Upgraded (2024) Poster


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Upgraded was exactly what I wanted it to be.
charcharmander-196678 February 2024
It reminded me of a time when writers wrote jokes and actors delivered them. It provided the satisfaction of a cheeseburger. Never taking itself too seriously, it has more com than rom, sure, but the natural chemistry between Ana and Will keep the romantic plot spicy enough to hold our attention. The work place drama is Cinderella mixed with Devil Wears Prada, with a particularly funny supporting cast keeping the fun alive amid the chaos. Camila carries the film, and shows once again how much more she has to offer beyond Riverdale, and how much this genre could be her path to becoming a bonafide J-Lo / Jen Aniston type superstar. Overall, a fun relaxing watch, with some good laughs and some warm fuzzy feelings by the end.
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Lying is the best way to get what you want
brucebigelow-1087311 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I didn't hate the movie. Camila Mendes (Ana) and Archie Renaux (William) work well together as a couple. Lena Olin (Catherine) is great as the quirky as well as Marisa Tomei (Claire) as the mean boss who worked hard to get where she is. That's the problem with whole movie though. Whereas Claire has worked to get her position Ana just casually lies to William that she is the youngest Director of a prestigious auction house. She uses her friendship with William and Catherine to impress Claire by obtaining tickets to a play and getting reservations to an exclusive restaurant. After Catherine decides to cancel the auction, William shows up to surprise Ana for lunch and tell her he got the job he was hoping to get in New York. Ana tells him that their relationship has been a big mistake and brushes off the news of his job. William rightfully dumps her, twice. Afterwards Catherine says she'll agree to hold the auction but only if Ana is in charge of it. The auction is a success, Ana apparently is paid a large sum of money and opens up her own gallery in New York. William shows up at the gallery and they just get back together. Ana gets everything she has dreamed of because shed lied about who she is. There is no downside to it. There is no penance. William just forgives her but there is no explanation as to why. The writers could have been more creative with the ending, perhaps not rewarding Ana with so much and having William and Ana discuss starting the relationship over without any lies.
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Pretty Woman it is not - fails miserably in last act of movie
tony-146-69562612 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
If we break the movie into 3 acts, it fails in the last act.

The first two acts are amazing. Very witty, very charming, great acting. The main two actors are awesome and have good chemistry.

The story is not new,. Poor lady falls in love with well to do English gent and lies to be close to him. There is a second plot running concurrently about her job and aspirations to go from rags to wealth.

This is portrayed really really well. You see her digging a deeper and deeper hole with lies and deception, and it builds up to a dramatic boiling point leading to act three.

However, there is no redemption. Because of her creative lying and deception and accompanying stunts she makes it big. She is a mixed bag, and while she does not not hurt others with one exception as she reaches the top. She hurts her love to be. There is one specific scene that makes it really clear that she was using him to get favors such as tickets to cozy up to her boss and strategically position herself. This the point where we are sure she will see the errors of her ways and if she admits all her dishonesty and shows real repentance will win the heart of the guy. Maybe even make amends.

But, no. She uses reverse psychology and when caught confesses with style and is rewarded by those who matter with power for her great acting and deception. Se uses that power to get her job back and be promoted. I just sat there with my jaw hanging.

The guy does not forgive her and she leaves. This makes sense.

Someone in this movie values standards and morality. But no, in another nonsensical twist he shows up six months later and acts like nothing ever happen. They shack up.

This is a very cynical view on life. The movie spouses faking it until you make it. And shows that honesty in winning someone's heart is not important. The end justifies the means. Beyond the dishonesty of the main lady , her place of employment thrives on it, and the client they are after does as well. It is everywhere in this movie.

Pretty Woman made me lose a few tears in the final act... Remember when the hotel worker told the guy in that movie "it is must be very hard to let go of something so precious", as he took back a borrowed necklace but was not talking about the necklace. When the woman/prostitute told him with tears "I want the fairy tale", and left, even though she was being offered money and a deluxe apartment to keep servicing the guy... I have seen that movie 10 times, and will see it again. I will NEVER rewatch this one.
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Unnecessary Lying and no chemistry
ThatDoesntMatter9 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I love rom coms.

