Prey (2022) Poster

(I) (2022)

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If it bleeds...
cliftonofun20 August 2022
Confession: I'm the guy who watched the original Predator way too many times thanks to the magic of VHS...but then never watched a single sequel afterwards. As far as I'm concerned "Predator" = jungles and body butter. So I fully admit that I have limited context here. That said, this movie kicked butt. I cared way more about Naru and her brother (not to mention her dog) than I did about anybody in the original. I found the cinematagrophy breathtaking, I found the characters compelling, and I'm kind of all in on seeing what happens when we transport modern franchises into different historical/cultural contexts. Plus, the callbacks were delightful. Nobody's going to give this movie an Oscar, but I'd rather watch a story like this than most movies with capes and poorly staged action sequences. I was sucked in from moment one, and Amber Midthunder completely captivated me for the whole runtime. It's nice to know that movies like this can still surprise me, not to mention make me stand up and cheer.
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Prey is a back to basics return to form with tremendous atmosphere and suspense that unfortunately won't be experienced in theater.
tresm8727 July 2022
As a lifelong fan of this franchise I am admittedly biased. Since the revolutionary classic first film, Fox/hollywood have made 4 sequels all of which I have thoroughly enjoyed/ still critiqued. A perfect sequel hasn't been made imo and may never be, but I can say this new film has the closest effective wilderness ambience/suspense to the first film and that warrants great praise.

I was skeptical with a few things judging by the trailer but seeing the final product I can say that no matter the logic holes in the mismatch of Pred vs prey , the film is executed quite well. The settings are phenomenal and amplify the overall product. Dan Trachtenberg has a keen eye for detail as seen in 10 cloverfield lane and shows it once again. The costume design captures a completely different timeframe awesomely as well as shows a new more prehistoric predator that might be the coolest visually yet. Music and sound is crisp and powerful and adds so much. The acting is bare bones but for the story it has to be as far as context.

It's a shame that this had to be only streaming as it should have been in theater. The scenery is fantastic. But regardless it's a surprising return to roots as far as the back to basics setting and suspense aspects. It's another welcome sequel and should be seen by any predator fan or action fan.
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Who's the Prey and who's the Predator??
ericfield-535425 August 2022
I was only going to rate this until I decided to read some of the comments. This was easily the best one since the original. Not even close to me. I was hopefully when Shane Black did a "reboot" in 2018 I believe. I was disappointed. This was taking the franchise back to the basics and that was a good think! If you liked what Rogue One meant to Star Wars then this story will connect with you. I loved the cinematography. It was beautiful. The acting was really good. Don't worry that the lead actors aren't more well known. I was really not expecting much to be honest. The sequels since The Predator have been let downs. I only watched because the trailer had me with taking it so far back in time. At an hour and forty min it wasn't too short or too long. It was the perfect run time. I hope that you like Prey as much as me and that you rate and leave a comment. Happy hunting!
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Review Of 'Prey'
gogoschka-18 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I didn't hate this movie but I thought the writing was very sloppy, considering the fantastic premise offered so much potential. Sorry if I start to ramble, but it really bugs me when I believe a film could have been greatly improved with a few tweaks of the script. So my problems are as follows (please hear me out - and excuse such a terribly long review, but I just can't help myself, lol):

Why is Naru 150% convinced right from the first tiny hint at the predator that there's this HUUGE threat out there? As far as she knows, the predator hasn't hurt anyone except for a snake, and when Naru finds a weird footprint and sees the unnatural, purple lightning/light flashes just before she falls when the mountain lion attacks - how are those things indicative of a bigger threat than the metal trap her dog gets caught in at the beginning? And why does she even think the mysterious purple flashes and the footprint come from a creature of flesh and blood? The only thing she could possibly conceive of (remember: this is a Native American Girl from 300 years ago) is some forest spirit or even some kind of God that has come to these woods - certainly not a creature that any normal Native American would ever intend to hunt (on the contrary, such a creature would more likely be respected or even worshiped).

