72 Reviews
This is very possibly the most beautiful show ever made.
MrPositive114 March 2020
The graphics are simply stunning. And Tyson's humbleness in presentation is simply astonishing considering how big he got after the first show. I also love that they kept the 2D animation style when talking about past scientists and people with the 2nd season and Tyson. This should basically be mandatory viewing for all students in high school without question.
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Needed Optimism in Troubling Times
thartswick-8647112 March 2020
I was one of many disappointed when this season of Cosmos was delayed.But now Sagan's hopefulness and confidence about the future filtered through Tyson's knowledge and warm showmanship is the perfect countermeasure when the world is holding its breath. This season of Cosmos builds on what has gone before to offer fantastic visions of humanities possible future(s). Bravo and Thank you.
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A cosmic journey
slhelling30 April 2020
Imagine a show that takes you on a cosmic journey in your mind. A journey to the farthest edges of the known multiverse and your own backyard. This show will make you think and question everything you think you know about science, space, and your place in the grand design. So sit back and behold a wonderous adventure.
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Best TV show ever !!!
pranaysingh-5683710 March 2020
Neil deGrasse Tyson is a marvelous astrophysicist who really loves his field and you can see this in the way he narrates the series. Cosmos is not only a journey, it also shows how much science has improved since the original series, all the new evidence, technology, and ideas, they encourage the next generation to pursue knowledge and discover something amazing. The visuals are stunning, the animation is unique, and most importantly it is very informative. Everyone should give this a watch ...
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Neil deGrasse Tyson takes your breath away
henrycoles921 April 2020
I'm so glad I got to watch this series in full. I particularly liked the stories of many scientists in the past, distant and recent, who have gone all but totally unsung.
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michelayala14 March 2020
Cosmos: Possible Worlds finds hope for humanity in a hopeless era
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Such a great series
mouloudisg-7089619 April 2020
Just like Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey this season is amazing and even more. Definitely my #1 documentary. Great narration, astonishing visuals and the topics are so interesting too!
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The Show WE all need to see and feel.
drulers0137 April 2020
The Cosmos is back with another amazing story telling that indulges a person into magnificence. This shows takes us into journey to far distant Galaxies to the deep lying microbes billions of years old. This show ignites the explorer inside you.

This is must watch for all the Stargazers and Astronomy lovers.
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Thorougly building of momentum
michelvanderkrul-2665026 March 2020
Before this season began, the subtitle "possible worlds" gave me the impression that the 13 planned episodes would, one by one, show us a series of scientifically justifiable but altogether imaginary worlds (or more specifically: planets). This series is however, something completely different from that. After having watched the first six episodes and reading some earlier reviews on the series, I get where the negative reactions stem from: wrongful expectations, not unlike my own.

What this series is doing, won't necessarily become apparant in either the first or the second episode. This may lead to the series coming off as somewhat childlike, but this has a reason, which is explained in the sixth episode (and is in hindsight deductible from the series predecessors). The goal of this series is to educate the broadest possible public, on what scientists today know about what possible worlds are ou there, outside of our own home planet.

It does so by first building a very solid foundation on how the scientific community and with it human society, evolved from our cave dwelling ancestors up until now. It explains what ideas, insights, experiences and so on have been key to getting us where we are now. With the season being halfway through at the moment of writing, it seems to me that my original expectations won't be completely off, but rather they are limited to the last few episodes.

So if you are expecting ground breaking new discoveries tickeling the imagination of a highly educated viewers public, you'll be in for a disappointment. This has however, never been the premise of these series. The goal was, and still is: bridging the gap between the scientific community and the greater general public.

And this is what the series does impressively well.
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episode 9 was wonderful
rghgholipour19 May 2020
Best scientific documentary that has been made ever. Neil is like always perfect. as a scientific show that simulations must be exact and adjust to reality; visuals, animations, sounds... are really wonderful. you can not show the complicated theories like quantum to people with different levels of science, better than this. thanks to lovely Ann Druyan
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catafleal15 April 2020
I'm so in love with the show. Can't take my eyes off the TV when I'm watching it.
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Lost Its Footing
mgyldz6 August 2020
While Season 1 was about science and the history of great scientists, Season 2 is more about philosophy and science-fiction. It is also consistently repetitive. Maybe it is intended to get children excited about science, but I am more convinced that the writing is simply poor and they ran out of ideas at some point.
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sabtn9 October 2020
I somehow tolerated Neil Tyson's awful narration in previous Cosmos season/show but this time that content isn't as good it's starting to get really annoying. The problem with his narration is that he's "flexing" way too much with his voice acting skills and show often feels like some fairy tale cartoon rather than science show.
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The best show I have ever seen!!!
vova-prijmak17 May 2020
It should be shown in all schools in the world! three basic tenets are observed 1. empathy 2. skepticism 3. cognition. Thanks to everyone who worked on this show! I will definitely buy it and will show it to my children in the future!
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Superb Series
chadsaleen214 April 2020
Takes you on a journey that sheds enormous light on the universe.
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Excellent scientific series
julien-reynier19 May 2020
As the original Cosmos 1980's series by Carl Sagan and the more recent 2014 reboot, Niel deGrasse Tyson provide us with the wonders of nature, and more importantly insists on the values of scepticism and evidence based science that constitutes a great introduction for kids who would like to begin a career in science.