When they're good.

This has a halfway decent start, cookie cutter but hey, it's a rom com, I'm ready to go with it.

Sadly, it lacks in couple chemistry, and the lying is not very empowered, is it?

I get the first lie, it's harmless, playing into prejudices, playing pretend while on a transAtlantic flight.

But she had many opportunities afterwards to clear up that pretence. Without any consequences.

I also found the 'poor girl gets rich boy' poorly done. Her character is weak, and that is a bit revolting. No shame in being an intern after college, no shame in hoping to get a paid job, or have dreams. All this out in the open would NOT have been detrimental to the rom com imo. Just a different angle, different storyline, BETTER storyline.

The male lead is weak as well, I really have no clue what they see in each other. She is mean and condescending most of the time. He must be one of those types that like that. No shame in being a nice girl, either.

Stealing salt and pepper shakers or wearing your boss's dress without permission do not give her an edge, it just makes her cheap.

Suddenly they kiss passionately. Where did that come from? She did not tell him the truth, nor after, on their many outings and kisses. Badly done, Ana!

After that I lost all interest, because she doesn't deserve anything good coming to her.

One of the Mean Girls even directly admitted she made sth up when asked about it. Learn from her! Instead she's a beeutch to the unsuspecting male lead. Because of HER lies. Very unsympathetic. I relish her downfall. I envision her naked through King's Landing. Satisfying.

Her redemption is not of her own doing but facilitated by forgiving eccentrics.

Marisa Tomei is a blast, as is Lena Olin and the male cast except wussy wuss.

All in all, the plotline is weak, the lead character is weak and misguided, and the ending is not cute, it's weak.
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It's got its moments....
PerryAtTheMovies13 February 2024
6.6/10 (Semi-Recommend)

This film was a bit better than I expected. The acting isn't half bad. It's a little off from one or two, but the overall chemistry, whether good blood or bad, works well. The story is decent told, but it feels too overused at this point. Cute girl bumps into cute guy on travels and they fall for each other. The pacing is good. Everything clips along at a good pace. Barely any downtime throughout. My biggest peeve is how much the sound fluctuates. It will go from very loud to very quiet and everything in-between. Overall, it does work out to be a decently enjoyable film and is possibly worth at least one watch through if you're into the semi-cheesy romcom genre.

That's all for now. Thank you for taking the time to read my review. Until next time.... Enjoy the show!
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It's a cookie cutter movie with familiar charm
Jamespm7627 February 2024
Not much to review here. It's a cookie cutter movie.

Look, was this the best show ever? No. Has this scenario been done to death? Yes. Was it delusional to think that someone can get away with this? Also, yes. Was this movie predictable? Again, yes. But it did have some subtle charm and familiarity even though we all knew how it was going to end.

I also don't mind a movie that is predictable as long as it's done well and overall I find that this movie was done well.

A shout out to Camila Mendes (Ana). I really didn't like Riverdale but she played her character well. She did an amazing job playing the poor protagonist in this movie. I'm looking forward to seeing what she does next.

Archie Renaux (William) did a great job. I don't think I've seen him in anything before. He did a great job of playing the grounded rich kid that wasn't intoxicated by his wealth. I really appreciated that.

Marissa Tomei did an amazing job. My favourites were Lena Olin (Catherine) and Anthony Head (Julian Marx). They did a great job. Saoirse-Monica Jackson (Amy) was great too. I loved her in Derry Girls.

You gotta just take this movie for what it is and go on with life. It's not that serious.
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The Devil Wears... Old Navy
Jblum515 February 2024
Upgraded tells the story of an overworked, unappreciated intern aspiring to work in the high end art world. She is upgraded to first class on a flight and it sets off a chain of events that get her further and further in over her head.

