Wilfred (TV Series 2011–2014) Poster


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73 Reviews
hiphoptourist2 July 2011
This show explores a whole new realm of comedy television. Erie, intelligent, dry, profound, thought-provoking, outrageous, subtle - all intertwined into one overall theme: PERCEPTION IS KEY; open your mind, face your fear, and take risks.

There are multiple levels of perception that come into play. The dynamics between Wilfred and Ryan are simplistic in the eyes of all but Ryan (just a man and a dog), yet complex and unfamiliar (Ryan's very personal and strange experience with hearing/seeing Wilfred's complex thoughts, moods, erratic actions, etc). Such dynamics are carefully orchestrated to depict how one's perception and outlook can truly change or save you. I have not yet seen the (original) Australian version of this show, but I must say - truly ingenious and inventive.
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The dark lingers within our midst.
kcm1834 July 2011
Just when you thought this show is dumb-driven and gross-out funny, you are in for a treat. Because it is completely the opposite of what you might expect from a comedy series. It's ballsy, cynical, and devious bravado fuels the dark progression of the show.

Wilfred is a quintessential man-dog that boasts with evil and deceit in the most subtle way. I would say if human males can be just as free and honest as they can possibly be, their behavior would not be too far from Wilfred's. But in a law-bounded society, logic overpowers human instincts. His character largely reflects the human male simply because he is a dog. Considering that dogs are animals, Wilfred epitomizes the carnal nature of people. That is the basic reason why the show is brilliantly funny. Taking out all the concealment and embellishments of a person is absolutely impossible. However, I see that in Wilfred. The series is a typical case of "what's wrong and right?" in society. "Is Wilfred the protagonist or the antagonist?" Consequently, one might perceive Wilfred's character in a negative aspect.

The show gets more and more entertaining as I watch Wilfred leading Ryan's troubled life into a different direction and greatly influence his decisions. Ryan's personal reality becomes more vivid that it overcomes his entire life, better yet his whole existence.
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I don't get why there's so many haters
mikesymons85-132-29596813 August 2011
I've been watching this show for a couple days now and I'm loving it. It's rated just under 5 stars here and I had to click to see why. Now I see it's just a bunch of old married couples who are expecting some Emmy award winning hilarity just cause the shows got Elijah wood. Get over it. It's a hilarious show with a completely unique storyline and at least one big name cameo a show! Yes it's just an adaptation developed for American television, but I think they do a great job of it! There are an endless amount of jokes to be had with an adult talking dog, as far as I know, we've yet to see a dog that smokes buds and drinks beers. It's a funny change-up from the more Disney look at animal's talking. Quit power trippin and rank it what it deserves.
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Wilfred Pilot Review
lady92464200311 June 2011
After given the chance to review the pilot of Wilfred, I know exactly why the people at FX Networks chose to add it to its lineup. It's absolutely hilarious! From someone who is paid to do this, James Hibberd from Entertainment Weekly has called Wilfred the funniest pilot he's seen since Modern Family and I have to agree.

FX being an innovative network has chosen for American audiences a brash Australian sitcom that stars the original actor, Jason Gann in the title role. Joining him is Elijah Wood as Ryan, a man so bent out of shape he feels there's no way out so he tries to commit suicide and he can't even do that right. Fiona Gubelmann plays Jenna, the new girl next door and Wilfred's owner. Dorian Brown who portrays Ryan's uptight sister, Kristen, completes the leading cast.

Wilfred is set in a quaint community in Los Angeles California. The audience follows along through Ryan's disillusioned eyes as he tries to get a grip on reality. Trotting into a pivotal point in his life is a dog. Everyone else sees a cute, lovable pooch but Ryan sees a man in a dog costume.

Both man and beast are leery but Wilfred settles in and Ryan has to get over his shock to accept the fact he has. Ryan walks, feeds and runs after Wilfred like any rambunctious pet. When others come into the scene, the audience and Ryan are jolted to the fact that Wilfred is not a man but a dog. It's in these instances that takes Ryan on a new level of hysteria and makes for humorous circumstances.

