Wonder (2017) Poster

(I) (2017)

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what's the issue, people?
staycfishbates3 November 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Geez, reading some of these reviews makes me feel sad for some people that they couldn't enjoy this movie.

First, I should state that I read the book. The movie adaptation stays pretty close to the book, and definite captures the tone and structure.

Second, what the heck is wrong with this being lighthearted? No, it was not meant to be a poster of what bullying is always like. I saw comments along the lines of, "I was bullied and this is crap bc it's so much worse." Please don't compare your experience to this fictional movie/book. It is not meant to be a representation of bullies and the bullying experience everywhere.

Third, if you found this shallow or thought it was just meant to talk about bullying you're just plain wrong. Several characters were deeply developed and multi-dimensional. Not one character is perfect (although Summer comes pretty close).

Fourth, the point you missed. This story is about a family that struggles with their own personal things as well as an issue with one family member that affects them all in different ways. The friendship storylines are similar. The point of this book (and it was definitely written for younger audiences, that should be noted), is to give kids a broad overview of how bullying affects others and ways they can combat it. I love that the ending raises Auggie up: the point is how a family can support one another and how that can create resilience in a child and then how the larger community can work together (and in some instances, confront and change) to cheer one another on. Is this idealistic? YES. Is it meant to be, to teach and illustrate a lesson on how things can be if we work together, first in our own homes and then in our communities? YES.

One final note, because I see people do this over and over again now with movies and literature. To the person who said something along the lines of, "it's so hypocritical that we're supposed to be rooting for people to not judge Auggie and then he judges people by their shoes." Did you just need to feel offended and self-righteous? My gosh. This is real. awe all judge people, if Auggie didn't, who himself is constantly judged, then how would he be relatable at all? The author (and the movie) go on to challenge these assumptions. The "hand-me-down" kid is a friend, then messes up, then tries to make it right. The "crazy" girl consistently pushes back against the bullying in a way that many kids do (it's less confrontational and more socially acceptable); that's real. And the "trust fund" kid continuously pushes his privilege around in often mean ways, that we all sometimes do without thinking. There had to be a bully somewhere for the story to even unfold, right? And turns out his mom does the same: back to the point of it starting at home.

Okay, I'm done being annoyed with humanity now. <3

Just enjoy the movie and use it to teach your kids to support one another in the home and stand up for what's right when they're not home.
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Choose Kindness
kz917-123 February 2018
Great message, if only it would reach those that really need to hear it. Unfortunately people in real life are far too much like the bully's parents.

Worth a rental.
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Not perfect, but damn well close to it
First of all, I gotta say that I read the book. I absolutely loved the book. Now, I wasn't going to raise my expectations for the movie adaptation because we all know how movies disappoint in comparison to the book. Wonder however, stays true to the book, which is its major redeeming point. I thought it would be some modified, really boring movie that would make me sigh throughout the whole 2 hours as I pointed out key flaws and differences between the movie and book (because I'm one of those people), but I loved it. The acting was INCREDIBLE, the story stayed true to the book (they only left out a flew plot points rather than invent their own) and it was overall a great experience. When I got out of the cinema, so many people were crying or said they had cried and I was overjoyed to find out that I wasn't the only person who felt touched. The child actors are fantastic, but overall there wasn't one bad actor. IF you were considering seeing this movie but weren't sure because you thought it might be boring, trust me, it's really worth the watch!!
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A perfect family movie
Fadi_Michel19 November 2017
We Need this type of movies nowadays!

It is an emotional, funny & uplifting story. I was fully sympathized with August Pullman. It was so wonderful to see and feel everything through him. The way he describes everything is so beautiful. Also, knowing the story from the perspective of certain characters made a strong connection between me and them.

I read the book. It was awesome too. Some details were changed in the movie but were good changes and there are some details from the book I hoped the movie to show it and it didn't but that didn't affect the movie in a negative way. Everything was simple, clear and on point. The movie has strong messages about kindness, love, appreciating everyone for who they are and true friendship.

