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MPAA Rated PG-13 for intense sequences of fantasy action/violence and peril

Sex & Nudity

  • An invisible Peculiar occasionally takes off all his clothes. Despite the invisibility other Peculiars are disturbed by this,
  • A boy says another boy's rapper name used to be "MC Dirty Biznis" but it was changed because the name "made it sound like he cacked his trousers."
  • After seeing a peregrine falcon, Jake jokes that it might be Miss Peregrine and says "please don't crap on us."
  • Multiple references to Emma avoiding romance after her heart was broken. Also, Enoch is possessive of her.
  • A teenage girl and teenage boy take off their clothes to dive into the water. She is wearing 1940s-style girl's underwear: full bloomers that reveal nothing other than calves and lower arms. The boy, in modern day clothes, strips down to his boxers.

Violence & Gore

  • Evil creatures are implied to be cannibals, due to eating other people's eyeballs.
  • Miss Peregrine says she has had to kill the police twice this month. It isn't shown, and it's implied that the killing is undone when the loop restarts.
  • There are various scenes of violence in the film where some monsters are killed with some brief blood spurting visible.
  • Evil creatures are shown eating many eyeballs, some of which they took from children after they killed them.


  • One instance of profanity: "Goddamn"
  • The words damn, hell, crap, and bollocks are used in the movie.

Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking

  • Miss Peregrine smokes her pipe several times throughout the film.
  • Not surprisingly, people are drinking alcohol in the pub. Jake's father, because he couldn't take photos of the birds, drinks several glasses of ale, and goes to their room to sleep it off.

Frightening & Intense Scenes

  • On of the Peculiars eats through a fanged mouth on the back of her head. She is hesitant to eat in front of Jake, clearly ashamed of her unusual body.
  • Enoch animates the body of a boy whose eyes were eaten by the hollowgast in order to scare Jake away. The body's mouth moves like that of a puppet and says "Hello Jake. Do you want to know what killed me?" Miss Peregrine then hugs the dead boy.
  • Various depictions of horror in the film can be seen more realistic.
  • The monsters take out the eyes of their victims.
  • Other frightening scenes include one that features black-and-white photographs of people with hollowed-out eye sockets, as well as some scenes where scary-looking puppets made up of animal parts come alive to battle each other, with the winner brandishing the loser's heart (although they aren't actually alive and Enoch just does it for amusement. Also, the sequence is clearly stop motion).
  • There are also some intense sequences in the film, such as when a gigantic monster goes after the children in the home, and another when skeletons are brought to life to help battle the monsters.


The Parents Guide items below may give away important plot points.

Sex & Nudity

  • A Peculiar who can project dreams shows a vision of of Jake and Emma about to kiss, but Miss Peregrine cuts him off, much to the children's disappointment.
  • Jake and Emma share a brief but passionate kiss. No nudity.

Violence & Gore

  • In one scene Miss Peregrine has to restart the time loop right before German bombs land.

Frightening & Intense Scenes

  • It is revealed that the monsters were once Peculiars, but they were transformed after attempting to use other Peculiars who can manipulate time in order to become immortal. It is also revealed they can regain humanoid form by eating the eyes of Peculiars, especially children. There are flashbacks.
  • The film features gigantic monsters, which are transformed from humans due to a botched experiment. These humanoid monsters seek out the 'peculiar children' to consume their eyeballs as a way to reverse their transformation.
  • One of the stronger scenes depicts a huge monster attacking a man from behind. It then plunges its tentacles into the man's eye sockets, plucking out his eyeballs, before devouring them.

See also

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