Good Times (TV Series 2024– ) Poster

(2024– )

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Bad Times.
rdavisq20 April 2024
Good Times was a classic TV show from a time long past when there was no internet and a new show meant new information. I was a young white person in a small town of 98% white people and this was my first exposure to another culture. That is what Norman Lear did. Expose people to things they hadn't seen or were hard to discuss. From tackling abortion and homosexuality in "Maude," racism with "All in the Family" and most importantly humanizing black life for stubborn white people with "The Jeffersons" and "Good Times." It would behoove anyone reading this to go watch any of these shows instead of this series. As I write this I'm realizing that this series isn't worth mentioning really and that 3 is to high a score. 1.7.
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desiraesy25 April 2024
I understand the reboot and the concept but the stereotypes are killing me I couldn't get pass the first episode its actually embarrassing. I can't believe the actors went along with a 1 year old selling drugs, then they say he's a mirror to stewie from family guy naww. I honestly believe they felt the show was funny and they would get the best response from it. Being from Chicago we try to stay away from stereotypes but as a whole this set us back like 50 years. This is not why we work hard to be portrayed like this on TV I didnt find this show funny at all, it actually looked like a good a watch but i couldnt continue.
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Horribly stereotyped
onpointmag15 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Here we have another so called comedy that's not funny at all. Seriously, what's funny about babies shooting at another baby? Or a father standing balls naked in didn't of his young daughter? What I gather is "supposed" to be funny, is not. The story paints a sordid picture of every stereotype the Black community has worked to get away from. Drug dealing, hoes, white Jesus, father & son issues... Whatever made you go this route with this reboot is beyond me. This was so disrespectful. And what was the point of the daughter having hygiene issues with flies & bad breath?? This just set Florida & James Evans family back 50 years. No wonder BernNadette Stanis hated it.
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Being ghetto doesn't = satire
Parker-10012420 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This isn't funny at all. They think they can just be ghetto and call it satire. It's dated topics and unfunny writing just proves they had the wrong writers in the room. The satirical classics like Boondocks and Black Dynamite didn't just have a bunch of ghetto characters for us to laugh at. They both had layers of truths but at the same time making you look at humor from a different perspective. What was the message of the mom being project president, The baby doing drugs Or Jesus playing video games? It seems like they just put shocking ignorant images in the show with no merit or message thinking it would be funny, but it was insulting. I'm from Chicago my parents grew up in Cabrini greens and ain't no one in our family like any of these characters. Just horrible and disappointing.
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There's no "good times" to be had with this show
jediforce1024 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Before I begin this review, I must admit, I've never seen an episode of the original Good Times show. Having said that, if the original one was anything like this version it would've been canceled after one episode and wouldn't be remembered fondly at all. Even though I haven't seen an episode, I know this revival has nothing to do with the original at all. It was greatly remembered for being the first sitcom to have a black family about the struggles of life while living in the projects. While the premise may seem similar in this reboot, it completely misses the point.

The best way I can describe this show would be like The PJ's show from the 90s without any of the wit, charm, or the appeal of what made it good. While some people complained about the stereotypes in that show, the Good Times reboot goes overboard on every stereotype of the black community from the ghetto to drug dealing and so on.

This all applies to every character. Not one of them is good and they're all just stereotyped to the max. I hate everyone in this show and you will too once you see how terrible they are from the drug dealing baby to the dad just standing naked in front of his daughter and not caring about it.

Seth MacFarline was part of the revival and his involvement is clear in this show. It's like he was trying to do another version of The Cleveland Show, a show that was really bad and had stereotypes too. In fact, the baby and Ralo are almost similar in a way. Even the daughters feel similar from each show.

The "jokes", and I call them jokes very loosely, pretty much are on brand for his style of humor. Many of them either drag out or just flat out confusing and have no point or delivery.

The writing is just as bad. The show wants to try and aim for some satire, but it misses the mark with all the stereotypes. When you look at something like The Boondocks, you can tell what the writers wanted to aim for with the characters and mix a different look from an event while it can also make you laugh. Here, there's none of that. Even in moments where the show should take a moment and try to have some good meaning behind it they quickly toss it out for more stereotypes. Why?

