90 Reviews
annlyelsfirst25 June 2021
As a child, I read the first three Mysterious Benedict Society books religiously. Each book sucked me in and led me on this wonderful journey that I couldn't seem to put down. When I saw that there was going to be a live-action adaptation I was skeptical but the first two episodes have been so perfectly accurate it's scary.

The cast is perfect, the world feels like it's been pulled from the recesses of my imagination, and did I mention it was perfect? A must-watch Disney+ series already. Six more episodes (and hopefully two more seasons) to go.
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Highly Intellectual Patience Required
joave6 December 2021
I see a lot of reviews here saying it's very slow paced. IMO it's actually rather refreshing to see a show of this genre with child actors moving at the slower pace and taking it's time to build the plot up versus rushing through it because it's geared for kids (really it's for kids and adults but most kids under 14 won't get the plot, so parents will need to explain, if THEY get it 😉 ).

It's actually a rather cerebral show and reminds me a lot of shows like Star Trek and Quantum Leap.

If you're looking for a fast paced or action show this isn't it. But if you're willing to be patient and can understand and adjectives the intellectual aspect, then this is for you.
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Disney+ throws away a masterpiece
Dr-He-Who-Remains26 May 2023
I was wonderfully surprised by this show. The entire cast was excellent, especially the child actors. I can't stress enough how great they played their characters. They were funny, felt genuine, and you really grew to love them. The adults too, played their roles incredibly well. I was not familiar with the books they are based on, but the story was compelling, while still being family friendly. A lot of love went into this story (both seasons). Sadly, Disney couldn't let a good thing alone.

Disney+ announced it would be removing this show this month, along with many others, as a way to cut back costs. You'd think they'd start with their poorly made stuff first. It was slated to have a third season, but now it's fate is uncertain. No wonder Disney is losing money. They struggle to make good content, and when they do they find a way to ruin it. Bad management across the board. Really hope this show comes back or finds another way to survive.
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Wes Anderson meets The Goonies!
wpfitchard28 June 2021
Two episodes into it, and we absolutely love The Mysterious Benedict Society. A quirky fun mix of fantasy/reality. Excellent set designs and musical score to match.

Hopefully the remaining seasons episodes are equally enjoyable.

Highly recommended!
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Timely world coping skills...
applegrrls5 July 2021
Despite older source material, this show is perfect to deal with scars of the psyche left over from the quarantine, politics, constant whispers of wars, lax resourses, and total stress overload. This is perfect for children, and your inner child no matter your age. Because the U. S. does not offer critical thinking courses to children like most western countries, Americans are proving highly susceptible to "the emergency" of constant hidden messages of division, aggression, judgment, hatred & fear of others. *Deep breath*. Life is sacred. Nothing is worth turning on others, especially over the illusion of ideology. While everyone else runs around frantically losing their way in the moment, you must stay centered. Despite urgent topics, this series is an absolute fun time, and a great tool to preserve or revive, your child within. I whole heartedly agree with the other reviews, a million stars just isn't enough. Bravo.
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Underwhelming finale
sinahaase-960-7434977 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
My daughter and I watched the whole series. I enjoyed each episode as things started to fill into place and loved the build up. Unfortunately, the finale seem so underwhelming after everything finally fell into place! There's literally no reason that Kate and Milligan should come together out of no where but I have no idea what the book says and I'm willing to bet it gave more details. The ending just really sucked for me with the whisperer scene. It seemed so rushed and somewhat boring but I was expecting to be excited and relieved by their triumphs I guess? But no I felt bored :( I loved the rest of the series though. Maybe I'll read the book instead to be satisfied.
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Most accurate adaptation to date
izzymellor-0600525 June 2021
I was quite fond of this book as a kid and the attention to detail in this adaptation is mind blowing. Almost every little thing is book-accurate. It is truly mind blowing. I respect anyone who adapts a book with this much love and attention.
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jeremykarsten16 August 2021
This would be a VERY good remake of the book if the actors are better, this is more like a drama with the bad acting.
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Perfect adaptation
thedongwu25 June 2021
Wow - the first two episodes were excellent. As someone who loved the books and read and re-read them over and over again as a child, this was everything I could have hoped for-a masterclass in capturing the wit and spirit of a book while making subtle improvements. This is probably the best adaptation of a book series I have seen since Season 1 of the Handmaid's Tale!