First I threw this movie on as background fodder and I enjoyed it significantly more than I expected to. It has a "Devil wears Prada" feel where Marisa Tomei's character (and her assistants) are just impossibly rude and unlikable. It can get downright depressing as you see this hardworking girl just straight abused by the people she wants to be impressing. There are some decent comedic elements here and while they sometimes land, sometimes fall flat on their face, it helps break up the tension. The cast of characters introduced in act two are enjoyable and fun to spend time with, in contract to who we meet at the start of the film.

There are some issues with this movie. It can feel terribly cheesy at points. The story takes too many many unbelievable, "that would never happen, what the heck is going on?' moments that a better script could have avoided. Also - the main character can be downright selfish and hard to root for at many points in the story and I think it they wanted us so badly to root for her. Without getting into any spoilers - the ending feels unearned and should have been reworked to fit the story they were actually telling.

Overall for its straight to streaming feel, this is one of the better films of its type. It isn't a 'must watch' but a solid piece of cinema you can throw on at the end of a bad day.

3 out of 5 stars.
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Not A Very Good Movie
thomaslai_TW28 February 2024
The movie seems to be good, and the plot is well laid out, but I don't think it's a good example of lying.

I think the heroine should get the fate she deserves for her lies, so that she can educate people that lying is bad and disgusting, instead of arranging a good-luck script to make the public feel that lying is fine for everything or to solve any problems.

However, apart from the problems with the script, I think the movie is pretty good overall, especially the shooting locations, actors' expressions, speaking accents, etc. It can be viewed as a casual watch.

So let's why I rated 7/10 to this movie.
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Worst message ever - lie and get everything you ever wanted!
allyjosefine12 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Although I love the return to classic silly Rom-Coms, this film really pissed me off because it had such a bad message!!! She lies to everyone and gets no repercussions in the slightest, in fact she gets rewarded with a better position and lots and lots of money and ultimately her own gallery and the guy of her dreams. Also not to mention the way she uses the hot British guy, who's name I've forgotten, to get what she needs to do better at her job and in return feed him nothing but lies about who you are.

It was a pretty enjoyable film apart from the whole plot - the acting was alright and Marisa Tomei is the bomb dot com as per.
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A predictable romantic comedy with a very similar plot
lisafordeay9 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Upgraded is a 2024 romantic comedy starring Camila Mendes,Lena Odin,Maria Tomei,Archie Renaux and Anthony Head.

Directed by Carla Young the story follows an Art intern named Ana(Mendes) who's working for an overbearing boss named Claire(Tomei sporting a German accent). When Ana is refused by her bosses colleagues at the airport,that she has to wait for 4 hours for the next flight to London,she gets upgraded to first class. From there she meets a handsome British man named Will(Renaux) and sparks fly. However he assumes that Ana is his boss and not Claire. Will she be truthful to Will in the end?.

Overall it was a decent flick. The chemistry was grand,the story reminded me of Second Act meets The Devil Wears Prada. If you love romcoms then check it out.
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Bad message
shirathayam12 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This is a Cinderella storty with a twist: The stepmother is, actually, ok, and Cinderella is a rude, ungrateful parasite who lies to her prince charming, her boss, her associates and her fairy godmother (who manipulates the protagonist for her own benefits), steals from her boss and acts aggressively and obnoxiously when she is down.

But it's fine, really. Because in the happy ending this fine person gets upgraded (not by her own merit, mind you, but by sheer luck) and has money, status, dream job, her own place to live and... of course, the love of the shallow but oh-so-charming super rich prince.
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Pleasantly much more than I expected
tusseymussey-194-1402259 February 2024
I watched this movie tonight after a rough day at work. I was looking for lighthearted fluff that I didn't need to pay attention to. That was not what I received.

Camila Mendes is pretty amazing. I loved her as Veronica in Riverdale but her character was limited by the writers and you didn't get to see her acting chops. This lovely distraction shows more of what she's capable of... comedic timing, chemistry, and a depth I'd not seen before.

What I thought was a Hallmark movie after reading the description turned out to be a darn good rom-com/Cinderella story. The script and acting were solid, as was the casting. I'm looking forward to a lot more from Camila Mendes!
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[7.5] "Fictive" beautiful London with no lift
cjonesas11 February 2024
A light, lovely romantic comedy with great acting, believable chemistry between loves, friends and "foes", enthralling to the romantic mind score and gorgeous photography of London and its auctions world and expositions.

