10 Reviews
Full of heart and humor
JunotLee10 March 2023
Loved this! The story will surprise you for all the right reasons, it's not about dunking at all but so much more and I loved the metaphor behind it. This film will move you with exceptional performances and it will entertain you with an honest, unflinching journey of self discovery.

It's about embracing and uncovering your true best self, surrounded by the people who love you. One of the best sports comedies I've seen in a while with a great depth of storylines, especially in the mom and son dynamic. This is the kind of Disney original movies I miss, like "Remember the titans" or "cool runnings." The story's actually trying to touch on something meaningful and is unafraid to make its protagonist stumble.

Bloom Li is brilliant! And the writing toes the delicate line between heart and humor.
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He doesn't dunk...
alex-harris-love2 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Until the very end and it is only assumed he made the dunk so does that leave room for a part 2? First Jack Harlow can't dunk as a white man and then this high school 5'8 Chinese kid can? Nope. Stereotypical movie lacking jokes and the xenophobia continues even though the movie was written and directed by a Chinese native in Jingyi Shao. Dexter Darden as Deandre was the only pleasant light (get it) within the movie but I am curious as to how he went from a teenager in Saved by the Bell to a full grown unrecognizable man in this film. Anyways, how did this movie get a PG rating with use of curse words? Oh well, don't recommend and won't watch again.
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some productions are missed
ulasturgut1 April 2023
Priority scenes, acting and script were way above what I expected. He made you feel all the emotional state in the story very clearly.

It's about embracing and uncovering your true best self, surrounded by the people who love you. One of the best sports comedies I've seen in a while with a great depth of storylines, especially in the mom and son dynamic. This is the kind of Disney original movies I miss, like "Remember the titans" or "cool runnings." The story's actually trying to touch on something meaningful and is unafraid to make its protagonist stumble.

I knew I was going to have a good time watching a movie, but I didn't expect it to exceed my expectations that much. A quality movie.
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Dunking Done Right
rgkarim11 March 2023

The Acting -It takes talent to be a young cast and put out a good performance, and even more so in a Disney movie (no offense).

-Our performers actually made characters that were realistic, approachable, fun, and yet real, with only going into in your face when the script called for it.

-Dexter Darden gets a shout out for being my favorite character, the modern day coach who has this great approach to things and really bridges everyone together keeping the movie balanced. A lynch pin holding much together, he was the part of the movie I enjoyed the most -Renee is good in her role, strong, fair, engaging, and dare I say just a great character that acts not just as a goal, but an engaging character mode. She's got sass, vulnerability, and yet compassion that makes for a strong character.

-Ben Wang is more of the comedic relief, but not in the stumbling boob, gigantic joke that these roles can take on. He's again realistic, fun, great timing, but also holds more past the jokes in his goal to make this quest for identity better.

-As for Li, he's got the most extremes of character, which is kind of the point, but outside of trying to be overly cool, it works with the symphony of feelings that play out in this journey.

-There is hurt, questions being asked, but also recognition and heart, and to do that in such a young age, again for Disney in the modern era, tough to achieve, but he did it.

-And the chemistry works very well, a believable relationship built between these people that throws so much story in it instead of the political topics being the center.

Pacing -The movie may not be the most exciting at times, as expected of a coming of age tale, but it does work and still move to be engaging.

-Chang's journey has the fun moments, the no so fun moments, and the balanced moments that all work themselves into an order that remained intriguing to me.

-And throw in the entertainment values in this movie, even the slower parts had good time awareness and seemed catered to telling this tale and never losing just having fun.

The Process and Journey -When it comes to a character working towards a goal... you know it's all about the journey to get there and not just the end game.

-And this movie does a fantastic job of bring you into that process, in my opinion.

-We've got montages of training that of course are cliché and expected of this movie, but with the music, the editing with the sound/commentary, and breaking it up moments... it feels fresh and fun.

-Throw in the fact that there is a documentary/video making approach to the film, and it adds this modern relativity to it that dare I say makes it better in my opinion.

-And again, it has these nuances that multigenerational approaches can enjoy and respect, but never loses the fun moment, even when things take a slower journey -That's right, even the back half of the film where things change has a process that is respectable, and kind of shows a more realistic approach to character development than what Disney often does.

