536 Reviews
Masters of the Ground
philip-baxter18 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I love Band of Brothers, I genuinely believe it's a masterpiece. Memorable characters, incredible viceral battle sequences, great score, and there's a real arc to it. You follow mostly the same group of men from training to the end of the war.

Years later we got Paciffic, which is fine but never really reached the heights of Band of Brothers. The cast was much less likeable, the setting less interesting, the story arc less captivating, the music less stiring.

And now many, many years later we get this final part of the trilogy, and as much as I was looking forward to it, it's a bit of a miss-fire.

It starts off pretty well, the battle sequences are spectacular for the most part and I was settled in to follow these men through the war. Sadly the show had other ideas, and as cast members started dropping like flies they were replaced by new faces again and again. Not the fault of the show necessarily, a lot of men died during WW2, but it certainly makes forming any sort of attachment to the cast more difficult.

Then there are the battles, and the lack of them. By about the 1/3 point the show really starts trimming the battles down considerably to the point where by the half way point they barely exist. It reaches peack silliness when characters leave to go on a mission, only for the show to cut to the aftermath without showing us so much as a single second of them in the air. Even D-Day falls foul to this with barely 10 seconds of the battle shown.

Perhaps to compensate for this there is plenty of ground based things to watch. There are some prisoner of war camps, a rather pointless romantic side plot, and lots of chit chat in the barracks, but this is supposed to be telling the story of WW2 from the air.

The cast is a mixed bag too. Austin Butler I can only imagine has it written into his contract to never have so much as a scratch on him or a single hair out of place which looks increasingly ridiculous as the war goes on, and he's also still acting as if he's playing Elvis. The rest of the cast is better if unmemorable. Even the score feels a little phoned in.

This isn't a bad show, it's just not what it should have been. It clearly lacks the budget required, which is odd given the pedigree and Apple's deep pockets, and perhaps it also it lacks ambition and talent. It's the worst of the Hanks/Spielberg WW2 trilogy by some margin, but is nevertheless still worth a watch if you're interested in the time period.
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My father, 32 missions in a B17, would have enjoyed it
RoundTripTicket18 April 2024
He didn't think too much of the Hollywood "Memphis Belle". The B-17 movies he regarded the best are:

Memphis Belle (1944) 12 O'Clock High The War Lover

It's pretty sad that living memories of B-17 crews are gone now.

Some comments I can make based on long conversations with my dad about his combat experience:

1. The strain on the crews was terrible. They knew the odds against living through their tour were heavily against them. The airmen dealt with their fear in different ways, and it broke some of them. My dad just expected to die. The actors in MotA looked like they were having fun.

2. The odds of surviving the first 5 missions were about the same as surviving the rest of the tour, i.e. The crews learned. The series presented it as simply randomness in a shooting gallery. I'd like to have seen some bits about how the crews handled it and learned.

3. The show didn't really show much of any airmanship. Nor any of the variety of techniques the Luftwaffe used to penetrate their defenses. Such as the Luftwaffe pilots would aim for the B-17 cockpit. Nor anything about the aircrews fighting to bring home their damaged airplane and wounded crew.

4. Nothing much was said about how the crew coped with 60 degrees below zero and the lack of oxygen.

Some things are just lost knowledge. My dad would bring along two flak jackets. He didn't wear them, he put them on the floor and squatted on them. This is because the flak was designed to explode below the aircraft and shred it from below. I expect other crews did that, too, they weren't stupid.

He summed it up saying he wouldn't trade that experience for anything, and would not do it again for anything.