All that are made in a tight and lovely production that I don't care how much realism it bears, cause as long as I "walked by and with" Ana played by the talented and loca beautiful Camila Mendes, I got the pleasure to live for a brief period a beautiful fictive life on Futons, staring at "swans" drawn with squares, circles and triangles all in cute lively colors, have a sit in first class, rest like an emperor and breath the fresh, humid air of London.

It's a rom-com movie for romantic people and you could see the difference between the superior 'Upgraded' and the lesser in terms of entertainment, loveliness and chemistry as 'Anyone but You'.

  • Screenplay/storyline/plots: 7
  • Development: 8
  • Realism: 7
  • Entertainment: 8.5
  • Acting: 8
  • Filming/photography/animation: 8
  • VFX: 8
  • Music/score/sound: 7.5
  • Depth: 7.5
  • Logic: 6
  • Flow: 8
  • Comedy/romance: 7
  • Ending: 6.5.
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Another movie, another lie
Imme-van-Gorp13 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Why do these movies always have to be based on some big lie that's going to ruin everything in the end? I literally hate that so much.

Also, was it just me or did Will's mother seem more in love with Ana than William himself? Their relationship really wasn't particularly romantic or loving, and he genuinely didn't seem to care about her that much... I'm really not sure why or how he got over his justified anger and annoyance over her using him, since there wasn't that much depth between them to fall back on. I just feel like it should have stayed as a holiday fling, and that him coming back to her 6 months later was pretty random and unrealistic.

Lastly, I'm not sure why I was supposed to be rooting for Ana to get a job promotion... She didn't do anything special that would make her stand out from the rest and her big fat lie honestly should have gotten her fired. She didn't really deserve all the luck that she got handed to her in the end.

Her boss Claire, on the other hand, was pretty awesome and iconic. She was probably my favourite character in the whole movie, and I really don't know why she took such a liking to Ana.
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How to salvage a little white lie and come out on top.
TxMike11 February 2024
Camila Mendes is Ana, originally from Florida and, with an art degree, is a lowly assistant in a big name New York auction house. She is pretty broke, she sleeps on the futon in a very small apartment her sister shares with her boyfriend. On this fateful day her boss calls, she is told to go with them to London. Right now! There is a big art collection that needs to be auctioned off.

Ana is given an unexpected gift at the airport check-in, the agent sees how badly her catty co-workers were treating her so gives her an upgrade to first class. Thus the name of the movie.

In first class she sits next to a nice young British man and in the conversation she says something that leads him to believe she is the head of the auction house and she doesn't correct him. After all they don't know each other, she will probably never see him again and it felt good to feel important. But as the story develops it works out way differently.

Marisa Tomei is Claire, Ana's hard-driving boss, who speaks and sounds just like Celine Dione.

I like Tomei, she is good in everything, and I became a Mendes fan for her role as Veronica in the TV series 'Riverdale.' The two other assistants to Claire are overly annoying bullies in the workplace, a bit over the top I found, but otherwise it is a very well put together movie.

My wife and I enjoyed it, streaming on Amazon Prime, after our usual Saturday evening steak and wine dinner. With chocolate cake, of course!
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Working Girl type American in London rom com
phd_travel10 February 2024
Liked the tone of this show. Self deprecating humor. Camilla Mendes stars as an auction house assistant who gets upgraded to first class. That leads to her pretending to be her boss. Like Working Girl. These set in Europe rom coms can be a little superficial but this one brings you into the art world. And the scenery doesn't overwhelm the story. The glamorous world of auction houses and art folks in London is a nice change. Things work out quite neatly.

Marisa Tomei is quite good here as the Devil Wears Prada type boss. Quite a transformation with the accent and persona. Camilla Mendes is watchable and intelligent looking and it is nice to see her out of Riverdale. She can do different and more mature roles now. Lena Olin is quite fun to watch. Archie the love interest isn't well cast. Does not have the privileged vibe.