Jacob Tremblay proves again his talent as an actor. You won't recognize him because of the makeup but his expressions, voice and eyes were really persuasive. All the kids are amazing. Izabela Vidovic surprised me a lot. Julia Roberts is excellent and Owen Wilson was great. He was exactly as I imagined him while reading the Book.

Finally, Stephen Chbosky. Great job man! Once again he made me care about the characters and he portrayed them beautifully specially the kids. He let them shine in every scene.

I loved this movie so much. I had a great and enjoyable time with it. I laughed and cried. It is pure and heartwarming. This is a perfect family movie.
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A great story. Incredibly heartwarming.
0U22 February 2020
With Stephen Chbosky's top-notch direction, a clever and elaborate script by Jack Thorne, Steven Conrad and Chbosky, a beautiful soundtrack by Marcelo Zarvos and Bea Miller, great makeup and amazing performances by Julia Roberts, Owen Wilson, Jacob Tremblay and Izabela Vidovic, Wonder can be exciting, a lot of fun and one of the best movies of 2017
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Great Movie For All Ages
cthom198918 November 2017
I loved this movie! I was expecting this movie to be a child's version of the classic "Elephant Man" but it was so much more. Delving into different aspects of Auggie's life and developing the characters around him.

This was brilliantly done and has a positive message for all ages and all walks of life. I highly recommend it for anyone!
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Believe in wonders!
Lehrig5 September 2018
Having read other reviews that criticize that this movie is not realistic, I felt the urge to write my very first review here. I was thinking about the following questions:
  • does this movie have to be realistic?
  • what if it shows us an ideal to strive after?
  • wouldn't "Wonder" be a good title?

In my opinion this movie is not necessarily realistic (yet) but optimistic. It does not have to be realistic, because it is (of course) a fictional movie and showing something most people will not have experienced in their lives. Here, I'm especially referring to people that got bullied at school. All too often, those people are left alone and stuck in their situation. Over years, they may get permanently threatened, often with no or very few external help. The reasons for that are manyfold, but often boil down to something superficial. I do know that - not really from the bullied but from the bully side.

Back at my school days, it did happen that I was in groups bullying minorities. At those moments, we felt stronger, I guess. But with hindsight, I felt actually bad, knowing that even the slightest participation in such things is bad. Even looking away is bad.

Courage is what I was missing at these days, and I regretted it. This movie shows even "stupid" people like me that there is a way out and people can manage to act differently. In that sense the movie is optimistically showing an ideal. But people often need to be taken by the hand, to be shown alternative ways of behaving, so they can strive after such behavior. This movie reminded me of that, and it felt good watching it. Even if the movie nowadays has to be titled "Wonder", it is a step towards making this wonder come alive. Believe in it!
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A wonderful family film
Top_Dawg_Critic4 February 2018
Simply put, this is the perfect family film for all ages. Outstanding acting by little Canadian phenom Jacob Tremblay as well as a great supporting cast. Very well written and directed. A must see film. 9/10 from me
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Cute, but weirdly contrived and confused with its messages
rabbitmoon7 December 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Here's the thing - the film is asking you to see the real person inside, to offer kindness because 'everyone's fighting a battle'.

Yet, as soon as Auggie is introduced to fellow classmates, his overly-cutesy narration goes "you can tell a lot about people by their shoes". Camera pans down. "The trust fund kid. The hand-me- down kid. The crazy one" (cut to clip of the girl being attention seeking, as if to reinforce Auggie's assumptions). The audience is supposed to lol along.

How is this fair? Immediately Auggie is stereotyping kids before they've even spoken, something he himself is plagued by.

Similarly, it then introduces one bully after another, always 'curing' the first bully (with a message of "hey - with a bit of kindness, even bullies turn happy and become your best friend!") before moving onto the next. Of course, despite all this "see the real person inside" malarky, the film can't help but introduce some 'super-bullies' (older 7th graders!) who the kids delight in beating up as they 'bond' as new found friends.

Then, Auggie receives a recognition prize despite all the other kids being the ones who help him - often having to fight against his negative expectations and assumptions of their agenda.

Its very confused and jarring in its messages. Wonder is absolutely your 'safe' family film where everyone bumbles along to happy- plinky-plonky piano music, and any problems are soon solved with a hug. It takes place in an ideal world where anxieties, insecurities, bullies, and all complex human issues are solved via simplistic and contrived 'fixes' (normally involving hugs).