But still, the detail of the aircraft and beautiful photography made this a worthwhile series. Well recommended.
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It's no BoB but still worth watching
Rob133114 April 2024
I've been counting down the days to Masters of the Air ever since I saw the first trailer. Well, it's finally here and it definitely lives up to all the hype. This limited series will definitely be nominated for every major award there is. You can tell this was expensive to make. Like many have already pointed out it's brought to you by Tom Hanks and Steven Spielberg. While it's not quite as good as their other World War II series, Band of Brothers, it's still pretty darn good. The way this series shows all the struggles and humanity of war is brilliant. I've used the word a few times now because that's what this series is...brilliant. I can't say enough about the cast either. They do a great job pulling you into their world and make you really care for these characters. Don't miss this series.
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Different From the Two Other Series
retiredhpd7 April 2024
This series takes the viewer from the B-17's flying from the US to Greenland and then on to England. BoB started with the training of Easy Co in GA. Pacific was similar to BoB. I felt like we missed out on knowing the characters here because they were just dumped on us and two of them were majors. I felt like I missed a couple of episodes and couldn't get caught up. I never got past the knowledge of the three or four main characters. The others all seemed alike and I couldn't differentiate them. The Tuskegee Airman seemed like an afterthought, but I'm glad they included them even though they weren't in the Eighth AF. Some people complain about CGI. I thought it was remarkable and I can't think of any other way it could have been done. Some reviewers have a problem with how the Brits were portrayed. I thought they were shown to be brave and resilient. Still, movies like this are a national treasure. The Eighth AF represents all our heroes who fought in the skies over Germany and Japan. The movie made sure the viewers knew Germany was pure evil in its intentions to conquer and subjugate the world. I would give BoB a 10, Pacific a 9, and this a solid 8.
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Supermanfan-138 April 2024
Masters of the Air is every bit as good as I hoped it would be. There are a ton of war movies and series to choose from so for you to watch one it would have to be pretty special and stick out from the rest. Well, Masters of the Air definitely does that. It's worth every second watching this. This is a star studded cast both in front and behind the camera. It's produced by Steven Spielberg and Tom Hanks, the same two who made the perfect Band of Brothers. Th e cast is also amazing. It stars a pair is Oscar nominees from last year in Austin Butler and Barry Keoghan, it also stars a handful of up and coming stars in Callum Turner, Anthony Boyle, Nate Mann, etc. The story takes place during World War II. It's about the airmen who risk their lives and the brotherhood of the 100th Bomb Group. This has the feel and look of a big blockbuster summer movie. You can tell Apple put in a lot of money into this and it's beautiful. Be prepared to go through every single emotion because this series takes you on a ride. Once you start you won't want to stop watching.
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It was good, but nothing new
londontherock5 April 2024
Let me start off by saying I really enjoyed the series, it was really quite good. The acting is good, the sets and costumes and characters are phenomenal. I feel like they really show you the horrors of war. Certainly some of the best depiction of aerial Combat I've seen (I can't test to its accuracy but it certainly kept me at the edge of my seat). But it should have been better and ultimately it's nothing I haven't seen before in other World War II films and series. That being said this is top caliber.

The main con being that so many characters come in and come out of the series that it's hard to get attached to many of the newer ones, even though large parts of the stories are built around them. I understand that they were trying to be somewhat historically accurate and that's why they kept bringing a new characters, but it just got hard to tell who was who and even when I couldn't remember peoples names, I didn't feel too much for them because I only know them for a few episodes. Also, this is really nitpicky, but the opening tile sequence is a little much. I always say Apple TV has some of the coolest tile sequences for their shows, this one was boring and cliché, and it really shows just how highly the show thought of itself.

All in all, if someone told me then you very about World War II and wanted to watch a good movie/series about it I would recommend this one. However, if you're a war film buff, it's nothing you haven't already seen.
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Inaccurate in WW2 facts
fizz_media5 May 2024
First of all let me start by saying that from a cinematic perspective this serie was beautifully made. The color grading was very nicely done. The actors however stayed a bit on the surface. I felt a bit of a lack of depth in the characters. I think It might be due to the many storylines.

The thing that annoyed me most though was the inaccuracy of facts. It made it appear that the RAF only had posh airmen while most of them came from working class families. And the dates and timing during the cours of the war was a little "played" with.

As a born and raised European the history of World War Two is embedded in our (school)system by our parents and grandparents who lived through the war and got in some ways traumatized by it.

Therefore doing a series about an important part of our past should be mindful of the few still alive by being accurate.
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Survivors of the Air
GianfrancoSpada12 April 2024
This is undoubtedly a colossal production about an aspect of WWII that has already been extensively covered in cinema, and now it is revived with all the current cinematic power and the resources that the Spielberg-Hanks duo are capable of deploying. Much of the criticism often compares this series with the legendary "Band of Brothers," also produced by the same duo, but I believe that it is a mistake because, despite the common historical moment, they are two completely different worlds, each with its own peculiarities and narrative needs.

