Fallout (TV Series 2024– ) Poster

(2024– )

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I am in love with this show
Amthermandes14 April 2024
THIS is how you make a video game to movie/tv show series. THIS is how you pander to gamers while appealing to new audiences. THIS is excellent 21st century entertainment.

I won't waste time explaining the premise, I'm sure you've gotten the gist by now from other reviews. Just know that it seems like gamer who are fans of the game series (such as myself) are quite happy with it, and that people unfamiliar with the game series (like my wife) are also engrossed with this show.

SO MANY REFERENCES to the game makes it fun to watch as a long-time gamer fan. Everything, from junk decor like magazine racks and plastic jack-o-lantern buckets, to power armor, enemies, factions, food, chems, characters, and weapons, is familiar.

Sure, it may be a bit overproduced, have some cheesy and weak CGI effects, and contain a lot of the "modern formula" in its script and story. Aside from that, it's got everything anyone would want for a riveting sci-fi, action, drama, comedy, horror adventure. Seriously, this show, like the game series, covers all the bases.

And oh my goodness, mini fan-gush moment here, but, I was so excited to hear Matt Berry's voice, I was totally not expecting it, and it was an awesome cameo as one of the easily recognizable robots in the universe of Fallout. And let's just say his is not the only shocking and awesome cameo in the series. Fans of shows like Archer might be pleasantly surprised in Episode 6.

What's also so cool, is that like the stories you run into in the game, there are a lot of really interesting plots with crazy twists. The vaults may seem more like a paradise than on the surface, but when you dig deep, sometimes, the vaults are scarier than reality under the sun...

Fallout has been around for two and half decades, and it's taken them this long to finally come out with a tv/movie adaptation? You know what? Since they nailed it, I'd say it was worth the wait.
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Never played the games so I can't compare
Rob13312 May 2024
I never played the Fallout games or knew anything about them so I had no idea what to expect but I have to say that I've really enjoyed it so far. This show hooked me from the first episode and held my attention to the last. I binged the entire season in two days and was still hoping for more episodes when I was done. It seems like some of the people who actually played the games didn't like it as much but as long as try not to compare it to the game and just enjoy it for what it is...and that's an entertaining fantasy/sci-fi series. The series should be judged on its own and not compared to the game. The world building and cast are the best things about the show and I can't wait for more. I promise you'll have a blast watching this and will want to binge it as fast as you can.
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Probably the best gaming adaptation ever
Dimakovtun14 April 2024
Fallout franchise had a few shifts in the lore and perception, resulting in even the fans arguing about "what Fallout should be".

While the series are not as gritty-depressive as Fallout 1-2, and followed a bit closer to the Bethesda's vision, the level of actual dedication to the franchise will make it liked by everyone!

The props are amazing, the lore is very fitting, the characters are matching the universe. In-game brands and characters are exactly in place. It is no Master Chief from AliExpress, but a great adaptation which does not retell the story of any of the games directly.

The storytelling will both properly introduce the universe to those who had never heard about it and please the fans. It is rare. But what is even more outstanding - even if Fallout games wouldn't exist, the show is highly entertaining.

Nowadays we see more and more game-sourced shows, and it is great Fallout joins Cyberpunk, Arcane and The Last of Us in the list.
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we want more Fallout
jacekpoplawski14 April 2024
I was afraid this show will be weak or average, but it's simply awesome.

Everything is very detailed, every item is like from Fallout, as if someone who knows the game created a movie - it's truly shocking that this is possible in 2024.

The humor, the story, the mood, the music - everything is there!!!

I was afraid that Lucy will be "strong woman" like in other modern shows but she is very cool and likeable. Of course Cooper is fantastic and Maximus is also great.

Dear Amazon, dear Jeff Bezos - please cancel Rings of Power immediately and put all your money into the next seasons of Fallout!
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Does Not Disappoint
statuskuo11 April 2024
I am a massive fan of the game. And have gone through New Vegas more times than I should admit. But, the embodiment and spirit is alive and well through the eyes of Lucy McLean (Ella Purnell) a vault dweller who hasn't had to experience real adversity in life.