-That again helps tie the movie down to the grounded moment and keep focus, and makes these harder moments believable, engaging, and quite honestly more impactful.

-That is a beautiful thing to keep me entertained during slower moments.

-The Humor -Chang's dunking journey may have some in your face moments that are cringe worthy, but a lot of it just feels very natural and fun.

-Klutzes like me, will enjoy the slapstick stumbling as he works on getting in shape, appreciating the falls with a purpose vs. Falls for being dumb.

-The one-liners and stings are timed well, and pulled in at the right times, alongside the awkward banter that arises with the use of this stuff.

-And the fact that it gives you time to reset and enjoy the variety is smart, allowing the humor to be a topping, not the whole movie, which is very impressive in my opinion.

The Overall Morals Of The Story -The movie is of course a Disney coming of age tale, and that means we probably need to learn something.

-And this movie accomplishes much of this with lessons that actually are logical, balanced, and not so extreme like so many of their projects are.

-It helps with identity searching without so much entitlement and empowerment to the point of toxic movements.

-It conveys realistic growth and just how fallible we are, but doesn't paint anyone a major enemy to do it, but rather shows how the character struggles.

-And it teaches so much about the hard work that comes when things hit the fan. It's beautiful the way it works out and really shows how a story can be developed and be amazing.

The Music -It's a powerful track list that brings so much with it in regards to the utility and feelings that a good song can bring.

-Knowing most of the songs, the nostalgic factor is of course fun and inspiring to have a blast to your own achievements and memories.

-And yet, the selection again works well to go with the feeling of the scene and really deliver the punch that would be gone without it. Such a great use of music.


A Tad Hokey at Times -This is hard to achieve, but the movie does dive a bit into the preachy hokey moments that make families go AWWWWWW.

-They are few and far between, and often avoid getting too monologue like, and I like that it's not too in your face.

-When you do that, it works so well that even the veering into the lanes don't throw me off too much to be too upset.

Some Character Development That Needed Some Time -Some things get a little short sighted, and some moments could have had more heat, time, and a scene or two to integrate.

-Yet again, most of the characters and areas they had to approach, were again stellar in their handling and even these missing moments were not quite as missed in the grand scheme because of the stronger moments.

-The finish might have needed just a little more time for the full kick for me, but again, I'm being nitpicky on this particular area.

A Tad Longer Than Probably Needed with The Content -Given the direction they took, it felt a tad long at times, a few moments maybe a bit more dragged out to get cameos in or throw that one moment into the mix.

-But again, I can't say there was a lot of dead time either, and so reducing by like 10-15 minutes might have put this at the right time, unless they had made more time with the other characters.

Predictable For The Most Part -I mean, this was not one of those unique stories that revolutionizes the movie world, so as such, the twist factor is pretty minimal.

-And even though I know where this is going and can see where things are going to fall, it still has enough entertainment and class with it, that the predictability is not the full run over that other movies do.

-Therefore, again, this movie may not be the most original, mind blowing, or dare I say top notch sports movie, but that heart helps things out.

The VERDICT: To my surprise, this Disney original film really works for me and feels like the time back in the 90s and 2000s when Disney knew how to have fun, tell stories, and make entertaining stories. Chang Can Dunk shows how to take real life issues, but wrap them in engaging, natural and fun stories that help break away from the drudges of reality. I loved the movements of earnest focus, and the way the acting/characters blend well to teach the lessons and not make me hate what I'm learning. It drops so much of the entitlement and superiority and instead focuses on just being real and constructive. I loved the jokes, I loved the montages, and again the music has such power behind the familiar strands. Sure the movie is not perfect in all its endeavors. It's not the most unique tale, and it does not match things and characters perfectly, but I also don't think it veered too far. So that leaves me with the following scores and recommendations to see this movie:

Drama/Family/Sport: 8.5 Movie Overall: 7.5-8.0.
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Heartfelt Story about Overcoming Self
lilyandthemachine14 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
At first I thought this was going to be a basketball-heavy film, but it also touches on themes of family friendship, romance, peer pressure, and mental health. I love that we're seeing more Asian-American representation in films, and that Disney is creating more original and diverse stories with characters that we can relate to.

