Rake (TV Series 2014) Poster


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Rake is good and should stay!
shukster0423 March 2014
I think this show has so much potential. It's funny, smart and it's entertaining. Hello!? Fox are you listening!?!? I spoke about this show at work and someone said they heard it was good. I like that there is diversity in the characters who ate not just window dressing for a PC weigh-in. Come on Fox create some buzz, advertise, back this show. Everybody's griping that shows are being dumped ridiculously fast. Set a trend. Actually let this develop. Other shows in TV history that were almost canceled went on to be hugely successful such as Cheers, MASH, Seinfeld. Need I say more? If networks keep airing shows and then give up on these shows, people are going to stop watching. It's happening already because we all figure "why bother? Why get into it because it's only going to get canceled. Thanks for listening.
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Keegan Is a Total Train Wreck
marilyncarnahan17 February 2014
Most of the criticisms of this show are based on comparisons to the Aussie version. Not having seen that one, I can just say that I am really enjoying this series. Why do I like it? Keegan Deane is an attorney who takes on some unusual cases, to say the least, yet his personal life is a mess. He is a compulsive gambler, alcoholic, and all around narcissist. He has a loan shark on his tail constantly, has no car, money or place to live...well, you get it. Yet, we manage to like him. Greg Kinnear is great in this role.

I especially like the unique spin they put on some of Keegan's cases, such as the beard-cutting Amish and the cannibalism case. Tara Summers is great as his assistant, and I like that they don't employ the sexual tension angle, which in my opinion is way too overused. My main criticism of the show is that the editing is often choppy.

Rake is compelling, fresh, energetic and funny. It seems that fans of the Aussie version want it to fail, but I hope it doesn't. I look forward to watching it!
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Not bad!!!
strength01797 February 2014
Right now, I give it a seven. But it may be better in the future.

I was told that the original is an Australia TV show. And many fans come here to say many things bad about this new re-make... (That's why there should be only "crazy-fan," but no "fan.")

How bad this re-make to be doesn't interest me at all. All I can see is that finally there is a TV show about to challenge the mainstream lifestyle in a civilize way.

There is no mentally unmature teenager who become hero for no reason. Deane is not a nerd, behavior not like Dr.House, career being kind successful, good looking, good talking skill, and a friendly attitude. But everything else in your life are DOA.

That kind of honest is great!! "Hey, you mess up everything and every chance in your life, not because you have to save the world or because you are so lonely and special. You just mess up. Live with that."

Seven, and can be better.
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Best show!
kathleenh11118 February 2014
This is one of the BEST TV shows I have seen in years! No kidding. Great show. Kinnear is excellent in it...a real cutie...and super funny. Love everything about the show. Haven't felt this way about a TV show for a long, long time. Great show. 10 stars. Excellent writers! Kinnear is really cool in it and I get a kick out of the attitude he displays in his interactions with others. All the actors do a good job. Every once in awhile a right combination of all necessary component parts come together to produce a show that has that extra 'something' that sets it apart. This show has that special something. Hope it stays on a long time so viewers can have a good laugh. Best wishes and much continued success. Thank you. Kathleen
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Give it a little time...I detect improvement
leon_normand21 February 2014
I love the Aussie version and look forward to its return to DirecTV in the spring - but I'll watch the Fox version 'til then, and it's getting better! Since the concept is not-so-loosely based on a real Sydney barrister (and I believe a drinking buddy of Roxburgh's) it's not surprising that their character development is FAR ahead of the new series. The legal plot lines are about more relevant issues in the original, and the power players lined up against Cleaver have REAL and DANGEROUS power, unlike a relatively toothless US mayor. No wonder the comedy is more intense.

Since the flat, unfunny premiere the Fox show has started to get funnier and Keegan is shown as more than just a doormat. It's taking a while to get there but the trip might be worth watching...

UPDATE!!!: No f'ing chance. DirecTV is replaying the Aussie episodes that match the Fox versions. How can a US (non-HBO, et al) series compete? REAL language, REAL "sexual situations", some of the most beautiful women in the world largely naked at times. I watch the Fox version because it's ON. It's fun to see how watered down it has to be to make American air. I don't blame the producers...I blame US!
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I find it hilarious and brilliant
lizcomeau1 March 2014
I have not see the original Aussie version, which is fine with me. Kinnear is perfect and brilliant in this show. It stands on its own. I am absolutely riveted and I love the smart, witty writing and excellent acting. Every character and every actor is perfection.

The women are complex and not your typical female stereotypes. The relationship he has with the bookie's "hitman" for lack of a better word, is hilarious.

I laugh harder than most other shows I watch. I have no idea how anyone could not at the very least appreciate this show. I really hope the network will give it time to develop and not cancel it because some snobs can't see how great it is. More marketing is needed too!
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It's true about bad acting
hizman7 February 2014
Some remakes are good. Some are even great. This one is neither.

