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paulclaassen16 November 2019
Initially, the film can be a bit confusing due to them continually jumping back in time. Once you get the hang of it, though, and get to know the characters, it is easy enough to follow.

This is essentially two films in one: the story of a mother searching for the son she had to give up at birth, and a story about twins searching for their father, and a brother they never knew they had. The film takes us on an incredible journey filled with action, suspense, drama, and more than just a few twists.

'Incendies' effectively illustrates the horrors of war, and killings in the name of religion. What an absolutely fantastic script. This is one of the most amazing films I've seen in a while.
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mmyilmazyurt23 July 2021
To be honest, there is nothing left to say story-wise after this film. The tragedy, atmosphere and everything...

As an admirer of Dennis Villeneuve's filmography thanks to his work in past years, I was already familiar with how much of a brilliant storyteller he is. Yet, Incendies is no different. Beautifully structured script, visuals, soundtrack...

Lastly, the intro, along with Radiohead's "You and Whose Army?" is probably the one of the best I've ever witnessed easily.
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Our Love Became a Funeral Pyre
alexart-126 March 2011
When people watch the Oscars, they don't usually care about the Best Foreign Film nominees. Incendies provides so many reasons why people should actually get to see those nominees at all costs. Incendies is the kind of film that one walks away from feeling emotionally drained, one where it stays in the viewer's mind for days on end. Like an intense personal experience, it takes a lot to come to grips with the film's story, a moving plot full of twists and catharsis. At the New Directors/New Films Festival in New York, at which I saw this last night, Denis Villeneuve explained that he has made four films in Canada, but this is the first one to be released in America. Right now, I see no reason why Villeneuve, or any of the actors for that matter, shouldn't have a great future ahead of them.

Based on the play Scorched by Wajdi Mouawad, Incendies follows a non-linear plot that spans two generations. In the present day, Jeanne and Simon are twins who have lost their mother, Nawal. Nawal has stipulated in her will that Jeanne and Simon must return an envelope to the brother they didn't know existed who is currently living in a fictional Middle Eastern country. Only then can the twins give Nawal a proper burial. Jeanne feels obligated to return the letter, so she goes to the Middle East, only to realize some of Nawal's nastiest secrets. As Jeanne uncovers more about Nawal, the viewer is shown Nawal's story. The film builds up to an unforgettable ending that is sure to rock any viewer.

Incendies already had great source material. I've praised the plot enough, but one thing I must add is that the play is apparently four hours long, according to Villeneuve. It's impressive that this movie succeeds so nicely because I can't imagine that anything was cut. But to back up that source material, there's some really great acting. The entire cast plays their parts with such an emotional vigor that it seems impossible that this work of art wasn't autobiographical.

Furthermore, Villeneuve has made a film that relies on great filmmaking to impact the viewer. The cinematography is beautifully bland, surely a nod to some of the deserts in the Lebanon- like land where the movie takes place. Color scheme is also used to Villeneuve's advantage to show the parallels between Nawal and Jeanne's lives. Villeneuve seems to love working with extended zoom shots that shock the viewer with their overwhelmingly long silences. Why Villeneuve didn't receive critical acclaim (in America, at least) before Incendies is a mystery.

There are many movies about the Middle East. Some have failed miserably in their attempts to strike an emotional chord with critics and viewers alike (Redacted, Rendition), but others have been extremely successful (The Hurt Locker, Lebanon). Incendies could very well be one of the best films ever made about the conflicts in the Middle East. It has its flaws which keep it from being a masterpiece (maybe it could've lost five or ten minutes), but it is that rare type of film that really resonates beyond the initial viewing. Hopefully, Incendies will be remembered for years to come as the little, brilliant film that spawned the great fame of Denis Villeneuve.
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Powerful, gripping plot with great direction and acting
Red-12526 June 2020
Incendies (2010) is a Canadian film that was co-written and directed by Denis Villeneuve. The movie stars Lubna Azabal as Nawal Marwan, "The Woman Who Sings." In the opening of the film we learn that Nawal has just died, leaving some unusual instructions for her two children in her will.

Then, there's a flashback, where we learn that Nawal, as a teenager, has given birth to an out-of-wedlock infant. The rest of the plot follows from those two starting points.

Mélissa Désormeaux-Poulin portrays Jeanne Marwan, and Maxim Gaudette portrays her twin, Simon Narwam. Désormeaux-Poulin has the larger role, and she is superb. Lubna Azabal is equally good as Nawal.

The plot involves a quest journey, and the quest is achieved. However, for me the point of the movie wasn't whether or not the mystery would be solved. The point was to see that war--especially sectarian war--causes immense suffering to everyone involved.