I fear the strongly atheistic/anti-theistic message (he is surely not agnostic) may pose some problems with parts of the audience. Although it is true that the only sure and provable fact about gods is that they were invented by humans, spirituality is a fundamental liberty that is admissible anywhere science cannot access; and that is a vast domain. In a nutshell you can believe in any God, anybody is welcome to start scientist to understand the wonders of
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No words
christineballone24 July 2022
I'm literally speechless! I thought I knew stuff but this proved me wrong! I got a totally new outlook on humanity! Tyson is the perfect choice to host this! This should be mandatory to be taught in schools no matter what religious background because it's the truth and we all want the truth don't we?
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Complete sci-fi for kids maybe?
nieXas19 March 2020
After being blown by original cosmos, I enjoyed 1st season of new cosmos as a great refresh. Having watched all kind of similar shows later I think I can speak about this genre with confidence now.

This season is a disgrace for series. Couple history lessons, few all known facts, some cheap animation and cheap nature shots followed by bullcrap imagination of humans after millions of years. I recently watched One Strange Rock and that show is better in every possible way than this one.
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they have done their bit, we need to do our
anubhav_raikar17 May 2020
Watch these Cosmos shows to be a better human than you are today..

these episodes give tons of knowledge but more importantly they give you Hope.. hope of a better home: our Earth and its diverse habitants..
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Another level!
rishabhkhanna-4082915 September 2020
This show is just on another level! Excellent storytelling and visual effects combined with the wisdom of cosmos. Neil degrasse tyson is phenomenal. The background music too gives you goosebumps, everything just blends in perfectly. It's the best documentary series ever made.
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Cosmos: possible world review
claudiusdominique20 July 2021
This third Cosmos series is extremely interesting and rich in content, as well as visuals. I find it "cool" that Cosmos: Possible Worlds were first started by Carl Sagan (the hero of Neil deGrasse Tyson) in 1980 and that Neil finished something that his hero started! The subject he explores are interesting and he talks with some often-comprehensible terms, to teach a wider audience, yet without losing the important details and scientific concepts.

Subject that I loved in the first and second epiosdes for instance are: 1) Alcubierre drive (a.k.a. The ship that goes faster then the speed of light). I found that weird that is not the ship that moves but the cosmos around it. Sucking space-time in front of it and expanding it at the end.

2) Voyager. I did not know that in Voyager 1 deep space probe was the brain signal of a women that fell in love. Also, I liked the comparison of the Nano-starship that will go to Proxima Centauri will take only 1 hour approximately.

3) The telescopic cosmic telescope. I found interesting that we can see mush more details on surface of planets, suns, moons and much more! Also, if we could go faster then the speed of light, we could see our past!

4) Jupiter moon's that will be in the habitable zone after the sun encompasses (eats) Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars. That is because we could go live on a moon of another planet like Jupiter's Europa.

5) Proto-city Çatal Höyük (equalitarian) 900 years ago. Surprising that they all had the same house type and they needed to enter the house by the rooftop!

The graphics are incredible. The way Neil talks is inviting and the music by Alan Silvestri, who did all 26 episodes of last 2 Cosmos series with Neil, is very soothing. I definitively recommend it.
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Some great ideas but repetitive and forced acting
william-eugensson8 April 2021
We never want to hear about the cosmoc calendar ever again...! I mean seriously, every time he brings it up he has to explain it from the beginning...like we did not watch the precious episodes...

I like Niel, he is great, but a lot of his acting in this series is forced and his passion for science does not come through. I do not regret watching this but I would not recommend either.
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What a let down after waiting 6 years.
thedazzler-6881917 April 2020
The first seasons of Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey was a magical CGI adventure through time and space, visiting distant star systems and far away galactic anomalies. 10/10 I would recommend to anyone. Cosmos: Possible Worlds is like every high school history/science class rolled into one then poorly animated while being narrated by Neil. I hardly learned anything new or cool, for example the last episode I watched Neil told the story of Helen of Troy and the Trojan Horse, then explained why CFCs are bad and how they came close to destroying our Ozone Layer(like my 4th grade science diorama) followed by 20 minutes of Neil holding a baby and gilt tripping the audience for polluting the earth. I was so excited for Cosmos to come back and all we got was this mess that is all over the place and frankly, felt like a kids show.
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Good but...
rkorthuis3 March 2021
Not as good as the first season. Yes it's visually beautiful, but it's all a bit too superficial. It's not a science as I wish it would be. It's a bit Disney science, entry level. Not bad, not at all but not enough science for me.
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Just unbelievable good!
xaviermoncayo11 November 2020
I wasn't sure how will they top Cosmos season 1 with Carl or even season two for that matter. Rest assure they did it! I can only express gratitude and awe to the people behind this amazing experience. As for television goes, this is it, the best show out there. An answer to every person who ever existed and wonder about life in general has been resolve. Thank you Cosmos!
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