What I'm trying to say is: the predator at this point hasn't done anything that would require any action from Naru (or anyone else), and it's only the audience who knows from previous movies that this creature is a threat - there's no way our heroine would logically deduct that from the evidence she has. The trap her dog got caught in at the beginning on the other hand IS a sign for a huge threat to the tribe, but she doesn't even think it's necessary to warn her people about it, let alone further investigate who/what put it there. I think the script does the character of Naru a huge disservice by making her look rather over-ambitious to prove herself instead of actually giving her a plausible reason for wanting to protect her village by going after the predator.

If on the other hand the script had made the stakes more personal (and more primal), it would have worked to the character's and the story's advantage in my opinion. For example: imagine a scenario where they went after the lion, and her brother defeated it - then out of nowhere comes this monster and kills her brother and Naru's the only one who saw it and nobody believes her - then she'd have a believable motivation to go after it. But strange lights and a footprint? Really? That doesn't seem in line with anything we know about Native Americans from that period - it's just the script that insists this makes sense.

And Naru's actions towards the bear are another good example of the writing not doing a very good job at showing her as either a skilled hunter or someone who "only wants to protect her people from a threat". Naru is portrayed as this child of nature that knows every plant and every animal track, so when she hears a bear, we must assume she knows it's a bear - yet she goes straight towards it. Why? The bear's not a threat towards anyone, and we learn it's peacefully eating its meal - a scene that shouldn't come as a surprise to a Naru in any way.

But she observes it as if she were witnessing something exceptional or new to her. And does she quickly retreat when the bear gets her scent? No, she tries to shoot at it with a bow and arrow! Why would she do that? Is that the action of an intelligent hunter or someone who wants to protect her people? And when that (literally) backfires and gives her position away, and she only gets saved by the dog distracting the bear, she even runs after this gigantic grizzly and tries again to shoot at it with her bow and arrow (and don't tell me she tries to save her dog, because that dog is perfectly able to outrun the bear, as is made very obvious in that scene). The script makes her behave in a way no Native American ever would, and I think the writers should have tried a little harder to portray that culture in a more realistic (and thus more respectful) way.

Because here again Naru comes mainly across as someone who's over-eager to prove herself in a one-on-one combat with a dangerous adversary. Her actions seem inept and reckless, and the script makes that even worse since the young men sent out by Naru's brother to rescue her all get killed.

And here comes another thing that irked me: all the young Native Americans except for Naru's brother are shown as these angry, violent brutes who even beat Naru up. I'm not an expert on Native American cultures but this did strike me as kinda extreme, and it also bothered me in terms of the storytelling. Naru's brother obviously loves her and cares deeply about her, and the other young men who respect him and followed his order to "rescue" her must know that. Would they really behave in such a brutal, violent way towards the beloved sister of the guy who sent them to rescue her?

And I think all these issues could have easily been fixed: If Naru's brother had been killed by the predator after the lion hunt, and If the other young men in her tribe had thought he had been killed by either another lion or a bear and decided to hunt that beast refusing to take the girl along whose story about the "monster" they didn't believe, our heroine would have had a more sympathetic reason to go after that hunting party: both to save them AND to avenge her brother by killing the monster. Instead, the script almost makes it look like she's partly responsible HER rescue party gets killed, because she blindly follows her ambition.

Another huge issue: what's up with the Frenchies? They discover a helpless Native American girl in a trap and decide: she MUST KNOW something; she has to help us catch the Predator - err... why? Mr Alien Trophy hunter has only just arrived, and we've seen him work his way up from snake, to wolf, to bear, to Native American - but the French haven't even met him yet (if anything, they only caught a glimpse, plus the dude's invisible), so why are they now all so hell-bent on catching it? Even if they had found the body parts of the other Native Americans - why would they care, let alone deduct what that thing's intention was or conclude that they should drop all their activities to catch it with the help of our heroine?