This isn't a feel-good film. Yes--we know the answers in the end. However, except for one powerful scene involving a nurse, there's no joy or happiness for anyone. That makes the movie hard to watch, but it's so powerful that it's worth watching anyway.

The movie worked well on DVD. It has an incredible IMDb rating of 8.3. (This may be the highest rated film that I've ever reviewed.) I thought it was even better than that, and rated it 10.
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Tragedy, Turmoil & Torment...
Xstal24 December 2022
There are secrets to be uncovered now she has passed, the undiscovered stories, that she'd amassed, a father and a brother, you didn't know, could there be others, it's time to lift the bedrock, of the past. You make a visit to a country, in the east, where friction, conflict, war, chaos, have seldom ceased, walking footsteps left in shadow, as you plough a lonely furrow, a record slowly forming, piece by piece. You discover revelations, tragedy; events of circumstance and shocking gravity, an uncontrived coincidence, implications beyond immense, that point to why your mother had to run and flee.

One of the best films you'll come across, brilliantly directed and performed, heart wrenching and packed full of emotion and turmoil.
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A stunning and powerful thriller
eddie_baggins8 May 2018
Want to see where one of the modern era's hottest directing streaks started? If you do, then Incendies in the film for you.

Directed by Denis Villeneuve, who went from this French/Canadian co-production to move onto Prisoners, Enemy, Sicario, Arrival and last year's brilliant sequel Blade Runner 2049, Incendies is the Oscar nominated film that put Villeneuve on the path he finds himself on now and remains a film of substantial power these years on from initial release.

Adapted from Wajdi Mouawad's play of the same name, Incendies is a multi-layered narrative that spans both numerous countries and numerous characters over various timelines but Villeneuve controls his film perfectly as the mystery that lays at the heart of this tale about family, war, life and death never gets muddled as we're drawn further and further into a film that wraps us up in its web and refuses to let us go.

There's not the abundance of filmmaking and visual flair that Villeneuve has started to become known for over his more recent Hollywood productions but Incendies power comes almost exclusively from Villeneuve's deft hand with his performers, his handling of a script that other filmmakers would struggle to bring to life and his ability to slowly ebb out more information as we go, that by the time we come to realise just what lays in store for the films characters, the power of Incendies becomes even more apparent.

Saying to much about this story would be a disservice to a film that takes many various turns and pivots. Essentially at its core, a story of both twins Jeanne and Simon Marwan trying to uncover the secret of their father they've never met and find a brother they never knew they had after their Middle Eastern born mother Nawal passes away, Incendies becomes so much more than a typical family drama as it showcases time in the conflict of the Israeli and Palestinian Holy Wars, as well as the twins journey back to their country of nationality.

The film in many ways showcases a different side to Villeneuve and proves the director is just as at home handling a $150 million plus Sci-Fi for a major Hollywood studio as he is behind the camera of a small intimate drama that is driven purely by its narrative and characters. Proof the filmmaker is a man of many talents and a director to be cherished by those that love cinema.

Final Say -

For any fans of Villeneuve's work, world cinema or powerful character driven dramas, then Incendies should be a film you seek out as soon as possible. Losing none of its power since its initial release, this sometimes hard to watch but always enthralling film is standout filmmaking and the official blasting off point for one of the modern era's great filmmakers.

5 swimming pools out of 5
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A work of devastating power...
ilpintl26 January 2011
Warning: Spoilers
"Incendies (Scorched)" opened in town this Friday, just days before it made the short list of nominees for Best Foreign Film for this year's Academy Awards. It played in the Vancouver International Film Festival 2010, but I missed it then.

Fortunately, it received theatrical distribution; this devastating film on the horrors of conflict and its enormous human costs simply must be seen. Denis Villeneuve's searing work, his fourth feature, is based on the celebrated play of the same name by Montreal native and artistic director of the French Theatre at the National Arts Centre in Ottawa Wajdi Mouawad. While there is no doubting the immediacy and impact it must have had as a piece of theatre, "Incendies" benefits from the transition to the larger canvas of the big screen, appropriate for the epic themes and emotional conflagrations it tackles.

When their mother dies and her will is read, twins Jeanne and Simon Marwan are stumped by its bizarre burial instructions. Nawal Marwan states that she must be interred naked and facing away from the sun in an unmarked grave, until the two letters she has left with the family notary are delivered on her behalf. One is addressed to the father the twins believed dead, the second to a son whose existence comes as a complete surprise to them. The will makes the twins realize that they did not know their mother at all. They have not had an easy relationship with her, and are understandably reluctant to comply with her terms.

The daughter Jeanne moved away and found refuge in the abstract realms of pure mathematics. Her sibling Simon, who remained at home, had the more complicated relationship because he dealt daily with Nawal's strangeness. Jeanne agrees to deliver the letter that was left to her, and embarks on an odyssey of discovery, in search of the father she has never known. Later, she convinces Simon to join her.

