26 Reviews
obi_wan_kenobi_UKR2 August 2022
The film can be described in one word - trash. I don't know who wrote this script and who agreed to shoot it.

This is the moral here - all white pagans, egoists, cannibals. While emigrants are cool heroes.

I have nothing against other peoples, but this is clearly overkill. And stupid jokes just finish the project.
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Disqppointing clichéd Cheesefest. No comedy. No scare.
Jester2228 March 2023
Really disappointed in this film.

Started off with potential and then they get to te Care Home and it just gets stupid and lazy.

Some really irritating cliche characters.

It tried its best to have a message but because it was Troma level bad it was lost amongst the dross.

It had moments of GET OUT in there but without any of the suspense or good writing, acting or direction.

Extra points added purely for attractive female leads.

And the one scene where a patient twists and consorts which was kinda cool.....but want explained at all and just added as an after thought.

The villains were almost scooby doo level cringe.

Who was the target audience here?

It seemed to fail in every area. The CGI was very cheap and fake looking.

Once they got to the Care facility it was fail after plot hole after fail. Like they just didn't know where to go with it.

It had no fun element and no comedy.

The 'Dog' character was so overracted it became irritating.

A huge blot on Ortega's resume.

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Are you kidding me? (spoilers after a warning)
FeastMode9 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Early on I was into this movie. It has a certain charm and a tone that I like. I was intrigued in the premise and invested in the conflict that happens early. Allen Maldonado is a good comedic addition.

But it takes a while to really get into the story. And when we finally know what it's really about, I could not stop thinking about how stupid it is. It makes NO sense. There is no possible scenario or logic where any of it would be feasible.

My interest continued to dwindle as we learn more. And by the end, I was just waiting for it to finish. It's a shame, this had potential to be something cool. If you want something else crazy but actually good, try another 2022 movie called Fresh. (1 viewing, 4/8/2023)




So let me get this straight. Let me see if I understand this "plan." The governor issues an executive order to arrest all illegal immigrants and their US born children. All of these arrested people will be forced to work at a nursing home until they are turned into elderly. They are then turned into meat to use at a fast food chain to save them money.

Are you out of your minds?

Just to be clear, my problem is not with how messed up it is to do this to people. I love how sinister it is. My issue is that it's the stupidest plan in the history of plans. There are too many things wrong with it to list out.

My favorite part is that the extreme aging was an unforeseen side effect of the hormones. And I don't know a lot about meat, but I don't think you would want near-death elderly meat.

The Lily twist didn't surprise me at all. I didn't see the Micah twist coming, but I didn't care at that point. Also, there is an interview she does early in the movie that makes no sense in retrospect.
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It's not funny... it's not scary... it's nothing.
epmusic2729 July 2022
Incredibly boring movie... terrible acting, terrible writing... I volunteered to go help my daughter with something just so I could get away from it for 5 minutes. Whoever was in charge of the sound mix should never work another day in their life... the score at times is so loud is drowns out 99% of the dialogue. Not that that matters cuz everything said in this movie is garbage... watching it on mute is probably the best way to view this film.... If you really want to view it correctly mute the film and then gouge your eyes out... and you're set.
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NullUnit29 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This was just dumb.

The base premise is inconceivable and moronic.

In addition, it's political without reason.

There are so many plot holes it's ludicrous. So many places one thinks .. "well why the heck don't they... "

Nothing really starts moving until the end of the film.. the first hour+ is just drab drama with a clear ulterior political message (I don't know why the filmmakers felt the need to try and make the country MORE divided than it already is.) And once the underlying plot does start moving forward, you realize just how moronic the premise is.

Don't bother.

Charlton Heston did it better in 1973 - I'm specifically not naming the film to avoid any spoilers. Be warned : if you look it up it may be an "instant" spoiler.
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A different take on horror/comedy.
deloudelouvain22 August 2022
I think American Carnage deserves a higher rating than it actually gets on here. The story was entertaining to watch. It surprised me positively. Sure, republican Trump lovers won't love it, but do we really care? Personally I wouldn't have played the comedy card with this one. I think just horror and mystery would have made it much better. As for the acting there are for sure actors that could do better but overall it was watchable. The horror scenes were kinda creepy, it could have used more of those. The cinematography wasn't bad, and would probably have been better with a higher budget. American Carnage will please fans of surprising horror stories.
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tragic-9461917 July 2022
This movie actually has somewhat of a budget, actual actors and decent direction. All of this is completely undone by the stupidest premise I've seen in decades.