The Frenchies hunt for fur which they can sell - where's the profit in investing all your energy in this predator hunt? Did I miss something here? Absolutely none of their actions or their behavior make sense. If on the other hand the script had set up a scene where we learn that the whole French party had come under attack by the Predator, and it's now a question of survival for them to learn how to defeat it, then their actions would become understandable. But there is no such scene.

Another example for the sloppy writing: The plant that lowers the body temperature to such a degree that the predator literally doesn't see those who have eaten it (and the effect already works mere seconds after the plant has been ingested) is an incredibly dumb plot device. I can believe an alien trophy hunter coming to earth, but I have a hard time suspending my disbelief to the point where this "magic" plant exists that can drop your temperature from 36 degrees Celsius to as low as your surroundings (if I'm not mistaken there's even snow flakes falling during the end fight, so it must be pretty cold - but you'd be in a coma already if your body temperature dropped to only 30 degrees Celsius). Also, how quickly the heroine realizes it's the plant that's responsible for the predator not seeing the wounded translator guy is just plain laughable.

Another huge shortcoming of the script is that the protagonist has zero character arc: Naru remains exactly the same stubborn, ambitious person that thinks she's better than all the others from the beginning of the film until the last frame, without even so much as a hint of any inner-growth. At the end, when she gets celebrated by her people (because surprise, surprise: she DID prove herself), she relishes that moment. She sees a little girl that looks at her with admiring eyes and is proud to be a role model for the next generation of female warriors/hunters. Yet after all she went through - is that really how she should feel? I mean, after she decided to go Predator hunting - and the script fails to give her a credible reason other than that she's desperate to prove herself to her people - a whole rescue party led by her brother went after her, and all of those young men - including her brother - suffer horrible deaths.

Yet nothing in Naru's final moment of triumph reflects that terrible loss. If anything, I would have expected our heroine to realize that this was a very sad victory, and that her moment of triumph wasn't really one to celebrate, since seemingly most of the young men in her tribe have perished. This was another wasted opportunity by the writers in my opinion: if they had shown Naru distraught at the end when she gets celebrated by the whole village; if we had seen her with an empty stare at the moment she achieved her goal to prove her worth, they could have given her character more depth (and at least a little bit of an arch).

Overall, it's still a watchable movie, I just wish the script had tried to explore Native American culture in a realistic way and dared to bring something original to the table. The fantastic premise lends itself for more than just a YA action adventure with some added gore, because the predator and the Native Americans reflect each other in interesting ways: both highly value the art of hunting a worthy adversary; even the collection of trophies from defeated foes (scalps for the humans - skulls for the predator) is very similar. This could have been an intelligent thrill-ride exploring those parallels, but unfortunately they opted for bland action instead.
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Competent movie
ramlowatakul5 August 2022
-Great visuals and music -Very atmospheric feel...the wilderness feels like a character of its own which makes it the most immersive movie of the franchise -I could be very critical of the script and the fact that there are not much memorable characters/not much nuance but this is a predator movie not call me by your name 2 ... -Very satisfying action (some of my favourite in the series ) apart from one scene with bad cuts (Naru vs the other comanche guys) -Also good pacing and length..doesn't overstay its welcome and I'd watch a sequel... I recommend.
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Worth the wait
rogerbrooks-5179325 July 2022
Finally a Predator movie that can compete with the original movie with Arnold Schwarzenegger. By no means is this movie perfect but it was incredible to say the least. Cinematography was great and the soundtrack had your heart pumping. Just the right amount of action. I saw this movie at San Diego Comic Con and got to hear from the cast, director and producer. The cast is extremely new to acting but it really didn't matter. They acted superbly and Amber Midthunder was just a great choice for the lead even though she is relatively new to acting. You can tell that the budget was nowhere near a full cinematic movie but it held its own and could easily do well at the box office. I'll end this by saying if you loved Predator 1 you must see this movie. Chances are you will love it.
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yo-yo tomahawk
tzhdmgtq5 August 2022
Criticisms first: The most unbelievable thing about this movie is the yo-yo tomahawk, not the 7 foot alien. This is something an 8 year old thinks of, tries it, then realizes that their imagination wrote a check that reality can't cash.