The four main kids are perfectly cast, with Marta Kessler being an excellent Constance Contraire. Although I was apprehensive about Tony Hale as Mr Benedict, the first two episodes settled most of my concerns and the writing does a lot to help him feel at place in the role. And of course, Kristen Schaal is pitch-perfect casting for Number Two, as is MaameYaa Boafo as Rhonda. And Ryan Hurst makes for a sad but hilarious Milligan.

The scenes feel lifted right from the book, with much needed adjustments like Mr. Curtain no longer using a wheelchair so as to avoid the Evil Cripple trope. The production design is vibrant and captivating, and the sets are as colourful and exciting as the books. Meanwhile, Theodore Shapiro writes an EXCELLENT and catchy theme tune.

I am VERY satisfied!
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this has the charm!!
suseelagonthina29 July 2021
I havent read the book, so i didnt know about anything, but the laws of physics made me somehow watch this, and i am in love with this!! From the first episode itself, this show has some kind of charm. Even though there are some pacing inconsitencies, and narrative flaws, its just delightful to see everything. Even though the child actors were sloppy at first, by the time of the current episode, which is six right now, their acting grew a lot. I just thought that this show is just a charming story, which doesnt spend much time in charecter devolupment and everything, and spend more time in the lore, but i was proven wrong. Everything has a purpose, and slowly, we dont even know whats right now. The charectors who we think were good, are now in the grey area, and they start to cheat, betray, and hurt other people. They all feel guilty about it, and at this point i dont know whats the correct thing. Even though its a light hearted story, this story's stakes are very much big, and it just isnt the typical "the world will die" or something. You actually feel it. I can see how people might not like this show, but i like it a lot, and i recommend it, and i think that it isnt getting that much praise. Its very cool, and worht watching. Its literally as good as one of my favorite shows like mob pshycho and odd taxi.
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Good job Disney
erikthered-9605125 July 2021
I don't understand why there has been so little promotion for this show. It just appeared one day on Disney Plus. Based on the poster It didn't look like it would be for me, but as often happens I had run out of new and interesting things to watch on streaming. So before giving up and watching another Danish crime drama I figured I give it a shot, besides Disney plus looks good on my O. L. E. D. I am so glad I did. This show absolutely reminds me of netflix's "A serious of unfortunate events", another show I enjoyed. As with the best juvenile fiction this new Disney plus show is smart and doesn't condescend. The whole cast is fantastic, but I have to single out the character of Constance Contraire. She is my hands down fave. Often delivering the best one liners and sarcastic quips in her awesome accent that reminds me of the German Ambassador character from the old "The Colbert report". At first I didn't know what to make of her, or the show for that matter, but as I watched it captured my imagination and attention. Everyone is doing a great job with their parts but Marta (Timofeeva) Kessler is knocking it out of the park. Can't wait to watch the next one and see what happens! My only real criticism is the pacing. This show like so many others on the streaming services (looking at you Netflix) seem to stretch out the content in order to come up with a particular number of episodes. I can't say how many times I heard my friends, family and others say "Yes I watched it put it was about one or two episodes to long". This is probably a phenomenon that is sadly here to stay. In the case of this show It just feels like the pacing is slower then it should be. Having said all that it's absolutely worth the wait.
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Not bad, but not anything close to great.
eruan7 August 2021
Why does Disney buy properties that are excellent, and then twist them into something less? Artemis Fowl comes immediately to mind, although that could have been much worse. And now the Benedict Society.

At first, it looked promising - more faithful to the original book than Disney is known for. But as the series developed, it went in odd diversions from it, with no discernable reason. I get that films can't really be like the books. But some of the decisions of the writers make no sense.

It stand on its own well enough, for those who haven't read any of the series; and they haven't strayed too far that they can't adapt the later books into something watchable. The actors do an excellent job (and would have done better with better content). I recommend it, though not highly.

