421 Reviews
A little over the top at times, but it's totally worth checking out
Smells_Like_Cheese6 December 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Last year Paranormal Activity was released nation wide and became the new Blair Witch Project, it was a movie you just had to see because all you kept hearing was how scary it was. The trailer was pretty clever in only showing the audience's screams and members hiding under their coats and covering their eyes. I thought it was an extremely clever film and one of the best horror movies we have had in a while and I noticed others, either they loved it or they hated it. In my opinion as a film buff, it's what we don't see and our imagination that is most terrifying, but in this generation of internet, texting and TV we have a bunch of ADD people who need to see blood or monsters in order for that to scare them. Paranormal Activity was a huge hit at the box office and a sequel was immediately planned, which I didn't appreciate because now it's about the money. However I still decided to give the film a chance and see how the story continued and it actually wasn't as bad as I was expecting. Instead we get more of a prequel to the first film and it explains how Katie became haunted by the demon. This time the demon is haunting her sister and her new family in their beautiful home.

In 2006, a "burglary" occurs at the home of Kristi and Dan. Every single room is completely trashed except for their infant son Hunter's bedroom. The only thing stolen is a necklace that Kristi's sister, Katie, had given her. Dan installs a number of security cameras throughout the house to watch over their son, Hunter. The family starts to hear noises and see items fall or move on their own. Martine, the family housekeeper and nanny, believes evil spirits are the cause and attempts to cleanse the house of "evil spirits," and Dan fires her after catching her burning sage. Katie and Kristi talk about being tormented by a demon or unknown spirit when they were children. Dan's daughter, Ali, begins investigating the mysterious happenings. She discovers that on occasion, a human can make a deal with a demon for wealth or power by forfeiting the life of their first-born son. She also realizes that until Hunter, there had not been a male child born in Kristi and Katie's family since the time of their great-great grandmother.

What I liked about this film was the characters who were a bit more likable than the first film, they seemed so real to me. The family reacted exactly how most people would act towards finding out that they are being haunted by a demon. There are some genuinely creepy moments, one of the biggest being when Kristi is sitting in the kitchen and BAM(!!!) the cabinet doors fly open as she's trying to keep it together and trying to convince herself that it's not real. There are some laughable moments like when the demon keeps knocking the cooking pan off the rack and all I'm thinking is how bored is this demon that he just wants to more annoy Kristi vs. terrify her? I tell you though, clean freaks beware of this demon! My only other complaint being is that the effects were a little bit cheesy with the demon pulling Kristi out of her room. The first film seemed more realistic with the way the demon was behaving by dragging Katie out of bed. However I did like how the film ended and I think this was a fun addition to the Paranormal Activity story. I wouldn't mind if the sequels continued on other characters, but for now I think it's a good closure and we should leave it at that. I do recommend the movie for a fun scary night, it's always more effective when you're at home alone in the dark.

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A Nutshell Review: Paranormal Activity 2
DICK STEEL21 October 2010
One profitable turn deserves another. I believe almost everyone will have balked at the return of investment for the first Paranormal Activity (PA) film, which continues to build upon the recent trend of films seen from the first person perspective by way of a video camera. So confident about the prospects of this film being able to spawn an ongoing franchise (hey, Saw managed 7) that Paranormal Activity 2 was announced shortly after the first film was released into cinemas.

So let's cut to the chase and get to the point - is this film any good? I continue to state that films like this one are an acquired taste. If you do not appreciate films from the first perspective, or are constantly annoyed at plot loopholes that stem from the use of a camera, then this film is not for you, as with any other film of any genre employing the same storytelling technique. Otherwise this is a film that requires you to have watched the first in order to maximize your enjoyment because it makes references to, and ties in intricately with the first, without which you'll be questioning who's who, and the significance of things that can be innocuous if seen by itself.

Writer-director Oren Peli who created the original film takes a backseat here as producer, handing over the directing reins to Tod Williams and writing responsibility to Michael R. Perry. While the first film focused on only one camera with most things happening when the audience is fixated as bedroom voyeurs, here we have more cameras thanks to the introduction of a baby and a series of house break-ins, which give reason for more vantage points to be set up by way of strategically located CCTV and nanny cams, and thus a larger stage set up with various situations to spook, but not quite. Filmmakers can attest to difficulties when it comes to handling either animals or children in films, but Williams prove that both can share the same frame together, and I suspect a lot must have gone into coaxing what the end result was, perhaps with a little help from the CG department.