I would like to say this doesn't matter because kids and families just want light entertainment - but I think it really does matter. Films have so much more power to inspire and share human truths and complexities, there's no real point in just passing the time with something so shallow.
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Give a standing ovation to "Wonder": This movie is full of...well, wonder.
terrellrobinson7119 November 2017
Have you ever felt like you were the same as everybody else, but you were also different from the world? 10-year-old Auggie Pullman will tell you that while he feels extraordinary on the inside, outside, he doesn't feel like that. He feels lonely, invisible to everyone around him. I guess, maybe we all feel like that sometimes. Maybe we're outsiders trying to leave a mark on the world, just like Auggie. Which is why "Wonder" appeals to the underdogs in all of us. This beautiful book, which came from the riveting and honest imagination of author R.J. Palacio, has touched the lives of millions of readers of all ages (I'm one of those readers). Now, with the help of co-writer/director Stephen Chbosky (Author/screenwriter/director of one of my favorite tales, "The Perks of Being a Wallflower", Co-writer of Disney's astonishing live-action remake of "Beauty and the Beast"), I can't imagine anyone, kid or adult, ever being disappointed with this endearing adaptation of a beloved book that has great messages of never judging a person by their looks and to always choose kind, which is something that we all need to learn from in this day and age. With convincing prosthetics and makeup that makes look nearly unrecognizable, the wondrous Jacob Tremblay from "Room" and "The Book of Henry" is brilliant as Auggie. He has Treacher-Collins Syndrome (a craniofacial disorder) and has survived 27 surgeries. After being home-schooled for half his life by his mom, Isabel (Julia Roberts. still luminous and radiant as ever), he is sent to public school for the first time, with a little help from her, his dad, Nate (Owen Wilson) and his sister, Via (Izabela Vidovic), who has always been there for him. As soon as he goes to school, he immediately gets picked on and bullied because of his appearance. Some kids, including Jack Will (Noah Jupe) and Summer (Millie Davis) accepts him for who he is. Even some of the staff, including English teacher, Mr. Browne (Daveed Diggs from "Hamilton") and the principal, Mr. Tushman (Mandy Patinkin) cares for him. But some, including bully Julian (Bryce Gheisar), don't like him. As the story progresses, we get to see the different perspectives of each of the characters, family and friends, who will leave an impact in Auggie's life in moments that are good and bad. Only then, Auggie will unlock the power of acceptance and friendship in order for him to truly find his place in the world. "Wonder" is a tough-minded film that reminded so much of how I used to love the classic family films I grew up with. A movie that doesn't dwell on special effects, talking animals or a big budget, but has deeper thoughts and real themes that enthralls the inner kid in all of us. It's moving, funny and tenderhearted in an authentic way that shows us that we have to see through the eyes and soul of another person, rather than seeing what that person looks like. It also helps by having a great writer/director and a terrific, well-chosen cast (including poignant turns from Danielle Rose Russell and Nadji Jeter, who plays Via's friend and first love, respectfully and a brief cameo from Sonia Braga as the Pullmans' grandmother) who care for this story that it never goes over the top with the emotions and it never goes down a conventional, melodramatic and saccharine path. Every moment of emotion fits like a puzzle and convincingly flows in every scene. Auggie said, "We all deserve a standing ovation at least once in our lives." I say, we should all give a standing ovation to both book and movie of "Wonder", because like its characters that gets their moments of pure humanity and, of course, dear little Auggie, this story is a wonder. I will never forget this movie and I hope that families around the world who have always wanted to stand out from the crowd, no matter how different they are, will do the same.
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It's a tearjerker
Jared_Andrews20 December 2017
When you learn that a movie's premise is about a young boy with facial differences, you know it's going to tug at your heart strings, wet your eyes, and put a lump in your throat. On those notes, Wonder delivers in a big way.

Wonder tells the story of Augie Bloom (Jacob Tremblay), a 10-year-old boy who attends school for the first time, after his mother (Julia Roberts) had previously home-schooled him. His journey hits all the affecting, though predictable notes. He encounters bullies, a nice kid, an understanding and comforting principle, and a hip young teacher who possesses the wisdom of someone much older.