Although the Middle Eastern country is never named in the film, Wajdi Mouawad ascribes the inspiration for his play to Soha Becharra, a woman who was imprisoned for six years in Khiam, southern Lebanon. In an interview with the Montreal Gazette, he explained "For me, the success of this play and the film is a way to give back some life to a woman whose life was taken away from her." The cinematic endeavor is hugely, powerfully successful: as Jeanne scours an alien land for clues of her mother's past, we see Nawal's tough life in flashback in the same locations that her daughter visits for the first time. Sectarian strife, tribal and religious warfare, family blood feuds, and honor killings have been the blight of the Middle East and areas as far as Afghanistan and what is now Pakistan, and parts of Africa. Bloodshed and violence have been a way of life; each side claims to be justified in killing to avenge earlier injustices. While humankind has not lost its baser urges—we just have to recall the recent incident of the young Afghani woman whose nose was hacked off, or the countless rapes in present day DR Congo—the film is a plea for reconciliation and forgiveness to bring about the much needed change.

Nawal barely escapes an honor killing due to her unwed pregnancy, gives up her baby son for adoption, and spends the rest of her life looking for this lost child. Along the way, she takes sides in the violence and is imprisoned for fifteen years for shooting a political leader. Upon her release, she begins life anew in Canada with her infant twins, the outcome of brutal rape at the hands of a torturer. Regardless of the change in geography, she remains haunted by the past and her unending quest for her lost child. How does one look for reparation and justice, when the perpetrators frequently flee the country of their misdeeds and seek asylum elsewhere? As she has not kept her word to her son to return to him, she feels unworthy of a proper burial. A character in the film wisely observes that death always leaves its traces, and Jeanne and Simon finally get to know their mother from the relics of her life.

The Belgian actress Lubna Azabal's heroic performance brings Nawal to awe-inspiring Brechtian life. Undefeated by each dehumanizing blow, she stoically navigates a war-crazed world devoid of any sense, her driving force is the need to reunite with her son. Mélissa Désormeaux-Poulin and Maxim Gaudette do excellent work as the siblings who gradually begin to understand their mother. Rémy Girard and Allen Altman, playing the Canadian and Middle Eastern notaries respectively, guide the siblings through their search, while Abdelghafour Elaaziz makes an impact in the small but important role of Abou Tarek the torture specialist. The rest of the characters are brought to life by a talented cast of unknown actors; in their hands, even the smallest roles acquire great significance. Denis Villeneuve's film honors the stories of these people by rigorously avoiding directorial excesses. Events and stories this powerful do not require embellishment, and Villeneuve's spare, dispassionate directorial style maximizes impact.

Someone remarked that "Incendies" is the closest contemporary approximation of Greek tragedy, and I agree with this assessment: the crimes and consequences are universal and timeless, and if a film holds up a mirror to question our capacity for barbarism, it is reason to applaud. Regardless of the outcome at the Academy Awards, "Incendies" is a major achievement for Canadian cinema.
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corrosion-215 October 2010
Warning: Spoilers
A bona fide masterpiece. As simple as that. It is ironic that one of the best films about the Middle East conflict, and specifically the tragic civil war in Lebanon, should be made by a Canadian film maker. Incendies is based on a play but it feels as though it has been adapted from a great literary work. In fact there is no specific mention of any country in the film but no one can be in any doubt that the unnamed country is Lebanon.

A Canadain-Lebanese woman dies in Canada and in her will she leaves two letters to her twin son & daughter. One is to be delivered to their brother (whom they did not know existed) and the other to their father (whom they had presumed dead). To find these people they have to travel to Lebanon to unravel the mysterious past of their deceased mother. As we follow their search, flash backs slowly reveal to us key moments in the life of their mother.