Michael R. Perry's story though sums up this prequel-sequel (sprequel?) nicely, building upon and expanding the world of PA. The first film posed a number of questions, some of which get addressed here, but in turn builds upon what's known thus far to create more unknowns through the narrative, which is more "talky" since there are a handful of scenes involving a HD camera bought by the family to document baby Hunter's growth, now used to document the strange apparitions that happen more frequently as the story wore on. Some scenes involve switching the camera on during a conversation (yeah, perhaps the social-media aware teenager of today will require everything to be made available and put online), and the constant refusal of the father figure to look at evidence will stretch believability just a tad bit

The spook factor gets considerably dumbed down from the first film, though making the same impact as the filmmakers went all out to shock you out of complacency as you think by darting your eyes around the screen trying to pick up clues or signs would mean you can keep a step ahead. Some tactics like the moving door get repeated, but only so because as I mentioned, there's an intricate link between the two films. Here we follow the Dey family of four - Dad Daniel, Mum Kristi who is the sister of the first film's Katie, and kids Ali the teenager and Hunter the toddler, where Perry's story provides the backstory, some opening doors for another prequel, while providing closure from PA.

Will there be another Paranormal Activity film? I don't see why not, since the seeds already got sown with more fruits to be harvested by future filmmakers who may want to come on board and stem their mark in providing a fresh perspective to the now mature storytelling technique. If the basis of the film continues to be that of putting oneself into the shoes of an investigator (as how I will approach this) sieving through tons of archived material just to piece together and reverse engineer the source of all that have happened, PA will grow its own fanbase (if not already) and probably develop into a franchise to be reckoned with.
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A Surprisingly Clever Sequel to a Surprise Hit!
moviewizguy22 October 2010
After experiencing what they think are a series of "break-ins", a family sets up security cameras around their home, only to realize that the events unfolding before them are more sinister than they seem.

When Paramount announced that they were going to do a sequel to PA, I was skeptical. Let's be honest, it felt like they were trying to cash in on the surprising success of PA. Then the trailers were released, which weren't really special, and the film wasn't screened to the critics. Either Paramount was trying to keep a tight lid on it or it must be a really, really bad sequel. I mean, the only person in the casting list is Katie Featherston, who plays Katie, which is still pretty vague. Fortunately, PA2 is actually a worthwhile sequel that retains everything that made the original scary.

With a much higher budget, PA2 boasts a bigger cast and has more elaborate scares and security cameras to capture the events. But, as you all know, bigger sometimes isn't better, and, in this case, it's true. What made PA so great was its amazing simplicity. The scares were limited to doors creaking, lights flickering, and footsteps thumping. In this film, I'm not going to even mention what they do. However, saying that, the film does have some very scary scenes, even more so than the simple scares in the original. It's apparent while watching the film that PA2 relies more on jump scares than on maintaining an atmosphere like PA, which may be good or bad news depending on which you prefer more. However, the film still retains the slow buildup of scares in PA as the film reaches to the end, where all hell breaks loose. It's also agonizing to see things move on their own that our characters don't notice. Don't you just hate that feeling of dread?

Most of the cast do a great job because they are more innocent than the victims in the first film, including a baby and a dog. Please, just spare the baby and the dog! I'm also glad to say that the climax is much better than the one in the first film, if you could even call it a climax in that film. However, the sequel does have the same main problem of PA: The ending. It's just as anti-climatic and disappointing coming off from a huge buildup.

If you didn't like the first film, just skip this sequel. It's more of the same in terms of structure and style. However, if you liked the first film, you'll definitely enjoy this. I thought the storyline was rather clever in that it ties in with PA. Overall, even though this isn't as scary as PA, PA2 should be an example of how to make a proper sequel to a great first film which stays true to the original's overall tone. And considering the fact that we are familiar of the set up before, PA2 still has its own share of effective scares. Now that's an accomplishment.
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Will you like it? The answer is, "it depends".
hyprsleepy25 October 2010
Warning: Spoilers
When looking through reviews on this site I've noticed that it seems most people who weren't impressed with the first one like the second one more and those who absolutely loved the first movie were somewhat disappointed with the second.

I think this is because the first one had more build-up and a slower pace that gradually came to it's climax. The second one instead went from harmless innocent events and not much happening to BOOM - death! So I think it has to do with the person's patience and preferences as to which style they prefer. Personally, I prefer PA1's style and think it allows the dread to intensify as it grows and grows with each scene.
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A well done sequel, but not as memorable as the original
DonFishies31 October 2010
Creating a sequel to a film like Paranormal Activity sounds like a silly idea in theory. The film was released two years after it was made and went on to become a wild, completely unpredictable success. It struck a horrifying chord with audiences, and is one of the few movies I have seen where the participation of the audience was key to the film's overall effect. It was a memorable experience, one that cannot be replicated on DVD. So could a sequel to a film like this do any justice? Rather surprisingly, it can.