Nothing on Augie's journey's will surprise you, but I challenge you to resist the emotional ebbs and flows along the way. That's the movie's main objective. It wants to make you cry and it succeeds in doing so. Aside from a few occasions in which it resorts to shameless manipulations, you won't feel too terribly about giving in to the feel-goodness.

The performances are sincere, even if the actors are more so playing clichés than thoughtfully-formed characters. Julia Roberts shines are the tough and loving mother. Owen Wilson plays the dad with his familiar cool guy with a big heart routine. It works. While he plays a supporting role in Augie's life compared to mom, he keys some of the pivotal moments of Augie's growth. Augie's sister Via (Isabela Vidovic) dutifully asks little of her parents, knowing how much work and attention they must give to her brother.

The best part of the movie is that we see multiple perspectives, like that of Via. Several times during the movie, a different character's name appears on screen and we see his or her story. Via is one. Augie's friend Jack Will (Noah Jupe, tremendous young actor) is another. Via's best friend's personal story, who inexplicably distances herself from Via this school year, is the most illuminating. Director Stephen Chbosky's makes a wise choice to cover the story from other points of view. From this we can see not only Augie's story, but also the impact that he has on others.

Though I'd like to have seen the material speak for itself more often, rather forced upon viewers in a way that feels, well, forced. We're going to feel sorrow during Augie's struggles and uplifted during his triumphs. Additional attempts to emotionally manipulate aren't necessary. Luckily, they don't overshadow the movie's warm moments or its wonderful message.

The winning moments outnumber the sigh-worthy ones. And the overall effect is charming. Augie really is a great kid. It's okay to shed a tear and smile.
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Very nearly a wonder
TheLittleSongbird24 February 2018
Loved the book, one of my recent reads and one of the ones that really resonated with me. Really admired that a difficult subject that similarly resonates with me was being explored. Like feel good films with doses of humour and sentiment exploring serious concepts. Love 'The Perks of Being a Wallflower', also directed by Stephen Chbosky, that 'Wonder' is often compared to. A lot of the cast have also done good previous work.

'Wonder' generally did live up to high expectations. It was not quite a wonder but it very nearly was. Is it as good as 'The Perks of Being a Wallflower?' No, not quite. It is a very good film though, and is also one of the most faithful book-to-film adaptations there is (there are not many of those around). A few changes, but not ones that harm the film at all and it doesn't suffer as much as other book-to-film adaptations at compressing, the impact that the book had and its spirit is very much intact.

Not a flawless film. The narration is overused and over-explanatory, there are far worse cases in film but it definitely could have been used less and didn't need to tell us as much as it did when it could have been shown just as effectively and would have not confused the storytelling at all. The ending also goes a little too far with the sentiment, feeling a little too maudlin and contrived.

However, 'Wonder' had inspiring, well-intentioned messaging, and even when past my school days it inspired me and made me think how my bullying suffering could have been handled better on my part. It really resonated with me as somebody who has been there, being bullied in school mercilessly for being "different from the norm" and my difficulties (physically and socially) and found myself identifying with Auggie every step of the way and admired how he overcame everything. Personally actually bought how he was accepted (it certainly works for different people, and while some will not find it truthful, as someone who actually was accepted quickly when changing schools regardless of my problems it rang true for me).

The comedy is not overdone and is genuinely amusing and warm in a gentle fashion, never distasteful, and the emotional elements were very poignant and brought tears to my eyes. The feel good elements had a real charm and warmth and there was a lot to be inspired by. A couple of other elements are also touched upon, including courage in the face of adversity (something that was true for me after leaving school and going to music college) and how friendship and family are portrayed, also very much identifiable and powerfully done.

'Wonder' is a beautifully filmed and directed film, sympathetically written and scored and always involving.

Can't fault the cast. Jacob Tremblay once again, after his performance in 'Room', gives a revelation of a performance that is very easy to relate to, it is completely insignificant that an able-bodied actor portrays a disabled/deformed character (John Hurt in 'The Elephant Man' portrayed a heavily disfigured character, as a notable example, and Hurt was far from that) contrary to a couple of comments made.