There are extremely powerful and unforgettable images and scenes in Incendies. Suffice to say that even if you have no interest in the history of the Middle East, this film will capture your attention from the start and grips you right till the end. It is the third great film (and arguably the best)that I've seen on this topic after Waltz with Bashir and Lebanon. All of these are essential viewing.
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Seeing the end in 1 hour and 15 minutes is like a jigsaw suddenly clear
zzhhhqing18 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Seeing the end in 1 hour and 15 minutes is like a jigsaw suddenly clear. It is difficult to agree with the mother's motivation setting. True love is silence and commitment, swallowing and digesting alone. It is my suffering that is settled and cut off by me today. I will never force a pair of children to embark on the journey of inheriting pain and cocoon. If the director tells his mother to hide the truth, and passes away with a secret, and the children actively pursue the answer, the ending will be even more shocking.
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A touching film that depends on coincidences all the way up to ridiculous
latinmelkor25 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I have written this review as a response to all those who find in this film a perfect jewel and label it as underrated (although in many sites it is highly rated and has more than 100,000 views). It is true that it is a very entertaining and interesting film, and I think that, for many viewers, the obvious weaknesses of the film are not so obvious. Something that I liked and called attention to is the narrative structure. Some twins (female and male) find out from their mother's will that they have a brother and that their father is alive. The mother commands them to find them both. During the first part of the film, only the daughter decides to carry out her mother's wishes, and to do so she travels to a Middle Eastern country (which is never specified) where, as she travels through places that played an important role in her mother's life, we are presented with her biography through flashbacks. It is easy to feel confused at first with the factions (Christian and Muslim), because they do not correspond to a historical reality, but rather were made in the service of fiction. However, little by little, the viewer is able to put the puzzle back together and discover the hard life that the woman led in the midst of violence and intolerance. The film has a lot of plot-twists that manage to arouse the interest of their audience and, to a certain extent, are presented in such a way that it is possible to glimpse them when they approach. Unfortunately, the film depends too much on coincidences of sudden and unexplained developments. About this, in many occasions I found elements that, although they should seem natural, were not very well explained and, of course, for the final outcome to happen the scriptwriters took the coincidences to the last consequences. Although Nawal Marwan seems to live in a rural environment, she is able to move to a relative who works at a university. Despite the fact that at first she cannot read or write (at around 21 years of age), she soon manages to work at a newspaper writing articles. The screenwriters made Marwan a prodigious mind: even though she began receiving education as an adult, within a few years she is able to infiltrate as a tutor to the son of an extremist Christian leader she was tasked to kill, teaching him French and English. After killing this leader, she is finally captured and taken to a prison where she is tortured for no less than 15 years. After being raped by one of her captors and becoming pregnant, she is released (instead of executed) and, with the help of the warlord who benefited from the Christian leader's death, she's exiled to Canada. The same pattern is repeated in the son's story. He is left in an orphanage where, ultimately, is recruited by an extremist Muslim group. There he is trained as a militia officer, a sniper. He is not just any sniper, of course, he is the most skilled and recognized of all. Eventually, the enemy faction, the Christians, manage to capture him, but, because of his ability, they decide not to execute him but to recruit him themselves (wasn't it supposed to be a holy war?) and, moreover, they do not train him as a sniper (there is no justification for it), but as a torturer. In his new job he ends up working in the prison where, by chance, his mother is. He unknowingly rapes her, she gets her pregnant and thus he becomes the twins' father and brother at the same time. This is shocking and, I admit, makes one reflect on the way in which war separates people who, in peace, would live together happily. It is a sad and painful story, incisive and critical of the senselessness of war, but it is weakened by its dependence on so many unjustified elements. And, without a doubt, what put me most against the film was how the mother came to know that the one who raped her was her own son. In a swimming pool, the woman sees a man who, on his foot, has the tattoo with which she marked her son to identify him. Then, upon discovering his face, she is horrified that her son is the father of the twins, the rapist. The pain of the scene is diluted by the coincidences: her son emigrated from the country where he was originally and precisely that country is Canada and, besides, she finds him in a pool, where she can see his foot and recognize the mark. Finally, the son is unable to recognize her as his victim, so the man does not run away, fearing that he will be denounced for his past crimes. By leaving her will, the mother entrusts her children with the torturous task of discovering that they are their own brother's children, a task that would be impossible were it not for the fact that they are "lucky" enough to correlate the records and find the people who could lead them to the truth. Although I have vilified the film, in reality it is a very beautiful film visually, with an impeccable performance and a catchy plot, but it depends on coincidences that become ridiculous and take it away from a perfect rating.
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Fantastic! Villeneuve's best film yet
vsdobbs13 September 2010
This film is extraordinary on just about every level. The script is terrific, the actors are perfect, the direction and cinematography are all you could hope for. I recommend it without hesitation.

Anyone who has seen any of Villeneuve's previous work--or Andre Turpin's Zigrail--knows that these filmmakers have bodies of work that are almost without peer in contemporary cinema world-wide and are unparallelled in the history of Canadian cinema (until seeing Incendies, Maelstrom was my favourite Canadian film). Incendies does not betray that "legacy". You should absolutely see it.

In a film as stunning as this one it's odd to single out one aspect, but I must say that Lubna Azabal's performance is among the best I've ever seen. Though I've watched a few films that she's been in in the past, she never really stood out for me. She is devastatingly good in this picture.

I do hope that this film gets submitted to the AMPAS for Oscar selection as it is definitely the best film I've seen this year and a shoe-in for the foreign picture Oscar.

My only complaint about the film was the use of music by Radiohead, which took me out of the film each time it played. The rest of the music cues were spot-on and quite excellent, but Thom Yorke's voice belonged nowhere near this film.
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Here is what really, really bothers me
krusadk22 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Here is what really bothers me: On her grave stone it states, that she was born in 1949 and died in 2009.