I've seen far worse (Timeline springs immediately to mind!), and it's not as bad as Eisner sequels. The best I can hope for is that people will watch this and then wish to give the books a read - that would be true lemonade!
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Starts strong, fails to follow through.
vztxhgbkd29 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This review is for viewers who read the books and were hoping for a faithful and vivid adaptation. Having seen the first 6 episodes, I have to say this show piqued my interest early, but started to lose me after the first couple episodes. It definitely makes an effort early on to translate the tone and setting of the book, with some good casting and a few excellent portrayals of the quirky puzzles that made many of fall in love with the books. I was really excited after the first two episodes that maybe Disney would pull off an adaptation that preserved the author's style and intent throughout. A few highlights:
  • casting is generally good, even with some characters whose descriptions might make casting difficult. Reynie, Rhonda, and Constance stand out in this regard. But for his hair, Sticky looks just like in the book.

  • the setting has a futuristic '50s feel, with bright colors, striking wardrobes, and a diverse cast, the show definitely feels like it's set in a "place" not just a generic city, but doesn't feel like any specific place from the real world either. It's an artistic choice that helps sell the outlandish elements of the story, IMO.

-many nods to details of the book. The puzzles as mentioned before, narcolepsy, Miss Perumal, the Recruiters/Ten Men, No. 2s constant snacking, Milligan's disguises, all make early appearances.

Unfortunately, once the show establishes these elements from the book, it generally fails to use them as the story progresses, and to me becomes frustratingly generic. On top of that, further developments don't bring in new elements from the book, but create greater distance between the show and its source material. Mr. Benedict's narcolepsy gives way to nervous outbursts. Constance is obstinate and annoying, but not toddler-like (her constant napping that perplexed the crew never appears). Rhonda and No. 2 have a side plot in episode 3 or 4 that has no bearing on the story. Curtain never gets his wheelchair and sunglasses, which his character in the book uses as tools to mask his narcolepsy and constant rage. Kate doesn't get to show the full range of her creativity and athleticism. SQ is now Curtain's introspective adopted son.

Most disappointing for me, however, was that the narrative energy that was lost by neglecting the book was replaced with tired Disney tropes. Children in a supposedly rigorous school are shown doing everything but class work. A leader has a crisis of confidence after every setback and gets a motivational speech from those around him/her. Main character has to lie/break rules to advance the plot, which normally they wouldn't do but it's ok because they're conflicted about it and there's never any consequences anyway. Too many false moments of suspense to count. I don't know if there was pressure from the higher-ups to go this direction or if it's lazy writing, but either way it doesn't work for me.

Overall, Disney had a chance to bring an original and interesting children's story to a new audience, but ended up turning it into a surprisingly generic school tv show. 4 stars for trying to stay relevant in the first two episodes, otherwise I might give it 2.
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Absolutely Amazing to Watch
magnussonborski27 June 2021
I haven't read the books, but watching the movie makes me wanting to see the books as well.

The movie itself is reaallyy great almost in every aspects, such as cinematography, story line (even though it's just 2 episodes yet but I can tell that the story is promising), acts, and even its music background.

I want to shout out to its cinematography which has been really outstanding, you can tell that the ones who is responsible for this is a serious pro. I have learnt so much about cinematography techniques even from its 2 early episodes.

This series is really recommended for you who want to enjoy your weekend and please your eyes. I can't wait to watch the other episodes.
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My 7 year old and I LOVED IT!!
Very well written and often funny. We're hooked already after 2 episodes!
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Starts very strong and then looses steam
Reenoeh7 August 2021
The first couple episodes are great by season 7 nothing new is revealed and it's a waiting game till the final showdown in the last episode which was a little weird and different than expected but not bad. Overall fine to watch not very interested in season 2 though..
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Really great overall, with a few strange departures from the books
leh028723 October 2022
I absolutely love the book series! It's so well done. Overall, this is a great adaptation. I don't understand some of the choices (i.e. SQ is Curtain's son, Sticky's parents are dead and his aunt/uncle were the ones who had him on the trivia circuit), but overall not a big deal.