Izabella Vidovic also impresses hugely, Owen Wilson is warmly restrained and one would be hard pressed to find a Julia Roberts performance this gentle or endearing.

Overall, very good and very nearly a wonder. With less and more subtle narration and an ending that rang true more, it could have been. 8/10 Bethany Cox
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A Heartwarming Story of Friendship and Perseverance
fletcherc2120 November 2017
Wonder is the story of Auggie Pullman (Jacob Tremblay) a boy born with severe facial deformities as he goes to school for the first time in fifth grade. Middle school is probably the least forgiving environment he could be entering, as anyone who has ever met an eleven year old could tell you, but he has a strong support network with his parents (Owen Wilson and Julia Roberts) and his sister (Izabela Vidovic).

If the story had only focused on Auggie it would have been good, but what set it apart was that it branched out. A lot of time is devoted to his sister, Via, as she is also facing a tough transition in her life as she begins high school. She is used to having to take care of herself because Auggie requires so much attention and she is able to put her own problems on the backburner to be there to support her little brother.

They also look through the eyes of some of Auggie and Via's friends to see how Auggie has impacted their lives. This really helps the viewer connect with the film and really makes it work as a engrossing and heartwarming picture.
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I have facial disfigurement. Here is my brutally honest review.
sonnesun5 March 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Firstly, I know there are some people with real facial disfigurements who are upset that the child wasn't played by someone with a real facial disfigurement, I can understand why. But as I have unilateral cleft palate myself which is similar, and that I have faced much discrimination throughout life, I feel that it was appropriate to cast a non disfigured child for the role. Why?

As unlike a child actor without disfigurement, he wouldn't be able to clean the movie makeup off afterwards. Therefore other kids and even adults in the real world would assume that the young actor is still in character, and bullied even more for it. The movie would only enforce the focus even more on his real life disfigurement in the real world and less on the young actor who played him. Therefore I feel that it was a wise insightful appropriate move. If it was an adult character then I would question it...Anyway back to the movie.

It was...okay. But it didn't nail the true reality. I identified with a few things especially the bullying. But as I suspected this movie would be which is a major problem of what a lot of these kind of movies have, it feels much too sanitised.

The kid dealt with it a lot better than I did, a lot better than many do. But maybe it is partly because he has the unrealistic perfect movie parents and idyllic family life, and of course as I also suspected would happen he receives a standing ovation from the whole school at the end and everybody is now his friend. As Gargamel would say "How sickeningly sweet!".

In the real world quite often the bullying is relentless right to the end where even teachers and head teachers don't do a damn thing, and even victim blame, and that it often continues into adult life with even more discrimination. I know this from hard experiences.

Another thing, as somebody else pointed out and I agree, the main character "Auggie" started talking about how you can tell someone from their shoes. Trust fund kid, crazy kid, hand-me-down kid.....Why would he judge others on their appearance when he gets similar treatment himself? I realise the narrative is probably there to suggest that everybody can be unfairly stereotyped, but for me in the real world I think we with severe facial disfigurements have learned to be less superficial than that.

I for one would like to watch a real hard hitting gritty realistic movie, from childhood through to adulthood where it doesn't have the perfect sanitised happy TV movie ending. Not necessarily a really sad unhappy ending, but at least an ending where it shows that he or she as an adult has learned life's harsh lessons the hard way through the continuing bigotry of others through life. Show the world what many of us still go through.

The child actor should again be played by someone who isn't disfigured for real for the reasons I gave, but an adult actor who is more emotionally mature and equipped to deal with the cruel comments in the real world should be played by an actor who is.

"Wonder" is a sweet movie with good intentions, worth watching the once and it does show a degree of empathy which we need more of these days, but it is still typical TV movie syrupy and sanitised melodrama stuff, that isn't near realistic enough. I hope one day it might inspire a more insightful educating movie and portray the true harsh reality of living with facial disfigurements (and maybe even added speech impairment) even if it alarms and shocks people. It would send a more powerful message and that would be a good thing.

