Common Law (TV Series 2012) Poster


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21 Reviews
Great Show
Akeemborrell12 May 2012
I barely watch new shows when they come on t.v, because I usually wait for them to come on Netflix, because I hate commercials but I digress, but this show really caught my attention from the previews. It starts out a bit slow as every new series does, but by 15 minutes in, it draws you....many shows don't catch your attention that quick. This show is the perfect mix of drama, comedy, suspense, & action. The actors are perfect in their role, not over the top or trying to hard, the actors fit perfectly into to the characters they portray. The two main characters Michale Ealy and Warren Kole are a great match, and not to mention hot!!. This show is definitely here to stay! I predict 5-8 seasons, if you happen to be home on Friday night, and you're looking for a good show to enjoy, Common Law if definitely that show.
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Easily A Great Turnaround For USA Network
ADtheThird23 May 2012
I LOVE USA Network. I mean lets face it, Psych, Burn Notice, Suits, White Collar, etc. But they've also had a few horrible shows. Covert Affairs anyone? HORRIBLE! I forced myself to watch that and still couldn't pay attention to its horrible plot. Either way, I'm getting off topic.

Common Law is an AMAZING show. Not too many shows/movies can make me bust out laughing while I'm watching them by my lonesome. This, however, does an amazing job at that.

Of course the overall plot has been done before; what hasn't, it's TV. You're bound to run out of ideas sooner or later. The white guy with a black sidekick or vice versa has been already, but regardless of that, this does a great job at entertaining. I can't wait to see more.

Overall, Common Law is a great show, great characters, as far as I can tell from the first 2 episodes, great relationships between the two main characters and the Couples Counseling thing is just hilarious.

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Brilliant show
pmshah194615 July 2014
I must say I was thoroughly disappointed that it was canceled after a single season. What I actually found very strange was the fact that even after all the episodes had aired, here on IMDb it still said - voting starts after broadcast ! Probably that is what killed it. I see all kinds of really stupid police shows, Rogue to name just 1, going into second season. But then I may not be considered a normal person by majority of native US viewers, being 1st generation Indian immigrant !May be if the makers had added some sleaze or foul language or maybe even a werewolf character it would have done better ! But then that is MHO.I really hope and pray they revive it. Apart from the 2 detectives the psychiatrist plays her character brilliantly. Of course I have seen her in British serials so my judgment may a bit clouded !
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Great Show
fact198914 May 2012
I thought it was refreshing. The pilot started a little slow but gain entertainment value. Give it a chance. It's characters relationship are much like real life couples whether their friends or intimate males and females. They're crazy and remember it's just a show not a serious dramatic TV show like Law & Order. It's meant to be what it is; funny, goofy at times, but overall entertaining. The fact that some reviews dislike the unrealistic scenario when the dog sniffs the heroin in the fish tank are taking the show too serious or too scientific. While other shows are based on the trendy CSI scientific approach to solve homicide cases are still intriguing and worthy of quality show production, it's refreshing to have a balance. A funny detective show like Common Law is just what I enjoyed about the overall options of shows viewers can choose.
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First show I'm truly sad about the cancellation
Bobbins100022 March 2013
I...I just don't know what to say. I thought the show was absolutely awesome. I have a feeling it has to be the shoddy marketing which killed it's numbers. Two million an episode, seriously? This show deserved four, five times that amount. I wonder whether it's the case that people didn't understand the counselling wasn't due to them being "intimate" it was just counselling for their police relationship.

I loved the characters, the story, the acting, the everything about it.

There is a special place in hell reserved for whoever cancelled this.

I am a sad sad man, RIP Common law. I wish all the great actors/actresses in it the best of luck. I will always hoping for a resurrection....fingers crossed.
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Highly Entertaining!
KungFuJosh7 July 2012
There's not a lot of great television these days. It feels like everything is "reality" TV, getting worse and worse, and farther from reality.

It's nice to finally see a show being creative AND entertaining. Another reviewer mentioned that the concept of couples therapy isn't realistic in this environment and it would never happen in real life. Welcome to television! Nothing on it is real, that's why it's entertaining. It's called the "suspension of disbelief." I learned that from Howard Stern. Anyway. The only thing that SHOULD be real on TV is the News, and hopefully, one day it will be real again.

The couples therapy is a funny take on the action/dramedy dynamic seen in Analyze This!, The Sopranos, etc... The "couples" aspect of it is a nice twist, and the characters/actors play off of each other very well. The show started off well and has gotten even better as the episodes develop. I'm looking forward to seeing more episodes as this show continues.
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Great Show
amo96711 August 2012
I really enjoy this show. I was reluctant at first because it seems like almost every time I like a show it ends up canceled. But the previews for this captured my attention. I really enjoy the combination of comedy, drama, and action. One thing I need to stress is that my husband is a little picky when it comes to TV and movies and he really likes this one too. It's one of the few shows we can watch together. For those who complain that it isn't realistic, watch the news if you want realism. This is fictional TV, meant to entertain, if you're being picky about things in it that aren't realistic, you're taking it too seriously. It's meant to be fun and it is. The two leads are perfectly suited to their roles and have a great on screen chemistry.

