243 Reviews
It's up to you
adamrihak20 April 2020
Watch it stoned/drunk and it's 10/10. Watch it sober and it's 1/10, that makes it 5/10 in general :)
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Why the hate?!
Nand2Tetris26 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I don't understand why there are so many hating on this show and giving it really bad ratings. A bunch of good looking people at a retreat on a beautiful beach, going from hormonal bunnies to decent well rounded humans is a pretty decent plot for a reality show even if some of it is scripted. Some of the characters and their interactions are actually quite moving. Like David giving up Rhonda for his boy Sharron. Kelz or Matthew never once being sleazy because they want to do the right thing. Francesca really gunning to be with Harry. Yacht-boy Bryce admitting he was bullied as a boy and had to put on this front of being cool all the time. I think it was all very relatable and human. Give it a chance you guys!
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Watch it as if it's a Christopher Guest movie ...
faxanadonts19 April 2020
This show is hilarious!! They are utter morons. As a result they are funny. That's all ... that's the whole premise of the show. Don't over think it. The sex appeal is just the add on to make listening to their funny moronic talk funny as opposed to just sad. It's weakness makes it strong. :-)
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Stop making stupid people famous
jelenavolisebe24 April 2020
This is the trashiest tv show ever. Where do I even start... well first if you have low self esteem about your looks don't watch it, it glorifies only looks in the most superficial way, these people are so dumb, empty, superficial, stupid, uninteresting. This show is such a trash I can't even explain it, it's badly scripted, it shows the worst of the worst of our generation ("instagram generation") that only looks matters and nothing else. They literally can't keep their pants on for 100.000$. I don't know who can like this, it literally shows everything wrong with these generations and humanity today, they are there in that mansion on a vacation and getting money for fu**ing around, they don't deserve it, these shallow stupid unskilled uninteresting people. I will say it again, stop making stupid people famous. Netflix shame on you.
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celine_briones21 April 2020
There's a scene during the first 5 minutes of the first episode where they were having a small talk about their tattoos.

Boy: You have any? Girl 1: I have this one on my back, it's not the best... Girl 2: What language is that? Girl 1: I don't know... Boy: Are you serious?

I just had to stop
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Cringy af.
ladymacbethian17 April 2020
I felt embarrassed at their expense. Unworthy to waste your time on that even as a background noise. Yikes.
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Dumb but entertaining
chloebetts3 August 2021
This show had no right being this good. It was such a good show to binge watch while I was stuck at home. I loved how chaotic it was between everyone. The only thing is that there was a lack of motivation. I think they kind of did the reward wrong. I also don't like how they bring in people halfway through because then they don't get to have the whole experience and it just messes with the relationships.
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This show makes you question everything
cristinna-4362019 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I mean, I do not understand why people watch this; if they didn't, shows like this one would stop being made. I gave this show a shot because, apparently, it was number one in trending.

I watched the first episode and I feel like I have to vent: Firstly, I do not understand the idea behind them acting like they didn't know what they signed up for - they were all shocked when they found out the rules of the game or whatever this thing is. Well, I guess that's the point of a reality show to make it look real, but a bunch of people thrown on an island and not knowing what they're doing there is not too real, the creators could have designed the introduction in another way.

Then, maybe I'm thinking too pragmatically, but who couldn't keep it in their pants for one month for $100,000? Again, I don't see the idea behind this show.

I don't think you can learn anything from it, although I have to admit I was mesmerized by that guy's methapore of being a cosmic star with his own gravitational field.

And then there was one dialogue where one guy asked the other whether he could picture himself with one of the girls in a long-term relationship. After they all had a 5-minute talk. But that's not all, a joke is then inserted clarifying that long-term term meant four weeks. Haha.