A trend in sequels lately is frequent and in your face callbacks to the original, like in Top Gun: Maverick (great movie, but too much in my opinion). There's a few in this movie that could've been done without. I just like a sequel to stand on its own more. Some people will disagree, just my preference.

Aside from that, it's probably the best Predator sequel to date. The bar is pretty low, but I really enjoyed it. It's not the woke movie early reviews says it is, just don't expect oiled body builders wielding machine guns. The Predator in this movie is big fan service and not the big headed clunky versions in previous sequels, but a deadly, agile, killing machine.

Great soundtrack too, it's got hints of Last of the Mohicans vibes.

For a period piece too, it's pretty accurate...except for the yo-yo tomahawk. I'd love to see a follow up!
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A worthy prequel to the classic
jaimemedina-362885 August 2022
I think Prey did an excellent job at crafting a fresh new story. Let's face it, predictor sequels and spin-offs have felt more like a money grab. But here there's a real story that cleverly weaves a number of story lines together to spin up this intriguing edition.

Amber Midthunder more than holds her own and keeps the pace moving. And the movie does a great job at leveraging the historical context for maximum effect.

Big thumbs up from me.
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Deserved to be on the big screen!
reeceicy7 August 2022
I've watched Prey twice over the weekend, once in English and the second time in full on Comanche. I know that might turn off a lot of English speaking people (myself included) but the dialogue really shines through in the all Comanche version. Amber Midthunder did an amazing job point blank, and also a big shoutout to Dakota Beavers who was probably my favorite character in the entire movie. I wish they would have developed some of the other characters more even if they're just there to be slaughtered by Predator. The director manages the film at a fast yet reasonable pace, even for the 1 hour 40 minute run time I was never bored. Stunning visuals, great cinematography, and some pretty solid action scenes (even if it is just the predator beating down on whatever is in front of him). Fans of the franchise will appreciate the nods to the original, the variety of weapons, and the gruesome kills. The CGI is mediocre at best, and I can really do without it. I get the animals had to be CGI for obvious reasons, but some of it is so Video Game-like it's laughable. And also wtf was that ending? Did the Predator forget he wasn't wearing his mask? Is there not a manual aim option for his weapons? Seriously flawed ending but all in all this is one of the better streaming exclusive movies I've seen and wish I could have seen it in theaters!
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Less is more!!!
jwb-842026 August 2022
Prey was Phenomenal! It was hard to find serious fault with this movie. If I had to nitpick, it would be Naru's little tomahawk trick (which wouldn't work) and that the special effects involving the animals could have been a little better. But they were in no way terrible. I loved the subtle easter eggs tying this movie into the original and the 2nd film. It stayed true to the concept of the franchise, which is the thrill of the hunt, but with a new exciting story, location, weapons, and of course the hero... Amber Midthunder. The mostly Native American cast was a beautiful change of pace. One I feel paid tribute to Native American culture and the great warriors of their past. Hopefully Hollywood learns something from this movie. That going bigger is not always better, story matters, and sometimes less is more!
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A move in the right direction.
danstevon6 August 2022
Firstly let's be honest, no matter what they do they will never match the original or even the 1990 sequel. Not that they are"classics", more just the fact they are very much of their time and I'm sure most people view those two films through rose tinted glasses. Especially the original Schwarzenegger film.

Yeah I like Prey, it's a solid action film that holds your attention throughout even if it's a little predictable what the outcome would be. But predictable doesn't mean it's not enjoyable. Some great action scenes and the story has a few nice and subtle links to the past movies.

Way better than the two Alien crossovers and ahead of 2018's The Predator, although that may be because setting this 300 years ago gives it a new perspective.

