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MPAA - Rated R for sequences of strong violence, and grisly images.

Sex & Nudity

  • A woman gives birth. No nudity from the woman, but you do see the baby's buttocks briefly.
  • Discussion about women being used as breeders and forced wives. There is also discussion of women being used for producing milk.
  • There is a scene of someone painting art on a wall (the painting itself shows nude women).
  • A character wears a suit with holes cut out at the nipples. When he's onscreen, he's always fondling his own nipples.

Violence & Gore

  • There are bloody shootings, stabbings and beatings.
  • A man has his nipples ripped off. Blood squirts out. He wipes up some blood and licks it.
  • A man has his four limbs and head all chained to separate motorcycles which are then driven to dismember him. The sand churned up by the motorcycles hides most of it, but a limb can be seen being driven away by a motorcycle. Little to no blood.
  • A man is shot in the shoulder. Not very bloody but a bit graphic.
  • A severed arm is shown attached to a chain.
  • A rope tears apart a man's neck. The man is forced to speak and he tries as he holds his torn neck. He ends up coughing up blood and collapsing. More blood is seen on his hands and on the ground.
  • A dog carries a severed foot in its mouth. Another scene shows a dog gnawing on a human leg.
  • A man is thrown to the ground, with a large screw thrust through the back of his head, coming out the front. Quick shot, not too bloody.
  • A woman is stabbed in the shoulder. A man sews it up later. Not too bloody.
  • The camera focuses on a half-decayed body sitting up while a crow eats an eyeball out of the skull. This is part of a montage depicting a war.
  • A woman's back is burned and you see some blood. The scene takes place at night so it's not very detailed.
  • A severed finger is seen in a box.
  • A man handles an umbilical cord after a birth and cuts it with a knife.
  • A boy with dwarfism is seen with a bullet wound in his head.
  • Multiple scenes where antagonists are shot by a sniper at a long distance, sometimes with quick blood spurts. There is one instance where a character is shot so close to the camera, blood ends up on the lens.
  • A man is shot through the eye with a slingshot. No blood is seen.
  • Multiple scenes where characters are implied to be eating human flesh. It's not obvious visually that the meat is human.
  • A man is seen with an arrow in his forehead, but he is still alive, walking around, and able to communicate.
  • In a cave, many severed limbs, hanging from ropes, infested with worms and maggots are shown. A woman scrapes and collects the worms and maggots in a vessel. It can be disgusting for many people.
  • Level of violence is about the same as Fury Road. It's frequent, but minimal blood and little gore.
  • Violence is pretty frequent, but it's never overly bloody or gory.


  • "Tits", "moron" and "scum" are used.

Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking

  • A man drinks something from a flask (it's not clear what it is).
  • "Opium war" is verbal referenced.

Frightening & Intense Scenes

  • Hanging corpses can be seen from a distance.
  • A woman seemingly farms maggots on dead or dying people. Wounds, maggots, and dead people are shown quite explicitly. There are also numerous hanging body parts.
  • Characters have physical deformities, or wear the scalp of another person.
  • Intense sequences involving high speed vehicular attacks and chases. People are set on fire, stabbed, or shot, then run over.
  • A woman is crucified, with a fire lit under her. A young girl is forced to watch as a man is implied to cut into the woman's abdomen to torture her, although no gore is seen. The woman screams in agony.
  • The camera pans over the aftermath of a battle in the desert. Numerous dead bodies can be seen being looted or carried away, but no detail is focused on.
  • A leader orders his own men to be shot during an assault.


The Parents Guide items below may give away important plot points.

Sex & Nudity

  • An adult man briefly kidnaps the young Furiosa. It's implied he intends to sexually attack her but she escapes before anything happens.

Violence & Gore

  • A woman's arm is crushed and left with a severe wound. She is tortured but escapes by shedding the arm (offscreen). Flesh and injury detail are seen, although the camera doesn't focus on it until the arm is severed.
  • A man is tortured to death by being dragged behind a motorcycle. He is taunted sadistically by being told to stand up for him to just be dragged down over and over. Dogs are let loose who ravage him. The scene is long and disturbing, although the camera doesn't focus on this for very long and no gore is seen.
  • A man is tortured by being repeatedly beaten in the head. He begins having a seizure as blood pours down his head before he is eventually shot and executed, shot from a distance. We see multiple possibilities at how he was killed including him being roasted above a fire, dragged behind a motorcycle, etc.
  • There is a scene where a tree is seen growing into a decrepit man laying on the ground, still alive and suffering. He is implied to be there for years decaying.

Frightening & Intense Scenes

  • Furiosa is forced to watch the murder of her mother.
  • A woman starts a small chainsaw and bends down to work at the crotch of a man. From the camera angle, it looks like she is castrating him, but she is not.
  • A man and woman make a narrow initial escape, only to be chased down again. The scene is shot very intensely.

See also

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