On my first viewing of the pilot, my own dog was laying beside me and I laughed so loudly and so often, I scared the poor girl. It made me wonder what she may have said to me in those moments.

Wilfred may not fit everyones tastes but for someone who isn't bothered in the least by profanity and yes, sometimes vulgar humor will enjoy Wilfred immensely. I believe this is because the crudeness is smoothed over by wit.

The acting is sharp and cunning and in Wilfred's case, his bite is worse than his bark. Other than talking, drinking and getting high, Wilfred behaves like any dog. Not to be cliché but Gann wears the dog suit perfectly. He's lovable and sweet though more times impetuous and you feel he needs the sting of a rolled up newspaper but he turns around and gives lessons and shares his wisdom that Ryan can take to heart.

For those who have some reservations about Wood's comedic talents, you can put them to rest. It's not that he's setting out to be humorous, but is simply reacting to odd and perplexing situations and those lead to some hysterical moments. I'd put this in the category of "funny man, straight man" comedy and it's Elijah's strong ability to give emotions to his characters without saying much at all that makes him perfect for this bewildered individual.

Gubelmann brings an air of lightheartedness to the show's gritty premise and sassy Brown's pretentious older sister will undoubtedly bring further mayhem with her intimidation. The timing during collective dialogs between the characters is amusing and a testament to the smart, creative and imaginative writing.

The cinematography is ingenious that when Ryan drifts inside of himself, things around him diminish but only enough where he's still within the realm of his surroundings. The whimsical music and sound editing co-exists perfectly with the camera work which emphasizes the psychosis running amok in Ryan's mind. Wilfred not only tickled my funny bone but my senses as well.

In the end, the question remains who's the man and who's the best friend? Perhaps at some point that will be known but until then, Wilfred should be entertaining and an adventure to find out
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Strangely unique
reneweddan2 July 2011
As a fan of Elijah Wood (Green Street Hooligans!), I was patiently awaiting the release of this series. The show found the perfect network, FX, which also brought the weird and raunchy comedy It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia.

Wilfred is a show to enjoy whilst relaxing, having a beer, or other recreational activities. Although the plot is simple, the acting and the execution are highly enjoyable. What this show lacks in cinematic diversity, it more than makes up for it in talent, humor, depth, and creativity.

Don't watch this show if you aren't open to new ideas and strange events. Wilfred is a dark humored show that appeals to those who can enjoy great quality when offered to them. Basically, you need to have an open mind and a passion for dark humor.
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Haven't laughed like this in years
fy_nesh13 August 2011
This show is simply brilliant, it tickles my funny bone in a way that no other show has done in years, very will written, brilliant performance by the cast, and very addictive, i love it, i don't usually write reviews but this one is worth it, if i could give it more than ten stars i definitely would.

The acting is sharp and cunning and in Wilfred's case, his bite is worse than his bark. Other than talking, drinking and getting high, Wilfred behaves like any dog. Not to be cliché but Gann wears the dog suit perfectly. He's lovable and sweet though more times impetuous and you feel he needs the sting of a rolled up newspaper but he turns around and gives lessons and shares his wisdom that Ryan can take to heart.

For those who have some reservations about Wood's comedic talents, you can put them to rest. It's not that he's setting out to be humorous, but is simply reacting to odd and perplexing situations and those lead to some hysterical moments. I'd put this in the category of "funny man, straight man" comedy and it's Elijah's strong ability to give emotions to his characters without saying much at all that makes him perfect for this bewildered individual.
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Funniest show in years!!!
raphaeljd24 June 2011
My girlfriend and I sat down last night to check out Wilfred with minimal expectations and were blown away. We must have rewound the show 10 times because we missed so much of it laughing our faces off.

If you are unsure if this show is for you ask yourself these questions first. If you answer yes to 1 or more of these your in for a treat. Do you own a dog? Do you sometimes feel like you know what your dog is thinking or would like to? Do you think Brian's character on Family Guy is hilarious and wouldn't mind him being portrayed as a man in a dog suit? Do you enjoy dry or dark humor about "the man" and your need to be free from responsibility?