Worth watching, out of the 7 "Predator" movies I'd say this falls smack bang in the middle but films like this are what they are, either you're gonna like it or you don't.
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Prey marks a return to form for the Predator franchise with a unique take on the material and solid lead in Midthunder.
IonicBreezeMachine6 August 2022
Set in 1719 in The Great Northern Plains, Naru (Amber Midthunder) is a young Comanche woman who while trained as a healer has aspirations of being a hunter like her brother Taabe (Dakota Beavers). When Naru sees what she thinks is the "thunderbird" in the sky, she takes this as a sign she is ready to prove herself a hunter. As she joins a group lead by her brother set on taking down a mountain lion, they soon come across a creature more dangerous than they've encountered before.

Prey marks the first Predator movie made and released since Disney bought Fox and the first entry in the series since the underperformance of 2018's The Predator. The film began development under the working title of Skulls when director Dan Trachtenberg and screenwriter Patrick Aison approached series producer John Davis with the initial concept that would become Prey. Trachtenberg hasn't directed a feature film his breakout hit in 2016's 10 Cloverfield Lane with a number of projects he's been attached to either moving on without him or getting cancelled with Trachtenberg's largely being on TV. Prey marks both a welcome return for Trachtenberg as well as the Predator franchise as it's probably the best entry we've had since the first one.

Much like prior films Predator and Predator 2 which took established film staples such as commando and cop movies and turned them on their head with the inclusion of an alien trophy hunter, Prey takes a set of characters in its Comanche natives who could've easily sustained their own movie independent of The Predator and make for an engaging mashup with the established monster much as they did with the characters in the first and second films. Amber Midthunder is our lead Naru and she's really good in the film as she's capable in the fight scenes but also is very green which helps sell the rougher edge to the fight scenes which include some of the clumsiness you'd expect from such skirmishes. The other actors are solid performers and lend themselves to some entertaining and very brutal sequences in the film, including a sequence in the third act which had a nice nod to the ending of Predator 2. The Predator design is really unique featuring a cruder version of the helmet that more resembles a skull than the one we're used to and it works in context. We also get a solid dog character in Sarii who's pretty much a co-lead in the film and they're every bit the character you'd expect from a human actor.

Prey is solid genre fare in its own right, but it also brings the Predator series back on track after getting derailed with the mess of 2018's The Predator. Amber Midthunder is a great lead as Naru and the action and spectacle delivers. The third act runs a bit long and maybe could've been streamlined, but aside from that this is great enetertainment.
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CrazyArty25 August 2022
A Predator prequel set in the time of Native Americans.

Disappointing. Not a great plot, little emotion. I generally like Predator movies but this was not a good one. I think 6* is incredibly generous.
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How does this get almost the same imdb score as the Arnie original?
nansjune13 November 2022
Watching the Hollywood machine take your favourite childhood movies, TV shows and books and butcher them over and over and over again. It's growing tiresome.

The Predator itself is a macguffin, Hollywood have somehow turned a macguffin into a franchise, each film worse than the last.

This latest effort is a snooze. There is no suspense, nothing new is added to the Predator mythology, the action descends into farce. The action can just about stay within suspension of disbelief until the little girl starts directly fighting the Predator and winning. She sustains blows that would render Thor a tetraplegic and just keeps on going. What a gal.

This is the Predator franchise reduced to a cartoon for tween girls who cannot even watch the film due to its certification.