If you've seen "Blast From The Past" (1999) a lot of this will be familiar. Though not as dark, it took the simple sweet naive character of Brendan Fraser and put him in real world Los Angeles. Same here. Except MUCH darker.

The humor is dark as well. What director Jonathan Nolan did so well is to incorporate a sense of futility in the lives, similar to game play.

The lighting and camera work are spot on to the game. You can tell they REALLY studied it. A lot of places, if you've played the game, will seem very familiar. But also, it's just different enough where you don't roll your eyes thinking it's all fan service. He integrates small things like Cram and Nuka Cola with such ease, it's almost like the meme where Leo DiCaprio keeps pointing at the screen to get your attention.

The eye popping primary colors of the 50's/60's era is in full swing. If you can't tell the difference between film and digital, this puts your eyes to ease. Clearly this was a film shot movie. Glossy in texture, they lean into the fringe edges.

Not that any viewer would intellectually care, but you really feel the Wasteland.

Again, if you played the game, you know how many worlds they can explore here.' Actress Ella Purnell plays the wide-eyed vault child perfectly. She's sweet and wholesome in a newly brutal world. Similar to Sandra Bullock's portrayal of Leona Huxley in "Demolition Man" Though not necessarily excited for a bygone era.

The characters she encounters only beefs up the idea of how over her head she's gotten herself into.

The setup does feel a little rush. It begins with just absolute brutality. Yes, this is introduced. But, it really plays like the game. Where violence is dismissed quickly. If you haven't played, it's going to be a little off-putting. But it does make sense. It took me off guard for a moment. The idea is to get that open world feel and this series does it perfectly.

This is one of the video game series I am absolutely excited to see continue. There is SO much to mine and I'm ready for it.

Well done all!
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Didnt expect much - got more than i could´ve hoped for.
MilesMcfly11 May 2024
Knowing the history of Videogame adaptations, i really expected the worst from this. Adding that i could be quite the harsh critic, loving the games as i do.

But honestly, this exceeded my expectations. From funny, gory to exciting and epic, this had it all. You feel like the perfect mixture of Fallout-experts and newcomers came to sit at the table and make a good adaptation that everyone can enjoy. Even the game got a good reaclaimed boost from this, which confirms the series succes.

Every character got its up and downs, feeling quite three-dimensional. There is no real "hero" ( even though the Lucy-character embarks on the traditionel heroes journey), knowing that the dark, crazy and twisted world of the Fallout Apocalpye doesnt allow to just be "the nice guy".

Nevertheless, i have to say that Walton Goggins and his depiction of the Ghoul carried the show for me at many points. I couldnt get enough of his character and loved every scene he was in. I cant wait to see the next season.
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Honest Review From A Game Fan
improvemyhomect11 April 2024
I was hoping this would be good. Last thing you wanna do is get the Fallout fan base angry, which after reading reviews on here and Facebook, you would think it was teally bad. Well, it's not. They have an opportunity here. Not following a specific game and starting elsewhere was a great move. The feel and the story is so far, true to the lore. The vault, the wasteland, the weapons, suits, all of it good. Don't listen to the fanboy "experts". Even if this wasn't Fallout based, it's still a good show. Looking forward to what's to come and so far it's good. I highly recommend it, Fallout fan or not!!!
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Good Fallout adaptation, but mediocre writing.
rocinante-421-31392812 April 2024
Being a fan of the FPS games I was optimistic about the show when I read the game creator was involved. It doesn't disappoint in that regard. It captures the spirit of Fallout quite well, in every aspect. The visuals, the props, the music, the humor, and specially the violence. It really feels like you're watching cutscenes of a new Fallout game. Where it disappoints is on the actual story. The characters are interesting, but the general plot and the arc of each one are completely predictable. What kept my interest were the creative "show, don't tell" moments and the funny surprises that happened here and there, rather than the resolution of the plot which I could predict from a mile away. It's not great, but it's a good show and I'm looking forward to season 2.
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One of the best Adaptation I've seen years
jkb201214 May 2024
As someone who grew up in the era where the video game was popular all I can say is wow this is one of the best adaptations i've seen in a long time because it takes what was successful about the beloved video game and matches it with an original Story and I definitely think all the praise about this show is well deserved plus the cast is really good too and if you are a fan of either the game or the show this is for you and I definitely can't wait for season two I also have a feeling that season two will be bigger better also expands the universe from the video game and I am definitely a fan of dystopian futures.
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Skewed by gamers
abuffardi774 May 2024
The series is reviewing well because of nostalgia from gamers that really love the game, as it's tough to separate the two.