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Touching Story with Rock Solid Performances All Around
spasek18 November 2017
Warning: Spoilers
"Wonder" is a touching story about August "Auggie" Pullman who is born with a genetic disorder that required numerous surgeries to enable to him to function, not to mention is facial disfigurement.

Auggie is a sweet boy who has a loving family who don't treat him any differently, especially his mother (beautifully played by Julia Roberts). While he is home-schooled for most of his life, she finally decides that it's time for him to go to school, much to the initial dismay of his father (Owen Wilson) who is fearful about how he might be treated.

Auggie also has a loving, but lonely sister, Via (incredible performance by Izabela Vidovic) who adores her brother but finds herself feeling like she's on the sidelines of the family due to the attention her parents give Auggie.

Of course, much of the story is about Auggie integrating into school and the challenges he faces, especially socially. While it works very well, we are given some somewhat "cliched" characters here. We have the bully who can only make fun of him. We have the sweet girl (Summer) who likes him but is initially afraid to show it, and we have the boy who is a friend but is peer-pressured into hurting Auggie.

The triumph of the performances really must go to Jacob Tremblay (Auggie) and Izabela Vidovic. Both of these actors have bright futures ahead of them.

The film is touching and it interestingly enough, decides to use much of the story to share the perspectives of the main characters, telling the story from their points of view. While this was a good way to delve into the mindsets of these characters, and give us some depth as far as they are concerned, the movie ends up missing out on a golden opportunity.

It seems that most filmmakers these days are trying to tell touching stories without becoming overly sentimental or being bogged down in melodrama. It is a fine line, but when you are afraid of delving deeper, you risk leaving your story too much on the surface.

The movie would have been much stronger had they focused on Auggie entirely, and leave the exploration of the other characters to function and grow through their interactions with him. I found myself wanting more Auggie! I wanted deeper situations with his family, his friends, and the trials and tribulations of integrating into a middle school environment. Movies that do this well are movies that audiences end up cheering for.

Still, the movie works, for the most part, and it should be a "must- see" for anyone who has been bullied or anyone who has been a bully. Most people still don't get how truly terrible and horrific bullying is.
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Feel Good Movie!
mmezajr16 November 2017
I absolutely fell in love with the story of this movie. I went to the premier last night and didn't really know what to expect. I was very pleasantly surprised. I don't consider myself an emotional movie watcher but I almost lost it 3 times and I laughed more than I could remember. The story line was very easy to follow along. I did not lose interest not one time. I was so impressed with the children actors. A very beautifully written and directed movie. Must watch for the whole family.
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Figgy66-915-59847018 November 2017
13 November 2017 Film of Choice at The Plaza Dorchester Tonight - Wonder. Today is world kindness day and a link appeared on Facebook offering free tickets at cinemas across the country to see a special pre-release preview of this beautiful film. Wonder is the story of Auggie Pullman who is born different. Home schooled, his mother feels it's time for him to enter mainstream education and he joins the 5th grade. People can be cruel and kids can be cruellest of all and Auggie struggles in a world where everyone stares and whispers and even bullies. It's not only Auggie who struggles however, as the film progresses we are told the story from different angles, that of Auggie himself, his sister, his sister's friend and his own new friend. All have issues which are both affected and unaffected by the way Auggie looks. This is a heartwarming tale, based on a New York Times bestselling book. Julia Roberts and Owen Wilson play the parents who love their son fiercely and ache for his anguish and rejoice in his successes as he finds his way in the world of the 5th grade. I urge you to go and see this, easy to watch and the characters are all endearing in their own way, even the bullies. I believe it's on general release at the beginning of December.
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Kindness is the Key
ncnwachukwu6 November 2018
I cried warm tears all throughout this movie! My heart is warmed, this was overwhelming and well done! This movie was a great example of kindness and respect, and it's for all ages!
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Heartwarming Story
claudio_carvalho13 May 2018
"Wonder" is one of those emotional films that make you feel good in the end. The story of an outcast ten year-old boy with facial deformation that outdoes his schoolmates and becomes cherished in the end is a great entertainment although unrealistic. A school with only one wicked child is absolutely unusual and hard to believe. But the film is worthwhile watching, with Julia Roberts and Owen Wilson showing outstanding chemistry and nice characters. It is funny to see the fashion in the studios with Caucasian and Afro-American couples. My vote is seven.