I did try to stay open-minded. I survived 15 minutes of watching. The Aussie dude had charisma and that unbeatable confidence about him no matter what. That smart creativity and ability to enjoy life whatever the circumstance. This poor fella does act like a looser. No joy, no creativity, no intelligence. I do like the actor. It's just not his character.

There is an American show like the original Rake AU — Boston Legal. Not identical but same adventure spirit.

Just 1 star does not give justice though. It is okay to watch on a sofa with beer on a TV when nothing else is available. But for download, better new shows are available.
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Grows on you
lisa-762-32345121 February 2014
I love this show .. it grows on you ..... Keegan Deane is a complicated guy with a lot of loose ended relationships ... it seems. I'm still catching on to the characters and what's happening. Greg Kinnear is utterly charming, annoying, but charming. That's not easy to portray. The strong women around him make his failings more obvious. The women actually steal the show. The prosecutor on last night's show was a riot. Portrayed by Bess Armstrong. I thought her lines were some of the best given to a female attorney in a show ever.

I take issue with one reviewer's complaint about Greta Van Susteren "product placement." The reviewer says Greta's show is about made-up scandals because people don't like the president being black. Wake up. He's gotten elected twice. "The people" have no problem with him being black. FoxNews, conservatives, et al, don't like his POLICIES. So drop the "black problem." We're so far beyond that in 2014, just drop it already. It's the lamest argument ever. Further, Keegan is exactly the kind of guy who would want to be a pundit on a show like Greta's, that's the point, and that's why it's funny.
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Pale imitation of the original
gigi-589-52025624 January 2014
I really like Greg Kinnear, and perhaps I'm doing this show a disservice by comparing it to the brilliant original Australian production, but I can't help myself. I wanted to like this one, especially when Peter Duncan (did I screw up his name? So bad with names...) is involved with this one, too. Unfortunately, from what I saw in the premier, the characters have none of the nuance and substance of the Richard Roxburgh version. The quirkiness, the warmth and the humor are missing entirely! From the get-go Keegan is just a jerk who gets away with sh*t, and no one shows any of the genuine affection for him shown in the original - an integral part of what made the show work. AND of course, it's been completely dumbed down for a US audience.

I don't understand why we can't televise a show made in another country. We must instead recreate it, change it, alter it, RUIN it, to make it "palatable" for American viewers. The intelligence, wit, humor and warmth of the original has been replaced by typical irascible American anti-hero tropes. What was a unique legal and human comedy/drama has been recreated in the same old same old image of a dozen others. If you can get your hands on the original, please run, don't walk, and view a truly brilliant piece of television.
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give it a go!
rrickbrick29 March 2014
I have enjoyed the Aussie version for 3 seasons now. And though similar story lines, I have quite enjoyed the American version and twist. At this point Clever Green is still my "fav" but I am a fan of Kee and hope it does well.

I don't know if the creators intend to mirror the oz version or not but it would be nice to see them deviate and take a truly USA twist. Some may argue it has, but I am a huge fan of the OZ version and want the popularity to grow so they can keep the character going! If you are even mildly amused with season one - just hold on because you wont believe what is going to happen next to poor poor Kee... Let's hope they don't scrap it before it hits its stride. I believe it could be bigger than House. To bad the USA censors are still locked in the 20th century! hint hint
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Watch the Aussie original
hawthornd17 February 2021
When a show is really good just show it, do not make a p1ss poor attempt to remake it. This goes for any show but when it's also in the same language it really is incomprehensible why they'd bother!
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Not solid, but a solid 8. The framework has been ported over, now they just have to fill it in better.
face-819-93372624 January 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I think Greg Kinnear does it better. This is exactly lie the other version, just now the situation seems a bit more likely, and the characters are so much more diverse. This is the Anti-hero who never quite works the hero part out. The actual story is too lose, and free, and never quite makes sense on a time scale, but it is great fun watching Kinnear weasel his way out o these situations, and still get his job done, I am almost expecting Franklin and Bash to show up, but that's another network. I Enjoyed this first episode, and think that if they keep the pace then we will have a fun show. I do recommend this over the original which is not a normal thing especially since Australia has been putting out so much great stuff lately, but it just falls more to the Americans on this, I think it must really just be Kinnear. You get to decide for yourself though that is really the best part.
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Brilliant Show!
marshkev14 April 2014
Excellent show, I seriously love this show, it just works, sure it's not the Aussie version but so what? The Office wasn't the Brit version either but once that got going in it's own right the comparisons stopped! Give this show a chance, all good things come to those who wait! Gregg Kinnear plays the lead extremely well and the supporting cast also play their parts well. We really need some likable rogues on our TV's rather than those depressing shows like the Following etc'.