The person playing Wilfred does an amazing job of capturing the thought process and emotions of an everyday dog without making it cheesy.

There's not much more to say except my DVR is set and I'll be tuning in every week to see what mischief this crazy dog will conjure up for Ryan.
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Darkly Funny
danasfolly4 August 2011
This is one of the best shows to come out for many years. Wilfred is an existentialist dog who is teaching his human foil, Ryan, to get on with living in the real world. This show is raunchy, honest and can really only be categorized as a "Dark Comedy". Somewhere along the way, while we're laughing, we see Ryan, who is coming back from a suicide attempt, learning to live with what is wrong and what is right about himself. The show is well written and doesn't waste time on irrelevant plot points. The actors are believable and bring a definite spark to their roles. The facial expression Ryan (Elijah Wood) gets when Wilfred does something diabolical are laugh-out-loud funny. My husband and I initially watched this show thinking it might be good. After near hysterical laughter through the entire first episode we were hooked. Wilfred is part evil genius and part guardian angel. We can't wait to see what other disasters he gets Ryan into and out of. Good job FX!!!
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The last season sucked
maxturk-699131 June 2020
The last season was horrible and that's why I give it a 6, seasons 1 through 3 were great. I thought it was funny and well written but god did that last season suck.
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Not for the timid.
frodorob16 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Wilfred is obscenely funny, but it's not a buddy comedy. It's not a lighthearted riff on the trials and joys of owning a pet. Despite the laughs, you'll alternate between wicked mirth and utter bewilderment - Is Ryan hallucinating Wilfred? Is Wilfred an alien? Is Ryan dead? Is this Purgatory? Is Wilfred Satan? Is Ryan on a years-long acid binge? Then in the fourth season an unsettling sense of foreboding creeps in, building until the story hangs a nasty whiplash U-turn and blisters you with a vicious face slap. Wilfred is a tragedy.

If it had ended there, the entire series would have been a failure. But the final episode redeemed the show's entire premise, leaving us, at last, with a bittersweet glimmer of hope for Ryan.

This series is exhausting, although it's a profound and, finally, hopeful experience. Highly recommended. Just not for the faint of heart.
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I'm a bit shocked by the high ratings so far...
innocuous21 September 2012
I certainly don't hate this show, and, believe me, I do "get it." But I find it difficult to understand why so many dog owners love it so very much and see Wilfred as being similar to their own pet(s). I've owned both dogs and cats for over 30 years and I have to say that I've never owned (or known) a dog with a personality like Wilfred's. I get along great with virtually all dogs and they seem consistently delighted to have someone around. Wilfred's a bit too moody and independent for me to believe he has the traits and personality of a dog.

Now, my CATS are a lot like Wilfred. Dismissive, smart-ass. demanding, and unpredictable.

Other than that, it's sort of amusing, but not laugh-out-loud funny. The ideas are a bit too cutesy and get old pretty quickly.

Worth watching, but be prepared to move on to something else after a few episodes.
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Not a bad remake.
psmanny8 July 2011
From what I've seen so far, this is rather a good remake. I was well pleased to see the original Wilfred Character played once again by Jason Gann. There is more censorship in the American Version of Wilfred, but that was to be expected. The original version of the show was made in 2007 by SBS Television Australia. Also it being a SBS Show there is usually bugger all censorship on the station, why it's so good. The actress chosen to play Jenna (originaly Sarah) is also a good pick, and does a good job of acting as though Wilfred in his human portrayal is still a dog. I really hope they keep up the high standards seen so far in the 3 I've seen, though really wish that the censorship wasn't so heavy.
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Not exactly family-friendly but funny and original
planktonrules11 May 2015
"Wilfred" is one of the strangest television shows I've seen. Because of this originality, it's well worth watching. However, I should also point out that the show is very adult at times--with lots of crude, rude humor. Because of this, you probably don't want to let your kids see this one...and you might just decide this for yourself as well.