"Band of Brothers" is undoubtedly the most grandiose and well-structured war epic about a group of men united by a common destiny, a group of soldiers who have been together from their training days until the final days of the war. There, the spirit of camaraderie becomes very strong, and the bonds very tight. This has allowed for a narrative depth in these characters that has no parallel in cinema on this subject, and the very title of the series already gives a clue and is also entirely explanatory.

In "Masters of the Air," the title also gives us a clue. It is not about a brotherhood of comrades; it is about masters, dominators of the sky, masters for having survived when many other comrades have not returned home. They are masters of survival, not of camaraderie. In the Eighth American Army, camaraderie was very difficult to establish when half or more of the crews did not return from missions, and new replacements were coming in day after day. In this context of infrequent interaction, it is difficult to find elements to delve into camaraderie and the psychological portrayal of the characters. Furthermore, it must be said that aviators are made of a different cloth; they are not simple soldiers; they are the elite of the armies, a sort of gentlemen who have rarely set foot in the mud of the trenches and have seen firsthand the deaths that their bombs have caused, except for the losses of their own crews.

Therefore, I believe it would be better to compare this series with another historical one, much more complete in terms of the number of episodes and seasons produced, such as "Twelve O'Clock High." Despite the many differences, if we want, we can see "Masters of the Air" as a summary, in color and with all kinds of special effects, of something that has already been extensively covered in historical series. Indeed, almost all the events narrated are already present there.

Certainly, comparisons are odious; both productions have decades of differences between them, but both undoubtedly complete a chapter of the war history that leaves little room for cinematography.

What else can I add? "Masters of the Air" is impressive in its visual power, with very well-executed reconstructions, both physically and materially, as well as in terms of CGI. The music is also very apt, and the dialogues, always very believable and well-structured, allow the excellent cast to superbly portray those young heroes who, in their innocence, faced the most feared enemy forces in the skies.
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Why disrespect the RAF?
jlftagchair29 January 2024
The RAF lost 55000 out of 125000 aircrew on bombing missions. In June 1942 it launched 1000 bomber raids on Nazi Germany and became the technology leader in air warfare with tech that far surpassed the Norton bombsight. It was not crewed by arisyo toffs. It was a young force (1918) crewed mainly by middle class and working class Brits plus thousands of Australians, Canadians, New Zealanders, Poles, South Africans and others.

Do, why does Masters of the Air go out of its way to disrespect Britain and the RAF? The story of the 100th Bomb Group and the 8th Air Force is s monumental story that does not need to denigrate it's allies to score some cheap shot. The bombing campaign was a team effort and all the young men involved should be treated with the respect they deserve.
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The Anti British tone reduces this to just another US Hollywood fantasy
ddpdhjt27 February 2024
Masters of the Air, has the hallmarks of something which could be quite good. However the non stop bashing of the British, the pretending the British done nothing in the war is tiring beyond belief.

Considering the series had significant resources, huge investment and a strong cast - many would hope for serious writing and a more honest approach to what actually happened.

Watching master of the air - you would think America won the war single handed, never made mistakes and hated everything about Britain.

In the eyes of the series creators - All Brits speak posh, have no idea what to do in a war, are helpless and all go fox hunting.

It's time for Hollywood to take a more mature view on actual events.
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Band of brothers when you order it from Wish
inspektorr12 February 2024
It's just a pale replica of the greatest WW2 tv show ever to have graced the screens. The characters are two dimensional tropes, utter cliches galore left and right and 6 episodes in I don't care about any of them because I don't know them. I have no idea what makes them tick, no idea about their backgrounds, dreams or desires. Every single character is either distant or highly unlikable.

Sometimes it feels like I'm watching the same episode over again, with certain scenes being framed and filmed exactly the same. They wake up, they walk into a staff room, they watch some maps, fly, bomb, some die, others come home. Rinse and repeat.

There is no sense of progress or where things are in the war and there's very little sense of urgency or importance to what they're doing. Finally, there's nothing to show the effects or results of their raids.

Sorry to say it, but I expected so much more.
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Amazing! Def worth the watch.
bdale-5665019 April 2024
Amazing movie, acting, direction, sequences, story, set designs etc. Yes its been done before many times but not like this. The ending was the best part great tribute to these brave men who protected our freedoms. If you're born in the united states or not I think most will enjoy and maybe even learn something. Hoped they had more of the Tuskegee airmen but the were represented. CG was also very well done along with the real planes and battle scenes. Its definitely worth watching.

