440 Reviews
"I'm not even mad Cole" haha
Clive_W13 September 2020
This is a great follow up, this film like the first is full of great one liners, and the murders are just as amusing. The characters/cast are fun and enjoyable. You really get the feeling everyone is having a great time on set. Would recommend people to check it out if your looking for a bit of fun and nothing serious.
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It's ok.
jack-3997313 September 2020
Not as good as the first one, but fun enough and enjoyable. The ending saved the movie from being a disappointing sequel. I was surprised about the cast. But I don't want to spoil yet.
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Not as good as the first but still fun
Tweekums2 July 2021
These comments assume viewers have seen 'The Babysitter'.

Two years after the events of 'The Babysitter' only his friend Melanie believes his version of what happened; everybody else, including his parents, think he is delusional. Since he refuses to say he imagined what happened his parents decide to send him to a specialist psychiatric school. The day he is due to be sent there Melanie invites him to join her, and a few of her friends, for some fun at the lake. Unfortunately for Cole the events of two years ago are going to restart... more teens need his blood to do a deal with the devil and the ghosts of those dispatched in the first film are back hoping that by completing the ritual before sunrise they can return to life. At least this time Cole has an ally in the form of Phoebe, the new girl in school who is rumoured to have killed her parents.

I really enjoyed 'The Babysitter' so hoped this would be good too; while it isn't as good as the original it still manages to be fun. There are plenty of laughs to be had as well as entertainingly over-the-top gory deaths... assuming you like decapitations and spraying blood; and who doesn't!? Having the original villains return was good although sadly we see far less of Babysitter Bee in this one. The identity of the new villain is a bit of a surprise but does seem a little forced. The cast is solid enough and the soundtrack is pretty good. The change of location is good; the lake in the desert might be very open but it is still hard to escape from. I liked the addition of Phoebe, she is a nicely ambiguous character who seems to be a friend who one is allowed to suspect could turn into a final 'surprise villain. Overall I don't think this is quite up to the standard of the original but it is still well worth watching.
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Gore, just what i want.
jonflottorp10 April 2022
Babysitter: Killer Queen is just a fun modern slasher with a lot of gore.

I think the movie refrences feel kind of forced i don't like that. The acting is pretty good. I like the characters and overall i really like it and i hope they make a sequel to it.
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Solid follow up
dar041723 September 2020
The first film was great and this film didn't miss a beat. Same comedy to horror ratio with tons of laughs. The way they bring back the original dead cast was brilliant. Fans will not be disappointed.
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Man, I was disappointed by this movie.
maanikroda11 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I loved the first one and was ecstatic to see the sequel. Unfortunately, this movie lost nearly all the charm that made the first one so good; was riddled with plot holes; and most of all, suffered from a severe lack of Samara Weaving.

LACK OF CHARM The first film was filled with cute, gimmicky scenes (think video game style scenes). As a grown man in his late 20s, I would think it would be nearly impossible to be intrigued by a movie starring a little boy. But the charm made it happen. There was a slight sense of humor in many of the scenes and it kept the viewer interested.

In this movie, however, nearly all charm was gone. Some scenes tried too hard to be charming, specifically the fight scene between the two love interests (boring). I also cringed at Phoebe's introduction scene as it felt overly forced. I can only imagine how awkward it was rehearsing that scene over and over. The entire movie was just too one-dimensional and didn't feel special like the first.

PLOT HOLES First off, the entire premise of the movie is that nobody believes Cole that the events of the first movie happened, since Bee did such a stupendous job cleaning up everything. Was everyone there ignoring the fact that Bee just disappeared? Did that not raise any flags? What about the fact that four other teenagers were gone as well as two cops? I could go on about this but it was immediately apparent that the viewer just had to accept this major flaw in order to get the sequel, I guess.

Secondly, Mel going evil made no sense. Literally zero. I understand that it was supposed to be a dramatic twist, but come on. She says that she joined the cult because she "wants to be an influencer." Wow, how creative. We are soon after shown a scene where Bee is egging on Mel to want more and more followers, which suggests that Bee is the mastermind behind all of the cast's resurgences. Okay, that make sense. But later, it is revealed that Bee cleverly set all those people up in order to protect Cole and Phoebe. So, Bee turned Mel evil in order to save Cole and Phoebe from Mel? Makes no sense. The same applies for all the other evil characters. Bee was the instigator and also their undoing.

SAMARA WEAVING Okay, here it is. Nearly all of the reasons that the first movie was great was based on Samara Weaving playing Bee. She was this cool, slick, sexy in-charge chick. She made the first movie what it was. But in this one, she didn't really make an appearance until the final fifteen minutes and even then it was only a shell of her former self. She seemed emotionless, timid, and downright uncomfortable. It was incredibly disappointing to see such wasted potential. Perhaps most curious was how Bee was Mel's babysitter. On the one hand, it was neat how there was some explanation toward how Bee became the evil person she was, but it also felt like a giant cop out of a storyline.

