330 Reviews
Series on FOX, from now on, live never again !!
alexmelillo15 May 2019
I want to record my huge protests here for the abrupt cancellation, without any hint, of this series that promised a lot. To leave everything in the air, with several arches to be expanded, is equivalent to me to a stab in the back of the best friend. Series on FOX, from now on, live never again !!
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Different and diverse.... so of course they cancel it
mrjeremy8828 September 2019
What a shame. I really liked the story and characters in The Passage. Nothing was ever predictable, and it offered up plenty of scares for network television. It's a shame shows like this get the axe after one short season, yet millions will tune in year after year for season 37 of CSI: El Paso, or another awful singing competition. Sigh.
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Enjoyable despite being very different to the books.
sanchezjalapeno18 January 2019
The Passage trilogy is my favourite book series. In fact I'm listening to the first book on Audible which is a completely different experience itself. As far as the TV Series goes - it's fun. I would never have thought to make it that way myself (saw it more on AMC or FX or something) but it's zippy and fast and has its own heart so just sit back, relax, take it for what it is (different to the books) and it will all be ok.
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10 episodes - A shame. Cancelling it - Brainless
cjonesas21 April 2020
We, as viewers, how many times do we need to be ignored and played with our feelings? Almost constantly?!

The Passage was a bright and interesting series, full of future for at least 3 potential seasons, with intelligent plot and storyline, captivating soundtrack and awesome acting by most of the cast, especially, Amy, Fanning and Shauna.

We could have borne with the small 10 episodes (16 episodes would have been much better), had the writers, producers and Fox decided to give it a go for a second more interesting season; but that?! Cancellation?!

Sometimes, the frustration and sadness are heavier than merely writing a page of needless review for such a good series. I will stop here and let posterity be the judge.

Fox has truly poor executives in place.
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I thought it was pretty good
savethecloudsfoundation18 January 2019
The only people bashing this show seem to be people who have read the books. As someone who has not read the books (didn't even know they existed until recently) I thought it was very interesting. I might even go as far as to say that it's the only show on network tv that I am interested in at all.
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Not read the books
twistedduck-9704018 January 2019
Had no idea what to expect. I really enjoyed it and cant wait for the next episode. Maybe not reading the books has given me an advantage of not expecting it to be the same. How many tv shows or films actually follow the book page by page. Looking forward to seeing the next episode.
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Hopefully it gets better
television_guru15 January 2019
The single redeeming factor in this show is the interaction between Zach Morris and the little girl. The plot is ridiculous, the storylines inane, and the acting, for the most part, is overacting. Secondary characters are caricatures. Basically, the writing is horrendous and painful. Willful suspension of disbelief is nowhere near enough for this script; willful suspension of all reality is required. Or maybe the writers are so far out there that they think these things could actually happen.

I almost quit watching less than 10 minutes in but decided to stick it out. It does get a bit better, and I'll watch the next episode or two before making a decision to keep watching or not.

Edit (March 2nd 2020): It got better and I wound up enjoying the show somewhat. A bit disappointed it didn't last.
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Season 2 can't come quick enough!!
tnrris200514 March 2019
I have read the books and I loved them. I decided to give the series ago. After a couple of episodes even knowing that it didn't follow the full story of the books I was engrossed. Absolutely brilliant! The creators have done an amazing job. Not every book is always the same as the film/series. Put the books aside and watch this openly knowing it will be different. You will get a surprise. I was hooked from start to finish. I literally can't wait for the second season. I highly recommend anyone to watch this.
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Fantastic Pilot.
jjpscott0115 January 2019
Yeah I have to say I'm not familiar with the books and wasn't too sure of what to expect but this pilot really took me by surprise. I could see this show being huge as the story starts to unfold. I was surprisingly moved in a few scenes and actually cared about what happened to some of the characters. I tend to not love pilot episodes for most shows but this one was great. I look forward to seeing where this one goes.
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On the fence
crys_tyle16 January 2019
I am a HUGE fan of the trilogy and I've read the whole thing 4 times. I was really disappointed to see so many changes, particularly to Amy's story. I love the casting so far (though I'm still weary of the Babcock casting deviating so far from the character in the book). I'm going to see how it goes for a few more weeks. The books were so rich in characters and storylines and time periods, I'd like to see how a tv show plays them all out, or if they'll skip over them all entirely.