What did I jusy watch? Why does this thing exist?
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It's not that bad
evaevelina-1844924 April 2020
I think is really entertaining and fun to watch , it's not a normal Netflix show that's why there a lot of bad reviews ,but for a reality tv show it's really good .I definitely recommend
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Worst thing I've ever watched
mikepitcher120 April 2020
This is the honestly the worst thing on Netflix, by far, and trust me when I say that. During this pandemic I've watched everything else.
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Surprisingly self-aware
estheralgebra25 April 2020
To begin with, I'm not sure that the people leaving negative reviews have actually watched the show. Albeit the premise is silly and the contestants are infuriatingly shallow, but that's... the point of the show. The narrator is witty and likeable, and doesn't miss a chance to point out how ridiculous the contestants are being. If you want to watch a show that relentlessly makes fun of people that are shallower AND better looking than you, this might actually be the show for you. Like other reviewers have pointed out, forming meaningful relationships while keeping it in your pants shouldn't be that difficult. As the audience, you're invited to poke fun at people who can't do for a few weeks what many people do for years.Don't expect anything too profound, but it's actually good fun.
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oscarnord6 June 2021
People are hating because the contestants are stupid but I think it doesn't really matter because its very entertaining.
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bdrgtech18 April 2020
Take generic so called hot people which are pretty ugly with ugly personalities. Throw them into bathing suits and that's the whole show. There's no plot or anything it's just mindless boring entertainment if you can call it that
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Terrible show.
veroniquepaille19 April 2020
I usually like reality TV as a guilty pleasure. But this one is terrible. The message is bad, the people are dumbs and it's showing the worst of this generation. Very bad!
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Don't waste your time
phyllisjsykes18 April 2020
Wish I could give a zero What has tv come to. These young people are idiots only interested in sex and money. Who even could think of a realty sho like this must be loony.
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bohicaranch22 April 2020
Insipid, uninspired, colourless, uninteresting, feeble, flat, dead, dull, boring, tedious, tired, unexciting, uninspiring, unimaginative, lifeless, zestless, spiritless, sterile, anaemic, tame, bloodless, jejune, vacuous, bland, stale, trite, pallid, wishy-washy, watery, tasteless, milk-and-water, flavourless.

"Beautiful" people who actually are anything but. TV has sunk to new lows.

"Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe" Albert Einstein
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What's up with the hate
Hannphsy26 April 2020
Don't watch and hate if these shows aren't your thing. You know what you're getting just by reading the title... It's superficial, yes. But it's entertaining with a good vibe. Being more about empowerment than drama and self-centered people. The ending is a bit meh, but overall, not that bad!
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Never Have I Been More Grateful to Have Brain Cells
maddycollins22 April 2020
This show is mindless stupidity, and anyone who tries to tell me otherwise is no better than the nincompoops (I LOVE that word) on the screen. Anyway, if you're looking for a show that has even a single grain of depth, this is not the show for you. This show does nothing but prove the saying that hot people are stupid.
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Definitely entertaining but the results are confusing
melodyso1 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Obviously this show is juicy and exciting just as reality show promises to be. The workshops are kinda boring tho.

Lana's definition of growth is also confusing. Growth seems to mean committing to a long term relationship period. People who don't break rules get sent home and the f boy win the game. The game rules get to be more objective! Otherwise, what's the point of obeying the rules.
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wivavog1 July 2021
Just shows you how shallow people are. The people on this show. Act super gross and off putting. Only thing more so is the show and premise. Giving these awful people. Money for not having relations for a whole 30 days. They act like idiots. Literally the last type of people you want to watch. Or see win prizes. Nothing I want to support. Shows like this need to disappear. As they bring the bar for humanity down drastically. I feel bad for the kids that watch this. Thinking that ANY of these people. Are anything but something to be ambarassed about. Nothing to be proud of. Have literally no personality. Or social skills outside. Trying to get some in 5 mins. Really cant believe these people think there elvolving. Def cant believe theres 2 seasons. Trash TV at its finest.
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Funny host making fun of stupid people
adam-0994416 December 2020
The plot - nice idea. The contestants - dumb as a vacuum cleaner (and not the robotic type). The narrator - ABSOLUTELY AWESOME! She was making fun of these dumb nuts in the most cruel, spot on way and in a form that neither of them will ever be able to understand.

You're not supposed to feel related to them. You're not supposed to feel for them. It's just a bunch of gorgeous looking shallow people that the narrator is making fun of.

Sure there were flashes of some deeper meaning, like a guy admitting he was bullied as a child; and there was this pseudoromantic soap opera let's-make-it-15-minutes-longer-than-necessary finale; but the show was funny to binge watch for me.
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More Than Expected
leooconnorjr5 March 2022
Of course this show is full of gratuitous sexuality as you expect but under there this show shows real heart at times which makes it worth checking out.
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someone-3111420 April 2020
This show is awful, stupid, disgusting, shallow. Probably the most trashiest and dumbest thing I've ever seen. There's nothing enjoyable about this cringey show.
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Damned stupid contestants
zmia30418 April 2020
I loved the idea of the show at first but I honestly think that they choose the stupidest people possible which do not understand the point of the game but only show the ugly side of the people among this world. Jesus left in time🙏🙏
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So Little Effort
katieabroadway20 April 2020
You literally picked people who have been on dating shows before? You're not even trying to make the "reality" tv look real.
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