They could've also had a bit more of a backstory on the lead characters, but that would make for a good season two or a movie in the future. - D.
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Not Band of Brothers or The Pacific But Still Worth Watching
tarascallais17 February 2024
First off, I see a lot of low ratings coming from, I am guessing, Brits that are upset by the lack of respect given to the RAF in this production. They are not wrong. Basically the only RAF presence is depicted as jerks. Apologies to the Brits. From watching a lot of British TV and movies I know they get annoyed by our arrogant idea that we single-handedly won the war, or basically our arrogance in general. This production is definitely waving the American flag.

If you can put that and the questionable choices of accents used by some of the actors aside, the story is very compelling. I have watched the first 5 episodes that have aired and have found myself literally at the edge of my seat during some of the air combat scenes. My only suggestion is to not get too attached to the characters. If you were a fan of Game of Thrones you know what I mean. It is sometimes hard to keep track of who is who and hard to tell who is talking during air combat scenes because they are wearing masks. If you put on closed captioning, it help.

All in all, I find this entertaining and recommend you give it a try. I look forward to watching it each week. It is slow moving and builds from week to week. Don't give up if you are not instantly drawn in by the first episode. I have read it is also not historically accurate. There is an article somewhere that points out the fact from the fiction. This did not bother me because I wasn't looking for a documentary. I am a bit of a history nerd, however, so I also like knowing the facts the story is based on. Since the characters are based on real people, don't Google them if you don't want spoilers. I made that mistake with one of them. Lesson learned. Didn't Google anyone else after that.

Once again, sorry Brits for the diminished role of the RAF in this production. The RAF deserves more respect than what it got here. I know there are several British actors portraying Americans in the cast (more than actual Americans, I think), but this is definitely an all-American, baseball and apple pie, flag waving production and the focus is on an American squadron's role in World War II. So, if you choose to watch, you will know what to expect.
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Big up the yanks, belittle the brits.
mellison-783792 March 2024
I was quite excited by this new series with Spielberg and co at the helm. But after a few episodes the script took a turn for the worse, why belittle the RAF making out they are some toff graduates from Oxford or Cambridge, quite embarrassing really. Of course the Americans are the only heros in this, utter BS. Spielberg is a f?@king numpty. There were many brave men from all sides but as always the yanks saved the day single handedly where the RAF were buffoons. We all know the British have the best armed services in the world and between me and you the yanks are somewhat jealous, so they try and make themselves look better. Spielberg yawn off.
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Excellent Story Line
haglerj3 April 2024
Excellent story line and the actors do a great job of making it real. Definitely worth watching. Only negative is the American accents seem a bit off, which if you have a ear for language could be a bit annoying and does distract at times. However, the show does not disappoint and does a good job of transporting one to WWII. The sets look realistic and the show tries to display the horrors of war tastefully as possible, without going over board. I've read and seen documentaries about the flying fortresses but never have seen it come to life as well as Masters of the Air do. Some of the characters seem over confident and not sure if that is real or not, but hey its Hollywood!
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Masters of the Air
FKDZ16 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Masters of the Air, I don't see it, I don't feel it. I'm heavily biased towards these types of shows, I'll rewatch The Pacific or BoB any day of the week. Because when I jump into those shows they remind what it feels to care for your characters. This is something MotA fails miserably at due to it's poor and diluted writing.

I've been really looking forward to this show for a while now, and have eagerly watched every episode from the first week. But what began as excitement transformed into annoyance and frustration more and more as I began less and less engaged in the show. I find it's directing, it's writing and general direction really misguided and poorly executed. Whilst sure the show looks the part visually (albeit somewhat overly stylized) it fails to engage me in any sort of way. And that's certainly also not due to the acting because it was good, great even with some.

That characters in this type of show die out of the blue is to be expected. But when a character dies and I think ''that's it, really?'' whilst we've had about 3 seconds of dialog and development of that character and the his final scene was made to look like we should really care.. I just scoffed at the intention to expect us to care. The only character that had me somewhat care about him was Crosby. But everyone else felt ''fake'' to a degree, written as caricatures just to spill out some predictable lines.