The animation in general is cheap looking. Mouth movements look weird, characters moving look stilted, and it feels so stiff. The backgrounds and character designs feel uninspired and lack anything that's interesting.

The voice work is alright I guess, but I generally have to wonder how desperate these people were to sign for this. Did they need the paycheck that badly? Were they being blackmailed into this? I can't imagine any of them signing for this with a straight face and not having a gun pointed at them to sign a contract to this.

There's no reason for you to watch this. There are plenty of shows out there like The Jeffersons, All in the Family, and the original Good Times that do a far better job than this show. The PJs and Boondocks do a better satire than this show. It takes every stereotype of black people, cranks it up to 11, and parades it around like we're supposed to be entertained. Instead, it's dated, tiresome, annoying, and downright insulting towards a classic show that, while I never saw, made a major impact on TV. Honestly, with all the problems this show has, a question needs to be asked to the creators.

Did any of them bother to do even the slightest research on what made the original Good Times so beloved?
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What is this?
jenmignott19 May 2024
Representation matters and this is not what represents Black people in 2024. Sadly, those defending this show as funny do not realize that these same creators and producers would NEVER make a show with stereotypes like this for non-Black people. Saying this baby is comparable to Stewie is the definition of Playing in our faces. One baby is a drug dealer and the other is a witty genius. This is a 2024 minstrel show and Netflix should be ashamed for airing it. This show is not Boondocks and it's definitely is not a reboot of Good Times. The live show ended with the Evans family getting out of the projects and moving toward creating generational wealth. Seth and Steph's show has the family five generations later in a situation that is absolutely 100 levels worse and no improvement or inspiration to be had. This show Is the definition of Blaxploitation and I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired of how Black Americans are represented, even when it is supposed to be satire. This is not satire, it is just sad and tired.
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It's not THAT bad!
sheast13 April 2024
No, it is not the original 'Good Times', and obviously it is not suppose to be. But, it has great humor & the look is vintage (e.g. Fat Albert Show). I laughed out loud a few times and the characters featured (Elon Musk, Maya Angelou) added to the funny. And for those making a big deal about a baby drug dealer, this is not a new concept of the adult situation baby in the Seth MacFarlane universe (see Family Guy). So, I doubt race (ism) has anything to do with it. This also reminds me of The PJ's of the early 2000's. Some people on their high horse about a series that is not to be taken that seriously. The original 'Good Times' was a cultural phenomenon realized many years after it ended (along with other Norman Lear produced sitcoms). However, at the time it premiered, it's premise was not revered by many Black Americans who did not want to see "the struggle" on T. V., along with a little clown-nery.
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Entertaining but also perpetuates a lot of stereotypes
dianaayodele15 April 2024
I watched this whole series and while I found some of the scenarios interesting and overall would say I enjoyed watching it, I couldn't shake the feeling of the characters archetypes being lazily written. As someone who enjoys adult cartoons, it would be nice to see newer ones explore developing characters that don't feed into the same tired old stereotypes about Black American family structures: the extremist activist, the overworked and broke father, the drug dealer/gangster, etc... I think if they put more effort into developing the characters outside of this bubble, the show would be even more interesting and funny.

So for my overall opinion...

Positives: The art style of the cartoon is very engaging. Some of the scenarios are interesting and funny, and there are definitely parts that are very relatable. I enjoyed the fact that there was regular involvement from characters outside of the direct family unit in the main storyline, as opposed to having them only contribute to occasional side stories like how cartoons such as American Dad, The Cleveland Show, and Family Guy create their extra characters.

Negatives: The character archetypes feel lazy and not well thought out, all of the characters are based on some type of stereotype about African Americans, Black Caribbean's, and Black Africans. If the cartoon's target audience is intended to be Black people, I think they need to do better at creating characters that feel more reflective of the diversity of the Black community, without pandering to expected stereotypical portrayals for entertainment value. There is definitely room for improvement.
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This good times reboot flounders above water.
emerilescaladefan12 April 2024
In 1974, lear, Monte and others, created one of the greatest tv shows of all time, good times, it had humor, laughs and great performances throughout, even, The catchphrase dynomite was cool as well, as for this new one and it is total garbage, there is only some chuckle or two, the performances are horrible, the animation is worthless, the teleplay is pathetic and the writing is just b.s. Throughout, let's just say that I hated every inch of this reboot, even more offensive than the grotesque splatter is the use of a baby as a drug dealer, now I found that to be completely cynical and truly dreadful, this is yet another reason why I turned the TV off, the first in 12 years, this new good times is just truly pathetic and it's heading on my list of the worst television of 2024 and it deserves to be