Definitely recommend this film!

Spoilers ahead read if you dare:

1) I thought that they were going to address why Chang's father left and the whole story behind that, but they never touched upon it. We do see the mother finally taking his belongings out to the front yard to dispose of them, so perhaps he's just very out of the picture and that explains the conflict between Chang and his mother.
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notthatjennifer16 March 2023
Very entertaining and pretty funny! I watched it with my 8 year old son and he loved it as well. It did a great job of showing what you can do with a lot of hard work and dedication. Also, how to humble yourself, and take responsibility when you do something wrong. Lots of good lessons for adults and kids. Highly recommend. There wasn't any bad words or inappropriate scenes for kids either. Felt very comfortable watching with my kids. Well done!

Side note...I know when he was putting his Kobe poster back up and said "I've missed you!", he wasn't exactly meaning he missed Kobe himself, but having his poster where it belonged, but I started crying. I've missed Kobe too. It brought up a lot of good memories of me watching him play. Thankful for all the Kobe references.
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How Asian boy grow up
artofsound-8602116 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The story of an Asian boy's growth, with family love, friendship, and romantic love. There is an extreme need for recognition during adolescence, just like everyone else has experienced. There is cheating with the hope of not being discovered, driven by the extreme desire for success and a sense of luck. There is a girl who has successfully pursued, but does not know how to respect her and love her correctly. There is an attitude of feeling invincible after becoming famous, where everything is taken for granted. There is a love for his mother, but not knowing how to express it correctly. As a 45-year-old, this story is almost my entire life experience.
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Inspiration for every single one
dinchandu3 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This movie will make people realise that despite of having their physical differences with the society we can achieve what we really want. This movie is the perfect example of what it is. Chang can dunk is a good movie and the best motivation. Good story/ good cinematography/ good acting/ overall a great movie. Keeping Kobe as the inspiration is the key touching point of this movie and as we all miss Kobe this movie is purely dedicated to him. Kobe is there in every ones hearts with his amazing game play and his amazing achievements. Dunking is what every guy who plays basketball would love to do and this movie shows that hardwork and determination will make us achieve it.
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What a beautiful movie!
bm23019928 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I knew I was going to like this movie from about 10 minutes in. The main character is funny and his dynamic with all the characters is perfect. His best friend Bo is so likeable and I love how much we're seeing Ben Wang in things these days. Zoe Renee played the wonderful love interest and was assertive and independent in a role that could've just been about two guys fighting over her. Dexter Darden is BRILLIANT as Chang's coach and he made me smile from his first scene. Bloom Li is an excellent lead character and he gives some very emotional and raw performances throughout this film which were beautiful to watch.

The film was also really funny, I loved the basketball references and the montages were so good, if any film wants to put montages in their film and have them be entertaining and fun watch this film. It gave the film a lovely nostalgic 2000s throwback feel which was so enjoyable. It also does such a great job of showing the Asian family dynamic (and also the modern version with separated families) without demonising the mother as is so often done. Instead, it shows BOTH sides and I loved how they showed Asian expressions of love e.g. Giving your child the food off your plate just so they can eat more etc.

I love how the main character made a pretty huge mistake, was rude and hurt lots of people because we then got to see him grow and make amends which never usually happens in these sorts of films. The main character might say something rude but never majorly messes up and I think this film sends a much healthier message to kids that even if you do something really stupid and embarrassing, with hard work and the right mental attitude you can come back from it. I also loved the general message of the film, that anything is possible but that you shouldn't be chasing anyone else's approval except your own.

Witty, emotional and unlike anything else out there. Really glad I found this film.
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It brought sincere tears to my eyes...
RosanaBotafogo1 March 2024
A young Asian-American teenager who is a basketball fan wants fame and attention from a girl, but ends up learning much more about his mother, his best friends and himself.

The first half of the film sounds cliché like any teen film, involving bets between popular versus unpopular students... But it's in the second half that it really hits me, when the fascination makes Chang exactly the person he hated most, snobbish, selfish and self-centered... And it is in his defeat that he discovers his true self... A beautiful film, with a wonderful message about inner knowledge, effort, training and humility... It brought sincere tears to my eyes...
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