of mentioning about the entire production, all aspects of this film are poorly executed.. and not one character in this film is worth talking about... it ends with as little meaning as every part of the movie conveys.... as one critic wrote.. this new Netflix release works with an incredibly thin plot and ends up conveying very little through its execution... having depth of a bottle cap.
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Nothing different than any other married woman cheating movie
althafahh4 May 2023
Every country always make woman as victims in cheating stories to show world like cheating is not bad just have affair and leave husband don't even try to save marriage but straight out affair and they always shows husband as some sort of psycho or deadbeat or abuser and woman as poor victim and by the end they'll give 2 types of climaxs 1 husband suckitup everything and stay with wife or wife leave husband and kid's or take kid's and have live happily ever with boyfriend,lol.

I hate every character apart from little girls and the main characters in the movie they suck like always and director tried so much hard to show cheating as some sort of cry for help and showing cheating as some sort of romantic love story nothing different what we all see in different cheating movies from different parts of World.
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Big mess.
mattfrancis-602544 February 2024
Another polish flop about cheating and playing victim. Why am I not surprised. I wanted to enjoy this but there were too many cringe moments. Such as the lack of chemistry, the touching scenes were hot but not hot enough, her mother she didn't get on with but then took bad advice from, her husband we didn't really know much about, the story involving Janeks character who liked older women and had a track record we didn't know too much about other then he comes on strong but seems to get to base quickly and the most annoying part for me was yet again it's a huge mansion in a movie. Have you seen Poland lately? Do you realise how impossible and unrealistic it would be to afford that house? What's wrong with an ordinary house? And what was polish about the movie? Nothing.

For starters Nina who played Roma the blonde lead with a very questionable hair cut, seemed to pack on weight the more the movie went on. It was obvious how she was hiding a bit multiple times in a romantic scene that she was a tad insecure and probably out of her depth. Maybe not a good actress but it was her character from the start I really had big problems with. I mean, how awful of her to flirt during the interview or first meeting with the handsome blonde male? How wrong of her colleagues or friend to push for it knowing she's married? This is what's wrong with society. Women play victim, men just often want to escape their reality and then communication is to blame suddenly. Never wanting more as a female who fancied dipping her toe is to blame. Disgusting character.

But then you've got to admit as the movie went on and we saw how we could feel sorry for her because she really stepped into her role and looked vulnerable and desperate for attention. They didn't seem to get much work done though. She says she has nothing but the kids but yet she has a job like that. Very strange. Then throws herself into the arms of him to make herself feel hot and wanted. But having him in the house in front of her kids I mean who does that.

Finally Janek. Or whatever the male lead was called. That facial hair got in the way. He's toned but not muscular and blonde which is what girls tend to go for these days if they can, he seems really nice but then jumps all over women at the first chance. Almost felt forced. And the facial hair was disgusting.

I know how it feels to be her. I'm in that boat because I left my job to look after my son full time so my partner can work. That was the way things went after financial damage caused by lockdown. I feel unwanted every week. I could be out there dipping my toe. But for what it's worth, I don't. Because it's knowing what's important and right and wrong. And also because girls these days are exactly like her and her friends let's be spot on about that. So it's not worth it. Never would I ever is what I've read but that's false because most would.

All in all I could go on and on about this movie. I've not finished the ending yet but I've read that was bad. But as I said again a polish film, which couldn't make its mind up and didn't have a strong enough story, messed up.
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No Easy Choices, Indeed
albertval-695608 March 2023
This is yet another look at how relationships can turn upside down, how love can be hostaged by circumstances that we hardly can control because of who we are. I like the ending, which is open-ended. This just goes to show that there are no easy choices in a marriage because of a lot of considerations: one's children, work, parents and the couple's will to make their stand and/or compromise or even sacrifice.

The cast is talented enough. Theirs are thoughtful portrayals of what can happen inside a marriage. The actor playing Nina succeeds in portraying her angst and the dilemma she's facing as she weighs the ifs and buts of the momentous decision before her.

The casual commentary on why Icelanders are the happiest people in Europe is an eye opener but which fits into the ongoing narrative.