Now, and I am giving the script every chance, let's say she is very young, when she has the first son. The actress is 37 at the time, but let's say 16, nevertheless.

That means we've now reached 1965.

The twins are played by 29 and 36 year-olds. Let's make them both 29 (even though the female twin mentions '35 years ago', when talking about her mother in the old country) That means they were born in 1980 and conceived in 1979 - when their brother/father was 14. AND, mind you, he was a deadly sniper for 4 years prior to coming to the prison - plus what ever time it took for him to remade from an Islamic sniper to a Christian expert in torture.

So, a 10 year old super sniper?

You get my drift here?

The ridiculous coincidences at the end of the movie is a whole other matter of contention...
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Contrived motivations and director's political bias undermine Lebanese Civil War victim's compelling tale of survival
Turfseer20 November 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Some viewers may regard the climax of 'Incendies' as the most effective part of the film, but I must wholeheartedly disagree . If one really wants to single out the most effective and compelling scene, that would be the massacre on the bus and subsequent shooting of the young child. It works because Director Denis Villenueve compounds the horror exponentially: the bus is stopped by terrorists, the passengers react confused and frightened, the bus driver is murdered, the terrorists strafe the bus with machine gun fire killing most of the passengers, Nawal (the protagonist) and a young mother and her young daughter move to the back as the terrorists pour gasoline on top of the roof of the bus, Nawal escapes and takes the young girl with her only to see the terrorists set the bus on fire killing the mother and finally the child running back to the bus to be with her mother, only to be shot in the back by the terrorists as Nawal watches in horror.

With such an unforgettable iconic scene, as listed above (along with a few others, such as the 'honor killing' at the beginning of the film), why must 'Incendies' ultimately be labeled as contrived and dishonest? For starters, Villenueve only vaguely alludes to the film's main setting. We know that Nawal's journey occurs in Lebanon during the Lebanese Civil War but the country, along with the right wing Arab Christian party, the "Phalangists", are never mentioned by name. When Nawal's family members murder her lover, they refer to him as a "refugee" not as a "Palestinian". Despite stripping the events depicted in the film of their political context, Villenueve clearly cannot hide his bias. Nawal decides to become an assassin for the Muslims after her Muslim lover is murdered by her own Christian family and she's a witness to the bus massacre by Arab Christian terrorists. Only a "kindly" Muslim warlord ("Chamseddine") happens to tell Narwan's son, Simon, the truth during the search for the "son" and the "father". And that truth is that the fighting is tit for tat—one reprisal begets another. Nonetheless, Villenueve still implies that it's the Muslim side who are clearly the wronged party here. By no means am I trying to defend the brutality of the right-wing nationalists during the Lebanese Civil War, but there were two sides to the story and certainly that's lost in Villenueve's narrative.

As to why the film should be considered contrived, it's not so much the wacko ending which is designed to point out the horrors of war (and hence its pointlessness) but the whole idea that the mother would send her children on a wild goose chase, making them face the truth about HER situation, instead of telling them what happened on her deathbed (she was able to blurt out the main points to family friend, the Notary Lebel) or allowing Lebel to explain it to the kids without having them experience the full impact of the horror by traveling to Lebanon, dredging up old wounds amongst people who they didn't know (and didn't even speak their language). I question whether any mother would have put her children in such a position—why was she so insistent on having them learn the truth about their parentage? After all, the revelation that her son was actually her other children's father, basically drove her insane and led to her death. This from a woman who always claimed she would do anything for her children. And here they would end up in a foreign country, asking sensitive questions which could place their lives in jeopardy.

While a series of chilling events, clearly molded Narwan's character, there's little character development when it comes to the son. He has that most disagreeable chip on his shoulder (until he finally bonds with his sister in the swimming pool), but for most of the film, he is an unwelcome, one-note presence. And what's with that lack of hesitation with taking a ride blind-folded with the Warlord's bodyguards? The guide's assurance that "everything is okay" is enough for him to take a ride with a duo of potential killers. How does he know that his guide can be so sure about the Warlord?

And what about Abou Tarek (the 'son' and the 'father')? The Warlord trains him to be a crackerjack sniper but becomes disaffected by war and switches sides, ending up in the Christian Arab prison, as Narwan's torturer. Even though we hear the explanation from Chamseddine, it seems a little too convenient that Tarek so easily switches from the Muslim to the Christian Arab side with so little explanation. Of course without him doing so, there's no 'twist ending', designed to shock.