She did treat him badly and he told her off but what made him forgive her wasn't shown.

An entertaining enough watch.
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Fun rom com about a art intern
cruise0112 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
3 out of 5 stars.

Upgraded is a fair romantic comedy film that delivers with the likable Camila Mendes as an art intern. Travelling to London for an art auction. Only to fall for a guy whos mother is involved in it. It is fun and entertaining. The cast ensemble is great. It can be entertaining.

The third act is predictable as the script falls flat with her being someone she is not comes out. And she tries to recover her career and her romance with the guy she fell for. Cant say it showed anything new besides Camila being the likable lead. And an art gallery story of living the high life. Otherwise, it was a fair film.
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A Heartfelt Nostalgic Rom-Com Revival.
jaysonpajaronvistal19 March 2024
Amidst a current climate where romantic comedies have seemingly lost their charm, often laden with cliches and uninspired plotlines, "Upgraded" revitalizes the genre as an enjoyable yet familiar tribute. Though not unconventional in its approach, it effectively delivers through heartfelt performances and execution that cannot be ignored. The movie does not revolutionize traditional romcoms but rather breathes new life into age-old formulas by exploring modern-day love stories while addressing the career goals of today's society - balancing nostalgia with contemporary relevance for classic fans of the genre to savor.

Compared to Netflix's recent offerings which left much to be desired among fans of the once-celebrated rom-com era, "Upgraded" is a welcome change. Prime Video has stepped in and revived the charm of romantic comedies from the early 2000s with a movie that feels genuine and brimming with love for its roots. The film at its core explores themes like self-discovery, resilience, and transformational power of love as we see how modern relationships face obstacles while trying to find their way towards personal growth. Though it may seem familiar on paper, nuanced character dynamics coupled with authentic emotions elevate this movie beyond clichés or predictability- especially when focusing on our lead actress who portrays navigating complex issues unique to modern womanhood brilliantly. In fact," Upgraded" boldly tackles empowerment topics along themes highlighting women supporting each other; however overt attention given toward romance sidelines more important ideas during several parts throughout the narrative

The remarkable ensemble cast is a standout feature of the film, showcasing an impressive array of skills on screen. Camilla Mendes and Archie Renaux have captivating chemistry that effortlessly adds charm and affection to the movie, resulting in delightful entertainment throughout. The supporting actors such as Marisa Tomei and Lena Olin bring depth and personality to their roles which significantly enhance the appeal of the overall storyline. By working together cohesively with genuine warmth towards each other's characters, they reinforce key themes about love, friendship, and growth making it compelling for audiences alike. Despite relying on some standard genre tropes typically seen in romantic comedies today,"Upgraded" excels at bringing authenticity into these overplayed concepts through heartfelt performances sure enough stands out from films that saturate current markets under this category.

Although it's not a groundbreaking work of art, "Upgraded" achieves the task of evoking nostalgic sentiments associated with traditional romantic comedies through its novel take on modern romance. While it doesn't attempt to redefine or revolutionize this genre, that wasn't necessary for its success. The movie tells an endearing tale and perfectly captures the ambiance reminiscent of rom-coms from the 90s and early 2000s era; despite lacking cinematic excellence yet managed to keep me smiling throughout due to how heartwarming it was in all its simplicity. Predictability is no longer synonymous with disaster in rom-com flicks as proven by "Upgraded." Its storyline flows along well without any significant twists which make you wonder until every moment but still delightfully ends up where one would expect - creditable direction delivered top-notch performances that provided entertainment at plenty!

However, "Upgraded" missed the opportunity to soar by failing to bring fresh material into its conventional romance. Though effective and engaging overall, this aspect proved lackluster - a regrettable shortcoming considering the film's success in exploring themes of friendship and personal growth. If only the romantic elements had received equal attention with innovative ideas like those featured elsewhere in the movie, "Upgraded" could have transcended from merely enjoyable to outstanding within its genre. Additionally, with genuine storytelling and heartfelt performances that strike an emotional chord for all ages; "Upgraded," despite not fulfilling its full potential romantically still manages a charmingly heartwarming comedic tale about love & self-discovery deserving inclusion among timeless rom-com classics.

