6 Reviews
I Like This Show, But...
warmax17 September 2019
I like this show, but I don't like the yelling. Especially when it comes to Buddy. He can be endearing, but when he yells at the contestants it's too much. These contestants don't owe him anything. They are there to better themselves, not him. It's their contest to win or lose. They don't him running them down. I'm sure they feel bad enough about losing.

I don't like it when the contestants yell either. But they sure like to keep the ones that yell around for a while. I guess they think it's good TV, but UGH!!!
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Changing My Review
warmax11 October 2019
After all watching all four seasons, I have to say I'm really disappointed with Buddy. He pits the contestants against each other and tries to make himself the star of every show. I will say the fourth season redeemed itself from much of the cutthroat competition, but it was still there.

I guess some people like that kind of competition, and Buddy's big ego, but for me I want to see great cakes. That's why I sat through all four seasons.
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disagree with decision
dfw3-582-90993814 January 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I cannot believe you sent Letty home after the Italian food cake! She(and the others) complained the whole time about the height of the cake, but Chad kept telling them not to worry about it. They purposefully sent Letty to the wood room to make the base to "get her out of their hair". AND they purposefully did not give her a significant amount of work to do. I can't believe Carlos doesn't watch the film of when these bakers are working. He would have seen that Chad was the problem all along. Chad should have been sent home! He is arrogant and full of himself. He would not be a good add on to the Cake Boss because he thinks he knows more than anyone else. Letty got cheated!
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This year sucked
Rumble_McSkirmish13 February 2013
Warning: Spoilers
It really did compared to the two years prior. The cakes sucked. The people sucked. The attitudes sucked. The backstabbing sucked. The only benefit to the latter being the one doing the shady backstabbing was denied at the last minute her chance at fame. So much for winning it for your shop and family, I'm sure they'll be pleased to see what an underhanded bish you are. As for Letty in the review before. She wasn't booted for the cake being a failure, she was booted because she wasn't fast enough/self motivated enough to do anything beyond the least she could. This seems to have been an ongoing issue through the challenges and is what Buddy told her flat out when he sent her off; "The next great baker doesn't do the least". As much as I'd love to see her psycho butt take on Buddy's psycho sisters, it's not to be for a reason beyond "THE CAKE WASN'T TALL ENOUGH!!!111OMGONE" Being the winner of this season was like being the winner of the Special Olympics. I only hope upon watching this Buddy thinks out some decent criteria and rules for next year, though with shows like "here comes honey boo boo" and the like, I'm sure the more backstabbingly bitch-festiest, retard-iest the better it'll be seen as by the channel execs.
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Buddy's family show!!
penndesi1 February 2012
All the bakers (at least that's what they think they are) compete to please only buddy and his family, including his kids!! First, This competition does not have any QUALIFIED JUDGES! And there is so much shouting, cursing and fighting. The participants are everything but talented. After given 8 hours for baking, they prepare such a mess. Their cakes have just few crafted pieces from the challenge description assembled together. There was not a single cake in the show which can make you say WOW. They should learn from "CHOPPED" about how a cooking competition should be. Would not waste time watching buddy's shows again. NEVER!
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Food Waste
shareiyafigueroa10 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I absolutely love cooking shows especially competitions so I watched this show hoping for something new and interesting. The first thing I notes was Buddy was the ONLY judge. I found this strange. The second and biggest problem I had was the FOOD WASTE. Why must you throw away like ten cakes in one event? Finally, I noticed one of the directors are in the show. After that I turned it off and probably will not continue to watch it.
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