I understood that the two letters which Narwan has her children deliver to Tarek reflects Narwan's ambivalence about how she feels toward him. But again, why involve the twins? How is Narwan so sure that her revelation to him that he's her son, will impact his conscience? It's already been established that he's a psychopath so I would hardly think that he would care who his mother is. For all we know, Tarek may have decided to go after the half-siblings, as they could reveal his dark secret publicly and cause him a good deal of trouble.

'Incendies' manages to keep one's interest despite the main character's motivations that don't add up and the director's clear political bias. It's worth seeing but hardly deserves the accolades that have been heaped upon it since its heralded release.
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freddyatali21 September 2010
Denis Villeneuve has created nothing less than a masterpiece. This film is revealing a great Director, especially when given an original story with such powerful dimensions.

Despite being skeptical as first of the film being shot in Jordan, when dealing with the very specific, multidimensional Lebanese drama, the geographic distance with the land of Lebanon is detaching the film from the strict reality of the place and taking it to whole other level of significance. Jordan's landscape especially with the film's photography, are somewhat surrealistic, as if the story was taking place in a deep level of the region's sub-conscious.

Villeneuve has managed to delicately craft a story with dimensions that a human mind in its normal condition is not prepared to understand and confront. And yet these things did happen, many times during the war and retelling them is a very not an easy task. Actually a quasi impossible one and yet Villeneuve did it.

This has to be the film representing Canada at the Oscars. And it will win.
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Top Ten Films I ever watched
magadalwarmayur14 March 2019
This movie needs more recognition i couldn't believe it was released in 2010 it is that kind of movie which will stick until you die do watch this movie with little patience every aspect of the movie is masterpiece i.e cinematography,editing,screenplay,music,direction,performance this is the only movie i consider best after the shawshank redemption and it deals with somewhat same thing i.e.hope just watch this movie and get prepared to be amazed
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A Nutshell Review: Incendies
DICK STEEL13 August 2011
Warning: Spoilers
The film begins in sweeping slow motion, centered around a harsh cemented premises with a bunch of boys undergoing the shaving of their hair ala military fashion, with the camera centered on one boy possessing this crazed looking eyes, before cutting to Canada where twins Jeanne and Simon Marwan (Melissa Desormeaux-Poulin and Maxim Gaudette respectively) arrive at a notary's office to accept the will of their recently deceased mother Nawal (Lubna Azabal), where they are left with letters to deliver to a father and brother that they do not know. In the meantime, they are to bury their mother in a certain strange way until their quest has been completed, with the notary Jean Lebel (Remy Girard), Nawal's boss the last few years, ensuring that her last will and testament is completed the way it was intended.

Incendies, based upon the play Scorched written by Wajdi Mouawad and adapted for the screen by director Denis Villeneuve, was this year's Best Foreign Language Film nominee from Canada, and there's every reason why it was a nomination well deserved. Set against a mystery to be unraveled so slowly, bringing together seemingly disparate events together in shocking fashion by the time we're through, the narrative is split into two different timelines, with the current one being the twins' journey to an unnamed Middle Eastern country in search for clues to their unknown father and brother, while with each milestone achieved of sorts, we get to see a flashback to the time of their mother, brought up in a harsh environment involving the staining of family honour, as well as religious zealots and militants who set her off in a tale of an avenging angel, and sacrifice.

And the story sprawls in many directions, though with Villeneuve always having an assured hand in not having this fall into melodramatic terms nor have any wasted scenes, highlighting issues that still exist to this very day involving hatred, revenge and forgiveness, but not before laying down a number of surprises that will shake you to the core especially when the mysterious equation finally gets solved - you may get a hint of what's to come, but this got handled so expertly without being verbatim, that it accentuates and compounds the myriad of complex emotions felt by all the characters involved.

With sweeping cinematography that's achingly beautiful to gaze at, one of the best scenes involve the brutal, cold blooded mass murder where militants spray countless of rounds into a packed bus, culminating in that shot of a burning bus shrouded in thick black smoke against an endless sandy environment, with Nawal finally snapping into making a decision to take matters into her own hands from then on. Between the two stories, perhaps it is Nawal's painful journey that makes this compelling viewing, from having her lover forcefully and terminally separated from her by family during her teens, then her volunteering and sacrifice leading to imprisonment and ill treatment within as punishment. What she did as part of reconciliation is in part a masterstroke in inflicting inexplicable pain in return to her perpetrator, is what made this film a winner, although it will stun you into silence well after the end credits roll from the devastation the narrative left in its wake.

The other half of the narrative deals with Jeanne and Simon's journey to dig through unwritten laws, and reluctance of tightly knit communities that prefer to keep the status quo and not dwell and reopen wounds inflicted from their collective shameful past, some in denial, while others happy to have seen a more favourable outcome from Nawal's hardships. It is this piecing together of the mystery like an investigative drama that makes Incendies unique, and what more, Radiohead also features in the soundtrack - strange but true, and very powerful if you ask me.