Paranormal Activity 2 revolves around the Rey family. Dan (Brian Boland) and his new wife Kristi (Sprague Grayden) have just welcomed newborn Hunter into the family, and very soon after, a weird break-in occurs in the house. Despite the family's affection for hand-held cameras, Dan gets security cameras installed around the house. Then weird, unexplained things start happening.

Paranormal Activity 2 easily could have been a phoned in sequel made specifically to bank on the original film's success. Instead, the filmmakers have crafted a film that not only ups the ante and precedents set in the original film, but enhances them as well. It gives us more characters and more cameras, and uses them to their advantage in every situation it presents. They even manage to craft a method of tying the original film into this one, in a totally unexpected way. It does what every good sequel should do – elaborate and extend the story from its predecessor. The sheer fun and surprise of some of these elements is more than worth the price of admission alone. But of course, the less you know about some of the surprises within the film, the better. It was secretive for a reason, and those going in unspoiled will no doubt enjoy the movie a lot more than those with an idea of what to expect going in.

What also works is that the film does not do away with the little scares and idiosyncrasies that made Paranormal Activity so effective. It lays them on, and builds towards some pretty horrific moments. While the original film relied on freaky and subtle special effects (the footprints and movement of the sheets come to mind immediately), this film relies more on sound and impending dread. The pumping bass gives away some of the scares a little too early in some scenes, but the unexpected high pitched sounds give way to some incredibly terrifying moments. Despite a higher budget, it felt more minimalist in a lot of ways, and showed that the filmmakers did not let success go to their heads. They wanted to maintain the same sense and style of the original film, and never once do they change this wise mentality. There are scenes that are much more elaborate and look like there was more money involved, but for the most part, it looks just as cheap as the original.

The experience of watching with an audience is also maintained here. There are plenty of moments of breathlessness, zany suspense and wild "What the hell is going on?!" moments scattered throughout the film. While the audience is more honed and prepared for some of these scenes than they were in Paranormal Activity, a lot of them still manage to be just as unpredictable and crazy as ever. While I did not see the film with a sold out crowd like I did last year, having a rather large crowd still managed to make the film just as scary as it should be. This is another film that will not be anywhere near as ridiculously effective on DVD.

If there is anything that works against the film (outside of a rather ludicrously bad effects scene involving a pool cleaner), it is that the film takes a bit too long getting around to hooking the audience on for the ride. Part of this is because the film's primary characters are nowhere near as captivating as Katie and Micah were. We care about what happens to this family, and we feel the pains and scares they are going through. But we never see the irresistible chemistry or horrifying realism of what is happening on screen the same way. In this case, it is much clearer that we are watching a movie, and the illusion of it being "real" footage is never there. Part of it is also due to the first act being padded out with a bit too much dialogue and set-up for what we can expect to come. I liked these early moments a lot more than most people did, but I still think they could have been significantly stronger and better honed.

I also feel that, despite the lengths everyone went to creating a film that did not simply cash in on a brand, its lasting impact was nowhere near as intense and petrifying as the original film. It admirably tries, but it never quite reaches the same heights. It can try all it wants to be just as good, but the lasting effect and charm of Paranormal Activity was just how wildly original it was. It is not an easy film to replicate, and while I admired all the techniques used in this sequel to make it feel in line and a worthy sequel, it simply cannot match up and go the distance as a film that betters the original.

I was greatly surprised by what Paranormal Activity 2 has to offer its audience, but must contain my enthusiasm for it. It is the rare sequel that does everything right, but it just never manages to be anywhere near as strong a final product as the original film. It is by no means a disappointment, just simply nowhere near as effective as the original film. And that is not necessarily a bad thing.


(This review also appeared on http://www.geekspeakmagazine.com).
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Flawed, but had some decent scares.
benny1029522 October 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Last night, i watched the follow-up to last years' horror hit, Paranormal Activity with a couple of my mates. After thinking that their house was broken into, a family sets up security cameras in various areas inside and outside their house so they can view what is happening while they sleep. Just like in the first, they experience things that cannot be explained.

The acting was quite good, by everyone, no one really stood out for me. I like how the father thinks that there's nothing wrong, although he does seem smart and one who isn't afraid. The mother could've been a lesser afraid character, not just one who runs around screaming when all her pantry doors open unexpectedly (even though that's what I'd do). I would've liked to seen a lot more of Martine, she seemed like an important character at the beginning but didn't have much impact in the end, but it's pretty obvious that they never should've gotten rid of her.

The first half felt dull and repetitive, but the movie showed a lot more in the second, resulting in an all-out fright fest. The ending felt disappointingly lazy, as Katie could've used a much more creative way of killing the husband, rather than just snapping his neck. (e.g: the husband has a wound gushing out of his torso and then Katie appears with a knife stabbing him). Overall a decent fright fest with one scare in particular that will leave you hating complete silence when your on your own in the middle of the day.
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More of the same only less interesting
dbborroughs29 November 2010
Warning: Spoilers
More of the same though less interestingly done.