I gave good times a big fat f.
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a really fun show fr
babapanduri14 April 2024
I don't usually write reviews for the shows, but for this i have to write it down. These light hearted people who cant take a joke are making this show worst rated. The thing is show is not for everyone, specially for those who are sensitive. The show is humorous, funny and the characters are on point. It is fun to watch like every other Seth Macfarlane series. Seth Macfarlane usually gets this type of hate everytime and every single time his shows gets superhit. This is going to be a huge success please continue this series. IGNORE THESE SO CALLED SENSITIVE GENERATION WHO GETS TRAUMATISED BY THEIR BREAKFAST.
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roamedspirits3430 May 2024
The show is disrespectful given that Good Times were not based on ghetto black people. They were mid class/poor with good manners and no illegal activity. If they just made this a show separately without putting Good Times into, I think I'd like it but this ain't Good Times lmaooo it's like Boondocks. The comedy timing is really good and the storyline is entertaining but I can't see anything similar to the Good Times family. I see two of the original Good Times people are apart of it and I don't know why. Not only that but the change of the theme song completely is literally disappointing, like just make this a seperate show.
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Fits into the stereotypical genre of black exploitation
preyn-3066913 April 2024
The original "Good Times" series was the first black family series before many others made their debut. It was relatable to many within the black community because it depicted the daily struggles families faced while trying to survive living in the projects. I can't define sensibly what this new generation of Good Times is trying to depict. It was extremely difficult to follow each episode. The scenes were too busy, the characters movements were lacking fluidity, the language and subject matter was obscene. It's really a shame. I expected more to pay homage to the original Good Times. No good.
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Not needed in 2024
brwnchick15 April 2024
I couldn't get past the Dad talking to a roach. The Dad coming out naked in front of his daughter. The baby being a drug dealer. This show is not many stereotypes in this series . It is a slap in the face of the Orginal show ...Ester Rolle wouldn't have any part of this show...this is the reason she left during the taping of the next to last season...I'm hoping they pull this or rename the series at least. I'm not watching it I hope they pull it off of Netflix or I just might unplug Netflix for even thinking that this show would be ok. We are the only race a people in this country that they want to keep down.
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clg198317 April 2024
This is an insult in all shapes and sizes. How dare they desecrate my youthful television favorite with this racist characterizations. The people of color who signed up for and are behind this atrocity should be deeply ashamed to have their name associated with this crap. Talk about two steps back. J. B should know better but I guess the money was good. WTH Curry got to do with movies, stay in your lane dude. I am sure his dad watched the original as I did in Staunton but obviously he never shared the it with Stephan. Wonder what Dale thinks of this. Netflix should remove this as soon as possible. Absolutely nothing to see here! 👎🏿
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What does this have to do with GoodTimes?
studman-1343229 April 2024
Other than the characters names this show has absolutely nothing to do with the message that the original tv show was trying to get across, and what idiot thought a baby selling Crack was going to be funny? Black people have come to far for this BS and need to let Netflix know it, don't know why in the year 2024 anyone would make such garbage, it is embarrassing and an insult to all black people, except Tim Scott and Byron Donald's who think we act this way in real life, I really wonder what audience was this actually made for, was it made for an African American family or was it made to further the racism being brought about in politics.
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They did the same to Shirley
JustinJKanter15 April 2024
In the past year, Netflix has shifted gears, abandoning the pursuit of quality in favor of becoming a mere content aggregator. Nowhere is this more evident than in their treatment of Black Stories-shallow, tokenistic offerings that scream, "Here's something we think the community will tolerate," devoid of any genuine effort to deliver quality entertainment.

Take, for instance, their recent Shirley Chisholm Movie debacle. It looked as though they threw spare change at it and managed to get everything about Chisholm wrong.