I'm getting really sick of watching the latest effort in a popular entertainment series and thinking to myself "I hope they don't make anymore".
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I just can't ...
mheapy15 August 2022
From the start this is a popcorn movie, it's entertaining that's all nothing above a 6/10 BUT ! BUT ! It's laughable & makes me want to slaughter another ridiculous woke movie, All I'm gonna say is the original Predator which is the best of the franchise by a mile showed us a giant technological advanced hunting alien monster which tore apart & killed an elite squad of peak physicality ex Vietnam military/Mercenaries/commandos with the best Arsenal a man can carry one by one with relative ease, compare to Prey a little skinny girl with an axe on a string, guess who wins, Hollywood has to get away from these woke films it's a struggle not to laugh, I'm all for leading female roles Sigourney weaver is a legend & shows how it should be done, ppl are gonna start to switch off they need to stop ruining franchises ppl love to point score politically, with that all said I accept the film for what it is and move on, I believe 6/10 is as generous I can be, there are far worse films around to be far.
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Definitely worth your time!!
subxerogravity5 August 2022
Had to start a 30-day trial on Hulu just to watch it but It was pretty boss, so I'm not mad. The story was basic and took us back to the roots of the Predator franchise with its pre-America setting.

Like the new predator deign but far more impressed by how the new predator moved and reacted. Whoever they got in the costume was really doing some acting, making himself look like the baddest hunter on the block. It does not stand out any better than any of the other Predator movies in my book but as far as being the first one by 20th Century Studios done under the Disney Banner it was violent and gory enough for my taste.

Worth possibly getting Hulu for.
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A bit too teeny-bopperish for me to take serious.
Top_Dawg_Critic7 August 2022
This felt more like a Disney toned-down for family version. Too much nonsense with the tribal dynamics and Naru's empowerment issues. The first half of the 99 min runtime was just dragged out with a lot of dull filler and too much gender correctness. Only the last half got a little exciting but got ridiculous at the end to see a little girl with an axe do better than the Terminator did against an advanced alien with high-tech gadgets. I just wasn't buying what the script was selling.

Although casting and performances were decent, the all-young cast seemed like they were missing uploading their Instagram stories instead of hunting. They just weren't convincing enough, except for the brother and, well, the Predator. I'm not sure if it was poor cast direction or part of the script or both, but either way, I wasn't emotionally invested in the characters at all and had trouble taking them serious. However, the cinematography and score were decent. This film is not what I expected, or wanted, but still an ok one-time watch if you're a fan of the franchise. Just don't go in thinking this will be a revelation of an origin story, because it's far from that.
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Love it! Great cast, cinematography, and story!
lheathmc7 August 2022
It stayed true to the original Predator, but changed it enough to feel different. A great female protagonist. Loved the Native American setting. We need more movies like this. I would see it again if it came to theaters.
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Great Predator movie, terrible review bombers
shilex-109-1322346 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Ok first off, I want to talk about the review bombers on this site giving this film 1-star because it features a small ethnic woman as the lead. They're whining about the believability of a hero woman protagonist in a Predator movie, as well as the realism (or lack thereof) of the historic value of the time period. Of a science fiction Predator movie!! If I rolled my eyes any harder, they'd roll out of my head and into Jon Stewart's head.

If the film Aliens had come out today, I can only imagine the review bombs it would be getting: "No way a woman could defeat the Aliens all by herself! Not when there's trained stronger soldiers all around her!" "There's no way a breathable atmosphere could ever be possible in such a short amount of time on that planet. Terraforming takes centuries!! And a woman turning into a badass soldier with no training??!? So unbelievable! Worst movie ever." "I can't believe this woke movie would cast a skinny, no skilled woman as the one to defeat the aliens. Hollywood is trying to emasculate men and turn all our entertainment into woke garbage! Open your eyes! Women can't do the things she does in this movie. Only men can!" It's as if all of sudden, a strong female character is considered ridiculous. As if Kill Bill, Hunger Games, Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon, Hanna, Wonder Woman, etc had never been made.

First off, not even taking into account the lead character or the historic value of Prey - this was by far the most beautifully filmed version of all the Predators. The cinematography was gorgeously done with wide shots, flowing landscapes, and long tracking shots. For that alone, it should warrant at least three stars. And the dramatic score with the violins, was also much more than I would have ever expected out of a Predator movie. On a technical scale, this was a well made movie. Very similar style as that of a more colorful version of The Revenant.

