8 Reviews
Island scenery was better than the movie!
Chartreuse128 August 2023
Jessica and her son, Noah, flee from abusive husband, Peter Howard, who is a tech millionaire. They end up moving to an island where her sister, Rachel, lives in California and starting over fresh. Unfortunately, Peter is never going to let her go and vows to find her and their son wherever they run to! As they get situated, some new people on the island enter their lives. Jessica is a teacher and is constantly on her guard when she wakes up constantly in the middle of the night because she thinks Peter has finally found her. Is it just her imagination or is she right??? You will have to tune in for the answer! The acting was pretty good and there was a plot twist at the end. Worth a watch!!!
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A Cliffhanger!
lavatch27 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
"Hiding From My Husband" (aka, "Rear View Mirror") is a film with an ending that may only be described as "over the top" both literally and figuratively.

At the start of the film, Jessica ("Jess") Howard is living in abject fear of her abusive husband Peter. Jess is successful in leaving home with some cash and her young son Noah, fleeing from San Francisco to Catalina Island.

Through the assistance of her sister Rachel, Jess locates a beach home and works as a substitute teacher at the local high school. She also links up with a nice colleague named Matt. But she remains emotionally distraught and lives with the feeling that Peter may locate her at any time. The sister diagnoses Jess with PTSD.

Nearly all of the film was approached earnestly as a case study of domestic abuse. Which makes the film's bizarre ending all the more perplexing. The "over the top" effect occurs when Peter finally returns and charges like a raging bull at Jess. The problem is that they are on top of a cliff, and Jess dodges him like a matador. For Jess and the father of her child, this was a real cliffhanger!

And what are we to make of the curious line when Rachel addresses her sister as follows: "If it's not about Jordan, you don't care." For the entire film, Rachel addressed her sister as "Jess." But by referring to her with the name "Jordan," it sounded as if Rachel was now a character in a different film.

This was a decent, serious film until the weird ending. Then, things imploded, and everything went just over the top.
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worst one yet maybe
LetsReviewThat265 June 2024
Jessica has been in an abusive relationship with peter for some time now. We first see her with a black eye but the makeup deparment forgot to give her the actually black eye part. She sees her oportunity one day and leaves the house before he returns. She takes her child out of school and moves just like that in the middle of the school year. She gets a new job straight away and everything seems peachy. But of course peter is not far behind and somehow already knows where they are. Acting is misable in here and is nothing great theres not real grit to the action and nothing really thrilling. Rear view mirror is like a predictable cluster and its not great overall.
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Not Again
Foutainoflife29 August 2023
Why is it so hard to get a decent movie on Lifetime?

This is a movie like Enough with Jennifer Lopez and that's not saying much but this isn't even as good as that. It is a below tier, below tier movie. Not a B movie more like a C or D movie.

I used to love watching Lifetime movies. They used to have movies covering stories that were ripped from the headlines and they even had a few noteworthy actors play parts in them. These days it's just all a lot of really bad acting in really crappy movies. There's no real suspense or even a reason to be interested in the characters. They are literally movies that you just turn on in the background and not pay any attention to them.

It's sad.

I wish they'd bring back something worth watching.
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WTF was this?
darkmomo-8183119 September 2023
Seriously, what was this ending? The movie started out good, I love an abused wife trope when she gets away and has to fight the husband. So, we were all good there! Despite there being some questionable plot things here and there I actually enjoyed this movie quite a bit. The beginning was especially good.

And then the end happened. WHAT WAS THAT?? Why was there a plot twist in the last five minutes of the movie that made absolutely no sense? I mean seriously, it would have made more sense for the sister to be working with the husband to get the money than the insane crap they came up with. Good ole lifetime though. Gotta love the insanely bad ones. And this was it down to the cheesy, horrible happy ending. Lmfao.
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Lead actress resembles Mary Tyler Moore
deedrala29 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
"Rear View Mirror"/"Hiding From My Husband"

Waste of time with rehashed plotlines, dialogue, and two unsurprising twists at the end - (I suspected Jessica's sister all along as being nefarious and untrustworthy) - and the usual absurd LMN plotholes.

BUT I only created this review to state how continually struck I was by Kayla Fields' strong resemblance to TV actress legend Mary Tyler Moore. I'm not saying she's her twin, but she could believably play the daughter MTM never had. Her facial features - especially eyes and mouth - are so similar to MTM's that Fields could play MTM herself in a bio flick, which I'd love to see.

Grade D / 2 out of 10.
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Gave me a headache
pumping_iron-115 July 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This move was frustrating. It started frustrating me from the beginning when Jess, the main character, is preparing to leave her abusive husband after he leaves for work. He then calls her and asks her to go to the front door. He left her a flower on the porch. Then he tells her he forgot something and will be home in ten minutes. Instead of taking the flower inside so as not to arouse his suspicions when he got there, to give herself more time to get away, she leaves it on the porch. Then she farts around forever gathering and packing clothes until he shows up. If I was leaving an abusive husband and he was returning hone, I would have stopped the gathering and packing clothes and been out the door the minute I hung up the phone. To make matters worse, when he catches up with her, they both stand and stare at each other for almost two minutes it seems before she gets in her car and speeds away.

The story is also predictable. If you watch closely, you know that Cory is not right and is going to cause her fear and terror. You also start to suspect the sister, and your suspicions are confirmed in the last half hour when you see her going through her computer. You also know Jess's son is going to be the hero by informing the police. What frustrated me so about this movie was that Jess was always so paranoid. It drove me crazy. I know it was suppose to be part of the mystery and suspense. But she was always paranoid about everything. In the end I guess no one cared about even looking for or inquiring about the abusive husband who fell off the cliff into the water.
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Gets from bad worse
tamrbrwn-596474 July 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Here's the thing when you act your supposed to make it seem real not like it's acting that's why it's acting this whole movie was bad acting on every way it was horrible to watch the main characters were all bad the ones that are extras are usually the better actor but for some reason they don't get the main rolls.the fake fight scene was definitely visually fake the little boys face never looks any different like it's frozen with the same expression of someone abused my mom wouldn't leave with the man that did it from school and of someone isn't on a emergency card they can't take the child and who was this teacher to say he can take him just because he's the father you never met and how I don't think I would let some loser dudes hold my child by his jacket without trying to get him no gun no knife and I never trusted that weird sister at all why are we having a argument on a cliff about you being jealous of my life after my abusive husband takes my son Sheeshthe best part was the end it was over lifetime should not make abuse movies it makes a mockery of people of people that really go through it.
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