This is the best character to come along on Fox since House, which was another slow burner, right? So come on Fox, you usually have a bigger set of "family jewels" than the other networks so stay the course! i would have given this show a 10 but i think it will go on to bigger and better things so i'll save the ultimate accolade until then!
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I have to watch this last on my DVR
mickdansforth6 February 2014
I save this show for the last of the night because the writing is so good and the characterization so subtle and amazing, that other shows have a hard time following it. Love the show. Love the character. Love the premise.

What I HATE HATE HATE is the references to Greta Van Susteren. Greta is one of many hacks on Fox News pushing an agenda of made-up scandals because they don't like the President being black and Billionaires want more power. Getting mentioned on a TV show will not legitimize Greta. This is fowl product placement of the worst kind and turns my stomach.

I am hoping episode 3 will drop the Greta references and not switch her out for some other blowhard from Fox News.
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Surprise surprise the Americans (largely) don't get it!
peterbreis19 January 2015
Due to the usual remake that adds copious amounts of substituted water and sawdust.

Don't blame the recipe, blame the wannabe cooks.

Greg Kinnear is just too bland and nice to fill the lead role. The original Rake* is so much the author of his own self destruction, but still retains sufficient redeeming qualities to tip us over to forgiving the flaws, just as his many loves do.

The US version doesn't fill the rakish side sufficiently for us to care whether we forgive him or not. It all reminds me of those unfortunate wannabe clowns who think a cheap frizzy colored wigs, red nose and big shoes are all it takes. The timing, wit and novelty, having all whizzed right over their heads.

This pale version has not just whizzed over my (indifferent) head, but the heads of the puzzled US audience for whom it is all too strange and unpredictable, despite the attempted remake to do just that. Not frighten the trite sensibilities of middle America, thus rendering the whole exercise pointless.

*It occurs to me having read some of the other reviews that most Americans do not even understand the real meaning of "rake" as it is used here. Therein lies the problem.
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Greg Kinnear great once again
LucyBeach8 March 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Rake is a great, quirky character that Greg Kinnear plays perfectly. Even though this character is somewhat of a scoundrel at times, he is so lovable. Women find him irresistible. You can't help but like him and want things to work out for him. He just can't seem to stay out of trouble but he is good at maneuvering in and out of these moments. It is a refreshing, new series with the always charming Kinnear. He is such a natural actor and this character fits him perfectly. There are also lots of interesting characters who are part of his life, especially his legal assistant. One wonders sometimes why she puts up with him, but....again there is his charm. It's great to see Greg Kinnear on the screen again as it seems like it's been awhile. I love the show and hope that people will watch it. We need to support this show so that it will continue! Congratulations to Greg Kinnear and the producers of this show!!!!
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Yet another US remake
Blathnat6923 January 2014
Once again the USA is remaking another brilliant show, this time from Australia. Why they'd feel the need to remake a show in English, and replace the cast with B-listers (at best) is beyond me, however being a massive fan of the original series, I figured I would give this a shot.

The overlying plot is basically the same - a smarmy lawyer getting up to shenanigans, and getting himself into situations that are borderline criminal.

However, with shows like this it is impossible NOT to compare them to the original, and this version falls far, far short. The jokes are delivered in a more sitcom fashion, and rather than having little funny bits amongst the drama, they are forced upon and delivered like one-liners. The characters are hard to relate to, and become dislikeable very quickly, especially Cleaver (sorry, I mean Keegan) who has a likability in the Australian version.

I, in all good conscience, cannot recommend this to anyone. If you want a gritty drama with occasional humour, I highly suggest you watch the original series, which is in its 3rd season currently.

This, I suspect will go the way of so many remakes, and end up failing miserably.
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It's A Man's Man's Man's World
jahnavimaroon511 May 2014
People, wake up!!! Can't you see that Rake is here? In the past year of the new flood of boring, meaningless TV shows (with the exception of a few) Rake leaves a mark on your mind that refuses to go away. Greg Kinnear at a career best portrays Keegan Deane in a way you won't think it's Kee(as he is called) but you'd think of him as a part of Kinnear. The rest of the cast also does an amazing job but it's Greg's show through and through. You could never get tired of watching this show. It is imperfection at its best. This is not your average legal drama. This has a new case every week but the constant factor is Kee. Kee's women also make the show what it is. There is Miranda Otto who plays Kee's ex- wife. There is Tara Summers who plays his secretary. There is Bojana Novakovic who plays a prostitute Keegan is in love with. Necar Zadegan plays his one of his best friends who he fights cases against. This show is about raw masculinity which we all either totally loath or we love. This show's tagline should have been ''IT's A MAN's MAN's MAN's WORLD.'' Greg steals the show and then some. You will eagerly wait for the next week just to watch Rake. I absolutely love Rake. It is the reason I am a couch potato.
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Well, I love to show on Aussie, and love the US version
tony-64-7854298 March 2014
You know, people have almost a religious view on remakes - it's a human trait to do this - I LOVED the Swedish "Bridge" and the US "Bridge" - the remake was familiar, but in the end, it stood by itself, and while some of the changes we're unexpected/annoying, the show was great.