Watching the story of a haunted house through the multiple cameras on the property and in home movies.

Its amusing at times, often deadly dull. There are a few scary moments.

The trouble is is in the central conceit of the film allows us to we see the action through a house from multiple cameras instead of a single cameras, the cutting between cameras undercuts the tension because-if you're like me, you keep wanting to see the bits that weren't included but should be clear in another angle- for example the reverse shots for the stuff in the living/dining room.

Worth a look but wait for TV
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One-trick demon
petra_ste2 November 2010
Warning: Spoilers
The found footage gimmick, for some reason, still doesn't irk me as much as it should. Yeah, it means awful-looking movies with a shaky, grainy look, trite dialogues, lousy character development, little rewatch value. Still, it can work: it did in Cloverfield, REC and, to a certain extent, even the first Paranormal Activity.

Sadly, PA2 is just not scary. A long build-up of tension is fine, but there is a fine line between slow pacing and repetitive padding, and the movie tip-toes over it. The premise of the demon-haunted house, with the inhabitants' growing realization of the danger, is not used to its full potential. After ANOTHER scene of nocturnal footage with the dog barking at an invisible intruder, I grew bored. Guess what? We came to see the monster. I appreciate you don't want to show it right away but, if I had wanted to see a dog howling all night long, I could have watched my neighbours'.

At least with the first movie one didn't know what to expect, so it was moderately unsettling; here, the repetitive structure grows obvious and tiresome. Hint: found footage is not an excuse to have a lazy screenplay; the genre actually requires a particularly strong, well-balanced script, or it becomes a recipe for cinematic boredom.

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Pritty good
thhhb626 October 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I went to the movies tonight not knowing what to expect of this movie. I have herd good things and bad things about it. To say that this wasn't scary would be ignorant of anyone who has watched this.

The perfect aspect of the Paranormal movies is the suspense they put you under. For the first maybe 30 minuets of the second movie i was sat thinking it was never going to get started but boy i was wrong. The scares soon came in thick and fast. Very sharp and short i had goose bumps allot towards then end. Come to think of it i have them now thinking about it.

There are however a few moments in the film that made me cringe spoiler right hear guys. Two words child, dog. Now i know that there will be allot of people out there that love a good horror movies. See the beautiful chick running from the monster but Paranormal 2 brings a child into it which turns out to be the target. Both the first and second movie wouldn't happen if it wasn't for the "first born male". I will let you find out why in the movie, but they child does get messed around with by the demon. He is moved around in the cote and lifted up not violently but it happens all the same. And the poor dog who tries to protect the baby well lets just say that poor little guy doesn't make it. I found this aspect of the film breath taking and disturbing to which has left me feeling rather creep-ed out.

The ending to the movie i find is rushed and could have been better planned. I hope that they do not make another. Reason is that it wouldn't work and the frights would all be the same again with doors and people flying about. Overall a job well done director should be proud but be mindful of any further productions. Please go see this film i hope you wont be disappointed.
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What happened before Paranormal Activity
The-Sarkologist22 October 2011
Warning: Spoilers
In some ways this is a better movie than the first, but then Peli had a lot more money to work with this time and previously, so he could afford to splash out. Looking at it from a technical point of view, this one is much more complicated than the first, particularly since Peli is now using a baby and a dog (both of which are very difficult to make movies with at the best of times). Also the special effects are somewhat more impressive, namely because in this film he is using security cameras, so there are a lot more continuous shots and a lot more subtle things can be filmed. In the first movie the plot was limited by a single camera which means that only when the camera was filming, and the spot in which the camera was filming, could be shown. Not so in this film.

I guess Paranormal Activity 2 expands on what we saw in the original film, and with the extra budget, can be better with some of the things he shows. The shock value in this film is higher, due to the ability to use security cameras (and the scene where all of the cupboards in the kitchen fly open is one example, also when the demon drags her about the house when nobody else is home).

However there are some strange situations, such as when the fire spontaneously erupts in the kitchen and we never see the security camera footage leading up to it. Maybe it is because it is being left to our imagination, but I doubt that it could have been too hard, particularly since he is able to do a lot of other things.

The basement scene at the end was somewhat contrived, namely because I find it difficult to believe that the character would carry a video camera around the basement while trying to perform an exorcism on his wife. Maybe it was because Peli wanted the audience to see that scene, but I found it a bit unbelievable myself. Further, there are a lot of inconsistencies with the first film. I raise that because the events in this film are running simultaneously with the events of the first. Both Micah and Katie also appear in this film, but I was under the impression that Katie died at the end of the first film, yet at the end of this film she walks into the house, takes Hunter, and the film closes stating that Katie and Hunter cannot be found. It is as if a completely different film (one that I haven't seen) is being used.