Now Good Times. This insulting portrayal, steeped in old stereotypes, is just the tip of the iceberg. And I highly doubt this poorly executed, offensive mess will win them any new audience.

Netflix originals have become increasingly unbearable. From the disaster that was the Zack Snyder debacle to the mishandling of "3 Body Problem," it's evident that Netflix's enthusiasm for new creators and bold ideas has waned, replaced by tired clichés and a race to the bottom.

We may be witnessing the twilight of the streaming golden age, but I never imagined quality would plummet to such depths in a business model reliant on subscriber retention.
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Couldn't Stop Laughing
tommypezmaster12 April 2024
While not a faithful adaptation of the original show, it still have a lot of thing I love about past Netflix shows. Likable character w/ heart, Unique episode premises and original humor w/ 100% laughs. The animation feels like something new and give the show a unique. Episode 3 made me laugh so hard, it ended being my favorite of the series. I hope season 2 will happen regardless of what people think. Besides they're are shows people will defend endlessly that still rerun on cable that look a WHOLE lot worst than this. Obviously I'm look at you Baby Looney Tunes, Be Cool Scooby-Doo and Scaredy Squirrel.
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Funny show - not for the faint hearted !
tiamichiko6 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Myself as person of color I really enjoyed watching this and was laughing nearly every moment for the majority of the episodes. You can definitely see the inspiration from Family Guy which I liked as I'm a fan of Family Guy as well. There's a lot of good one liners and other jokes thrown in from both the protagonists and background characters. The art and animation style is very unique which most other cartoons don't use.

I particularly enjoyed the side story of Grey and Quan as it does, to some extent show the reality of falling for someone so quickly and then having the rose tinted glasses fall off. Grey's reaction when he gives her the names necklace "I was about to catch a charge for a guy who didn't even know how to spell my name" was hilarious!

Another particularly funny character had to be Dalvin, although he is almost a clone to Stewie being the talking baby who is smarter than the big brother, acts as their wingman and acts like he doesn't need his mom and both Dalvin and Stewie engage in violence with firearms on a regular basis.

The Junior/JR character switch probably disappointed me the most. His character at the start was my favourite, the kid who couldn't perform well academically but had amazing art skills and was a talented basketball player. He was funny and was in his own world amidst all the chaos. However when he became JR his character became very boring and stereotypical. There's plenty of other gangbangers in the show already so what was the point of him becoming one too?

I understand that for some this show could come across as offensive due to the cultural and racial stereotypes, but many adult animations do this and have other situations which some may deem as being inappropriate. However the fact that it's an animation allows for boundaries to be pushed that wouldn't be acceptable in non-animated series.

For me, the major downside is that throughout the series the storylines became more predictable and even lazy - cartoons allow for anything to happen so I was expecting something a bit more exciting and entertaining, but it just becomes a story on the mom being the local president and letting the power get to her head and only realising when her son gets shot.
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Set Us Back About 30 Years!
digitalmediatyrant18 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This is not what we needed in 2024! A friend chicken hero, crack selling baby's? Joining a gang to have s3x??? Grey Anatomy!

There was a couple times the show had a chance to actually say or do something impactful only to then take it all back with some type of degrating situation or stero-type.

Who I'm disappointed in is the cast and all the black folks that signed off on this c'mon Ranada, Steph. It truly is all about the money it has to be because there was a script?

