Reasonable Doubt (TV Series 2022– ) Poster

(2022– )

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32 Reviews
Scandal reworked
kb-549-5299576 November 2022
So disappointing. Gorgeous,talented cast. Clearly aimed at black viewers. But first, clothes worn to the office are hilariously inappropriate. Great looks, but one can only chuckle at seeing them in the office. Background music with frequent use of N word seems far too contrived. Then the continued use of N word in conversations is actually offensive. If meant to seem real, I must object. My friends of color do not converse in that manner. Trying to get a rise out of the audience? Well, you've done that. And it has turned us off. I anticipate watching another episode and then deciding re continue or not.
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Great show, but...
kattv-8963428 September 2022
This show is terrific, let's first say that. The plot, the character development from the first episode, the intrigue, the style, the dialogue... everything is so professionally done, so interesting. But... can we PLEASE stop constantly ragging on white people and calling them every name in the book for absolutely zero reason? It's not ok; it wouldn't be ok if the races were reversed, and it's not ok this way. I mean, it's all the way to the point of, the only mention of a white woman is the one who lied about being sexually assaulted and is discredited without a second thought, but a black woman who claims to be sexually assaulted (also by a rich black man) gets upset that she isn't immediately believed by opposing counsel? Come on. It's fine when it's done in a way that fits in with the storyline, but the characters are talking badly about white people and calling them names without any provocation whatsoever. I still recommend this show, but I really hope all this "f whitey" stuff takes a back seat unless it's relevant to the story.
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Could have been better...
vyctorya582 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
It could have been a great legal show but it barely touched on 'Reasonable Doubt'.

It could have been a great crime drama if the show had explored the 'other' side of adultery, its possible frame of mind, maybe even going so far as to have Brayden's wife be the murderer.

It could have been an excellent show about how female empowerment & the complicated relationships with adultery, therapy, childhood trama, divorce, being single, & raising children through different life events.

Instead... they went for the cheap seats & turned it into a night soap.

It could have & should have done better.
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Reasonable Doubts about this Show
seemingly_reel27 September 2022
There's some nice ensemble work, and all of the actors are quite committed. Set design, costumes, and camera work are all fitting, for the most part.

For me, the weakest link is the writing. It feels pushed. Nearly every scene contains a sense of heightened drama and engaged conflict. To which I say, how about infusing a bit of human awkwardness, fragility, and humorous elements? The script gushes over with hip banter, but it feels like trendiness-on-steroids. It seems like the producers are overextending themselves to prove something. I've watched just one episode, and I'm disappointed to say that I've had enough.
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Entertaining but predictable
heyleigh92124 November 2022
I liked this show but didn't love it. It was predictable. I guessed the real killer early on and who was Jax's kidnapper. The writing is a little stiff and nothing to get excited over. There was very little character development, too. So, what did I like about it? The acting/directing was actually good, which I suppose isn't saying much when the scripts aren't too challenging..... Hopefully if they do bring the show back for a second season, which I'd be down for, they bring on writers who can wow us and not bore us. We need representation, but not copies of previous storylines from other legal dramas. Oh, the soundtrack was pretty dope.
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Culturally written
jaszmyne8820 October 2022
This show is not for everyone. It's written with the Black culture in mind. Successful Black people (although some questionable ones) are plot of the show. This plot keeps everyone guessing and there is a twist around every corner. It's nice to see all spectrums of Blackness being highlighted. From struggling criminals to high power Black people. It's "Scandal" with more POCs and less degrading Black women.

The cast is a list of those I have not heard of or from other lesser successful projects. With that said, this series is the perfect opportunity to make a heightened name for some of the actors. On the other hand it is a safe choice for the producers.