Then we have the storylines.. oh boy. What happened, what's with the fighter pilot sideplot that has some of the worst focus every, it felt like it was just rammed in there and then... uhh, nothing. Same with the whole Crosby love plot, where did that go? All these small plots felt just so barebones in execution. The bare minimum was met, and that's that. Unsatisfying as a whole.

If anything I rate it the way I do because I enjoy the aspect this show highlights, the flying. It's a perspective we've not had enough time with and was my main draw to keep watching.

The music is decent. The intro is uniquely long and imo, filled with spoilers for the show, why did they think it was smart to show so many crucial scenes in the intro? Sound design is great. VFX is great most of the times, here and there some shots look a bit iffy especially the planes.

Besides all this, this show feels sanitized. With just a few small moments where you as a audience need to gasp because they need you too. It all feels to clean, too directed. The city scenes feel like big Hollywood sets, nothing feel raw and depressing enough to emit the ambience of war.

Just writing, everything, dialog, story.. the biggest downfall of this show.
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Incredible Cinematography Great Storylines A great watch.
chieft-122095 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Warning: SPOILERS. Anything produced by Tom Hanks and Steven Spielberg is bound to be epic. The story of the 100th Bomber Group stationed in England during World War Two. Well cast with the exception of Austin Butler. Somehow, I got the feeling we were watching Elvis fly a B-17 into France and Germany on bombing runs. He constantly had that upper lip quiver as he barked commands to the crew. Callum Turner and Anthony Boyle were spot on. Death and destruction were highlighted throughout the series. Impossible bombing raids, flying through constant barrages of enemy flak, and having to dodge Luftwaffe fighters saw the deaths of main characters. On one particular day, the group saw the loss of 9 of the 22 crew that launched giving it the nickname "The Bloody Hundredth." So, strap in, get ready for your favorite characters to die in action, or get captured after bailing from a crippled B-17. You will not regret watching this show. Bring the tissues.
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[8.6] Check!
cjonesas2 April 2024
An outstanding achievement !

As much as I resisted in the first episodes, I was subdued by the sheer force of the series, its unbelievable realism, setting, scenes & situations, native talking in foreign languages and the acting by all the cast and most importantly by the supporting cast and extras.

One of the most impactful series on WWII after 'Band of Brothers' and 'The Pacific' and I'm not joking.

Awesome achievement by Apple TV and big big dedication put into its production.

  • Screenplay/storyline/plots: 8.5
  • Production value/impact: 9
  • Development: 9
  • Realism: 9
  • Entertainment: 9
  • Acting: 8.5
  • Filming/photography/cinematography: 9
  • VFX: 9.5
  • Music/score/sound: 8.5
  • Depth: 9
  • Logic: 6.5
  • Flow: 8.5
  • Action/drama/thriller: 7.5
  • Ending: 8.5.
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Underwhelming and offensive
amerdiab24 February 2024
Well, as many have already said, it's no Band of Brothers. It's not even The Pacific. I'm not sure why the RAF gets so much hate from Spielberg, but I guess if you're re-writing history to show that the USA single-handedly won WWII on its own, that's what you do.

Spielberg tries to portray the Americans as noble because they flew daytime 'targeted' missions even though in reality, this was deemed a complete failure and the US changed their tactics to a more 'destroy anything' response. Honestly, if I were British I'd be insulted by the toff Eton-educated caricatures this show pushes. It's dumb and lacks any kind of subtlety.
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I might be drunk but...
t_attey28 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
All Americans are superior, all Germans are bad, all Brits are incompetent. All British women prefer Americans. Only the Americans are putting their lives at risk.

Remember the time we were allies? Apparently the Americans don't. They did win the war single handedly afterall. The British just got in the way.

Unlikeable charachters make this unrelatable. A lot of reviews find the CGI bad but I can take that in my stride. The bias in the story though is unforgivable.

I was really looking forward to this but it has really disappointed.

Every episode gets worse and worse and after the first I didn't have high hopes anyway.