There are several other things wrong with this movie that I didn't get to, but the disappointment is currently overtaking me from writing anymore. Overall, there are so many other directions a sequel could have taken based on the first's ending. This movie was a C+ at best and I'd caution fans of the first to take heed when watching this, and perhaps avoid it altogether in order to maintain the integrity of the first movie.
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I'd watch a third one.
guasco-229 November 2020
Definitely a more comedic follow up compared to the first but still just as entertaining.

If they make a third one, I would try to put the leads in a scarier situation again.

Otherwise, decently entertaining film.
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What happened?
mrkesu16 September 2020
Why does this feel so different from the first? It's like they did a "Scary Movie" version... It's just full on nonsense.
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Good pace!
madonnicallysony13 September 2020
Ok so this was #4 trending movie in India on Netflix. The pace is good but is purely made pf adolescents as some scenes are meh! The slasher parts are really good, cinematography is awesome but the movie has no plot. Its one of those movies you can just binge watch! Just remember : Dont use your brain :D
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Someone Really Thought This Was A Good Idea
MrAwesome102213 September 2020
I enjoyed The Babysitter, however, The Babysitter: Killer Queen had very little in common with the first film. The issues come down to Brian Duffield not being retained as the screenwriter. The team of McG (also Director of both films), Dan Lagana, Jimmy Warden, and Brad Morris cobbled together a film full of unrelated film references and teenage sex jokes.

The Babysitter wasn't a masterpiece when it came to dialogue, yet in comparison to its sequel, it looks Oscar worthy. The Babysitter: Killer Queen doesn't have anything clever, wastes money on needless graphics, and fails to deliver on narratives in the original.

It's shocking the script used for the film wasn't a rough draft for a potential plot sequence. The Babysitter: Killer Queen took the worst possible narrative and turned it into a barely coherent sequel.

If you are going to produce a sequel, at least keep it true to the source material. It may also be helpful to retain the individual who drafted the first screenplay.

Real Score: 3.6
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Why is he still shirtless?
fai-9043510 September 2020
This movie was just straight up hilarious. It never got like it was getting boring or going to fast. If you liked the first one you're definitely gonna enjoy this one, maybe even more. The characters were hilarious to watch even if they had little screen time but overall one of the few Netflix movies that feels like it's done well even for a sequel.
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Watch it. You know you want to...
Quiestar12 September 2020
Babysitters. Quick cutaways. Exploding heads. The required makings of a new loving relationship. Parents that simply refuse to understand that there's a satanic cult running amuck in their community promising members all their earthly desires - if they could only get that one crucial ingredient. All the ingredients measured out and added per the recipe
  • But Wait! There's More!"

How long has it been since you saw a flick from this sub-genre? 'The Babysitter: Killer Queen,' is truly a guilty pleasure that mixes the recipe up just enough to make it fun. I won't bore you with the esoteric nonsense. The plot is familiar. The director directed; actor's acted; blood pumpers spurted; pyros went boom; and CGI FX were as good as could be expected, given the budget.

The only wiggle room was to have a bit of fun while making the film. Brief cutaways to familiar song & dance routines were kinda' cool. Occasional irreverent cartoon-like captions pit a unique spin on those we'd expect to see in the Adam West TV version of Batman.

It's a true "No apologies asked for; none given," film that looked fun to make. I say go for it - It's' fun with enough blood for everyone!
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It felt like a parody of the first one!
diegocoda2 April 2021
I felt it very dumb and even I got some scary movie vibes in comparison to the first one that was funny and all that but interesting, this one was just a disappointment because I liked the first one and there is a way to kill the saga. After all, they feel like two different genres and styles.
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It is what it is
danielmanson12 September 2020
I mean, if you are watching this then you know what to expect with this film. It's a silly, slasher flick.

Did I enjoy the first one? Meh, I found it alright. So the question is did I enjoy this one? Also it's a huge meh. The last one I was slightly taken back because I didn't expect it to be a silly kind of film, so watching this I knew (which helped) what to expect. To sum it up, I think it's a worthy sequel. It gave me a few giggles here and there, plot is ok and characters are likeable enough. To be honest there's nothing that the film excels in, it's just an easy "brainless" watch.