Overall I believe the show is great with great potential. Not everything is for everyone. But for the Black community, this is a win.
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Main Character is Sorta Awful
snoble-2582010 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The main character Jax is honestly so unlikable and there is a weird tone throughout. I couldn't get past the first episode. Her husband put security cameras throughout the whole house that she knows are there even though they have split up. He sits and watches her constantly which the show acts like is normal and not weird at all, while framing the husband as the nice normal, rational one. The characters also act like they are constantly on a Tinder date in the "hip edgy" way the script is written.

The show feels like it was trying to be empowering to women but did that by making the most characterless female lead I have seen in a long time. In the first episode they reference an ultimatum that her husband had given her to choose her family or her job, and she obviously picked her job, but she continues on to hookup with the body guard in front of the cameras on purpose, and act like everyone around her is awful and beneath her. The worst part is all these people that we are supposed to dislike are all pretty decent people. I felt like I was supposed to be rooting for Jax but honestly disliked her the most. She is supposed to be this badass criminal lawyer but is really just a twisted mess.
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Don't believe people who can't follow a plot
barbifrsh15 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Ok so I read reviews first and...are we watching the same show!? Someone said the title has nothing to do with the show but she LITERALLY is a criminal defense lawyer who meets with clients and investigators, just took on a client who it seems murdered a woman, has an ex client getting out who has a thing for her, and let's not forget the opening kidnapping that probably has something to do with her dealings with criminals. I guess they were expecting law and order... and the person talking about it being harsh on white people? Where? The cast is just as diverse as any other show like this (like nurse Jackie with a leading lady character) and the subtle highlights of code switching and how black people have to navigate corporate America is very relatable.

I'm loving this show so far and the cast is phenomenal!
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Jax is the reason for the rating
cmathes-1865214 November 2022
Overall the show premise and story, while typical is good. What makes it hard to watch is the character Jax and the actress protraying her. Jax is an awful friend, wife and mom... She is hypocritical and egotistical to everyone around her, placing herself and what she does on a pedestal. And the actress tries to hard, and fails miserably, in her efforts to be"urban"... Feels forced. And please get her better wigs 😫

I'm not sure why this show is compared to any version, rework or otherwise of Scandal. Everything about Scandal ( from the legal and political accuracy to the actors and actresses.. Especially Kerry) is far Superior. I'm honestly only watching to see if Brayden is guilty and if Lewis gets the backbone to leave the Narcissist that is his wife, Jax.
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Good Acting, Writing and Production
evmcelroy29 September 2022
I've been a big Michael Ealy fan ever since Sleeper Cell, so I looked forward to this series. I've been impressed by the cast, both the leads and the other characters, some of whom I had been unfamiliar with. The plotting and writing are sharp and the story moves. The production shines. The first episode did a good job introducing the characters and setting up the conflicts and mystery. I'm looking forward to the rest of the season and hope there will be a season 2.

I've been pleased to see more Black actors cast than in the past and the development of streaming seems to have contributed to that. Good news all around.
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Ridiculous show
gala-958304 December 2022
This serie is just plain awful and so unrealistic. The main character Jax is so unlikable. She is so promiscuous and not a really good family person. I don't see someone relate to her character. The way all of the characters communicate with each other is not realistic. You will only like this serie if you all about highlighting black and white . If this was a Caucasian variant of the serie I'm sure it would be called racism and no I'm not white. I noticed that Kerry Washington was the producer of this serie, I see her producer skills are just as bad as her acting. If you value your time then skip this show.
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LOVE this show
iceyiceprincess20 October 2022
Script is amazing and so authentic, every time I think something about the plot it is addressed. The lead actress is smoking hot, it's so refreshing to see a black lead or main character that is black and attractive rather than the archetypical fat black woman western media has been pushing for years. Thank-you Kerry Washington for producing this absolutely bingeable series. Love love love the story line and the character developmeant of each of the characters. Love how each character is unique and the show challenges the monoliths we see of black women and men. Love and hate Jax and looking forward to completing this series.
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Black Barbie All Grown Up
picturingblackpower4 December 2022
So many formulas are being tapped into for this glossy but vapid series. Most obvious is the famous Kerry Washington vehicle "Scandal." The sexy business clothes, the amoral behavior. Throw in "Real Housewives" of say- Baldwin Hills, or is this "Sex in the City" of Black Angels? The cast is a talented ensemble that deserves better. The main character, a female lawyer, never does any research, or preparation, but finds time for sexual dalliances the nights before big days in court. And the men in her life are kind of limp. Heck, the estranged husband even hires a bodyguard with whom she cuckolds him. Black women deserve real professional depictions.
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Love it and very well needed!!
tamekawill28 September 2022
Great show, not only demonstrates the dynamics between black women and cooperate America, it also captures the impact of family life struggles as we try to reach our full potential. This show is very relatable in many aspects, with a drive to pull you into the main characters thoughts and life. She manages to have a full time job, family, and friends and remain sane.