I really hope there's a season 2!!!
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I like it
CranberriAppl2 June 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Don't plan to include spoilers, but I always check the box just in case.

For anyone who's familiar with USA shows, let me first say that these guys are NOT like Shawn and Gus. I've seen that comparison, and the dynamics are way different. Yes, it's a buddy detective show, but that's it.

Anyway, we're three episodes in, and while the cases aren't all that spectacular, they haven't been super-predictable either. The cases aren't really the point. The relationship btwn Wes and Travis is. Also, the extended dynamics btwn Wes and his ex-wife Alex, and Travis and his many exes. Ealy and Kole work really well together, and I thoroughly enjoy the therapy scenes (and all the familiar faces in them!)

I look forward to this show on Fridays.
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Happy that I watched it
kerstiannok28 March 2019
I was really sceptical of watching this show at first, but at the end of it, I'm happy that I watched it. At first I thought it would be boring but they surprised me in every episode, specially at the end. It's actually even a bit sad that they didn't get a second season.
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probably the best single season show ever
schandrinck29 June 2015
I Would just like to start out with telling the world,it's an disgrace that this show got canceled, loved everything about it. Watched it for the second time now and its so enjoyable. The humor, the action, everything. It contains a lot of life lessons, good moments, sad moments, and it showcases a very interesting relationship between two competitive friends. Good actors, fitting roles, a nice moving plot and beautiful scenery. Someone need to take the L for bad marketing on this, I cant imagine anyone starting to watch this show without being hooked, its that great, seriously. I hope God makes someone pick this up again. I will wish for another season until forever. I will not feel true happiness until this is fulfilled. Thank you.
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The Odd Couple, Lite
Sfver13 May 2012
Let's start with the positive; it has potential.

Normally I take my shows in the watch it from start to finish with no breaks (very engrossing). Start and stop, then start again (not great, but not too bad, so I do come back to it). Then there's the start, stop, and probably won't bother watching anymore episodes (and possibly don't even finish the first episode!).

This falls in the middle. I did stop watching at the 13min mark, (slightly wooden dialogue and peripheral characters), but once past that it does pick up again, on an above average pace.

With reference to the 'odd couple' (and the shows' précis) it manages to tread a fine line (will have to watch more episodes to be certain), between maintaining the banter between the two leads, but without dwelling on it too much to make the show work, and thereby irritating you and turning it into a one-track horse run (you know those shows; they find one particular angle that they can lever and keep re-using it, show after show after show, and nauseatingly ad-nauseum!).

So, given the fact that it's an USA network show, we'll possibly be seeing quite a bit more of the new millennium's odd couple!
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Very entertaining and smart show
natemsutton-501-98904019 October 2012
Warning: Spoilers
This show really impressed me. I found the script writing to be compelling and intelligent. The premise of the show is clever, some people may see it as a bromance but it actually integrates smart psychological analyses of the relationship between cops and interesting analyses of their personalities. All parts are acted well, I can tell the actors and actresses really got into their parts. They are convincing as the characters. Something I especially like about the show is its good blend of action and comedy (bro code jokes really funny). It is consistently a fun show to just watch for amusement while also integrating excitement in the criminal pursuits. This show is somewhat bold to address couples counseling for strait men. Its interesting psychological views on that amongst the many other valuable components of the show deserve big support from fans because some people many not be willing to try to give its unique premise as much of a chance as it deserves. I am really hoping for a second season and beyond for this show and its fans out there should write our praise of it to help that happen. The entertainment in this show brightens up my days sometimes and I appreciate its creation.
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too much stress
dljr6011 May 2012
I hoped this would be another hit for USA Network. I really enjoy Fairly Legal, Burn Notice, Monk, and Suits. They are a lot of fun. They find the good out of bad situations. This episode of Common Law has too much stress for me. The characters love/despise each other and argued most of the show. EVeryone they interacted with was angry or uptight. The judge is uptight. The characters are uptight. Everyone is uptight. Divorce, murder, bad relationships ruled this episode. Somewhere we need some redeeming value from the characters in order to like them. I believe the show can make it. But move on with the conflict and therapy and give us good, fun story. Come on USA Network. Show us some fun. We need a break from the uptight world.
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Common Law
lisa-richey22 August 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I think this show is brilliant! It shows the bickering and banter as a perfect Duo. You can understand as the episodes air that there is a reason why Wes and Travis are in therapy. There are so many funny moments and is really enjoyable to watch. I don't tend to watch crime programmes but this drew my attention 10 minutes after watching it. 10 out of 10! The characters are well developed and enjoyable both are completely different but similar in life goals, you may be able to relate to other characters on other shows like 'Psyche' but Common Law shows a different spin on a great criminal programme. Basically if you like crime and humour then this is the show to watch!
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Great show.
Vincentwflorio17 June 2012
OK I was very reluctant to watch this show as a bunch of other shows I started got canceled. Anyhow, I waited and recorded 4 episodes on dvr. Then today,said what the heck... After 15 minutes in I was laughing so hard. My wife was laughing too. Each episode got better and better. The couples therapy for cops is very funny.