My two biggest issues: they made Kate annoying (I did not find her annoying in the books at all) and they made Mr. Benedict more anxious. It's been awhile since I read the first book, but I recently read the rest of the series. Kate was always confident and competent, but also a big team player. She's too arrogant and "maverick" in the show.

And Mr. Benedict is not portrayed as an anxious, nervous person in the books! He's certainly concerned for the children's safety, but he's confident in his plans and decisions. I pictured him more calm and confident than he's portrayed in the show.

Again, overall I really like it and think it's a good interpretation of the book. Those two things are really my only issues! Maybe they'll consider being more true to those characters in future season?
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They said never work with kids, they where wrong!
cooperknobben26 July 2021
Great binge If you like a series of unfortunate events this is a dimmed down version which is still awesome.
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Call it the Constance Contraire Show
A_Different_Drummer4 December 2022
Because as good as this show is -- and indeed it is -- Marta Kessler as Constance gets the best lines and has the best delivery. She literally steals her scenes away from the other actors, talented as they are. This series is clearly a win for Disney. It not only holds the attention with a small cast (the goal of every streaming series) but slyly injects puzzles and brain teasers along the way. Something never done that way before in a mainstream series. The main story arc is limited, and like most shows it relies heavily on cast chemistry. Which there is plenty of. ((Designated "IMDb Top Reviewer." Please check out my list "167+ Nearly-Perfect Movies (with the occasional Anime or TV miniseries) you can/should see again and again (1932 to the present))
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A Disney Adaptation Done Right
ToothlessAlphaMode25 June 2021
As a huge fan of the book, I was super hyped to see this adaptation, and I can say it's everything Disney adaptations have done right. It's not a mere copy of the original but gives enough nostalgia to make it a perfect adaptation.

I admit I thought episode one wobbled a bit, but by the second I was perfectly hooked. The soundtrack by Theodore Shapiro and Joseph Shirley was the cherry on top, the theme/intro was amazing!

Since only two episodes have been released, I will have to come back and edit this to make a full review of the series, but this is my insight on the show so far. It's super fun and I had a great time watching it with my family and as a fan.

Yes, there are cliche moments, but by the end of the second episode I was very excited and I'm glad to say I haven't enjoyed a show this much in a long time, maybe two years. Watch it with your little ones or by yourself, but at least watch the first two episodes. Amazing.

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Good, but sloooowwwwww!
ZinQ29 June 2021
I find myself fast forwarding just to move it along. Good to see Ryan Hurst however! Bit annoying to be weekly.
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So far, so.... GREAT!
suzpom26 June 2021
Just saw episode 1. Amazing. And PERFECT for right now when "The Emergency" has everyone wrapped up in fear, following every "governmental directive" to the letter but without any "spirit".

I'll go on to watch episode 2 shortly. Can't wait for all the rest!
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really enjoyed it but the finale is disappointing
ayaaakhamlich12 December 2021
I really enjoyed watching the show, i loved the characters, the aesthetic and everything, but the finale was very disappointing, and felt like the writers just rushed it, which ruined the whole thing for me.
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Diverges significantly from book
theodora_r4 August 2021
The first few episodes are great and then it starts to go a little off the rails. I don't always mind when movies/tv differ from books, but here the choices are bizarre and seem unnecessary. I wasn't completely sold by some of the child acting but was willing to overlook it in the first few episodes because everything else was pretty tight. As things started to shift, those problems became more apparent. It's ok enough that I kept watching though.
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Loving every bit of it
snowyprecipice6 November 2022
It's such a fun and slightly whimsical watch with unexpected gravitas. I love all the characters and the actors are doing a phenomenal job; it's like I'm watching the books come to life.

Constance is such an adorable character! I especially love the scenes with Milligan, especially the monologue he gave in the second episode of S1. That very faint wiggle he did with his body while telling the story set me off laughing for ages. I like how the story doesn't seem childish, just kind of offbeat and lighthearted in a way both young and older audiences can enjoy the show. Very impressed so far! Can't wait for more of S2.
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