The show is shallow and hollow. Walton Goggins is the best part of the show. The writing is horrible; vault dwellers are ultra naive and assume an awkward sense of superiority. Other than that, the show is super contrived; the main character gets her finger cut off but replaced with a dead finger that works as if nothing ever happened. The main Brotherhood lacky somehow never gets caught doing everything wrong, but even when he has the chance to do something amazing he blows it.

Aside from the first two episodes it's a pretty boring show, people just have really low expectations.
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Nails the vibe
payzillee12 April 2024
I've watched all eight episodes of Fallout and I have been pleasantly surprised. This show does a really good job of nailing the feel of the games, with it's mix of gore and wacky humour.

All three protaganists are interesting to watch but I particularly liked The Ghoul, who had a strong backstory, and the Vault Dweller, who's naivety made for quite a few laughs.

The locations in the show were styled on the game and were true to the game. Although, they were all smaller locations. There were no wanderings in large, destroyed cities. I guess that would have meant a bigger CGi budget, so it's understandable.

Also, it would have been nice if there was more danger in the wasteland created by the multitude of creatures from the game. This felt a bit neglected in the show. Again, I suspect this would have added to the budget. Perhaps these small quibbles could be rectified in Season 2. Surely there will be a Season 2 as this first season is surely going to be a success.

I absolutely loved the way the plot threads came together in the last episode. It was really satisfying and leaves room for the story to continue.

One last point. I've played and been a fan of all the games over the past few decades and find the 1-star reviews from fans of the game to be very strange. What are your expectations? You have to give the writers the chance to tell a story about characters in the Fallout World and they've done that very well. The set designers, costume artists, etc have nailed the style too, so how can this be a 1-star show? Insanity!
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Lucy is GREAT
apriljosey-2903412 May 2024
So, I'm only peripherally familiar with Fallout as my husband and son played the game, so I had no expectations going into the watching of this series. I was so pleasantly surprised to find the character Lucy is no Mary Sue and in my opinion is the best written female character in an action series I've seen in quite a while. The series is easy to follow even for the uninitiated (such as myself), it looks great, the casting is perfect, it has an intriguing mystery at its core, and the pilot grabbed my attention upon hitting the "play" button. There seems to be much debate about the timeline, etc. From dedicated fans but I recommend it regardless (I do not believe in toxic fandom so I respect dissenting opinions in this regard). We as an audience have been fed subpar content for far too long and I believe this series is worthy of a watch. Amazon actually and surprisingly got it right with this series and praise is due for that. Check it out.
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Psssst... It's OK to like the show even if it isn't perfect!
mayaschneiderbsc12 April 2024
Like many other reviewers here, I am a diehard fan of the Fallout games. My introduction to the game series began 25 years ago when I picked up a copy of Fallout 2 and I've been hooked ever since. Never, in all that time, had I ever wished for a spinoff TV series to be made about it. Who asked for it? Not me! But nevertheless, here it is. It exists whether we like it or not and no matter how many negative reviews people submit based on pride, protest, or principle it will not change that fact. Look, no one is forcing anyone who strongly objects to this series to watch it (not yet anyway). But if its mere existence truly offends you, just don't watch it! What is there to gain by coming here to thumbs down positive reviews because you are so aggrieved? Anyone and everyone is free to ignore the show, just like I'm choosing to ignore the sense of entitlement these petty review-bombers have by giving this new series the glowing review it rightfully deserves based on the merits.

