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MPAA Rated PG-13 for coarse humor, sexual content and language

Sex & Nudity

  • Robbie is caught in his bedroom by his babysitter; nothing shown, just their reactions.
  • Two very intimate kissing scenes that last for a few minutes.
  • One scene where a guy is half naked, lasts for a few seconds.
  • A 17-year-old girl is infatuated with a 40-ish-year-old man. This is a consistent plot point in the movie that culminates in her taking nude photos of herself to give to him. No nudity is shown in the movie, but we do see characters' reactions to these nude photos.
  • Mention of sleeping with someone else
  • It's obviously implied that Robbie is masturbating when Jessica walks in on him unannounced (we don't see anything except Jessica's expression and the conversations that follow). Robbie, with a huge crush on Jessica, says that he has a picture of her he does it with, and almost tells everyone at a graduation speech his habit.
  • Jessica, interested in Cal, asks a friend who sleeps with older men what she should do..

Violence & Gore

  • Cal purposely rolls out of a moving vehicle, bruising and scratching himself.
  • Jacob and Cal slap each other's faces in manly man gestures of both camaraderie and superiority.
  • Jacob jokes about euthanasia.
  • Men half-jokingly says things like they'll shoot someone in the face or beat someone's brains out.
  • Robbie vows to kill anyone who hurts Jessica.
  • Men punch, tackle and otherwise attack one another. (The cops are called to break up the brawl.)


  • Other language includes one or two uses each of "hell," "dick," "damn," and "son of a bitch."
  • 'God' is at least 25 times; 'Jesus' around six or seven.
  • 10 uses of "shit".
  • 5 "assholes" are uttered by a 13-year-old Robbie. Several uses by others throughout.
  • 2 uses of "fuck". One use of the middle finger.

Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking

  • Kate, who tells Cal she's a recovering alcoholic five years sober, apparently makes a habit of tempting herself by hanging out at bars.
  • Valium is joked about.
  • Multiple scenes occur in a bar, where we not only see folks drink and get drunk, but we also see the camera going out of its way to ogle the bottles of booze lined up around the room.

Frightening & Intense Scenes

  • A teenager makes nude photos for a much older man.

See also

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