Title (Brazil): "Extraordinário" ("Extraordinary")
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What a kind, joyous film
2001ASOfan23 November 2017
It's early in the 2017 Holiday and Christmas season--well, at least from a normal person's perspective, not a retailer's perspective--and we now have a holiday film well worth taking time away from all the hubbub to enjoy. After being thoroughly depressed by "A Bad Moms Christmas" (even though I normally love a season-tweaking R-rated comedy during the holidays) seeing "Wonder" was (yes, I know what I'm about to say is a cliché, but it fits this particular film perfectly) like a cold, bracing, and refreshing breath of fresh air. The less you know about it before viewing the more joyous your viewing experience will be, so I'll just say it's one holiday film I hope will become an annual tradition along with the likes of "It's A Wonderful Life, "White Christmas," and "A Christmas Story." While "Wonder" is not specifically meant as a "Christmas" or holiday film, it fits the more joyous and kind themes of the holiday season that are supposedly the core reason we even bother to celebrate them.
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Little to wonder about
asda-man22 November 2017
A Hollywood movie about a deformed boy battling adversities starring Owen Wilson? Yes, it's exactly as predictable as it sounds. I hate to sound like a cynical old man (I'm actually only 22 with the mind of a fifty year-old whoops) but I've sat through my fair share of schmaltz which mainstream audiences seem to lap up. People seem to be completely sucked in by the manipulative tearjerkers which we've seen over the past few decades such as My Sisters Keeper and Marley and Me, but ultimately, they're sentimental nonsense and therefore phony.

Wonder is the 'heart-warming true story' of a boy who has a facial disfigurement and affects the lives of those around him. In all fairness, Wonder isn't a bad film. It's well-made and entertaining enough but certainly isn't anything memorable. It feels like an Oscar-bait movie but I have a suspicious feeling that Stephen Chbosky will be winning as many Oscars as he did for his previous debut, The Perks of Being a Wallflower.

It's likely to gain comparisons to the superior 1985 film, Mask due to having a central character facing similar issues. However whilst Mask handled the subject with maturity and objectiveness, Wonder smothers on the treacle and treats the audience like children who have an irrational phobia of people whose appearances are abnormal. In that sense, Wonder is a fantastic film for children to see and I was delighted to see plenty at my free screening with their tight parents.

So the film basically ticks off every cliché in the book. Deformed boy gets bullied, deformed boy finds friend and then falls out with said friend, deformed boy gets new friend etc. but it was nice to see a focus on other characters such as his neglected sister. It's interesting though how the other big character, Julian doesn't get a similar backstory. Maybe it has something with him being a two- dimensional bully?

No doubt audiences are going weep and applaud, and the film will do well at the box office. However, I prefer my movies with a sense of Haneke-realism to them. The saddest films I've seen feature absolute zero sentimentality. Requiem for a Dream rips your heart out and stamps on it. If Wonder wanted a similar effect, then it failed miserably. As a children's film however, it's fabulous and carries an extremely positive message which wraps itself in a lovely bow in the finish.
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Movie all kids should watch
plet-540467 November 2018
Very good story. Every child in school should watch this and hopefully it would make them treat each other better.
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sweet message movie
ferguson-615 November 2017
Greetings again from the darkness. What a pleasant surprise and crowd-pleasing treat from director Stephen Chbosky! Ordinarily, if you tell me a Julia Roberts – Owen Wilson movie is opening, I would experience nightmares of Malcolm McDowell in A CLOCKWORK ORANGE with his eyelids forced open by metal prongs attached to a head immobilizer (Don't expect any other reviews of this film to reference the Kubrick classic). It's based on the New York Times bestseller and it's a throwback to the days of sweet message films that don't require explanations before recommending.

"I can't wait for Halloween!" exclaims Auggie. While it's not difficult to imagine any kid looking forward to this big day, very few would share Auggie's reason. Through narration, he informs us that he's "not an ordinary kid". After a startling birth, he's been through 27 surgeries. Auggie has genetic facial deformities, and it's not the Halloween candy he anticipates; it's the one day with a level- playing field for him, as other kids wear their costume masks and he can simply blend in. Feel the tug on the heartstrings yet? You will.

