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MPAA Rated PG-13 for violence including battle sequences and intense images

Sex & Nudity

  • Some women wear cleavage-revealing dresses.
  • It shows the wedding night between Moses and his wife. Talking sweetly to each other in which she then tells him to "proceed". He begins to untie her shirt and starts kissing. Nothing further shown. Later in the film once reunited he then asks her in their room if he may "proceed" (again), but they only briefly kiss and hug.

Violence & Gore

  • A battle sequence early on shows many die and in combat, some blood and wounds are seen.
  • A slave is being punished for misbehavior. He is being whipped and his back is full of bloody wounds.
  • Ramses threatens to cut off the hand of a woman unless she confesses to be Moses's sister. When she does not confess, he swings his sword to cut off her arm but is stopped just in time by Moses.
  • Two men attack Moses and he fights against them and kills them by stabbing them.
  • The plagues over Egypt are often quite graphic and violent, boils and sores are seen, dead animals, blood water, crocodiles, a violent hail storm, frogs, flies, locusts and the death of the babies.
  • In an attempt to make the slaves give up Moses to him, Ramses hangs a family of three in public, and threatens to hang one family every day. In several later scenes some more hangings are shown.
  • The boils caused by the flies and locusts on the faces of the Egyptians appear scary.
  • Horses and cattle suddenly fall down dead, spitting blood from their nostrils.
  • One of Ramses's generals falls off his chariot and is overrun by the chariot following him. No blood is shown though.


Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking

Frightening & Intense Scenes

  • A goose is cut open and used for fortune telling. Leaches are used to bleed out bad blood. Animal skins are used as rugs for a king.
  • Lambs are killed for their blood.
  • The 10 plagues scenes may be too intense for some as they pretty vividly depict the plagues.

See also

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