With that business out of the way, my review here is for anyone with a sincere interest in this series in deciding whether they should give it a chance. And to that I say yes, absolutely you should whether you are a fan of the games or not. As I previously mentioned, I never asked for this show and was prepared to hate it. But I kept an open mind as I watched and did my best to be fair in my overall judgement. And the truth is, the show is actually pretty fantastic. I was not prepared for it to be as good as it is. This show definitely caters to fans of the franchise with its high attention to detail and faithfulness to source material. I sympathize with those who would have preferred that Hollywood not make the series in the first place, but at the same time, now having watched it, the hate towards it is pretty unjustified if the only crime is that it exists.

To the angry Fallout fans I ask you this: Imagine a TV series is being made about this game that you and I both love. Imagine that it's completely out of your control, and production is actually happening. If a Fallout series HAS to exist, what exactly would you want it to look like? Would it not be similar to exactly what Jonathan Nolan and Lisa Joy have created? I mean, visually it's pretty spot on. They've built an immersive world that feels very authentic. It feels like Fallout, it looks like Fallout, and it sounds like Fallout. Okay, maybe you would have preferred the show was modeled after the Interplay games and not Bethesda's Fallout 4, or maybe you would have preferred the show runners double and triple check the accuracy of the lore because you find any cannon inconsistency unforgiveable.

So let's address the elephant in the room: Yes, there are some glaring lore issues. But it doesn't bother me. Why? Because a TV series is a different medium for storytelling than a video game. For the sake of argument, let's assume this new series runs for 8 seasons with 8 one-hour episodes each. That's a total of 64 hours screen time. That's just a fraction of what most people put into playing a single game. I've put hundreds of hours into Fallout 4 alone. When playing a game, you have the luxury of time to explore it and study it as much as you like. That's the beauty of Fallout games. But television doesn't work that way. It's not interactive. The entertainment comes from literally just sitting in front of a screen and watching/listening to a story. Viewers are going to tune out fast if it becomes overly pedantic and boring. Sometimes it is necessary to truncate and/or modify original source material so that it translates better on screen and can hold the viewers' attention.

For me personally, as a longtime fan, what mattered most was that the series captured the spirit, message, and immersive atmosphere of the games. No matter what, it needed to look and feel like Fallout, and Nolan and Joy nailed it. I don't know what more they could have done to make the series better than it is, and I'm honestly relieved that the creative liberties taken were not so egregious as to disrespect the entire franchise and its fanbase. On the contrary, they've done an excellent job here. They could have reimagined Fallout into some truly terrible fan fiction, but they didn't. It feels like a true extension of the Fallout universe and that's all I had hoped for. Jonathan Nolan made this series because he is also a fan and avid player of Fallout games. If anyone could pull it off, it was him.
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QoBalance12 May 2024
I never write reviews but this was the best dang show (series) I've watched since Band of Brothers. You don't need to know anything about the game, like me, to thoroughly enjoy it either. The characters are interesting and none of them are unlikeable. Even the bad guys are likeable in a bad way. Acting is superb and the settings/SFX are great. The whole look of the show is a Jetsons retro-futuristic look.

The actress who plays Lucy plays the "strong, independent woman" like it should be played.

Maximus, aka, Knight Titus, perhaps the most relatable to me, at least if I found myself in a similar scenario as him but the most enjoyable to watch was Walter Googins as the cowboy Ghoul. His character arc probably isn't as complex as the other two main characters, at least in the first season, but he is quite satisfying how he takes cares of business. 10 out of 10.
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What a f#cking ride!
thinkwithmohit13 May 2024
Extraordinary detail, extraordinary story, extraordinary conclusion. One of the finest fantasy/post apocalyptic content I have seen so far.