I'm tempted to reveal the incredibly juvenile and craptastic point of this drivel but I won't. Please don't waste your precious time on this.
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A decent Get Out rip-off
dima-1221 July 2022
When Jordan Peele had a global success with Get Out I expected us to get even more politically charged, darkly satirical horror flicks than we eventually got.

However, American Carnage which borrows a quote from a Donald Trump speech manages to be a decent albeit trashy Get Out clone about a huge anti-immigration crackdown and immigrant kids getting a shot at life they had in the US before through a community service programme which is actually something more sinister.

Jorge and Jenna lead an attractive cast of appealing youngsters in a handsomely shot programmer that aims for the political crossover but lands safely as a fine homevid title that will show legs over time.
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I agree its trash probably the worst movie with Jenna Ortega in it
UniqueParticle6 March 2023
A rare occasion where I hate a movie it is quite messy plenty of racists and poor dialogue that really makes the movie uncomfortable. American Carnage is deserving of the 4.9 rating not much good in it even the horror is like Unborn 2008. I was hoping to enjoy more the poster is great and I love Jenna Ortega so much! Eric Dane is solid he's a lot better in Euphoria. I don't understand why comedy is part of the several genres there's not really much except the character Big Mac is a delight. There's a bit of charm the pool scene is sweet Micah is so sexy, not much carnage should've been titled something else!
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kryptonarie-0179422 July 2022
American Carnage was a good watch, especially if you like movies using political satire, like Hunt, etc. For those among us who believe equality should be everyone's right, and don't agree with the backwards direction the christofascist minority is trying to take the U. S. today, this film is a bitter pill in that respect. As a whole the film was well acted, the practical effects were excellent, and the story, it wasn't unique, but worked well. I enjoyed American Carnage.
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It's not bad at all.
Stallonejackson3 January 2023
The concept of the movie is a wild one. I definitely didn't expect the big reveal. It's a new angle on a twist in a horror movie thats built around immigrants. Lol, you can also tell they aimed a few parts at Trump lol.

I feel like this movie was not meant to win any awards, it was a playful low budgeted film thats supposed to entertain you. Which it did. The Chemistry between the cast was spot on too. Jenna is always fantastic and My boy, Jorge is dope too.

I gave it a 7. I think I rated it correctly. It wasn't too out there, it wasn't a gore fest. It was good story telling and fun at the same time.
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Writers deserve to be replaced
RealTalk246 August 2023
This movie was absolute garbage. Based off of a progressive socialists wet dream of victimhood.

The entire premise in a nutshell: ICE went and abducted anyone with a Hispanic heritage with no backstory, all white people are evil racists, and minorities are a victim group.

The people who wrote this movie are a prime example of the writers that should lose their jobs and be replaced, even if it's by AI.

Do yourself a favor, don't waste your time with this movie, you want to get a gist of what it's all about? Go listen to AOC speak for 2 minutes and it's basically the same thing.

Garbage plot, garbage acting, garbage writing.
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Not the best, not the worst
WhyDidIDoThat1 October 2023
It doesn't revolutionize the genre of horror but it's still an interesting watch. It lacks a few more scenes for the plot to be a bit more fluid, though.

As it has already been said, the sound mixing is far from the best. More than once, the characters speaking is incomprehensible because of the ambiance sounds or sometimes, even without.

Big Mac is hilarious and he's the best part of the movie.

But ultimately, it could go without the 'all the white are evil incarnate and racist'. That would be passable if it brought something to the plot but no, you can take out any anti-white scene or conflicts and the movie would still be coherent.
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Insulting for loved ones with Alzheimer's
landihannon7 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I get it is portraying our former president but if you don't finish the cornball movie you don't realize it gets even more ridiculous. I immediately knew what was going on from jump. Nothing was an oh my God moment. TOO PREDICTABLE FOR ME. It's a bunch of little jumpy moment that don't even make sense. When the guy in his sister get on opposite buses I knew they would be struggling in different torturous was. It is an other teen film fail. I swear horror movies just are not what they used to be. I would love to see something that is actually fresh and has a new plot point. I want something to actually scare me for a change.
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Dumb and poorly executed
drummerlaci22 October 2023
I get it that it's a social critique, a satirical movie but it still s*ck. It reminds me to Britannia Hospital, however there is a big difference between the two movie. The Britannia is a perfectly written/directed/executed masterpiece while this one is a pile of garbage.