The music selection is definitely one for the books, especially for a TV series. I found myself waiting for the next song and scene, lol.

The character selections, oh my God, who could've asked for a better lineup. Oh, and have Kerry Washington direct the first episode.... Winning!!!
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ajkbiotech4 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This show was unwatchable.

It purported to be a legal show, but in the first episode we got;

Zero courtroom scenes Two client scenes

Inexplicably, in LA, she can park on the street in front of her office building.

Also inexplicably, she's separated from her husband with two kids, but has an enormous home that a film star would die for.

She didn't dress like a lawyer, rather like a fashion queen.

Her advice to a 16 year old case client on getting parole was ridiculous.

There was implied sexual tension between the lawyer and her security guard after just three nights.

Then, her separated husband is spying on her with cameras and computers. Weird.

The entire show is a hot mess.

Do not watch.
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Thank You
toh-8604529 September 2022
Love the show. That is all. Nothing else. Acting is good. Storyline and plot are entertaining. Characters are engaging enough. Interesting layers. Lead character is powerful but with a few flaws. Story is not perfect but it doesn't have to be. Oh, there was some user review who asked for the show to not rag on white people. Talking about how it wouldn't be accepted the other way around. Since television has been around the majority population made every character and every story from their perspective without a second thought about how it made anyone feel. We complained but managed to support most TV anyway...... It's uniquely told and yes the center point has shifted. Adjust.
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Uncomfortably to watch
genilovelock29 December 2022
The acting is shockingly bad, as is the costume design which is hilariously inappropriate for the work settings which they claim to be in. Also the hypocrisy and blatant racism makes it an uncomfortable watch.

I felt when it started it had all the elements for it to be witty and clever but it seemed to fall short at every hurdle, with stereotypes cast in every situation, and obvious characters like the snotty son, and over the top assistant.

It feels a shame that this could be been successful but feel incredibly short of anything worth watching. I didn't dare make it to episode two in fear of being further let down.
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Grown folks
lisapatton-1263219 October 2022
The characters are great and well defined. You are going to hate them and love them. The plot is intriguing. It's a crime drama but has more of a personal touch. You get to see the lives of the characters not just them at work which gives you more to invest in. All of the characters are strong in their role. I like the leading actress Jax . Some of her behavior and decision making is questionable which is fine and realistic no one is navigating through life perfectly. Jax is good at her job but not always perfect at life she is human. Her husband Lewis is very likable on the show. His character is strong. He is a loving father & husband. The only thing that I don't like is that for a married woman she is promiscuous; separated or not. But like it or not that is apart of life for some women. I love it and will continue to watch it. I haven't seen anything overly sensitive towards white people so that must be a Karen thing someone is complaining for no reason.
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So boring
teem-3071412 October 2022
This show has nothing to do with it's name .. no court, no cases, no trials, it's all about a horny woman with personal boring problems. The characters are dull and the script is stupid, and the storyline meaningless... it's a waist of time.