Comparing the ratings between this film at M18 and Womb at R21 reveals what the censors allow and not allow when dealing with more mature themes, likely centered around the intention of its more controversial scenes. It's anyone's guess why was was given the highest rating possible, and the other one rung lower, given that both actually didn't have anything explicit, except perhaps one was used as an unintentional weapon of torture and destruction in the psychological sense, while the other was a love story gotten out of control! Still, for its strong story and excellent production values, Incendies becomes that must watch film in 2011, especially during this season of noisy summer action blockbusters that absolutely don't resonate as much as this film. Highly recommended!
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Don't miss this masterpiece
How stupid iam to postpone this movie for 6 months watching all other stuff.... I've underrated this movie watching trailer 😑
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Tenth anniversary!
Blue-Grotto21 September 2020
It is a rare person who understands themselves fully. Few people even try to understand. So when it comes to knowing others deeply, even those close to us, the task is nearly impossible. Incendies delves into this seemingly hopeless undertaking.

Upon the death of their unusual and troubled mother, Nawal, twins Jeanne and Simon are given surprising and difficult assignments under her will; tracking down a father they thought was dead, finding a brother they never knew they had, and delivering mysterious letters from their mom to each of them. The journey begins in Lebanon where Nawal's footsteps are retraced. Shocking revelations are revealed about Nawal including; forbidden love, an honor killing, a stolen baby, violent militias, refugees, prison, torture, massacres, assassination and more. The twins discover a country caught in a chain of anger from which it struggles to free itself. Within the conflagrations are keys to understanding their mom, their family, and themselves.

Incendies is a deeply moving and explosive (literally and figuratively) glimpse into the heart of Lebanon and human nature. It is my second favorite film of all time. Scenes are raw and jolting, and none more so than the final revelation. This is part of Villeneuve's genius; the surprising scenes that come without the usual preludes (the revealing music like in Jaws, the intuitive responses, and obvious build-ups). He suddenly cuts through sense and emotion simultaneously. Boom! Through flashbacks and ambient sound contrasted with eerie Radiohead tracks, Villeneuve crafts something unique and thrilling. Lubna Azabal (Nawal) is perfect for the part. Incendies is based on a play by Wajdi Mouawad and filmed in Jordan and Quebec. I love Incendies mostly because it carries a profound and urgently needed message about how we judge and diminish other people and cultures, and how we can otherwise lift them up through sympathy, understanding and mercy.
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Recommended viewing
CineCritic25178 February 2011
During the reading of the will of their mother's, a twin brother and sister learn of some unusual last wishes. Amongst other requests, two envelopes need to be delivered to respectively the father of the two and a brother whom are both unknown. The quest leads the twins through the Middle East where they slowly learn of the horrific tales which is the life history of their late mother.

The movie tells a very graphic but endearing story, perfectly shot and acted allowing the viewer to get fully immersed into the journey and findings of the twins. Through flashbacks we learn about the hardship of the mother and, eventually, the fate of the father and brother. As a treat, there is a great twist at the end which is really the icing on the cake.

Highly recommended.

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The build is tense and well crafted, but the twist is more shock value than adding depth to the story
andrewroy-043167 September 2019
Warning: Spoilers
There's no doubting Villeneuve's skill in building tension and emotional stakes through his characters and shots. While it's in a very different way, like in Enemy the shocking twist ending doesn't really add to the story and feels forced. The difference is while in Enemy the ending was insane and left the meaning and plot completely up in the air, in Incendies what happened is entirely clear and just isn't that satisfying. The most cogent point Villeneuve makes in the film is how the atrocities of war can shape people and turn them into monsters. The alternation between the past and present put into focus how war can ravage a region and a family for decades and was very effective in gradually unspooling the plot threads. The performances were all very good, particularly those playing Nawal and her daughter.

Now, let's talk about that twist: that Nihad, her first son, is the man who raped her while in prison and fathered the twins. Undoubtedly, it was completely unexpected. It's a pretty crazy coincidence that he was the person assigned to torture her prison and that he chooses to rape her. Putting that aside, the real problem is that it doesn't add depth or explain anything about the characters or in the plot. There are no genetic problems the kids have that are explained by the incest, and there was no reason for Nawal to expect that he was anything more than a random torturer - there was no inherent connection in their roles. This doesn't make the twist bad or illegitimate, but also doesn't make it particularly impactful, and given the intense build up to that discovery, it was a letdown. Love the cinematography, love the direction, but nothing more than a good, well-crafted movie with a forgettable ending.
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Superb Film
lstonebridge20 February 2011
This is a superb film. Best film of the year in my estimation bar none. This exceptional Canadan film should easily win best Foreign film at the Oscars.