To sum up, "Upgraded" provides a warm and inviting escape for those craving the nostalgia of traditional romantic comedies. It serves as a delightful homage to the genre's glory days, reminding us that familiarity can often be just what we need in cinema - when presented with sincerity and an endearing touch. While it doesn't offer revolutionary ideas or changed formulas on how rom-com should be done, "Upgraded" is still enjoyable enough to keep you engaged throughout its journey - one that many viewers will surely relish experiencing.
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i'm a hard sell
memine2325 March 2024
We love rom com's and in today's environment this was pleasant surprise to movies made maybe 10 -15 years ago and perhaps even further back - meaning yes not really a Woke Effort - which is a wonderful break from everything pumped out recently - " now i ask you would you, would you give an F___ what kind of pants..... """ Marisa is great in this role, and Rupert was an Ass in Ted and you just hate him but here as the art friend he was great and you just love his side kick character.... I think that giving these types of movies ratings is like everything difficult bc the scale needs to slide ( meaning they can't all be Casablance or citizen kane or even when harry met sally )- great art - ehh - good entertainment - yes, soon to be a classic - ehh, but easy to forget - maybe not.... It gets 7 bc it is a decent rom com with an almost cinderella story line told anew ( this is not a spoiler bc it really is not Cinderella)..... we would watch it again.
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Pranali_Patil18 February 2024
This movie was an utter waste of time. I eagerly awaited something good, but the movie only got worse as it progressed. The storyline is pathetic, feeling like a cheap knockoff of "Emily in Paris" and "The Devil Wears Prada." There was no chemistry between the leads, and I struggled to grasp the film's message. The dialogues are horrible, very poor acting, Only the locations where the shot the movie were watchable. Though they wanted to show the glamorous world of paintings and auctions, it failed to show the seriousness with its cringe comedy. "Upgraded" failed to deliver on every front, leaving me feeling let down and unsatisfied.
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Great movie
mayakonstantinidou10 May 2024
A great rom com to watch for fun. Nice and smart plot and nice actors and acting. Includes a few funny moments too so it's a nice addition. Not a big movie which is a plus because it doesn't get tiring and didn't make me lose interest. Loved the love interest between the main characters but I would say it escalated a bit quicker than I would like. Also, the end although it was how I wanted it to be, it was a bit too sudden and seemed too rushed. A good movie overall that I would maybe watch again just for the romantic part. It's a typical modern rom com that has it's own little turn and cute moments.
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the faces may change, but ...
ferguson-68 February 2024
Greetings again from the darkness. There is something to be said for 'fake it 'til you make it', but most of us find bold-faced lying is a bit more difficult to root for. There is also something to be said for keeping to the familiar path, as therein lies safety. Adhering to the familiar is exactly what actress-turned-director Carlson Young has accomplished with the script from co-writers Christine Lenig, Luke Spencer Roberts, and Justin Matthews. We know where this is headed once we hear Anna interpret a piece of art she has mounted (without permission) in the small apartment her sister and (overly boisterous) brother-in-law have allowed her to stay since she's in debt and without income.

Anna (Camila Mendes, "Riverdale) is chasing her dream of owning an art gallery, and has relocated to NYC for an internship at an art auction house run by dragon-boss Claire DuPont (Oscar winner Marisa Tomei in full Miranda Priestley mode). The Romantic Comedy formula kicks in pretty quickly as Anna gets a break at work and is invited to accompany Claire and her 'mean girl' minions to London for a big auction. Those minions (Fola Evans-Akingbola and Rachel Matthews) act as cruel stepmoms to Anna's Cinderella. The required meet-cute happens after Anna's titular upgrade to first class. While enjoying the airport spa, Anna accidentally dumps her Bloody Mary on rich boy Will's high-dollar clothes and shoes.