The show consists of the bizarro adventures of a crazy young guy (Elijah Wood) and his next door neighbor's dog. How do you know he's crazy? Well, he's the only one who sees the dog as a guy in a dog suit and it talks to him and tells him to do many stupid things! Again and again, the advice the dog gives him (or that he imagine he gives him) is counter-productive and stupid...but he seems to keep doing it! The show is very fresh and clever and funny.

UPDATE: A few days after I wrote this review, I saw quite a few more episodes of "Wilfred" and noticed that the show became more tiresome and disgusting. I am not saying I hate the show but the show has slumped a bit--hence my new score of 6 for the series. Too many inappropriately unfunny bits. I like edgy and even irreverent but often the show just goes too far to be funny.
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bennie230616 July 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I was as shocked as the above poster when I saw this show was receiving 9 and 10 star reviews. I have seen every episode so far (4 have shown on FX) and this is one of the most unfunny shows I've ever seen. In fact, I told myself that I would give episode 4 a shot, and if it wasn't funny I would stop watching all together. Well, surprise, the episode wasn't funny.

I think it would be an excellent learning experience to watch an episode of Wilfred with somebody who thinks this show is actually funny. I'd love to see what that person finds humorous compared to what I am amused by.

"Man it's so hilarious that Wilfred thinks everything is gray! It's because he's a dog. And that's probably what a dog would say!"

Maybe I'm too much of a realist, but doesn't Wilfred have to exist? I mean, regular people acknowledge the dog, so how can viewers argue that Wilfred is just part of Ryan's weird imagination? And if people think Wilfred is just part of Ryan's imagination, is that why they think this show is funny?

Bottom line, this show has a great premise, but it gets really old, really fast. Elijah Wood isn't a comic actor and this is terribly obvious while watching "Wilfred". Jason Gann isn't funny as Wilfred, and in fact, he's quite annoying.

I came into this show with an open mind believing it could be pretty funny. I'm extremely disappointed in what I've seen so far. I can't believe the amount of positive praise this show is getting. Calling this show a very funny comedy is an insult to television shows that are actually funny.
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I find it brilliant, but it isn't for everyone
galaxygirl6229621 August 2011
Let me just say that this show gives me hope for humanity. With a creative and entertaining premise, "Wilfred" promises many great episodes to come. That being said, I can see why it may not agree with everyone, most notably the faint of heart. It is vulgar and offensive at times, I won't deny it. However, for anyone not offended by it's over-the-top, raunchy humor, it's pretty sure to please. Despite what less favorable reviewers seem to think, it does have it's moments of unexpected punch-lines and biting wit. While it's still early on in it's run, when it finds its footing I have little doubt it will become a cult classic.
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For a Comedy, both Sad and Thought Provoking
Erik-Movie-Reviews20 June 2022
This was a very good Series that worked on many Levels. On one Level it is a show about the adventures of a Man Dressed in a Dog Suit and his Neighbor. On a Deeper Level it's about a Man struggling through a relatively difficult and unhappy life.

The Cast is Excellent and provides a consistently good performance throughout the Entire 4 Seasons. All of the Cast Members are all very relatable to people in most viewers lives. They also serve as a good reminder that regardless of how successful and happy someone appears, many people have significant long term struggles beneath the surface.

The Central Message of the Series appears to be, Problems in peoples lives rarely fix themselves, but it certainly helps to have a Good Friend / Wilfred to share them with.