This is a quiet and a insightful film. It should be a welcome reminder of how it is to be alive and married.
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It started like a second hand movie
soneagu6 July 2023
I will be very specific with what shuts me down on a movie: stupidity. I accept all kind of cinematographic metaphors, because it's an art, I have imagination and also I mark movies according to the genre, so I don't decrease the mark of a well done action movie because it does have no stellar life idea. I decrease it for absolutely nonsensical action scenes.

On the very beginning, probably the main characters have an intended torrid scene. Oh well, that can be suggested (as I have seen in plenty of other movies) by a very hot start, with no need for nudity; our imagination does the rest. However, when the scene is long and she wears the bra during it (as in this case) or they have a sheet between them while torridly kissing in bed or, after a night of love he/she gets out of bed and desperately tries to hide the supposedly nude body with linen when there is no other but their love partner in the room (sometimes not even...), that is absolute nonsense: the director just made me a cheap and dumb spectator. Again, there is no need for nudity. I have seen movies where just taking the shoes off in a certain way says everything. I didn't continue watching it.
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Good movie in general but missing a lot of details
charradisahbi16 October 2023
In general it's a good movie but its miss some important details, like why Nina and Janek breakup in the past, Nina said to her mother 'I think am fall in love' so did Nina love Janek for the first time? There is no love in the past between them?

The sex scenes are not plenty of romance and passion for this kind of relationship and a very important point a real discussion between Nina and her husband for the real reasons about why they marriage are stuck and become a dry liaison, did her husband cheat on here or have another women in his life.

The end still very open and not clear but maybe Nina will sacrifice her love to be there when her family needed her the most.
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I wanted to like this more.
tildiz1491 April 2023
I was hoping for longer sex scenes, much more clarity and a few more flashbacks. I´m barely informed about Ninas and Janeks past! Why did they break up in the first place? Do they feel some kind of sexual tension that lasts very long? What future can Nina and Janek have? I must say that the script could have been better. Or was this movie loosely based on the script?

My dear parents have traveled to Iceland. They were happy with that journey. But what made Maciek go to Iceland? Business, pleasure, the gorgeous Icelandic nature or something else? Or was it just convenient for the attempt of the story lines development? If you ask me I would answer: the nature and yes.

All in all, this wasn´t the worst movie I´ve watched. It was tolerable, but not exceptionally great.
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Romantic Most Perfect Dream Guy
PalmBeachG6 May 2023
I really don't understand the low ratings on this romantic movie Called "Tonight You're Sleeping with Me" on Netflix. It was an excellent romantic film. I suspect it is because of the crappy ending. I was thinking myself.......will someone explain it to me please? How did this end? Does she stay with her husband or not? And that is why I took off a star from a 10 to a 9. Maybe I missed something. However up until that point, everything was perfect. The main male 10 years later her body image isn't the best (stretch marks for 2 children that weren't his, didn't care that she had a crappy boyish haircut, just loved her for who she was), lead, Maciej Musial was excellent in his role as the younger lover. He is handsome, loyal, does't care that1 Is it cheating? Yes. Buy why? And he loved her first, and was forced to relocate because of his love for an older woman - family interference. He never got over her and comes back a whole 10 years later, still loving her, to reclaim her, only finding out that she is in a dismal sexless marriage with 2 kids that have names that they actually picked out for their own children. So their initial love was more than just a fling - and her husband had something wrong with him. What is a woman to do???? Worth watching, but didn't like the ending.
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Spoiler Alert! Pretty good movie on the hard decision of Love
gclc9316 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I do not support a cheating spouse/significant other and have been married going on 30 years.. unlike other reviews, though the acting or how the movie is put together, I still find it interesting. It seems that the Nina & J (spelling??) did have a relationship 10+ yrs prior and her kid's names are what they wanted if they had children (according to another post) but, Not sure who the guy that came in the trailer in Iceland was, but seems to make the husband realize what he'd had been doing wrong or how he was in their marriage. I did have the problem on who to root for b/c I wonder what it would be like if a love you had ended without closure and they walk back into your life after a few years. But I sure hope someone can clear up the ending b/c I feel like she stayed w/ the husband but like a relationship.. ended without closure. LoL.
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