Anna and Will (Archie Reneax, THE GREATEST BEER RUN EVER, 2022) are of course seated next to each other in first class for the transatlantic flight. It's at this point where she chooses to avoid clarifying her role at the auction house, allowing Will (he's rich and he adores kids!) to believe she's the youngest Director in company history. This lie spirals as Anna weaves her way into the daily life of princely Will and his wealthy mom Catherine (Lena Olin, her must see film is THE UNBEARABLE LIGHTNESS OF BEING, 1988). Supporting work comes from Anthony Head as dead-by-design artist Julian Marx, and Thomas Kretschmann (KING KONG, 2005) as Arnold, the head of the company.

Every step of the story is predictable, and no apologies are necessary since this is precisely what fans of Hallmark Movies can't get enough of. Ms. Mendes flashes the charm required for the role, and she's surrounded by some other very talented folks. For those who prefer a bit more depth to characters and storylines, you likely already know this one's not made for you. But for those who find pleasantry in the safe path with no surprise twists ... a journey where the lovely liars get all the breaks since their heart is in the right place ... this one's for you.

Opens on February 9, 2024 on Prime Video.
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Return of the beloved romcoms
veronicafpdv9 February 2024
Yes, yes, yes. This is the best rom com I've watched since the 2000s! The acting was great and cannot be compared to that of hallmark movies. Camila Mendes carried this movie, delivering the script in the most realistic, 2000s nostalgic way. Impressive film production from prime but this movie deserved way more media exposure than it has been given. Put these movies in the cinema and let us have a girls night out! This movie far surpassed "Anyone but you", the acting, storyline and script was a lot better. Another massive plus from this movie is the lack of hidden agendas. Just a good simple rom com👌 please make more.
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It's much better than I expected.
TheMexFilm11 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This movie took me by surprise less than a few weeks ago, when my father put it on television saying that we would watch a movie that had just been released recently and that he saw it recommended on a digital platform.

I wasn't expecting much, they usually show some Mexican movies and when I started watching it it caught my attention too much. Firstly, because of the beauty of Camila Mendes and secondly, because of the story in general that captivates you from the beginning, making you believe that the young woman's life couldn't get any worse.

I find it amazing how everything goes the way she wants, that is, at times she knows how to arrange things, even pretending that she was traveling in luxury class on the plane because she was a high-ranking person and from that moment on you notice the first turns in this story.

I must genuinely say that it has excellent shots of iconic places in England, the interiors are formidable and little by little they catch your eye with details that, although they seem minimal, draw your attention.

Too many script twists? Not entirely, because little by little they introduce you to more situations that make you think that the movie cannot change too much and they end up trapping you again with a lie or a new strategy. The truth is, the ending is great and I think it is very random as many of us thought it would be.

Finally, I would like to say that it is one of those films that deserves to be slightly analyzed for the psychology and details of the characters that appear, making us see that each character has interesting characteristics and others that are not so interesting, which in the same way will make us see that each part of the movie has a reason.

Super recommended for a weekend with the family or for an afternoon with your partner. I'll give it a 7 out of 10 for what a great movie it is, because although it is a romantic comedy, it offers much more than that.
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If you like to be lied on, this woman is for you
dummiejo-9091817 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Got a pretty face? Lie to get your partner, your career and the extravagant life you dreamed of. The only way you get rewarded in this world, honey...

That, in short is the gist and the message of this movie, wrapped around into a romantic comedy theme.

True romance, can't be really felt between the two, aside from the first meet on a plane were both flirt. Then, there's a flash of romantic moments in quick picture succession without any context added to it.

Comedy comes mostly from moments when the female lead is abused by her co-workers and when she tries to hide her true identity.

Everything in this movie is predictable and I extra didn't watched the trailer. In the end, I was rooting for the guy to find a better partner, since the female lead never seemed to truly apologize or care for what she did, defending herself with, "I did not lie about who I am". Thanks Anna, you're a keeper, lol.

Strange the male lead showed up after 6 months without telling the audience any morive. Sex? Did he ment it? Or was this an one Night Stand?

Really surprised, this has been directed by a woman and one writer was also a woman. Doesn't seem they know much about cheesy romance, haha, which usually is what the target audience is asking to watch.

This movie goes under movie category: BORING & WRONG MESSAGE.
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