Worth Watching !
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I rewatch this show at LEAST once a year!!!
carsonotto9 November 2022
I watched Wilfred as it was airing live on TV, I remember seeing the ads for it and was definitely intrigued. Plus, when I'm a fan of someone ( Elijah Wood) I watch pretty much anything and everything they've ever been a part of. And Elijah Wood tends to choose really great projects... anyways Wilfred is NOT for everyone, it's not meant to just be a simple comedy like The Office or Parks and Rec, this show is much deeper and more complex, it's not just that Ryan seems a man in a dog suit so we see a full grown man on the floor wrestling with the vacuum as Ryan is trying to clean, but the show really dives deep into the "why". Why is Ryan seeing this, and no one else can and what does it all mean exactly? It's full of intellectual substance and life lessons that actually make you think, and honestly I'll pick up on things the more I rewatch it that I didn't notice the first time, and I LOVE that. It definitely gets raunchy at times and there are some pretty dark and or heavy jokes that probably "offend" some people. But I think the writing overall is absolutely genius, it's real and very honest and the actors themselves help make that happen with even the smallest of details in the choices they make. Whenever someone tells me they didn't like Wilfred, I just think that's because it's an intelligent show which is meant for intelligent people. ;) haha but almost every person I've recommended this too has loved it! Exceptional writing on a fantastic, original and very creative subject, the acting is top notch, even the editing and music are great. This show overall just makes me happy and there's times where I just crave watching it, which like I said usually happens at LEAST once a year.
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Much darker than it appears. SPOILERS!
tfstu6 September 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This is the first time I've ever left a review but I felt like after what I experienced I had to voice my opinion. After watching this series multiple times from start to finish, I never thought that it would have hit on a deeper level from the first few times through. However, while watching Season 2 Episode 10 Honesty, I came to realize the depth of his insanity when thinking about where he is and what he is actually doing. In the episode Wilfred catches a bunch of cats to get revenge for scratching his face. However, in reality Ryan is sitting in his closet with a bunch of kidnapped cats and his neighbors dog, smoking weed and coming up with everything that we see in his head. On the first few times through the series I understood he had major issues but that realization made the show far darker than I could have imagined. This show is ridiculous and funny but what's really going on makes this show one of the best I've ever seen.
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Refreshing and pretty deep
nemod127 July 2016
I try to keep it short because i've seen some good reviews here that describe the show very nice. I just wanted to contribute with giving this show some more positive feedback.

I missed a few episodes by watching it on TV. So i am watching it on a rerun now. But the finale season was so great with a beautiful ending. This alone deserves my thanks. So many of my favorite shows got cancelled in the past.

Great show, wonderful acting, pretty deep script. I love it and just wanted to tell you to give it a try. It's funny, it's sad. It's a bit strange. but there's real beauty too in in. Some nice little art.
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Surprisingly profound and touching
happytraumer1 September 2015
I'd seen little bits and pieces of this show on TV every now and then, never really paying too much attention to it. It seemed a bit weird, -which it is, of course- and I never really knew what to think of it. That is until I was watching TV one night and it was on, and for some reason I stuck with it. It turned out to be the last two episodes of the show. Something unexpected happened: I was deeply moved. I found myself thinking about it the whole next day. I realized I hadn't been giving the show nearly enough credit. I'd always thought it was just a deadpan comedy that was just there 'for the lolz'. But it's so much more.

So after that, I immediately started downloading all seasons (because it's not on Netflix here in The Netherlands - sorry, I promise I will buy the DVD's) and started watching it from the beginning. It didn't bother me I already knew the ending, as the ending was the thing that had made me watch it in the first place. And then I watched it again.

Naturally the ending didn't have the same effect as the first time, but it's message is something I deeply cherish. And I enjoyed the ride that is Wilfred all the more. Jason Gann is a gem. He's incredibly funny and has such charisma. I understand the Wilfred in the original Australian version was more evil in nature, but I'm glad that despite letting him keep his dickish traits and screwy ways, this version also managed to give the character something lovable. The relationship with Ryan becomes more compelling because of this: you're rooting for their friendship. Elijah Wood was the perfect person to play Ryan, and their chemistry is the solid foundation of the show.

What I love about Wilfred is that it isn't just one thing. It's not JUST hilarious, deadpan, uplifting, suspenseful, touching and deep. It's all of those things. I recommend this show to anyone. Not only is it a blast, in the end it will take you by surprise and teach you a profound truth about happiness. (I also hope to see Jason Gann do great things in the future)
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Amazing show, full of little clues!
aurthureugene11 September 2011
Warning: Spoilers
The folks that 'hate' this show....just don't get it. It is a multi- layered show, comedic to be sure, but also dark, disturbing, and full of mystery.

Each episode begins with a word and corresponding quotation, the first episode starting with a quote from Mark Twain, "Sanity and happiness are an impossible combination".