I suspect that number three will be about Katie and her sister when they were haunted as children. There is a lot of references to that event, so I suspect it turns out that this haunting was filmed as well, and thus you have Paranormal Activity 3.
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Scary and creepy enough. Worth seeing.
fmc323 October 2010
If you liked the original Paranormal Activity, you'll like this one. Myself, I was not really that impressed with the original, and I liked this one quite a bit better. The mood and creepiness was pretty intense at times.

It is NOT just a remake of the original movie, as some would have you think. Yes, it uses that format, and follows it pretty closely, but does it better and takes it a few steps farther. Just because it uses the same format doesn't mean it is the same movie. That is like saying all 'Cop' movies or all 'Buddy Pictures' are the same, just because they also follow the same format.

If you saw the first movie, you will recognize everything that is happening here, but that doesn't decrease the sense of dread and hair-raising-on-the-back-of-your-neck scariness. Instead, I think it will increase your enjoyment as you watch things develop. Talk about things that go 'bump in the night!' And sometimes in the daytime, too! I thought this movie was more intense than the original, and it helps to put the original into a context, and makes more sense out of it all.

Is it a perfect movie? No, but show me a perfect movie. They all could be better in SOME way, and this is no exception, but I think it is a pretty darn good movie, and worth the time.

Oh, I should also tell you kind of "Where I'm coming from." I LOVE a good horror movie. I LIKE to be scared. But I hate slasher, torture, vicious movies or movies that get too overt about hurting people. Give us something we can feel, something we are afraid of, but don't make us sick. I think Paranormal Activity 2 is just my kind of horror movie.
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Creepy and deeply disturbing...
sam_aj_0121 October 2010
Me and my friend went to see this in the cinema today, since it was only a preview the cinema was packed! This I thought would make the experience more enjoyable... I was wrong.

Literally through-out the whole film there were people screaming when one of the actors in the film would open the front door, it was jumpy but it was very off putting with people chewing, talking and even laughing at bits in the film, we're all entitled to our own opinion but it really ruined the experience... Just when everything falls silent you get ready for something and then the people behind you go "I'm scared" or "Oh my, look the DOOR IS OPENING", yes we can see for ourselves but shh! I suggest you see it in the cinema as the quality and visual impact of the film is terrifying, but perhaps at a later date when it is quieter and less crowded.

The original created more of an impact because it was different, in this film we knew what to expect but that was covered up with a different storyline and a few extra jumpy moments.

Superb acting in the film, it was too life-like in some cases that took away that cinematic effect making it all too weird and disturbing...

I think the idea that not knowing what was going on a lot of the time was scarier...

Not a miss for horror fans!
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The question is - why?
klemp019 February 2011
The scariest thing about this movie is that they actually made it and in the end it just makes me want to ask why, oh why. While the first one was mildly innovative and provided a few scares and could actually call itself a horror movie, this one wants to be a carbon copy of the first one but fails miserably. It's a perfect example of greedy producers wanting to earn more money on account of the first movie, without actually caring what the sequel is all about or how many people who see it will feel like they've been fooled. If after all you want to see the movie, fast forward until the last 20 minutes and watch, unless you want to feel like an idiot because you just spent an hour and a half watching still images of empty rooms. Sequels... there's just something so terribly wrong about them these days, they used to actually make them for a reason.
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Strong in it's own right
Cujo10822 October 2010
Warning: Spoilers
A sequel to the outstanding "Paranormal Activity" certainly wasn't needed, and upon first hearing about it, I wasn't even sure if I'd see it. Well, I was clearly unable to resist the temptation. Taking place before, during and after the events of Oren Peli's original, this one follows Katie's sister, Kristi, and her family as they're tormented by the same demon that was after Katie and Micah in the first. Kristi, along with her husband, stepdaughter and baby, moves into a new house which is soon thereafter trashed during a mysterious break-in. The weird thing is that nothing's missing. This prompts the family to install hidden security cameras all over the house and property. Eventually, strange incidents are caught on the security footage. Kristi and her stepdaughter come to believe that they're being haunted. Dealing with fear and memories of the past, Kristi feels helpless to escape the terror, especially since her husband refuses to believe anything paranormal is truly happening.

I just got back from seeing this earlier, and despite my initial reservations, I found myself quite taken with "Paranormal Activity 2". It isn't on par with the first, no, but it gets the general vibe right, it nails the intimate terror and makes a typical suburban home seem like a prison of horrors. There are some intensely effective scenes such as the kitchen bit where everything bursts open at once, the attack on the poor dog and Kristi getting thrown around the house. In fact, everything with the pooch was gold. It was an obvious, but inspired touch to add a dog into the mix. Other smaller occurrences like banging on windows and whatnot also unnerve. The atmosphere in and around the house quickly becomes suffocating, the tension between the family members always as present as the unseen being itself.