Directing, photography, cinematography, casting, acting all outstanding. The film also has something to say on the nature of hate and violence.

Unfortunately this wonderful film will neither be seen nor appreciated by a wide audience.

Denis Villeneuve has created a fabulous film. He has done an immense job taking this from novel to the screen.
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A bit of fantasy mixed with tragedy
oliverkrupke5 February 2023
Although the story is interesting this movie suffers from poor leading actors and relies on fantastical coincidences to drive the story. The supporting cast do a wonderful job and the mother plays her part well, but the acting of the twins simply is not believable. They are both young and their acting skills just aren't there. Also they are inappropriately cast. It's just not believable that they could be the offspring of this immigrant mother who had such a tortured past. The story is compelling and told in a way that really grabbed my attention and kept me excited to see what part would be told next. Although it can be challenging to present events in this manner, this film does an excellent job of helping the viewer follow the events of past and present as they are skillfully unwound to paint a picture of what has really happened. If the movie had cast more appropriate and talented actors for the roles of the twins, and perhaps used one or two fewer crazy coincidences, I think it could have been great.
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Quite the disappointment
Marlene_4 September 2019
Warning: Spoilers
First of all, in my opinion, Denis Villeneuve is one of the greatest film directors of our time. Blade Runner 2049 and Enemy are some of the greatest films in recent memory, but this does not mean that all of his work has to achieve the same threshold of brilliance or even the the slightest bit of ingenuity. One such miss, I believe, is the 2010 movie Incendies.

The plot follows Jeanne, a young up-and-coming mathematician, and her twin brother trying to uncover the mysterious life of Nawal, their deceased mother, and fulfill her last wish of giving a letter to their lost father and brother respectively. What we end up with is a melodramatic retelling of Sophocles's immortal tragedy Oedipus Rex with a somewhat meaningful commentary on religious extremism and the destructive power nationalism on the side.

I believe that most problems of the film reside with the stupidity and the lack of foresight of Jeanne and her brother, impossible coincidences and the dubious motivations of of their mother. First, we know that Jeanne roughly knows how much and at what time did Nawal spend in the unnamed Middle Eastern country. We find out for ourselves the moment she visits the old university from Jeanne herself. Later on she finds out for how long Nawal spent time in prison from the school janitor and that she was raped and impregnated there. It is at that time that she found out that she got pregnant there as well. The twins age align perfectly with the time table given by the film. One would think that a mathematical prodigy like Jeanne would at least suspect a correlation, but no. What we get instead is an hour more of beating around d the bush culminating in the overrated and predictable reveal worthy of any Turkish/Spanish soap opera, i.e. that their brother is also their father, which brings me to my second point: the coincidences. Nawal just happens to unknowingly find her son in a prison who just happens to rape and impregnate her and there is obviously the moment when she conveniently stumbles upon him at the swimming pool where she could identify him by the tattoo on his heel in a completely different country almost twenty years later. This is some Star Wars level coincidence nonsense here. Thirdly, I simply reconcile Nawals need to tell the truth to her son. The film goes out of it's way to establish that Nihads personality is almost completely a product of the environment that he was raised in. This is something that Nawal certainly had the capacity to understand. We even see that Nihad made and active effort to become a functioning part of the society after leaving The Middle East. But thanks to the terrible realization of what he had done, his efforts will most certainly fall apart as he descends into a never ending cycle of guilt. I simply cannot find a way to justify Nawals choice of action. Sometimes, ignorance truly is bliss.

Although I believe that ultimately there is more good than bad about the film, there are some interesting aspects of it. The acting of Mélissa Désormeaux-Poulin is great and at moments superb. Social commentary had quite a bit of potential, but even this, I believe, was not explored to its fullest extent.

All in all, I find this movie to be a complete mess and an overall disappointment.
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Wonderful and devastating
lennyfromamsterdam7 September 2010
I had the pleasure of attending a screening of Incendies at the Telluride film festival and was absolutely shattered by it. This meticulously crafted film was my favorite of the festival.

Stuff happens and you'll be like NO WAY and then the film goes even further and you'll be like WHOA OKAY WHAT and then even further and you'll be like OH MY GOD and then even further still and you'll be like HOW CAN THIS BE HAPPENING OH MY GOD PLEASE and then it'll just keep going even further and further and further and by the end of the film you'll just be a steamy, shattered mess like I was.

Characters and events throughout are depicted with the subtlety and prowess of a master filmmaker. I don't want to spoil anything, but there were numerous moments in the screening that I attended when the audience was vocally reacting to moments on screen that were extremely visceral and affecting.

Beautiful, powerful film.
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I wish I didn't watch this movie
salmanhhh20 April 2020
This movie is great but believe me you don't want to watch this movie, my life will not be the same again
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