The show is full of little references and clues...for instance, Ryan lying down to die, with the book "Dune" next to him on the nightstand, which Wilfred quotes from later, "Fear is the mind killer, the little death that brings total obliteration."

Wilfred says, several times and in different situations, "You, me, it's all the same." and similar statements that lead one to believe that the part of Wilfred that only Ryan hears/sees is in his mind.

Is Ryan dead, sleeping, in a coma, somewhere in between? The finale did not answer any of those questions, but created more. The basement where Wilfred and Ryan hang out the majority of the time does not exist. In episode 8 ("Anger soon as fed is dead, tis starving makes it fat" Emily Dickenson) Ryan's sister, Kristen expresses surprise when Ryan mentions the basement. The basement contains all sorts of things that should not be there...an old dial-type telephone, a toy oven, his sisters old swim goggles,old toys...the high-powered lawyer Ryan would be unlikely to have these things. Do the basement, and Wilfred, symbolize his subconscious?

At the end of episode 8, Ryan's dog Sneakers (now dead 20 yrs,with Ryan carrying the blame for it until recently) tells him that since now Ryan no longer carries the guilt for his death, Sneakers can now rest in peace, and never bother him again. Ryan closes his eyes for a last snuggle with Sneakers and finally, after 20 years, has a wonderful dream/memory of his childhood, without suffering the guilt which previously woke him in a state of panic.

Watching each episode is like digging deeper for treasure...this show is brilliant. If you don't like it, don't watch it...but don't assume it is an empty piece of trash..."Make no judgment where you have no compassion" Anne McCaffrey (episode 10, Compassion).
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Nice concept, but silly and boring
asalin7727 July 2011
After so many good reviews, I tried to watch it. I was getting bored by episode 2 and even getting border by episode 5 that I couldn't finish it.

I admit the idea of a human-dog is both funny and daring. But film is not only about idea. It must have the ability to convince its viewer to enter its world --no matter how absurd the constructed world is.

And I think Wilfred failed to do that.

The more episodes I watch, the more I feel annoyed by this series. Wilfred was often too patronizing. He was more like a zen-master and less like a dog. The more Wilfred talked sophisticated, the more I feel this series was at its lowest quality.

Wilfred is only funny when he behaves like a dog, which he seldom does.

Maybe I am cynic and unable to open my mind?

Well I did ask myself that question. But the more I tried to perceive the absurd world of Ryand-Wilfred, the more I realize how stupid this series are.
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Unexpectedly intriguing and entertaining
italianlovers128 March 2020
Fun show, great concept! The exchange between the 2 main characters is both hilarious and sometimes thought provoking. Brilliant.
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A Refreshingly Honest and Substanitive Show Teaching Self-Acceptance
peacedisturber25 July 2016
First, this show is immensely underrated. It is not commercial, it is not mainstream, and it does not beg you to love it; it is what it is with all its beautiful profundity to be explored by those who feel so compelled to dig.

I saw this show when it was finishing the third season. So, I first watched this a few years ago and at the finale, I felt a bitter-sweetness that felt slightly more bitter than sweet. Then, about 4 months ago I recommended it to my roommate after we had discussed the complex heart-aches that life entails. We began watching and it was an amazing experience. I had forgotten just how pure and creative and off-beat the show was. It is a therapeutic show whose heart is honest and about self-acceptance.

The negative comments you read are probably from people who do not understand that this show is not merely comedic, but rather that it is more substance than it is comedy and the comedy is a side-effect of its substance. It is clever and daring. It explores and examines ideas that we usually only think about in our solitude. It is a show for thinkers; it is an ode to the lonely, over-imaginative soul-searching escapists trying to accept themselves and find solace in the connection and chemistry of another human being. The show is full to the brim with lessons taught in a zany and shocking manner. But it does not ever feel contrived. It comes on natural. It is not only for lonely people, but people who have ever experience anxiety, stress, or are simply interested in good psychological studies at any point will love this show. It might be a little bit of a niche show. But I will say this is a grossly under-rated show.
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devinbrown-1909130 April 2019
A beautiful show about a man expressing his right of the pursuit of happiness.
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