Sprague Grayden of TV's "Jericho" and "24" does well as the tortured Kristi. Despite being so familiar with her from those shows, she still manages to creep me out when she succumbs to the demon. The scene with the stepdaughter filming her sitting in the baby's room through the cracked door is one of the film's more tense moments. It was also so great to see Katie Featherston again. I love her, so the more she's on screen, the better. Micah reappears briefly as well. The other actors all do fine, though I found Kristi's husband to be a real scumbag and was actually hoping for his demise, a hope which reached a fever pitch following the actions he takes to rid his family of the demon.

With all of that said, I didn't care for the direction in which they tried taking the story of the first film. The piece of trash husband sends the demon to Katie in order to save her sister and his son? No, sorry, not in my book. In the first, the demon's intentions are painted as almost romantic towards Katie. Also, the way she describes her past experiences there, it's clear to me that the events as a kid happened to her. In this one, they try and say that her sister suffered the brunt of what occurred. Peli's film paints a far more intriguing situation than the cliché deal with the devil, demonic Rumplestiltskin kind of thing this one has going on. I admire the attempt to bring the two film's together, but I simply don't like this direction when thinking of the original much the same way I was against the sister idea being brought in for "Halloween II".

Looking at "Paranormal Activity 2" as it's own entity, it's a damn solid film that, just like it's predecessor, masters the art of sheer terror through minimalism. That's what I intend to do, too, view it as strictly it's own unique story. That way, my enjoyment of both films will not be affected. This one just doesn't work in connection to the first for me. When it comes to it's own merits, I don't think it quite measures up to the the original either, but it manages to be unsettling all the same. Personally, I feel that it's hard to top the creepiness of Katie standing over the bed for hours on end. This sequel never brings the horror into the bedroom. The one thing "Paranormal Activity 2" definitely has over the first, however, is Katie in a bikini. Wow!
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Was peeking through my t-shirt for half of the film
ajh_photography23 October 2010
*May contain spoilers* I love scary movies.. whether it be gory or suspenseful. I love horror. For some reason, the movies about evil demonic beings are the most terrifying to me. So obviously Paranomal Activity 1 & 2 hit home for me since they both portray very evil demons. Unlike a lot of others I've talked to, I enjoyed number 2 way more than number 1. I think it was the addition of a baby, teenager, and dog that really helped scare me. More people were being affected, which was cool to see. In Ali's case, I have babysat a child before on my own at night so I definitely related to her being alone in the house at night.

I thought the acting was great and the camera work was awesome though simple, just like P.A. 1.

I definitely recommend watching this in the theater, as I was still terrified with a hundred people sitting around me. The silent, suspenseful parts were that much more scary in the theater because NO ONE was speaking, just waiting to be scared.

I really enjoyed it & recommend it to any horror fan!
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A dog, a baby, a teenage girl, a mum and a very angry ghost
bassrourke20 October 2010
The first Paranormal Activity I first watched without knowing anything about it and it scared the life out of me. So much so I squeezed a water bottle so hard at one point that the lid shot off and sprayed the people behind me. I have been building up to seeing Paranormal Activity 2 for a week and I must say, it does have it's moments. A baby, a dog and a teenage girl add to the targets of the evil spirits in this new house. I jumped a few times and had my feet on the seat, but overall I wasn't as frightened. It helps if you have seen the original again recently as there's a few important references that prompt the narrative throughout. A couple believe that their family home is being burgled so security cameras are installed. What follows is indescribable. Be warned, not for children or the faint hearted. The added budget is used sparingly which is a good thing, the effects and bumps through the home camera lenses have plenty of impact. NOT AS SCARY as the first one but if your a fan, see it before anyone spoils it and remember refresh yourself with the first one again, it will help.
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Total ...Letdown. Ending Symbolizes the entire movie
bellagiancana23 October 2010
Warning: Spoilers
The first Paranormal Activity was pure genius. This one; not so much. It was obviously made in a rush to capitalize on the success of the original. The storyline was convoluted while trying to tie PA1 & 2 together. It was a disappointment because you can see the potential early in the movie to have been really great. You knew there would be a connection between the two movies, but instead of their plot lines flowing and making sense (like the Saw movies), the 'connection' was a mishmash of stereotypical horror/paranormal genre revelations.

There's two or three scenes out the movie that will make you jump briefly, but only because they catch you off guard. You are kept on edge the whole movie because you realize that like PA1 one, You were kept in some suspense waiting for that really scary moment that just really never came; it fell flat.