The concept itself is quite good but the way it's presented is painfully simple. Even my cat would understand the message without any hesitation. So it's like it was written by a 13 years old kid. Not to mention the visuals, it's like it is from the 90's. The acting is terrible too. Basically everything is wrong with this movie.

Honestly I would not recommend it to anyone.
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American Geriatrics
cahidi26 July 2022
It's a movie violently made in Trump's image. What if Trump were way more evil and disgusting? The answer is simple : a very interesting story will be born. Although the ending is rather predictable, I can still enjoy this movie a lot. Give it a go, you won't regret watching this one.
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The enemy without ... within
kosmasp19 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
No pun intended - and I will go into detail later on. Keeping it about the theme first. What you are shown is how divided America is - but also how much immigrants have given to America. Of course not just since Trump but even more so since he was President, there has been a shift. Nationalism and racism are on the rise. People who make others angry are able to gather votes and rally people behind them.

So while the premise may seem far fetched - in reality (no pun intended) it seems like something that could be done. Just the other day DeSantis did a stunt where he got immigrants into a bus and send them off with false promises. It is quite eerie - still the movie is over the top and has elements that will not happen in the near future ... at least I hope not.

And now onto details and a summary line I really wanted to use, but would have been a massive spoiler ... although I reckon some already know that. It is a spoiler for another movie too. The other movie being called Soylent Green and it is a classic. If you haven't seen that, watch it first, then watch this one. Anyway, so I would have gone with "(Soylent) Green new deal". Which of course is not the best kind of deal for the humans that are not being treated nicely here. To say the least. We have some flaws and things would not really work out like that - outrage and all that, but this is a movie and it is showing a heightened reality ... which is sadly based on something real ... flaws like the side effect of making people old ... well just suspend your disbelief ... it could have been worse. Just go with the flow and "enjoy" the social commentary packed into the horror ... it's not a classic, but it is a decent effort.
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What was that?!
GKont_21 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Okay, no bad vibes here but let's get this straight. We got a movie that takes on racism, immigration and basically America with an interesting take. Almost like "Get Out"? Okay for starters, the plot was good, the whole "Evil governor making immigrants into burgers and stuff" was a good plotline I gotta say, kinda fun but the comedy parts here were unnessecary. Like, you could have a really solid movie here horror-wise and plot-wise and the cast to support it. For me the comedy bits killed the whole vibe. The photoraphy of the movie was exceptional though. In general a fun watch but I would only watch it by chance, like it happened. 5/10.
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I like this movie but I get why it gets a low rating
celistar9925 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I actually really liked this movie. I can see why it gets a low rating though because some Republicans won't like that it pokes fun at Trump. Until the part where what they were using the immigrants for was revealed, I think a lot of people would have been ok with the concept.

To be honest the only thing that would have made this movie better is if the news credits at the end had people trying to defend what happened and complaining that their tax dollars shouldn't be spent for research on how to reverse the situation. In today's world where everything is politically motivated there would have been people trying to defend what happened.
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Definitely a unique storyline...
paul_haakonsen24 March 2024
When I stumbled upon this 2022 movie titled "American Carnage" here in 2024, I had never heard about it. But I was immediately drawn to the movie's synopsis, and the fact that it was a horror comedy definitely helped to win me over. And of course, with it being a movie that I hadn't already seen, of course I would sit down and watch what director Diego Hallivis had to offer.

The storyline in "American Carnage" was definitely interesting. It was a rather unique and entertaining storyline, one that proved to be rather off-beat, and that made it all the more enjoyable. So in my opinion, then writers Diego Hallivis and Julio Hallivis put together a one of a kind thing here.

"American Carnage" has a good cast ensemble, with some familiar faces on the roster. The movie has such talents as Jenna Ortega, Brett Cullen and Jorge Diaz that I was familiar with. It should be noted, however, that the cast put together good performances and brought the characters and storyline to life on the screen in a nice way. So that definitely counted in favor of the overall impression of the movie.

