Breakout (2023) Poster

(II) (2023)

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It's too bad this nonsense was one of Sizemore's last films.
Top_Dawg_Critic25 April 2023
Aside from amateur-hour directing with the non-stop shaky cam, terrible editing, long dragged out and unnecessary scenes, and horrible action choreography, director and co-writer Brandon Slagle couldn't even direct his cast properly, especially Sizemore, who came across like this was his first ever acting job. The only convincing actor was Mandylor, who can always hold his own no matter how bad the directing is.

But where this film went from bad to cringeworthy eye-rolls, was the verbal diarrhea-infested dialogue that took three writers to come up with, of which all apparently felt was film-worthy. Never mind the entire cat-and-mouse story that was riddled with cliches and plot holes in a story we've all seen many times before, but when over 80% of the dialogue is irrelevant to the main narrative and filled with daddy, mommy and criminal issues, the writing can't be rated any worse. A fifth grade drama class could come up with a better story and dialogue.

Had all the nonsense dialogue and dragged out scenes been cut out, we may have had a watchable 20 min short film. But instead, we get this unwatchable "normally very comfortable" 86 min runtime mess, that felt like I was watching a film over 3 hours long. It started off ok, but after the first act, it went downhill fast, and ended up with the lamest and most predictable ending you can guess. You can literally fast-forward most of the film and not miss a thing. It's a very generous 4/10 from me, all to Mandylor who carried the entire film, and out of pity that this nonsense was one of Sizemore's last films.
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BandSAboutMovies12 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Vincent (Kristos Andrews) has been caught by the police thanks to undercover cop Chavez (Noel Gugliemi). He kills the turncoat and ends up in a maximum security prison, where his former special ops father Alex (Louis Mandylor) comes to speak with him. Meanwhile, a former cop turned criminal mastermind named Chandler (Brian Krause) is set to break out and add to his followers by bringing in fellow prisoners. He already has one dangerous henchman named Ruke (Howard McNair) and enough of his men on the inside to get away with almost anything.

He didn't count on Alex being there.

As Chandler negotiates with Coleman (Tom Sizemore), Alex works on getting close all with the goal of saving his son, who at the same time is becoming part of the gang as the words he hears from Chandler mean more than his judgemental - and at times absent - dad.

Breakout isn't going to be the most revolutionary action movie you see, but it's just over 80 minutes, moves fast, has some great fights, one bad ass hero at its core and a bad guy who you want to see more of - and seeing as how this sets up a sequel, hopefully we get one - and that's more than some big budget films deliver.

Brandon Slagle is a name to watch, as he knows how to build tension, deliver brutal brawls and make you want to see even more than he delivers. Well done. And the script he wrote with Robert Thompon (Crossbreed) and Devanny Pinn (who contributed stories to other Slagle movies like Area 51 Confidential and Vivid) may hit all the beats that you expect from a McClane clone, but somehow it's way more gripping than ones that cost five times or more.
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Best advice, give it a miss.
mark-5149630 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This could have been a good movie, but it wasn't. It has all the usual formulae. Relative in distress, needs rescuing etc. Similar plot to Die Hard but without the suspense. In fact nothing really makes you associate with any of the characters as they're all pretty lack lustre. Even the main villain isn't that convincing. The whole plot has flaws and you don't really get to understand the reason for the breakout or who the people are who are doing it. Also at the end, why does the helicopter drop a rope ladder when it could just have landed? Many things in this movie make no sense. My advice, give it a miss.
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Must be low budget
imdb-3726519 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I have to assume this movie must be extremely low budget.

A Frag grenade gets thrown, suddenly quite bad CG smoke effects come out of it, turns out its a smoke grenade?

Camera work feels weird, can't quite explain it but something is off.

Lots of nonsense here, like suddenly the bad guy knows the name of the goodguy inside the Prison but there is no explanation of how he could've gotten it.

One prisoner, the newest guy in there, somehow knows where the specially hidden Armory that even the pro badguys cannot find is located. How?

The dialogue between badguy and that one prisoner he calls smart, everyone says some stupid stuff and suddenly he is the smartest guy around?

Goodguy went into the prison through metal detection and all was clean. Now he all of the sudden has a flask of alcohol on him that he apparently had the entire time?

He needs to get a bullet out of his leg, cuts through it like jello and doesn't even flinch, and with how clean the cut looks.. his leg apparently really is jello.

Then we're supposed to believe American SWAT officers walk around with AK's?

The camera shakes while shots are being fired, ok. The camera continues shaking even after the firing stops, uhm?

Suddenly because someone shot at a wall, all the lights are flickering.

And the typical, bullets just bounce of thin metal sheets, his 7 round pistol can fire 20 shots no problem, and even though tons of better guns are laying around on the ground around him, he rather stays with his small pistol that the viewer is constantly being told is going to run out of bullets any second now.

The "final boss" fight, instead of just shooting the bad guy, both put down their guns and decide for a badly choreographed hand fight.

The dialogues are written like.. A kid would write a dialgoue but that makes them so unrealistic. Special attention to make them say things that would be too easy, but in real life someone would say exactly the thing they left out. That makes the dialogue juts feel bland and stupid.

The feeling of the whole movie, a low intelligence low-budget movie made for viewers with low expectations.
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Great film.
roxy349913 April 2023
Awesome movie. Well done to the cast, crew and everyone who created this movie. Tom Sizemore was brilliant in this film (god rest his soul). This film was everything, the guy that played Alex was full blown badass and his son was really awesome. This movie almost reminded me of the Natural Born Killers prison escape. I am so impressed with how this film was shot, the sound was incredible and the acting was fantastic. The guy that played the terrorist bomber was a terrifying psychopathic guy he was kinda creepy though. I was so impressed with this movie overall. I feel that this is one of Tom Sizemore's best films even though he plays a small role. Top notch.
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