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MPAA Rated PG-13 for violence/action, and language

Sex & Nudity

  • An alien character is intrested in holes and asks about how many holes are in the human male body and another character answers his question by saying "he has seven holes". Played for comedic affect.
  • One of the Characters wear revealing clothing throughout the entire movie. Other costumes are very tight fitted. One of the character's bottom is briefly shown.

Violence & Gore

  • Attacks on quantum beings and other creatures show flying vessels firing on the ground as they run for cover and soilders start shooting at them.
  • A lot of fighting with guns, spears, knives, futuristic weapons, blastera that send people flying or knock them down, but little to no gore.
  • Backround characters are seen lying and assumed dead during fights.
  • Two characters engage in a violent physical fight.


  • 3 uses of "shit," and one use of "asshole."
  • 4 uses of s**t, 4 uses of d**k, 1 use of a*s, 1 use of godd-mn.
  • God's name is used in vain multiple times.

Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking

  • Two characters drink beers near the start of the film

Frightening & Intense Scenes

  • One of the characters is a huge human head on a tiny robotic body, which may frighten young children.
  • Several scenes with the main villain are meant to be scary or intimidating.
  • The main protagonists are in peril and/or being pursued during most of the film.


The Parents Guide items below may give away important plot points.

Violence & Gore

  • In the final battle, Scott takes heavy blows from Kang and his nose and mouth are bleeding.

Frightening & Intense Scenes

  • The final fight between Scott and Kang is very intense .
  • Modok is quite odd. He is a giant head floating around with tiny arms and legs and especially when hes got his mask on he May frighten younger viewers.
  • The film has scary elements such as aliens, robots and monsters.
  • Cassie is held under threat of death.
  • Kang The Conqueror is a very scary and an intimidating villain
  • One of the characters has the ability to read other people's minds. There is a moment where one character is thinking something disturbing which the character asks that character to stop thinking it. It's never revealed what exactly the character is thinking, but it doesn't seem to be dark or serious as the scene is meant to be more comedic and played for laughs.
  • In one scene Scott refuses kangs deal and him and cassie get their suits tightened by kangs powers and suffocating them until scott accepts the deal
  • Cassie could've died if Scott didn't do the deal.
  • Cassie was hald captive
  • During a restaurant scene, Bill Murray's character eats a small, terrified octopus-like creature alive. It screams as he starts chewing and there's audible bone crunching. Unpleasant, potentially distressing for kids.

See also

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