The ending epitomizes the entire movie. For about 10-15 seconds, the screen turns black (no credits, no nothing...just black) and you're wondering if it'll be like PA1 where there's a last second surprise. No, nothing happens. The credits begin to roll; the final suspense and final let down... The ending symbolizes the entire movie in 10 seconds.

Not to let an opportunity pass by, it is left wide open for a sequel.

However, on a humorous up note, PA2 introduced "Stenchilada" which will stay with me for awhile. I will also say that this version may actually transfer better to home 'video' for viewing and may be a little scarier watched in an intimate setting; especially if you have a little one.
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Superior Sequel!
joben-525-63394610 November 2012
Some films need time to form and develop.

This is certainly the case for 'Paranormal Activity 2' as for the opening 45 minutes, the pacing of the film was punishingly slow and a dreary watch for almost everyone in existence I can guarantee. Thankfully, the film's second half was more than rewarding and it increased the chills that I submitted from the original 'Paranormal Activity' significantly.

With this instalments story, you cannot call this a sequel or prequel as it would not attract to any of the terms. Taking place at the same time as the original, we are this time placed in the house of another American family, related to Kate and Micah, who undergo a similar situation to their counterparts at the same time. It's intriguing as links and connections build between the two films and the fear installed inside me was enough to satisfy my needs.

The main reason 'Paranormal Activity 2' has the edge over it's predecessor is the fact it's budget is increased by approximately almost $3 million. This gives the film an overall better structure and polish which leads to a larger variety of scares and more interesting camera viewing.
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Paramormal Waste of Time
jonathanostrow24 October 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Okay some, if not most of you will like this film if not love it but I found it hard to make it through this. The movie starts out with the us in the home with the family as though we are filming. This continues on until you wish you had taken your Dramamine.

At about the time one has had it with this we get filming they install cameras throughout the home (the reason for this is someone has broken into the home and taking nothing except one peace of the wife's jewelery that was her grandmothers). One is given the impression that this ransacking of the home was done by the Paranormal but we will never find out if the Paranormal did it or the reason for the Paranormal taking the jewelery.

We then spend a painstakingly long time to build up she scare factor that is to never happens. This continues on and we finally come to a point in the film that we fill is going to give us that good jump but they elect to have a quick simple killing... fade to black... black for 30 seconds... and credits.
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Less memorable than the first but still pretty scary.
koojaho1321 October 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Paranormal Activity 2 stays true to the original. Everything that has scared us to death is back and larger in scale. Paranormal Activity 2 is actually a prequel. How else would they have both Katie and Micah back? However there's a strong connection to the first movie and it's all very smartly plotted.

There are scenes in the trailer that aren't in the actual movie. However unlike the first PA, the scariest parts are saved only for the movie by not having them in the trailer. Paranormal Activity 2 is full of shocks.

There's a lot of horror in this film. Some scares are repetitive in the beginning but as the movie progresses on, the movie releases everything it's got and once again the last fifteen minutes of the film are absolutely terrifying. Jump scares are well timed at unexpected moments and the night scenes are still thrilling and worth waiting for. There's certainly more action in this one; the characters roam around the house with their camera at night. The sequel is less memorable because the shots aren't as creepy. The first movie had a set location: the bedroom and it was terrifying because the characters were haunted in their sleep when they are most vulnerable. Overall, if you liked the first one, this one will please you for sure.

The characters are well chosen. All of them have a good purpose and play a different role. There's the frustrating character that will never believe, there's the terrified one and then there's the adventurous one who craves for more. The acting is done well most of the time but at others it bothered me because it felt like they were 'acting'. Another recurring problem I had was that I kept asking myself why the characters were filming certain parts. Yes, those scenes are needed to make the movie make sense but in real life people wouldn't film some of these scenes at their circumstance.

Paranormal Activity 2 is not the abysmal sequel people feared it to be. It's got strong relevance to the first movie and it's still definitely shocking. It's an expansion of the first movie which all sequels should be; it's like seeing a part of the first movie that we never got to see. Definitely see it in the theaters where you won't be tempted to skip the movie forward.
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Wow this is a movie?
irumi7 November 2010
Warning: Spoilers
This is my first paranormal activity movie and from hearing all the hype about this movie series I'm totally disappointed. This is suppose to be a fictional movie, yet they didn't bother to show much of anything other than pans and doors flying open and shut! The only cool part was the mother being pulled down the stairs by the "ghost" over and over again, but thats the MOST action filmed for the whole movie. The end of it consisted of a power outage and the father running around with his night vision camera tossing it everywhere surprisingly not breaking it. All you see for 10-15min is green rolling around on the TV along with some cheap growling effects. Screw this movie. Don't walk into this movie expecting to see a lot of spiritual contact with the living because you will be disappointed. It's mostly a movie playing with sound effects to try to creep you out. If the females weren't so attractive id give this movie a 0 out of 10!
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Despite not entirely living up to the original, Paranormal Activity 2 is still another grueling excerise in subtle, intimate terror
Movieboy_2020 October 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Happening in the months leading up to its hit 2009 predecessor, Paranormal Activity 2 follows Katie's sister and her family as they experience a series of similar paranormal phenomenon in their home. Determined to get to the bottom of the increasingly threatening occurrences, they decide to set up a net of security cameras in and around the house to see what really goes bump in the night. Alas the terror only escalates, pushing each of them to their breaking points as they confront a ruthless being that feeds off their very woe and angst, that sickeningly wallows in their fear until revealing its final master plan...

