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MPAA Rated R for some language and brief violent material

Sex & Nudity

  • Kristi lies in a bathtub filled with water and covered by bubbles (her bare shoulders are visible), she invites her husband to join her and he says, "Let me release the Kraken."
  • Kristi and Daniel hug and kiss in a few scenes.
  • Katie, Kristi and Ali wear low-cut tops and dresses in several scenes, which reveal cleavage, bare shoulders and backs.
  • Ali wears a bikini that reveals cleavage and her bare abdomen while swimming.
  • Katie, Kristi, Micah and Daniel wear swim trunks while swimming (bare chests, backs and cleavage are visible).
  • Brad and Ali play with a Ouija board and Brad spells out a sexually suggestive term, "Pussy."
  • Kristi tells Ali that she should be careful with her boyfriend and refers to him as "touchy, touchy, handsy, handsy."

Violence & Gore

  • A woman is slammed against a wall (we hear the thud, but don't see her injuries).
  • Kristi is dragged by the feet out of a room and part way down a flight of stairs, she gets free and runs back up the stairs, she is dragged back out of the room and down the stairs again and into a basement (the door slams and we see her emerge hours later).
  • Daniel moves through a completely dark house bumping into things and cursing.
  • We see sharp teeth through an infrared camera, and we hear what sounds like tearing and a commotion (there is no evidence of injury afterward).
  • Daniel approaches Kristi sitting in bed, she grabs him, all the lights go out and other people in the house panic.
  • A large piece of furniture is thrown.
  • A chandelier swings from the ceiling.
  • We see Kristi wearing a very bloody tank top.
  • We see a Kristi's thigh with a large bite mark on it (bruised and slightly bloody).
  • Hunter is in his crib and is moved across the mattress and up the railing, he cries and we see him on the floor, opening a door, going downstairs and looking around alone.
  • Kristi hears noises outside a bedroom window and a loud bang; we see a dead bird the next day and Daniel disposes it by picking it up with grill tongs (we see the limp creature) and threatening to cook it.
  • A dog barks frantically at something, chases it into a room, we hear it growling as if it's fighting something and we hear a whimper and a thud; Daniel finds the dog and carries it out of the house to take it to a vet's office (we see the dog limp).
  • A pan clangs onto a counter top after falling from a holder hanging from the ceiling; a woman puts the pan back on its hook and it falls off again frightening her.
  • Kristi sits alone in a quiet kitchen and all of the cabinet doors burst open (she is frightened and runs out of the room screaming).
  • Ali goes outside to investigate a loud noise, finds nothing, but the door slams and locks behind her.
  • Ali hears a loud thud in her house, she goes to investigate, she flips on a light and a toy car begins running on its own; she goes to another room and the car starts again.
  • A woman hears a loud thud; she runs to get Hunter from his crib and walks through the house with burning incense while chanting.
  • Ali wakes up with a start after the television changes channels randomly and she later describes "feeling something was there and calling her name."
  • Several scenes show people investigating noises in a house and they find nothing.
  • We see the back of a door that has been scratched (it looks like letters and there's a patch of what looks like blood).
  • We see the inside of a house that was apparently broken into; objects are displaced, tables overturned, glass is broken, etc.
  • Ali babysits Hunter, and Brad pounds on a sliding glass door and startles Ali.
  • A dog growls while in Hunter's room.
  • Kristi yells at Ali.
  • Daniel refers to a ritual a woman does as "weird witchy stuff" and says that she's "slaughtering goats."
  • Katie and Kristi discuss a break-in and one woman says, "It feels like they are still here."
  • Ali talks about liking the idea that there might be ghosts in her house.
  • Katie and Kristi talk about their mother and there is some suggestion of her being mentally unstable.


  • About 22 F-words, 10 sexual references, 10 scatological terms (2 mild), 1 anatomical terms, 1 mild obscenities, 9 religious exclamations.
  • Name-calling (weird, insane, tool, creepy.)

Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking

  • We see a cartoon with a beer logo on it.
  • Daniel holds a beer bottle (we do not see him drink from it.)
  • Ali tells her stepmother not to "get too wasted."

Frightening & Intense Scenes

  • Kristi after tucking Hunter in is suddenly dragged from his room and downstairs into the basement, there is then complete silence.
  • Ali is sleeping, suddenly you can see a shadow over her whispering her name, she then wakes up.
  • Ali hears noises outside the house, she goes outside and the doors suddenly lock by themselves.
  • The family's dog Abby senses the Demon from the start and when she hears a noise goes exploring. She at one time goes downstairs and sees the basement door open, then she goes back into the lounge and we briefly see Abby struggle before whining and being pulled violently offscreen.
  • Loud and unexpected bangs and noises throughout the movie.
  • Daniel tries to get the spirit out of Kristi by putting a wooden cross with oil on her but when he does she snaps at him and the lights turn out. She then disappears and so does the baby. He goes downstairs to the basement with the camera and it's a "Blair Witch" basement like scene except the characters survive it.
  • When Kristi is in the kitchen in the house alone she hears a noise and then suddenly every single drawer and cupboard flies open with a very loud bang. Extremely unexpected.


The Parents Guide items below may give away important plot points.

Violence & Gore

  • Daniel's neck is snapped (we hear the crack and he falls limp onto a sofa).
  • We understand that Ali's mother has died.

Frightening & Intense Scenes

  • Katie is shown standing in the background with blood stains on her shirt. She is staring at Daniel who doesn't notice she is there. She then suddenly walks up behind him and breaks his neck without showing any mercy, this happens quite quickly.

See also

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