Jacob Tremblay (ROOM) plays Auggie, and Julia Roberts and Owen Wilson play his loving parents. Until now, he's been home-schooled by Mom, but it's 5th grade and time for "real" school. Auggie's older sister Via is played beautifully by Izabela Vidovic. This is very much her story as well. She carries a burden that few understand, and even briefly finds peace in her fabricated time as an "only child". Previously, she had described Auggie as the sun, and the rest of the family as orbiting planets. Not only is it a wonderful performance from Miss Vidovic, but kudos to the filmmakers for casting a 16 year old actress as a high schooler. Typically these roles go to actors in their mid-20's (a pet peeve of mine).

The film kicks into gear, and we really begin to get to know Auggie, once school starts. Mandy Patinkin plays the principal Mr. Tushman (a name he embraces), and we get the expected nice kid Jack Will (Noah Jupe), the rich bully Julian (Bryce Gheisar), and the popular girl Charlotte (Elle McKinnon). Some of the characters have various segments of the film named after them, and though these are quite loosely told, they do provide some semblance of structure to the film and keep viewers focused on the diverse personalities. A Science Fair, field trip and school play (Our Town) each provide critical turning points, and of course, most of the film is based on Auggie's impact on those whose path he crosses.

Although we are subjected to one of Julia Roberts' patented cackles, it doesn't ruin the sentiment or message that Auggie delivers. Daveed Diggs has a nice turn as a teacher, and the always wonderful Sonia Braga makes a much-too-brief appearance. Director Chbosky previously gave us the gem THE PERKS OF BEING A WALLFLOWER, and this time out he allows us to explore the fragility of friendship and family, and the importance of toughness in an individual. The ending is pure Hollywood, but we should accept the crowd-pleasing cheesiness and be thankful for a pleasant, entertaining family movie.

"We need a renaissance of wonder. We need to renew, in our hearts and in our souls, the deathless dream, the eternal poetry, the perennial sense that life is miracle and magic." - E. Merrill Root (1895 - 1973) American Writer
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Whoever has been bullied knows this is an unrealistic melodrama at its worst.
vinylvanilla18 December 2017
Warning: Spoilers
On the surface, this movie seems beautiful - little boy with deformities is bullied at school for this appearance, but his strength and character make him go ahead and he suddenly has lots of friends and people at school supporting him.

That's not exactly what happens in real life, and that's what pissed me off.

I was bullied during my childhood and teenagehood, both in middle and high school, only because I was the classroom nerd. I didn't even have a deformity and I was tortured by verbal and physical abuse, and the children were relentless and merciless. Not a single one dared have some empathy for me or tried to talk to me. They'd be more and more cruel everyday, and the school's principal didn't give a damn about my situation either. That's because I was only a nerd! Now imagine what it'd be like for a child with a facial deformity in real life.

I know this movie wants to be motivating and wants to spread the message about being yourself and respecting other. I also see solid performances by Julia Roberts and Owen Wilson. But this movie is not realistic. Bullying is much worse than that and bullied kids suffer much more than that.
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george.schmidt19 November 2017
Warning: Spoilers
WONDER (2017) *** Jacob Tremblay, Julia Roberts, Owen Wilson, Izabela Vidovic, Mandy Patinkin, Noah Jupe, Bryce Gheisar, Elle McKinnon, Daveed Diggs, Ty Consiglio, Millie Davis, Danielle Rose Russell, Sonia Braga. Inspiring and emotionally charged story about a young boy named Auggie (the incredible Tremblay) with a congenital facial deformity who enters public school for the first time after being home schooled by his loving parents (Roberts and Wilson, both solid) and facing the real world as well. Based on the best seller by RJ Palacio, filmmaker Stephen Chbosky - who co-adapted with Steve Conrad and Jack Thorne - gets some truly wonderful performances from his young actors overall and balances the treacle with heartfelt warmth, compassion and never forgetting the theme - Just Be Kind.
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