The series just takes off and theres no stopping, back to back explosions at your face and leaves your jaw dropped on the floor. The design, cgi and attention to details is just groundbreaking. Content these days is just so mediocre that you dont even want to chance 3 hours of your life into watching something like Aquaman 2 or wonder woman or the recent movies that make you question whats up with CGI hollywood? Tired already? But then this comes out and Kingdom of planet of apes comes out restoring your belief in the capabilities of true hollywood detail.
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Great potential, not fully realized..
darththemistic22 April 2024
I know people love the show and I'm happy for them!

I started my adventure with the series (Fallout 1 and 2) around the year 2000. The show, while going for the Bethesda esthetics, is quite close to the whimsical and satirical tone of the original games. I respect that.

But it failed to involve me with its story. I like the characters, but the plot is a bit aimless, full of side quests and random characters (just like the games). So by capturing the games' vibes and esthetics very well, the show failed to capture my interest. I guess it's ironic that I was tired of it being so close to the games, but I'm looking for different stuff in games and shows. It winked too much, trying to say "see, we get that!"...

The casting is great and Walton Goggins is the highlight of the show. Lucy is lovely, but I couldn't care less about her story. Only her brother's plot got me interested, possibly because I like underdog characters and a bit of detective/mystery vibe (knowing the games I was aware where it was going, but still enjoyed it).

So for me it was a fun time, but more like eating at a burger joint. Everything was fine, but it didn't blow my socks off.

Still, I'm happy so many people love it :)
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I survived a severe brain injury at the age of 21!
sheshookmecold14 May 2024
Unfortunately that injury has left me with chronic head pain everyday. I can't play video games. I never heard of this until it became a show. I've binged watched it over and over. It really is that much fun. Don't come looking for serious sci-fi. Although it does pull at your heart strings from time to time. It is a very well made show. Definitely love and care went into bringing this to life. Ella Purnell as Lucy MacLean, Walter Goggins as Cooper Howard/The Ghoul and Aaron Moten as Maximus are the stand outs of the series. I'm really looking forward to a second season. There's so many more questions that need to be answered.
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BennyyD16 April 2024
I really thought after watching this show I was going to come back to IMDB and see a score around 6.7 or 6.8. It looks like that is not the case and by leaving a 7 star review I am going to be in the minority.

Here's why I gave it that score; it has appeal to the masses but does little to actually stand out as a piece of cinema. It does capture the many fun details I wanted to see as someone who grew up playing Fallout games, but it fails to break away from the recycled Hollywood template of making a modern day television show. The acting is subpar. Most of it is bad.

Walton Goggins and Moises Arias are fantastic. Ella Purnell can carry her weight but didn't particularly stand out. The guy who plays Maximus has a lot of work to do as an actor. Dogmeat did a great job.

Overall, this movie felt like another "Safeway brand" version of a show that could have been incredibly unique and badass. Some of the scenes were so cringe and hard to watch (ie: the BHOS chanting Maximus name at the end of the show). Like I said, if you like Taylor Swift then you probably liked this show and thought it was badass. If you don't like Taylor Swift and are a cinema connoisseur, then this was enjoyable but at times hard to watch because of the extreme corniness.

It was great to finally watch a respectable adaptation of a game that I spent hundreds of hours playing in my youth and still cherish today.

A for the adaptation, but a C for the execution.
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Either I'm old and bored or If Sucks
trav-695963 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I'm old now. This show made me realize I'm just flat out old. I don't get what it is people like. I didn't laugh, I didn't like the cgi gore, I didn't like the characters, I hated them actually, , but I guess the sets and costumes were cool, in a weird seaquest way. But I just felt so lost on everything else. For me it's a mismatch between humor and I guess action? Or horror? I don't know what the show is going for. After the first fight scene with The Ghoul i actually turned it off because it was so so slow. Even in the middle of the fight scene they'd stop and have characters explain things. What's up with that? Why not just have a damn action scene. I eventually started back up to finish it out. But I just can't stand these characters. Is it supposed to be funny? I am pretty sure it is, but what is funny I'm not sure. Vault girl's naivety? Is that the joke? Is that what I'm laughing at? Her being a moron? Or is it the horror and death? Is that the joke? Or is it the actual jokes which were lame? I blame myself. I think I'm just old and this is not meant for me. It's boring but flashy. Slow but frenetic. The action is awkward and has too many jokes or attempts at jokes interstiched into it with weird explanations about the plot stuck in. Actually I'm fine. This show just is just lame. The more I think on it the more I realize it's the show, not me. Save your time and find something coherent or actually funny. If your a huge nerd that plays online games, I bet you'll love her and I bet you'll love all the "jokes".