Despite arguably cloning original's formula, this is still a largely enjoyable and chilling sequel. Although if you weren't a fan of the original's slow-burning and brooding terror, I find it hard to see you appreciating this. It stays true to the original's creed, taking time to develop characters and subtle tension as it slowly creates an increasingly suffocating repertoire of intimate horror. The 'evil' remains invisible and shrouded in eerie shadows for the most part, playing at the terror your imagination can evoke as opposed to visceral scares. The final twenty minutes is essentially a resonation of all the progressive tension built up, hitting hard with almost unbearable suspense and thrilling scare sequences that bring the film home intensely right until the very last disturbingly grim frame.

But with all that being said, I can't say it totally measures up to the original's level of brilliance. The security camera shots were a little corny and didn't have the effectiveness of the infamous darkened bedroom shot in the original. I also found the acting to be considerably weaker and the pacing a tad off the potency of the original.

Nevertheless, the film captures the essence of brooding, intimate horror perfectly; which is most vital.

I won't spoil anything too major, but I will say it ties in with the original's story with surprising competence. Katie plays a major role, whilst Micah also makes a couple of appearances. Oh, and it most definitely sets up for another sequel. Paramount are obviously pushing hard to make this the next big horror franchise.

Overall, I was yet again sufficiently creeped out and satisfied by this second journey into the 'Paranormal Activity' universe. The characters were detailed and layered as they faced interesting personal demons as well the evil that haunted them, the atmosphere was great as it focused predominantly on stark and foreboding imagery, and best of all, it wasn't a lame Hollywoodization of good non mainstream material - It kept absolutely true to the tone of Oren Peli's subtle yet profound masterpiece, as well as adding interesting twists and turns to the intriguing story.

8/10. If you loved and/or were scared by the previous installment, check this bad boy out. It won't disappoint.
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Good film with enough jumps to keep you awake at night.
skyfish6620 October 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I had the opportunity to view an advanced screening of this just a few minutes ago (I live in Australia) and I must say, I enjoyed the film.

If you liked the first one, then I can say you'll really like this one. I know the makers of the film were trying to make whole film seem natural, and real and like this is really happening, however, it just felt a little "staged". Yes, I am aware that it's not real, but some of the acting was... Juat satisfactory.

There were moments that left me thinking "when's the next "jump" gonna happen?" Which is what I feel this movie had become; Just a film to make you jump in your seat.

Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed the film, and a few parts made my heart skip a beat. I think that the continuity from the first was good and explained a lot about the first film.

The majority of the film is a prequel, but I guess it's good in a sense as it explains why the events of the first film actually happened.

I think the film was well executed, and wants Me wanting a little more, so maybe Paranormal Activity 3 ? I will say this, I felt some of the effects were a little hard to believe at times, but other than that, I liked it and it made my heart beat fast, which is what I guess the makes were setting out to do. For those who can look past the horror element, there is a believable story behind the whole thing, which I liked.

If you like good supernatural horrors, you'll love this, as long as you don't mind having second thoughts about sleeping alone and with the light off.

I give this film **** out of ***** stars, as it was good film, but didn't quite amaze Me.

Adios ! Y'all
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Abysmal Non-Scary Rehash
Hoohawnaynay25 October 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I was not scared one iota. This sequel was not above the original (which was also not scary) and I kept hearing how much better this was which prompted me to see it.

Sister of character in original apparently has a son the Demon wants due to some bizarre story about her dead ancestor making a deal with a Demon for wealth or some other nonsense. Then just like in the original weird things happen at night. Blah blah...

Just one long boring scene after another follows none of which generated any thrills for me.

Paramount is laughing all the way to the bank.
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Great scary fun
JenniferBaxter20 October 2010
The audience jumped, and begged for it to be less scary. A really fun night out that must be seen in a cinema, otherwise you're just a big scaredy-cat.

I purposely avoided trailers for this because I didn't want any of the story spoiled and I can safely say I wasn't disappointed. Top notch acting, especially the younger sister - I hope we see more of her on the big screen in future.

The original is better but this is a class act too and some very spooky moments.

One scare in particular is worth the ticket price alone.

Go see it!
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