Onto the film itself: it did a lot without an overabundance of dialogue. Similar to the first Predator. The Comanche culture was beautifully highlighted and even though I don't know much about it, I felt like the filmmakers were doing their best to honor and do them justice by capturing their traditions. I wouldn't mind spending more time with the tribe and seeing their day-to-day lives. They didn't even need to have a Predator show up to capture my attention.

The standouts of this film were Amber Midthunder and Dakota Beavers, who play brother and sister. Their dynamic and chemistry was believable and made you care for the characters, so much so that it's hard to believe this was the first acting role for Dakota Beavers. He just oozes charisma, and I'm curious to see what he does next.

The action was well done, and you could feel the visceral strength of the Predator in this. In this prequel, I'm thinking they made the Predator a bit less powerful than the Schwartzeneggar version, because this one took place hundreds of years previous to the original Predator. So similar to our technology, this version of Predator has more primitive tech. No full body suit armor or helmet, no blast guns, and a more primitive body-type. This was their native/indigenous alien version of Predator.

And the parallels they drew to "proving your worth" through trials and tribulations was also apparent. This Predator was placed on an unknown planet trying to prove his worth through hunting trials, similar to our young protagonist Naru. She wants to prove herself to her tribe that she is a worthy warrior and hunter. In a way, they're both the same character. In an alternate world, the Predator would be the protagonist and we would watch as he tries (and ultimately fails) his quest for warrior status.

I do have a few nitpicks, and this isn't a perfect movie at all. The CG animals were at times fairly well done and at times, glaringly obvious, so much that it took me out of the film's atmosphere. And that's mainly because the scenery was just so beautiful, that it would be jarring to see a CG animal appear in any scene.

I also had a few issues with this movie failing to show instead of tell. All of Naru's thoughts are said aloud, and basically hand-hold the audience into understanding how she's going to defeat the Predator.

I also wasn't a big fan of the magical cooling flower that hid body warmth. I get it, I complained about the review bombers questioning the historical value of the film. Butttttt, since this is a science fiction movie, I do think I have some reason to question the science behind how exactly that flower works just a little bit.

And lastly, for an R-rated film - at times it felt like they were toning down and making cuts as if someone told them it could possibly be PG-13. It was odd. Sometimes the camera would cut quickly away from any gore. But then other times it would show it. Wasn't sure the reasoning behind that. I actually wanted to see more of how brutal the Predator could be, instead of the quick cuts away.

But overall I was very entertained and this was probably the best Predator movie we've gotten since the first film (Predators came close and would be third on my list). It was well shot, the action scenes were unique and entertaining, and it brought back that feeling of suspense that I think a lot of the Predator sequel movies were missing. It's not a perfect movie, but it is a perfect popcorn movie giving you everything you could want out of a Predator movie. Unless of course you think that only a 250 lb Austrian muscleman could ever defeat the fictional character of Predator. If so, this movie is probably not for you.

*Wish list for the next Predator movie: Taking place in 12th century feudal Japan, featuring samurai warriors fighting Predator to protect a village ala Seven Samurai.
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One of the BEST Predator Sequels
Her-Excellency11 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Not only did the Predator franchise finally achieve a WIN in terms of meeting and exceeding the buzz and excitement of the original film, they created a film that could take on the buzz and "hype" others in the franchise have generated, but were unable to live up to.

The cinematography, narrative, framework, story and plot were good to top-tier, the dialogue was simple but effective, the costumes and locales were great, CGI was well-done.

YES, yes, yes; granted, for it to have been a "better" film, one or two more Predator kills would have been excellent, but the absence of easy or gratuitous kills makes it a more fleshed out and almost 'adult' and realistic (if that can be said about a Predator film), movie, than if the feel-good kills had been there. Finally, the fact that the villains were French instead of American seemed like a huge cop-out to me, but all-in-all, this film is worth watching and then leaving an HONEST review and rating on. MORE SO, it is worth watching without a preconceived notion of what it should be, or what gender the hero should be. The fact that there are SO MANY non-thought-out, simply vomited-out comments for this film is truly sad. It's sad that some individuals will ALWAYS find something to complain about or not like about anything they are predisposed to not understanding.