The 4 stars is mainly for the costumes and some of the sets. The rest is worse than mediocre.
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Funny, Dark, and Violent
andrewwhite-3274911 April 2024
I'm on episode 4 currently. I am very impressed with the show. I normally would not write a review, but after reading the typical "DEI" 2 star reviews by people who it is obvious have not even watched the show, I felt obliged to tell people that it is in fact a good show. It does not preach any sort of political message. The cast is excellent. It is a blend of fallout, western, and some gory flick that I can't quite name. I'm serious about the gore, you are going to see some heads explode. It is the best TV adaptation of a video game to date and I highly recommend that everyone give it a chance. You will enjoy it.
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Starts as fiction, turns into a cautionary tale
thePopcornExplorer13 May 2024
I was really surprised on how this show turned out to be, I consider myself a casual gamer and I had given a try to the Fallout games before but I got to be honest - I didn't become a fan... After some hours, no matter how good the story was the overall gameplay didn't do it for me. Nonetheless I am really glad that the fans also enjoyed the adaption because I have a feeling that this is a rare occasion where the TV format actually works better for the story than the original.

I have been saying this often, one of the most hard things to do in the entertainment industry is to successfully adapt a video game, into a movie or a TV show. We've seen great developments in this realm recently and Fallout is just one of those recent successes. Everything seems to work perfectly, the portray of the characters, all around, the amazing environment and overall atmosphere created with a mix of astonishing practical effects, real locations and of course some CGI, the narrative and story telling that feeds us the pieces of the puzzle slowly as the series progresses, leaving room for some future surprises in the seasons to come.

I was really glad when I saw Jonathan Nolan was involved, one of my favorite writers, highly experienced in the Sci-Fi genre, everything was aligned to make this a great project.

The way the moral grey areas are explored in this brutal and harsh environment are really well played out and of course I can't go without mentioning how incredibly well the political side was introduced within the context of the story. For me it actually does serve as a cautionary tale, it leaves room for some reflection, I was shocked that this fictional, made up apocalyptical and sadistic world brought some elements that are real today and others that while not a reality somehow they felt like a daunting possibility... We really need to prioritize dialogue these days otherwise self-extinction is no longer a distant possibility but more of an inevitability.

It's an amazing show, great dialogues, great cinematography, well written, even the graphical violence seems to serve its purpose - although some of the gore scenes felt a bit unnecessary - mixed up with some dark humor that actually does work quite well, it's a must. I am really looking forward to see how everything wraps up.
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Great show, just a little too much going on
pugspit13 May 2024
This show does an absolutely great job respecting the lore and giving the show the care it deserves. The writers were obviously educated on the franchise and did a lot of things right.

Characters were all around great. When I saw the trailers and saw Lucy trying to deliberate with the ghoul I was thinking it would be really childish and lacking of any tension but it shows her naivety and innocence in the show and shows how she's so out of her element, it's great.

The only hiccup is there's a little too much going on, there's like 4 different stories that actually do converge quite nicely at the end but it's a little disorienting throughout the entirety of the show. It's definitely better to have too much than too little but I could've done with just a little less in my opinion.