What I will say is that you need to watch the first instalment, because you won't have a clue about what's going on in this one. But just don't expect a serious film, make sure you are watching this expecting a silly movie. And you will be fine. 6/10
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iamkrishnashrestha10 September 2020
Watch without expectation, Its fun. Good to watch if you are bored. Not as good as the part I, Still i liked everything it delivered.
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missmagnetz11 September 2020
Don't get me wrong, the babysitter is one of my favorite movies of all time. but this was... incredibly hard to watch. it just sucked so bad. from the incessant 2019-2020 pop culture throwaway lines to the horrendous expansion in world, i truly disliked this film. about 20 minutes in, i knew that a tiger king reference was bound to happen at some point. still, my soul was incredibly crushed when it happened. all of the first movie's wit is replaced with cheap and honestly confusing lines like "he's the channing tatum of killing people". wtf does that mean? everything that made the babysitter great is now done in excess, making a sad parody of what was a really great film. funny bits from the original are played out and the overall reliance on such callbacks is tiring and cringeworthy to watch. all of the new characters are uninteresting and under-developed and all of the original interesting side characters (cole's parents, melanie's dad, etc) have an unwarranted amount of screen-time in which they fail to become more likeable or funny. the unnessesary amount of new characters is alienating to fans and the decision to move cole outside of his life/microcosm and into the "real world" is unnerving. it's so clear that without bee, the story falls apart. her charm is completely absent and the lack of a complex and lovable central relationship (bee and cole) is painstakingly apparent. even the font change (a very bold choice), is completely wrong for the film. the 80s slasher aesthetic of the first movie is symbolically reduced to that of a cheap 2000s remake. i honestly really wish i hadn't watched this movie. if you like the original babysitter, please BEWARE!!! truly disappointing. +1 star for cool deaths
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Wtf just happened lol.
YouTubeblack10 September 2020
This movie is fun until the very end. I don't like the way they ended it. But anyway, this movie doesn't work on logic but it's a popcorn flick which doesn't take itself seriously and is self aware. It became a bit repetitive in the middel if you've watched the first part, but overall it's just a guilty pleasure to watch.
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Rushed, ruined and horrible editing.
rocketwoods10 September 2020
The Babysitter was an underrated and guilty watch. This is the one you turn off after 15 minutes or never finish. It's cartoony, forced jokes, editing is horrible.. There's no reason this should've been made, since the first one was such a "standalone". if you need a movie to fall asleep on, this is the one.
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lj-4967911 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The movie was Very good and fun but it turned amazing at the last 20 minutes when samara came back as Bea IT WAS THE BEST PART !!! I WAS SCREAMING - and the movie was better than the first
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Poor script that messes up the progress that started last movie
drewehanna11 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Cole becomes strong and independent by the end of the first movie but weak and scared by this movie. Melanie who was kind, spiritual, and in love with cole; Melanie is a killer and leading the new blood cult. The whole spin is outlandish.
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Terminator was not the only film whose sequel was better.
vishwaskverma10 September 2020
Terminator was not the only film whose sequel was better, I loved Killer Queen more than the previous film.

So, McG is back with his satanic cult gang, with a bang. The pure sequel, good storyline, entertaining, crazier, stupid, and Jenna Ortega is so pretty that I'm in love with her.

And you guys were missing Samara Weaving right? Go watch the film.
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Nowhere near as good as the first
heather_lynn_brown2118 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This feels like a completely different franchise than the first. It's not clever, funny, or surprising like the first. It was cheesy and predictable.

I didn't mind the ending so much. But the fact bee was hardly in the movie and then shows up a brand new person bothered me. We get one line of explanation "you changed me that night" or whatever the line was. A cheap copout to subvert expectations, although they really didn't because you could see that coming a mile away.

He didn't really change her though, did he? She gave up her soul in the first place just to save Pheobe. Maybe it could've been that he reminded her of who she really was? Okay I know, I'm knit picking now. A better backstory to what made her give up her evil ways would've been appreciated.

A lot bothered me about this movie. And even more made me cringe. I watched it all because I hate leaving a movie unfinished, but I didn't enjoy it. I felt the need to fast forward through certain parts. I'd say the first was a 7, and this one's right around a 3 for me
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Sigh...here we go again...
aidanratesmovies10 September 2020
A mostly pointless, forced, and incredibly formulaic sequel- The Babysitter: Killer Queen is not only a horror installment that didn't need to happen, but a very odd film, that bears the question all throughout, why? Besides the films many frustrating and cliche moments, it does keep a consistent enough pace to keep you entertained. For horror fans, who don't mind the content as long as it is entertaining, the film is a rather average sequel with the same flaws as the first film. Unfortunately for me, being entertaining, was simply not enough. This film is absolutely braindead, with the script having the intelligence level of a very violent 7 year old. There is nothing new about this film, nothing exciting, nothing memorable, and absolutely nothing special. It's just incredibly bland. The acting is as mediocre as the first film, and though the film does seem to finally give us a somewhat interesting character (Phobe), Jenna Ortega's performance just doesn't seem to fit the character on screen, and it ends up making her performance look a bit forced. However, there is very little about this film that isn't forced, whether it is its outlandish plot, plot twists, or incredibly lack of originality- the film doesn't feel like it should have been made, let alone attempted. In the end, The Babysitter: Killer Queen is an unneeded sequel on all fronts, and I would be completely fine with the franchise dying here before this franchise can somehow get even worse out of hand. My Rating: 4.5/10
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Great seeing friendly faces!!
cartervanh11 September 2020
I loved seeing the OG cast back in for this second flick. The movie had funny parts, but it wasn't as good as the first one. If you are a fan of the original one- you should enjoy this. It has a few good twists and laughs and gore. Don't watch this movie without seeing the first one.
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Great stuff!!!
smith-miq12 September 2020
So glad to see another great new franchise that takes chances.. of course it as good as the first but the director knows how to make a fun bloody movie!!
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