Revisionist propaganda.
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andymullice3 April 2024
Poor writing, awful special effects. The air combat scenes appear to have been produced with an arcade game in mind. Cars 2 had more realistic combat scenes. Why denigrate the RAF? The British had already fought for 3 years by the time the Americans decided to join in. This is an embarrassment compared to Band Of Brothers or The Pacific. I'm not sure why this is called Masters of the Air given everyone involved gets shot down! It's clear to see that when Hanks and Spielberg were given Executive Director roles they didn't have any say for the final cut. This show could have been a real tribute to the courage and sacrifice of the Allies in WW2 but unfortunately has resulted in this mess.
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Watch for yourself
sheltonemma16 March 2024
I am rather disappointed by so many negative reviews given so early on, stick with it. No way did it deserve these low scores. After watching all the episodes and the finale today (only just released), I felt this had been a programme I looked forward to seeing each week i really enjoyed it. Obviously Band of Brothers and The Pacific were amazing, and this is different, but its an important telling of these events and belongs in the same canon.

It took a while to get warmed to the characters, but you do over time, remember they're playing real people and their stories are engaging, touching, sad and what they went through, shocking at times and it takes you on their journey where sometimes you need to hold your breath.

The production was fantastic, the sound, visuals, costumes and it's a great mini series which enlightened me into just how tough they had it, what they did for us and how they got through it. I'd happily watch again and it's not bad by any means.
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Generally Quite Good
unkommon18 March 2024
After the first couple episodes I was pretty hesitant to continue with the series. It felt like a poorly hashed out, over dramatized Band of Brothers, which is one of the best shows of all time. So, the bar was high, sure, but not so that you couldn't tell a similar, respectable story about the American airmen of WWII, but it didn't really feel too much like that, not until the final half of the show. The pacing of the entire series does feel a bit odd, however, as the Americans were only in the war for a few years (and, yes, much to the point of a lot of these reviews, slandered the Brits who were fighting much longer, in an unnecessary exchange that was meant to develop characters which felt like getting soggy wet bread thrown in your face) so, we jump through time quite a bit (around 3 years in 9 episodes) with little indication that time has progressed by months at a time, until we end up in late 1944/early 1945 in the final episode, at which point the timeline becomes less convoluted but also less consistent with the rest of the show's pacing. Which is important, and which its predecessor succeeded at marvelously, because this is a historical drama with real events and real people that can't be conflated with nonsensical fictional musings else it completely removes the media from any sincerity it might have had. Which was the case in some of the earlier episodes, but as the story progressed and the notion that quite a few of these characters that are being played up as important suddenly vanish for perhaps good, lends itself to the reality of war. Which is where war films are at their inherent best, because war is bad and playing it up as some sort of glamorous and heroic endeavor is abjectly antithetical to the reality these types of shows and movies aim to capture. This is simple stuff, so it shouldn't even be mentioned, especially over 20 years after Band of Brothers and over 50 years (90 since the original original) after All Quiet on the Western Front demonstrated what it means to tell these stories honestly. Ultimately, I feel this show did accomplish that feat, but it wasn't until the latter half that it really honed in on the realism and avoided the tedious, fabricated melodrama that riddle Apple TV shows. I feel like this series is worth the watch, it definitely takes its time getting there, but it succeeds, and succeeds well when it does. 7.5/10.
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Remember what you're comparing it to
SuperMassiveWill18 March 2024
99% reviews, understandably, are comparing 'Masters of the Air' to 'Band of Brothers'. Remember in doing that comparison though you're talking about arguably the greatest TV series ever made. Yes, MOTA isn't as good but then nothing is. It is still absolutely sublime in moments and intriguing at the least in all others. The personal stories and the kinmanship of BOB and 'The Pacific' are still there but in taking away the ground combat the action isn't quite as intense.

The early few episodes tackle what you're expecting to see but as the series develops storylines diverge and some unexpected turns mean the series is not all based around air combat. I'll let you decide if that's a good thing or not.
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Most of these reviews jumped on it too early...
youngpilotbe2 March 2024
Honestly, I'm kinda baffled by all the hate this series is getting. We're only seven episodes in, the action so far has been top-notch.

So far there has been a good mix of dogfighting scenes and storyline (Something I missed in for example 'Napoleon' where there was very little action and a lot of storyline)

I've seen reviews complain about the characters, especially the pilots, saying there's not much character development. Like, a pilot shows up, and boom, they're out of the picture by the end of the episode. But, hey, most of these reviews came out when we only had three episodes to watch.

It's a bummer the show's getting flak based on those first impressions. The action scenes alone are worth the watch, and the story's got more going on than it gets credit for.

So, yeah, despite the early backlash, I think the series deserves a second look. There's more to it than meets the eye, and I'm here for where it's headed next.
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