I watched the whole thing and that was 4-5 hours I can't get back... WOW no season 2 movie OVA no more please. Please no more.
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4 all the negative comments
bshaw-476254 May 2024
I'm not understanding all the hate. 4 whateva reason y'all love the Simpsons to where they can live for over 30 years. Y'all love family guy, that's been around for over 20. Y'all love American dad... But once a black show comes out. Here comes the hate. The show is funny & pushes boundaries just like the Simpsons, Family Guy & American Dad.... So y'all wanna kill another black show.... What else is new🤔. Netflix obviously picked it up because it's funny. Hell even F is for Family got extended seasons. The fact that black oriented shows can't live is because of the people who are uncomfortable watching it. But if u have an open mind & empathy, with a little retrospective maybe u will enjoy the jabs & barbs they are throwing out. It's the same way the Cleveland show didn't last, or Boondocks, & dare I say Black Dynamite. Some of the funniest animated shows ever, but they will never get a run of 30, 20, 10 years... I wonder why?
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I watched every one in one sitting ...
jthirdpower-8960229 April 2024
And ... I felt the same way I felt when I watched the original as a child, week after week, embarrassed. However. It's art and it's what entertainment does. I applaud their brave attempt to modernize these ideas. Again, however, current society is too politically correct to have fun anymore. All things are pulled apart for cultural accuracy then soaked in the blood of sadness cause no one wants to relax and have fun at the expense of the unknown like it was done in the 70's. If you watched "Big Mouth" and enjoyed it, you can watch this without too many gasps. Laugh people its just a joke. We know what is real. Each of us need to care about one another before and after entertainment. We are human beings needing love, shelter, food, and rest. Calm down and enjoy someone's hard work.
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Esther is Rolle-ing in her grave
tnghbadn17 April 2024
I can't believe what I just watched. Saw someone post a screenshot of this and thought I'd give it a shot. Wow. Thinks actually embarrassing. Why as black people do we want to perpetuate stereotypes that have harmed our communities and our own well-being. We've come so far and now this????? Whatever intelligent comedy there may be here is lost because we have to sit through gun violence by children (literal babies!), roaches in the apartment, glorifying "hoes"...when it first started and they referenced the "white Jesus" episode of the original show I though we were going somewhere empowering, but no. Just another act of self-hatred billed as art. We have to do better.
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Blaxploitation at best
techiewilson12 May 2024
I couldn't bear to watch even a single episode of this cartoon. The new adaptation of "Good Times" on Netflix left me questioning why Seth McFarland and Seth Curry would consider this subpar humor as comedy. It's not funny at all; it's offensive and insulting.

Why couldn't they showcase the characters moving up and out of the hood in future generations? Michael was intelligent, JJ was talented, and Thelma was beautiful, savvy, and intelligent as well! They had caring and protective parents, along with a supportive community, despite living in the projects.

Why include a storyline about a baby involved in drug dealing? What's the purpose? And why are roaches singing the theme song? It's an infestation when roaches have the audacity to serenade in the shower!

I sincerely hope this show gets canceled and buried away forever. Shame on you, J. B. Smoove, Jay Pharoah, Yvette Nicole Brown, and Wanda Sykes! I used to admire your work. I understand that finding quality projects can be challenging in Black Hollywood, but this one was a truly terrible choice.

Am I the only one feeling this way? By the way, giving it one star is being too generous.
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What did I just (try) to watch?
mg_legend29 April 2024
Like 5 minutes in the Dad is standing naked in the living room in front of... his entire family? The show sets the bar that low right from the start and never really improves.

The baby i think is supposed to be some sort of Ghetto Stewie?

Everyone involved, the writers and most importantly (personally), the cast who agreed to be part of this should be ashamed of the part they played in this ever reaching Netflix. Do they have no personal pride or at the very least in where they come from?

This was bad and you should all feel bad.

Need more characters to be able to post this, here they are!
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100% trash
darryl-johnson27 April 2024
I'm not sure what Seth McFarlane was thinking when he decided to be an executive producer on this animated series named 'Good Times'. Nor what showrunner Ranada Shepard was thinking. However I think I know what original showrunner Carl Jones was thinking when left - no way he wanted to be associated with this fetid trash.

The title 'Good Time' misleads viewers into thinking this trash is an homage to the original series - it isn't. The family names, public housing and being poor are the only relationship to the iconic show. A drug dealing baby, numerous shootouts, frequent use of the N word, singing cockroaches and a male character walking around with his testicles barely covered up after taking a shower will quickly convince you this garbage has nothing sensible in common with the historic show (celebrating its 50th anniversary this year).

All aforementioned happened in the first episode of which I found so offensive and unfunny I turned it off without finishing it. Ms Shepard has stated viewers should watch all ten episodes before passing judgement- that's not going to happen. Apparently most viewers aren't impressed- released on April 12th it ranked as a lower rated Top Ten Netflix show a week later but fell from the rankings the second week. Viewer reviews have been mostly scathing and damning.
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