I gave a shot and watched three episodes but regretted every minute I spent watching. There are much better shows to watch; don't waist your time on this .. This show has nothing to do with it's name .. no court, no cases, no trials, it's all about a horny woman with personal boring problems. The characters are dull and the script is stupid, and the storyline meaningless... it's a waist of time.
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Somebody Lying
thepmusicnc9 November 2022
I don't get how most of these shows are rated high and the overall rating is 5.7. Somebody is lying somewhere b.

This show is phenomenal. From the realistic writing and situations to the characters you can get into! 🔥🔥 Not to mention the musical taste for the score or whatever. There are so many components to this show that are exposed and can be explored. Hopefully in the next season they can dive more into it. If you don't like this you're probably not of the culture and should go over to another type of show. Stop coming over here to give one of our shows low ratings. I hope this gets renewed for many more seasons. Whoever is writing, keep doing ya thing but write that wig off of Jax! 🤣
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This drama fell short
cpooleboykin2 September 2023
Good plot. Poor execution. Characters are a bit annoying because the AAVE seems forced. The excessive use of n-word, unnecessary vulgarity, & soft porn nature of the drama diminished what this could have been.

Also, the legal portion of the show was more elementary than clever.. it was super basic so I couldn't even fall in love with the main character. Speaking of the main character, whoever styled her couldn't figure out if they wanted her look to be stylish yet conservative versus racy and totally out of regs for a law office. But they did include the quintessential red bottoms * sigh *eye roll.

I'm a Black professional womam who was raised in a poor urban city so I was hoping to connect...I didn't. Not interested in season 2. We deserve better work from Kerry.
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Love this show!
joyefullwood24 October 2022
This show is interesting and written from a realistic viewpoint. Jax isn't perfect which is interesting about her character but she is good at her job. Jax is confident where it counts, beautiful and dressed flawlessly in this show. I am hoping that she can get her personal life together. I am also hopeful for a better relationship with the son. I think that Jax is promiscuous because of a sexual abuse past that hasn't been discussed. I love Michael Ealy! I feel so bad for his character because he is trying to be better and really seems like a good guy. Jax husband comes off as a little controlling to me. I can't wait to see more episodes.
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No, no, no!
thomahal5 January 2023
Don't really know why I gave this series as many points as 3. Already in episode 3 and still haven't seen the inside of a courtroom. You have seen maybe 2 minutes of the police interrogation. What this so-called series about a lawyer has to do with the genre is unknown to me.

And why should IMDb suddenly want us to write a novel when we use our time to make their website more complete. 600 characters is way too much. What should you spend your time on? Sound, camera locations, or what?

So now, when I have actually written what I want to convey, I have to spend time filling in a lot of nonsense. IMDb has lost its way. The forum was taken away. Now you have to write novel big reviews.
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For Us By Us
candisauls31 January 2023
This show is great. It's laced with our phrases, style, etc. I smiled when I heard the lead actress say "don't start nun, won't be nun." My mom used to say that all the time. I loved the small details like how the main character talked to her assistant vs. How she spoke with the other partners. The code switching was extremely accurate. I even love that the creator said that the show is named after Jay Z's debut album. I also like the representation. It helps because I'm on my way to law school. It really does something positive for my psyche to see this black, woman attorney on tv.

To the person that said "my friends of color do not converse in that manner," your statement makes it very clear that you don't have black friends. I'll just leave it at that...
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Insulted by Series
wendellgb11 December 2022
I watched the entire series of Reasonable Doubt. Initially liked the series until I saw the British series "The Split", which obviously inspired the series. In the British series the main character, her mother, husband and siblings are all lawyers. In fact law was the family business. The main character has an affair with another lawyer who she dated before marriage and children. In the Black series The main character is lawyer who's mother is a paralegal and the main character boyfriend before marriage and children is a crazy man in jail who she has an affair. - - why couldn't the Black version have a family law practice? And why did there have to be a crazy love interest in jail? I love Good Times! God knows I do but do all of our Black shows have to be ghettoized. I'm done with this series.
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