9 Reviews
Drop Dead Funny!!!!
gamgee-59 November 2009
I seriously think Seth Macfarlane is a genius. I thought this little special was awesome and I wish it was a weekly thing, but then I am sure it would get old. The whole bit with Marlee Matlin was fabulous! I thought it was great how cool she was with the whole deal.

People keep complaining about The Cleveland Show, Family Guy and American Dad and saying they are losing their quality. Funny how they are Fox's highest rated shows. ABC CBS and NBC have abandoned Sundays. I think the Macfarlane empire is one that will continue to grow for some time yet.

I wish we had have seen some of the other characters. Quagmire, Cleveland and Joe were totally absent. Meg and Chris as well. Hopefully they get the chance to do a full cast show in the future.
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What am I watching???
jecook78 November 2009
What did I just watch? I'm having trouble digesting what I witnessed and how it made it on the air... it was just... terrible! It's almost like how Family Guy would caricature a bad sitcom.

What were they thinking? Why has FOX bent over for any and everything Seth wants to put on the air? The Cleveland show is nearly DOA, Family Guy has almost no effort put into it anymore, and now this travesty. American Dad is the only halfway decent show.

Oh great... now he's singing again. Rehashing all the songs that he's put into Family Guy. This show seems like a huge ego trip for Seth to show off his voice.
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Unfunny and offensive, but mostly unfunny.
wille668 November 2009
I'm a huge fan of Family Guy, and I enjoy the edgy humor and parodies. It doesn't feel so funny when a live action program tries to do the same thing. Chuckling about the Holocaust and imitating how deaf people sound when they talk isn't funny and kinda makes my skin crawl. Amazingly unfunny for someone as funny as Seth McFarlane. It's like he was trying to rack up as many insulted groups as he could in 30 minutes. What was he thinking when he put together this show? If his point was to make it a 30 minute uncomfortable Family Guy style skit, he pulled it off. Another feather in the cap of Fox, was the network so desperate for a program in this time slot that it needed to put this slapped together train wreck on air?
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Absolutely hilarious!!
jeffreydahn19 February 2010
Without a doubt one of the high points of my viewing schedule for 2009! Seth MacFarlane is a comic genius in the tradition of Mel Brooks, Sid Caesar, and Steve Allen. I don't understand the negative reviews, as I would think that those that watched it would be prepared for the typical edgy style of comedy seen on Family Guy. Marlee Matlin about made me fall out of my chair, particularly with her exit. I only wish I had recorded it so I could enjoy re-watching it, as I feel that this is one show we'll never see in re-runs! Darn it. Maybe next year , Seth and Alex can do a Christmas Special, or a Hanukkah show. I could think of some particularly funny bits for either of those possibilities.
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It's Not Funny
kchinger8 November 2009
It wasn't worth watching. I would much rather have watched a re-run of the normal show. There were a few amusing parts, but mostly it was just annoying. The laughter was annoying, the singing was annoying, I couldn't make out a lot of what they said (poor audio), etc.

I'm not sure exactly what I was expecting, but I was definitely expecting funny, and this wasn't it. The only good parts were the songs towards the end that showcased Seth's talent in switching between voices.

It mostly appeared to be an ad for Fox, combined with attempting to shock viewers with jokes told by actual people instead of cartoons (didn't work on me).
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Jesus Christ! I Loved It!
krissikrissa9 November 2009
Family Guy Presents: Seth & Alex's Almost Live Comedy Show was well as good as it gets. Is it offensive. Yes. Funny? YES!!! you bet!!! of course it's offensive that's what Seth Macfarlane is all about, Good old racism and it was great to see it in live action and they didn't spare any punches. Alex was fantastic specially in her part as the hurt Jew just completely hilarious. the dialogue between Seth and Alex kept me laughing the whole way through and the whole show was just non-stop laughter for me. I don't know if Americans will appreciate it as much as we in Europe do and seriously if you get easily offended don't watch anything Seth Macfarlane is a part of.
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fembot100223 November 2009
Family Guy used to be a really funny show. Now it is getting less funny, but what is way worse is that The Cleveland Show just stinks and then this travesty gets put on the air? Seth McFarlane came across as a total d-bag on the show and it obviously was not just an act, the guy seems like a huge real life jerk. The Alex lady seemed really nice and had a couple bits that showed off some good talent (her stand up joke and the Zellweger impression were okay) but over all this show was less funny than pretty much anything I've ever seen on Fox. It was just terrible! Right up (or down) there with that Star Wars Holiday Special, infamously bad TV.
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Only offensive if You Let It
Hollywood_Yoda19 May 2013
Offensive maybe, funny yes! If you are a fan of Seth MacFarlane's "Family Guy" and "American Dad," you will not find this any more offensive of a show than those two cartoons. Only a true fan of those two shows will love this variety show.

As a promotion for "The Cleveland Show," MacFarlane and Alex Borstein created this variety show for the Fox Network. Marlee Matlin makes a guest appearance as herself after being parodied by Alex.

The 'cancelled' Fox shows that Seth MacFarlane shows, "Hill Street Jews" and "Cal Johnson" are the funniest parts of the show. The theme song for 'Cal Johnson' makes no sense, yet is hilarious. Also, Seth MacFarlane dresses as the Cowardly Lion for an outtake on the film "United 93."

This is a show you will want to watch again and again. It is available on the DVD of the special episode of "Family Guy," 'Partial Terms of Endearment.'
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May have been the right decision to not continue
Horst_In_Translation21 January 2018
Warning: Spoilers
"Seth & Alex's Almost Live Comedy Show" is a half-hour (well actually a bit over 20 minutes) television comedy special starring some of the big names from the successful television show Family Guy. And as long-running as that may be, this one here never got continued in almost a decade it has been since its release. There is a stage, audience, comedy numbers, some pre-recorded videos, obviously really many Family Guy references etc. But none of it is funny, especially not the extremely random Lady Gaga parody and I am far from a fan of her who could actually be offended. Pretty shocking to see that despite seeing stuff like this, they still chose MacFarlane to host the Oscars at some point. I do like Family guy, but I just cannot like the show's creator at all. He seems too full of himself most of the time and also a bit on the fake side. His female co-lead here isn't any funnier. All in all, this gets a thumbs-down from me and I do not recommend checking it out. Can't say I'm angry at all this was so short(-lived).
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