Fallout (TV Series 2024– ) Poster

(2024– )

Parents Guide

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Sex & Nudity

  • Episode 1: Strong & repeated references to incest & copulation with a sex scene that shows male rear nudity.
  • Episode 4: As a male manually stimulates a pregnant female's genitalia during sexual foreplay, he explicitly says "now that's a wet woman" prior to realizing that her water broke.
  • Episode 6 and 7 has female breast nudity. Women are inside a translucent cryo tube and upper body nudity can be seen from the side.
  • Episode 6 has a lengthy segment with shirtless males and female breast nudity during a ceremony.
  • Episode 1 : A female is shown in a sports bra.
  • Episode 1: Brief male masturbation scene. Moaning no nudity easy to miss.
  • Episode 7: Kissing scene.
  • A man and woman briefly discuss having sex.

Violence & Gore

  • Many scenes depicting murder with blood, and over the top gore.
  • In line with the games over the top gore and dismemberment, several people are shown being cut, stabbed, shot, and dismembered. The gore is almost always over the top and short, although there are a few scenes that linger on less serious injuries.
  • All episodes have scenes with loss of limbs, gore, brain matter, mutilation. Do not watch if you have a weak stomach.
  • Episode 1: Several sequences of strong realistic action violence and graphic bloody injury detail.
  • A recruit is beaten by fellow aspiring soldiers. The scene is relatively short but violent.
  • A woman staples a stab wound shut (Episode 1)
  • A person screams in pain and removes a completely shredded foot from a boot. Inspection reveals razor blades were placed in the boot.
  • An instructor brutally hits a recruit in the face with a stick. (Episode 1)
  • A man is ceremonially branded. It's relatively calm all things considered. (Episode 1)
  • Strong and gory violence in every single episode with loads of blood. It isn't very realistic or disturbing (much like a Tarantino film) but can be too much for some people especially with the quantity of it and how blood splattered it is.
  • Episode 2: A newborn dog is thrown in an incinerator, numerous combatants are shot and killed with gory and over-the-top bloody results including people's limbs getting blasted off, their heads blown in half and holes going in their throats. There are bloody and gross moments that result from this scene including a part where a man has his head sawed off but we only hear it as the camera goes to black as the saw lowers.
  • Episode 3: A man has the top of his head grabbed and squeezed by a metal hand until it is crushed and blood, brain and gory remnants splatter everywhere. His corpse is seen on the ground and the gore is lingered on for a bit. There are fantastical scenes of violence against monsters but otherwise the episode isn't violent outside of that single moment.
  • Episode 1: A prolonged and brutal sequence of violence with people getting slashed open with blades, shot up with machine guns and more with over the top gore and blood. The most graphic imagery shows a man's face getting ripped off with a broken bottle, a woman stabbed in the eye with a fork and a man having a gun stuck through the hole blasted in his head which then is used to kill many others. There is also some other gross/bloody imagery in the episode but it is mostly in this sequence.
  • 1st episode: someone is split in half by a door closing it is very bloody and graphic with squelching noises.
  • Level of violence :10/10.


  • Several uses of shit.
  • Compared to most of the games in the franchise there is a little less language, but it is still frequent.
  • The 'f' word is used frequently. In some cases, repeated ~a dozen times in a row in some episodes.
  • Uses of "God" and "Jesus Christ".
  • Uses G. D. multiple times.
  • Multiple F* words. More language in ep.2 the first episode only has 5-10.

Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking

  • A drug called "Jet" from the games is abused multiple times throughout the show.
  • Folks drink alcoholic beverages. Children training to be soldiers smoke cigarettes.

Frightening & Intense Scenes

  • While the show is filled with many bloody and gory killings, much like the video game, the violence is never taken too seriously or portrayed in a sadistic way.
  • Huge cockroaches is repeatably showen which is very uncomfortable for those with insect phobia.


The Parents Guide items below may give away important plot points.

Sex & Nudity

  • Episode 6: a naked women is shown giving birth to salamanders who then eat her, however this is shown on a recording so it is not up close or too graphic.

Violence & Gore

  • A dog is "killed" offscreen, you can hear the sounds, could be disturbing for some people. However later it is revealed that it survives the attack.
  • A woman is strangled by her sexual partner. (Episode 1)

Frightening & Intense Scenes

  • There is a scene briefly depicting cannibalism in which a ghoulified man murders another ghoulfied citizen, and begins to carve their corpse up, and eats the flesh raw. While not glorified, some viewers may find it distressing.
  • A massacre occurs where a large number of innocent people are murdered. Stabbings, shootings, and beatings occur. During this sequence, a woman has her head slammed onto a table which causes a fork to impale her eye. The scene is telegraphed but still may be too much for some viewers.
  • The show's opening scene depicts The Great War beginning at a children's birthday party. Nuclear bombs drop onto Los Angeles, causing widespread panic and destruction across the city. This scene is extremely intense, and may be too much for some.
  • A new born puppy is tossed into an incinerator. Many viewers will dislike that.
  • The bloody corpse of a child is shown.
  • The plotline that follows the secret of Vault 33 (and beyond) as well as Vault-Tec's sinister truth behind the Vaults, is extremely dark, bleak and depressing as it involves Vault-Tec planning to begin The Great War, in order to guarantee the success of the Vaults as a financial success, and will allow those with the most power, wealth, intelligence, and influence, will eventually in some form or another, to inherit the post-apocalyptic world, unopposed.

See also

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