Give this show a try, don't go in thinking Psyche or csi or serious cop show. Take it for what it is, a comedy inside of a drama. Some of the things they do may make you question the show, but's just TV and Fake.

For example, one of the characters was a lawyer, and quit to become a cop.. Big deal, maybe he burnt out on being a lawyer and wanted to do something else,
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An interesting new take on the classic cop show.
yeakarc11 September 2012
Though only the first few episodes are out, I find Common Law extremely enjoyable. It's basically your standard cop show, as shiny and quick-paced and quick-witted as most shows these days, but with an extra twist that adds a lot of character. The relationship between the two main characters is petty at times, but extremely entertaining more often than not and dynamic enough in its own way. The comedy elements are sharp and there a lot of well-thought-out details.

Basically, if you don't want to watch two grown men squabble for an hour, this show might not be for you. But if two attractive detectives with a complicated and, at times, a pseudo-homosexual relationship sounds like something you're into, you should definitely give Common Law a watch.
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i loved this show
ericanicole9431 May 2012
I loved this show by far my favorite show and there's only been two episodes I can't wait for the next episode I hope this show stays on for a long time best show on TV they are not uptight they act like people who are around each other a lot act like brothers or sisters and they wouldn't split them up because they are the two best detectives together anyone who doesn't get that didn't watch the second episode I really loved this show its not like psych that's about a fake psychic its like the mentalist common law is a buddy cop show they act like my sister and I act the yelling and fighting they are just like brothers and of course there's murder its a detective show duh
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Cops In Therapy
bkoganbing12 May 2012
One never knows what will pique the interest of the American television audience, but for me Common Law is not that commonly good. The notion of two police partners working together through some real issues with each other by having them go to couples counseling is bad on its face. In any other police department would have been transferred and that would have been the end. I suppose that Captain Jack McGee is thinking that he's doing some progressive and radical thinking on their issues. I think his superiors would question McGee's thinking.

Michael Ealy's character of the cop from the wrong side of the tracks, a foundling raised in a group home is a good one. It should allow for all kinds of strange relations to pop up like one did in the pilot and help him in his job. But Warren Kole who gave up being a lawyer for being a cop, PUH-LEASE. It usually works the other way around like Jeremy Sisto's Cyrus Lupo on Law And Order. In fact I could cite some other examples in real life.

I'm not thinking this one will find favor.
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Holy Crap is this show boring.
disgaea3612 May 2012
Wow what a waste of an hour. If you have absolutely nothing better to do and I mean nothing! Then your more than welcome to watch. Not only is the acting bad the main characters are boring and bland. The show doesn't stick out enough to separate it from every other cliché cop/detective show. So it's far from unique or original which doesn't help at all. So unless you want to waste some time then I suggest you stay away. There are far better shows out there and so many too choose from. Which is a shame because in plain sight just ended and it was a far better show. I knew the show was going to be bad but I tried to give it a chance. It would be a miracle if it gets renewed.
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Dull and Simple Plot
Scott0202616 May 2012
What a very dull, long drawn out first episode. with some good editing this episode could have been shortened and maybe the pace would have picked up. The plot was simple and you could tell who did it from the very beginning. I found the characters too similar to other duos on better shows. This is "Psych" with a different title. The bickering between the 2 characters got annoying right from the start and didn't let up. Not one of USA's better shows and hopefully it will disappear to make room for something much better. I didn't understand the premise of why these 2 characters were sent to couples counseling. If they are such good detectives why not break them up and partner them with someone else.
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What Was USA Thinking? This Was Awful
dianerpessler-4616420 July 2015
Avoiding this show was difficult during its only season but fortunately it was canceled before this mess could go on for years. With two irritating and very unfunny lead actors portraying unlikable characters, this terrible "comedy" had nothing going for it. Infantile humor was sprinkled through poorly written episodes every week and it was downright painful to watch. After two of these miserable experiences, it was essential to stop watching and it was lucky many others had the same reaction of utter revulsion. Otherwise, there would be a needless, unpleasant, vapid, insipid, and awful show polluting the USA network. The track record of that network has been superb, especially Law and Order: Criminal Intent and Psych. This particular garbage was an aberration and isn't likely to be repeated.
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