Regardless, characters were great, knowledge of the lore was great, great plot, great set up for season 2, funny references to the games throughout the show, just a really good job all around. Even if you're not aware of the games or their story, this works as a stand alone show just fine. This is everything that shows should use as a template when making content that is from existing media. Very well done.
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Hits the aesthetic and tone
DavidBHume11 April 2024
Have played the games since #1 and I think it hits the right tone and aesthetic. The games have shifted and evolved with time, but I'm surprised at how many other commentators claim the series isn't dark enough or too funny. All the Fallouts were weird *especially* the original isometric ones (1 and 2). The Brotherhood of Steel, the vault dwellers, raiders, and quirky side characters are all true to the games. The over the top gonzo violence and the retrofuture dystopia are also straight from the game. The series song choices of 50s crooners set to a new context also is true to the game. The weird macguffin story setting the vault dwelling protagonist out on a quest to the surface (a quest she really doesn't understand the context for) is also totally fallout.

So it works. This is fallout. They nailed the vibe spot on and the story and characters are well cast.
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Review from a Fallout newbie...
Fallout is a sure fire way to introduce non-fans to the iconic franchise. As for me, I had casual knowledge of the video games from friends and family, but I've never played them myself (I've gravitated to stuff like Final Fantasy, Mass Effect and Legend of Zelda when it comes to role-playing action-adventure games). Now I think I just might play them, because the show does a good job of establishing the world for fans and non-fans alike. THIS is video game television done right just like The Last of Us (of which I am a fan).

The show has your 'typical' post-apocalyptic tropes of desperate survivors killing each other for resources like food and water, but things are distinctly more nuclear here, as the world's suffered several Atomic Holocausts since the late-21st Century in Fallout's timeline. It's a dark setting filled with surprisingly goofy black humor and bloody gunslinging action, and a retro-futuristic future that's ACTUALLY all about the future itself. Also the characters range from doe-eyed people naive of the wider world, to weary cowboys untrusting of anyone or anything unless they themselves are the ones in control of their own life. Also, the Brotherhood is like if a syndicate of steampunk-like Iron Man suits brought medieval traditions into a 'post-societal world' of knights and squires doing the bidding of their lords.

Update relating to the series: saying nothing of the spoilers here, Fallout Season Two is official! Will it continue the stories told here strictly, or will there be even more characters set to appear in this series adapting one of gaming's most iconic franchises? Whatever happens, I'm sure it'll continue what made Season One a strong magnet for television audiences in the first place. Amazon may be letting the irony of the 'Vault Tec' go under their nose or over their head, but I don't know if anyone else is as oblivious to it as them. It's genuinely funny when a hit show has something to say about corporate America, when the satire is backed by one of today's ultimate perps of corporate culture being a terrifyingly unstable double-edged sword. It's funnily scary that way.

Fallout continues Amazon's tradition of trying to oust its competition in Netflix and HBO, by trying to use the methods of both brands: releasing the show day one and using marquee actors (like Kyle MacLachlan), sex and violence to forward the story, and Ramin Djawadi doing the theme music (that's a must for HBO at this stage). With the show continuing, it's gonna be interesting to see how the Fallout show will go beyond the world of the games.

Overall, it's a good show. It's very watchable, has a great post-apocalyptic vibe to it, and the story keeps getting more interesting the further you keep watching and seeing the world kind of open up as the episodes play along.

Fallout gets 9/10 IMDb points. 4.5/5 stars.
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I expected greatness, I got mediocrity
rich735412 April 2024
For those that have never played the game, the basic premise is that the protagonist starts in an underground fallout shelter called a vault, and through various circumstances is forced to the surface in a struggle to survive.

This show gets that part right, but it's via a poorly written story that has no coherent thought process behind it. Sure, there's a general plot that is followed in each episode. Unfortunately, the writers don't seem to want to actually tell a good story, they just want to set up individual scenes that are loosely tied together... and don't even get me started on the plethora of plot holes and inconsistencies.

On a positive note, the show does a good enough job of capturing the look and feel of the Fallout world. However, it does not seem to populate that world with all of the enemies and monsters that you would find in the game. It gives you a few ghouls and radroaches here and there, but the actual Fallout world is teeming with these, as well as an abundance of other nasties to be dealt with.

Overall, I was very disappointed with this because, as the title says, I expected greatness and I got mediocrity.
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