The franchise itself is built upon the premise that NO ONE is strong enough to go against a Predator one-on-one and that it is not only in teamwork, but with BRAINS that they might be brought down. But nooooooo .... make the main protagonist a girl, and somehow that just doesn't seem right. Sadly, the point that the low-rating non-thinkers miss, is that the ONLY "female empowerment" they are describing in their mewling reviews, is actually called "THINKING". She both outthought and outplayed the Predator (she did not outpower it), and did so while being underestimated. Quite THE deadly combination. In fact, based on some of the reviews, half the reviewers would fold if they needed to match up to one of these Predators in a battle of wits. :)

In short, regardless of the negative reviews, this is a film that SHOULD garner praise precisely because it is much better than most Predator sequels. It is not as ... impressive ... as the original, however. I don't believe it was meant to be.

Lastly, the dog lives. Gotta give it to a film that knows what we love.

7.5 out of 10.
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Stop deleting my reviews.
flightdeck7323 August 2022
I like the premise of and setting of this, except every one spoke English for the most part.

I get its sci-fi, but can we make it a little more believable? Naru is 100 pounds wet and wearing boots and she is jumping around like seabiscuits messing folks up.

I thought the animal fights were awesome!
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Fresh wind
LastBoyscout19824 August 2022
In my opinion it is the best and freshest entry in the whole franchise since the first movie.

They take the point that the predators moved to earth long before our aktuall civilization exists from the AVP storyline. The movie comes more realistic and believable then all the othe Predator movies. Its fresh, its new, its absolutely a Predator movie.
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Predators 2010 is much better than Prey 2022
tranat716 August 2022
People are rating this movie WAY TOO HIGH.

If people are giving "Prey 2022" a rating of "7+ stars", then "Predator 2010" should be a "10 Star".

If "Prey 2022" had a better writer (like Christopher McQuarrie or Michael Finch) and better Director (like Joseph Kosinski), "Prey" would have been an awesome Predator movie.

But in lesser hands, this is only a decent movie with very bad acting skills.

They tried to make this movie more dramatic and emotional, but I didn't feel it. It just feels short of potential.

Definitely not as good as the original Predator (Arnold) or Predators 2010 (Adrien Brody, Mahershala Ali, Lawrence Fishburne).

I do love the old Native American setting.

But overall just falls short.

The original Predator movie has the originality and nostalgia effect, but I think the 2010 Predators movie (Michael Finch wrote Predators 2010, John Wick 4, November Man, Hitman Agent 47, American Assassin) is best Predator movie in the franchise.

Predators 2010 also has the absolute best ACTING talent of the entire Predator and Alien franchise: Adrien Brody (Oscars Best Actor Winner), Mahershala Ali (TWO-TIME Oscars Best Supporting Actor Winner), Lawrence Fishburne (Oscars Best Actor Nominee) and 4 other actors with a long list of ACTING awards. Most movies don't even that this kind of A-list acting caliber, much less a Predator movie.

In conclusion, "Prey 2022" looks like a TV-movie with bad acting and writing, but it is still a decent movie.
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Absolute horse s**t
kboxkm21 August 2022
Don't waste your time people. This was the worst picture I watched this year, an absolute empty, cliché, shallow, and cheap compost of bad actors, worst directing and screenplay, bad VFX, non existence cinematic values etc.
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Predictable PC garbage
nbdeclan12 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The predator can lift a grown bear above his head and throw it away like nothing, then gets beaten by a lone native woman who also tricked and caused the downfall of the French trappers.

Oh and of course the dog would never die.

Predictable from start to finish and a total waste of time, AVP was much better than this.
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