While "American Carnage" is indeed a watchable and entertaining movie, I must say that this is hardly a movie that warrants more than just a single viewing. Why? Well, because there just isn't enough layers to the storyline to support more than just the one viewing. The storyline, while nice and interesting, just doesn't have the contents for more than one viewing. But don't get discouraged, because "American Carnage" is without a doubt a movie that is well-worth sitting down and watching.

My rating of "American Carnage" lands on a six out of ten stars.
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It could have been better.
willster-8314622 February 2024
Just watched American Carnage, no not that one, the Diego Hallivis one. I don't know if I wasn't in the right mindset or if the movie just felt rushed to make a point that got lost somewhere in the process. I didn't expect the twist, but everything else was kind of by the numbers. Not scary for a scary movie, the dark humor was too far and few between, and as much as I felt the story was targeted to my demographic, it fell a little flat, and it might have been a budget issue. Especially the ending with sudden cuts and how it just rushes to the credits. Characters are seemingly forgot throughout, things just happen and are under rug swept, and the lighting and cinematography was okay, but nothing grounding this movie in any genre. I'm happy I watched it. I love the main cast, but felt like there could have been more. I think that summarizes my thoughts on this. It had potential but got in it's own way.
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A lot of pieces that don't fit
imdb-392-49246716 March 2024
It's hard to make sense of this movie.

It's starts as at a fast food restaurant and this apparently plays a larger part in the movie but it doesn't make any attempts to tie this into the later pieces.

The scene with the stoner friend should have been left on the cutting room floor. It serves literally no purpose.

There is banter between him and his sister and the the sister brother relationship does not play into the rest of the movie. There are a few key scenes here but the college, the vegan friend, it goes now where. Cutting room floor.

Then we get into the ridiculous aspect. Every illegal immigrant is arrest as well as their children for being accessories? What? Minors too?

It's not really addressed.

We spend too much time watching our lead in a detention cell. Nothing happens here, none of it matters, keep or moving. Cutting room floor.

Then to get out there is a program the children ca. Go into? This makes no sense, pothead idea? It really doesn't work, but don't worry, they quickly move past it.

Now we're in the meat of the movie, something interesting is definitely going to go here. Not really. I want to say it goes off the rails but it was never on rails to begin with.

The pacing never comes together. It's just a mishmash of common played out scenarios until the merciful end.
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I don't know why this movie has low rating
selenaignjatovic27 December 2022
Sure, it's not the greatest movie in the world, but it's pretty entertaining. There are several twists that are actually good and made me surprised (I rarely get surprised anymore when it comes to the movies).

This movie is a little slow, and shows some action only at the end, but I personally didn't mind that. It explains everything and it's keeping your interest from start to finish (at least it did to me, and I'm very picky about movies I watch - if it doesn't get my attention in first 20 minutes, I stop watching).

I wouldn't say it's a "must watch" movie, but hey, if you wanna kill some spare time - you can watch this one. You're not gonna waste that spare time.

8/10 from me. Peace out.
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Wild and gory, with some subtext of politics
balthesaur21 July 2022
'American Carnage' is a surreal satirical dystopian horror-comedy, starring Jorge Lendeborg Jr. As JP, a young Latino-American trying to live the life of the average teen. When Governor Harper Finn (Brett Cullen) signs an executive order to round up all of the undocumented immigrants and their children, JP, and his little sister Lily (Yumarie Morales) are placed in an ICE detention facility - forced to choose between deportation or working in an assisted living facility for the elderly.

This film fits in the niche category of highly entertaining social commentary pieces, like 'Idiocracy' (2006) or 'The Hunt' (2020); in that the direction the film goes is both insane and insightful. The acting, script, direction, and flow all are great, comedy is hilarious, and the message of how callous and unnerved politicians are to immigrants seems on the mark.

Definitely worth a watch!
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Wow Big Mac my man
gregorybates-710713 January 2023
This was one of the best films I've seen. I only checked this film out just because of Jenna but man, I thought she was going to be my favorite character because she's one of my favorite actresses as well. However, Big Mac knocked it out the park and had me laughing the whole time. Homeboy came through real big for everyone and became my favorite character. I look past the politics here and just honor the fact that the actors and actresses did a fantastic job. Some things happened that I didn't expect to happen and it kept me on the edge of my seat. Great film, great actors and it looks like that it was shot on a great budget.
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