Likewise with Rake - It look me a few watched to get used to the Aus Rake in 2008 for me, and found the US like that too, and to expect the US Rake to be anything other than it is, is ODD... it's great, they have kept most of the really excellent sub-plots (such as the son's love life), and re-worked the crimes plot lines really quite successfully (considering how different the US legal system.

So - US viewer - watch and love, Aus viewer who can't watch this within it's context - stay away, and let the US fall in love with a wonderful character and complex plotting (as in, nice use of shelving between episodes).
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What an original! Lol :)
sarumanza3 March 2014
I really couldn't care less how this compares to the original Rake, I love this one (but I am excited to check out the original while waiting for new episodes). The first episode I was mildly interested in but by the third episode I was hooked. Some of the characters in this show are just so utterly ridiculous that you can't help but laugh out loud at them. In the first episode it seemed a little too ridiculous but after watching more episodes you see that no, they really are real people, and they get by just fine being who they are without any excuses. I've never seen anything like this show before but I love it. Humans being humans, nothing funnier.

Edit: OK, so while waiting for new American episodes I'm checking out the original and I couldn't disagree more with the other reviews. The American version has me busting a gut laughing out loud while the Aussie version is more of a court room drama. The Aussie version is completely lacking in the sheer incredulity that makes the American version so hilarious. The dialogue and main character in the Aussie version seem too serious, he has it too together, whereas the main character in the American version is just barely hanging on by the skin of his teeth, which provides for far funnier situations and dialogue. I can only imagine that the reviewers preferring the Aussie version can't handle the American one, as they are quite different shows. The new one cranks it up to 11, it's the show that Rake should have been and now thankfully is.
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Pathetic attempt to remake Aussie gem
volod31 January 2014
...and I live in the northern hemisphere. The original is simply brilliant, filled with compelling performance and thought-through narrative; this ones takes wide strokes... as a child, trying to copy a masterpiece.

I like the cast, by the way! - Kinnear, the girl from late seasons of Boston Legal... but the acting and perverted script taking most flashy points, yet failing to grasp the major scheme. Rake (US) is still-born.

I honestly hope that this one will die out after season one. As it should.

Avoid. And YES, see the original Rake.
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Wit & Reality Reminiscent of Ally McBeal & Boston Legal!
trisha-g-s3 May 2014
Sorry to say, I'm adding this after the show has been canceled.

There are those who have given the show a less than stellar rating, based on its comparison to its Aussie counterpart; that is unfair.

Barely out of the gate, having just developed the characters & story lines that make us love them, FOX pulled the plug.

RAKE is smart, intelligent & funny. Greg Kinnear's Keegan Deane is the guy you hate to love. Loved John Ortiz' great character development of Ben Leon, coming out of the shadows after the death of his father. With a combination of wit & reality reminiscent of Ally McBeal & Boston Legal, RAKE is the best show to come along in years.

FOX is doing itself a disservice by not giving the show its full support, and time to build its audience. With a commitment from cast & crew, some of the finest in the industry, and with a growing audience, FOX should have extended the same commitment to the show and to its viewers.

I really encourage FOX to bring back RAKE, give it the support it deserves, and ride the wave of success this show will attain!
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Don't waste your time on this version, the original series is pure genius!
cute_cat-827 January 2014
I hate to say it but this version is awful. So so so awful. They have butchered the integrity and masterful creation that is the original RAKE series with this poor imitation.

Everything about it is just wrong, especially the acting! There is also a distinct lack of witty dialog and it's almost impossible to relate to or even like ANY of the characters. They all lack the substance and charm that the Australian cast seem to have in spades. Because of this, everything just feels dull and boring.

Don't waste your time with this, for gods sake (and your own) check out RAKE with Richard Roxburgh - you will be amazed! Cleaver Greene forever!
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Rake Rocks!
carolswrld9 April 2014
Rake is awesome! We look forward to watching it every week. This is the first series that we've have seriously considered since Seinfeld. If you like that slightly off sense of humor, you will love Rake. Some people just don't get it!

We DVR it every week just in case we can't watch it. We laugh, we are excited to see what comes next and if FOX cancels, after moving it's time slots around too much, they are are stupid!

Greg Kinnear is a great comedic actor! I used to tape Talk Soup back in the day when he was the host and this is great, just like that was! No one has hosted that show like he did. Look up old versions if you're not familiar. His timing is impeccable!
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Loved this show!!!!
smithtony-663144 August 2019
finally something worth while to watch besides some damn reality piece of crap.. I absolutely loved it.. very funny and smart., Breaks my heart ..
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