Update: For those who have not read the books and are "dumbfounded" as to why the hardcore fans of the book are so disappointed, you should probably give them a read. This show bascially stole the book title and the general premise and then butchered it with shallow character back stories. I've now watched a few more episodes and I've grown more and more disappointed. Why not just make a new story instead of doing such a disservice to Mr. Cronin's masterpiece?
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andimc2 February 2019
I havnt read the books so I had no pre-conceived ideas. I found this both entertaining and enjoyable so definitely give it a go.
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Not like the book - but not bad!
garciam-357644 March 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I understand something will be lost in translation from book to TV. Was a little shocked in the beginning but got used to it... the show isnt bad at all, just deviates from the book, but it's still good 'TV fodder'. It will be interesting to see how far the TV show will veer from the book - e.g. Lila plays such a big role in the book but then again her character is vastly different now in the TV show.
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Nothing like the book
jess_cagle-784-13033215 January 2019
I am dumbfounded as to why so many things have changed from the book to the tv series. Rewriting storylines. Making new plots. Eliminating relevant backstory with Amy. Changing personalities. Changing genders. Changing the entire tone of the book to a story that now looks comical and ridiculous. I'm confused as to why this series is even called The Passage and can only guess how the plot will be butchered further in the future. The books are extremely well-written with character development unlike I've seen before. I would describe the books as an epic journey filled with drama and suspense, intensity, sorrow and pain and the uncovering of a mystery touching on the supernatural and divine intervention. I'm very disappointed in this adaptation.
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Seems to be a trend here... Read=hate; No read=love
bjnmail13 February 2019
I'm in the second camp. Had no idea what this show was about or that it was even based on books, and I really have enjoyed the first 5 episodes so far. Have never seen a good vampire TV series, and this seems like it's got just enough to keep things on topic, but not to scare off folks like me who thought True Blood was trash, and there was that one on SyFy that was OK, for like three episodes, but it somehow lasted years. I just hope it doesn't go the path of so many other great series that premiered on Fox that were never given a second season, even when they'd have been stars at any other network. Fox loves to cancel good shows, so I guess we'll see.

I'm still not sure what the first season or even the next episode holds, but I'm definitely going to be watching for as long as it's on the air (hopefully that's at least more than one season).
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Hey preppy!
geurtsdustin15 January 2019
Anybody else say "hey preppy" when Mark Paul Gosselaar made his first appearance? Anyway, I liked it. Some things weren't clicking but that usually gets better as series go on and cast members begin to get used to eachother.
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Original, Not Predictable
lindashadowland12 February 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I am surprised by so many mediocre reviews about this show. I have to admit I thought the premise was tried and true and would follow the thread of the others that came before it and expected it to be mediocre myself. But I was immediately captured by the convincing connection between Amy and the agent. Then they almost lost me with the whole vampire scenario. THAT was anything but original.

But as I kept watching it the characters became more compelling and deeper, and the premise a little more complicated than I had originally thought. Now I am delighted to see it in my DVR lineup every Monday. The best thing to me about it is that they have made it just unpredictable enough to keep me watching. Really decent for network TV.
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A sweet family driven gorefest horror show
Vancour3 March 2019
Watch all the nice touching scenes with the adopted Daughter/Father type relationship while a B movie vampire horror show plays as a backdrop. A a family who likes horror movies and can stand the gore/adult situations that go with those movies will probably enjoy watching this. I guess its because almost every time they go back to the two main leads its like Karate kid, any time they're not there its Dracula. I liked the two main leads and Igor. Story was alright, they like flashbacks for dramatic effect. Also I hear this isn't like the book, which its story is loosely attached to.
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Really enjoying this show
myrocdave-936654 February 2019
I am 3 episodes in and already hoping this one lasts for awhile. After each episode, i am anxiously awaiting the next. As far as all the reviews go, tv shows/movies are Rarely luke the books they are based upon. The depth and connections you get reading a good book really cant be equalled on a screen. But i can understand the frustration from those who have read the books, luckily, i am not one if them. Hopefully this series lasts awhile so we can see the development of these characters and their stories.
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Ok but not great
djpete-gordon30 April 2019
As someone who has read the Cronin trilogy twice over, i think every review here by someone who has also read the books are being a tad harsh, melodramatic even.

Yes there's some changes to storylines, plots, casting etc, but for a made for tv rendition of the passage overall world and story, it's not THAT bad... is not amazing either, but still plenty watchable
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Generic Broadcast Network Drivel
peggypowell-0922221 January 2019
When I heard Fox was doing this series, I had serious reservations which proved to be true. This series is nothing like the beloved book(s). A bunch of b list television actors, many of whom look familiar; bad acting from most characters; a smart-mouthed kid; typical network production values-it looks like every other show on tv, it could be Lost, TWD. The writing is schlocky. If I were Cronin I'd be thoroughly pissed at what they have done to his books. This could have been so much better if done by a premium cable provider.
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Anniek110510 February 2019
I've read the trilogy 3 times. Best books I've ever read. Anyone who has read them knows there is absolutely no way to strictly adapt that into screen and make it good never mind great. This series follows the premise enough to know you are on the same ride but it has different twists and turns. Typically movies ruin the book's story. This is different and doesn't do that. I love it.
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Bad ending
daisydboer26 March 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I really loved the show, it was a dynamic story with interesting characters. You really get to know these characters as they develop in the story. I actually would rate this show a 10 if I didnt watch the last episode. It started of in a whole different way it looked more like the walking dead in stead of all the previous episodes. The last scene was so bad, it was done way to quick like timejump 90 years later and Amy still looks the same and she's looking for the agent... so weird. Maybe I just didn't get it but to me it felt so off compared to the rest of the story. If you want to watch this show, skip the last episode or at least the last few scenes
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An Abomination...
starman-9737720 January 2019
The Passage novels by Justin Cronin have a depth to them that I have rarely found in many book of the same genre. In fact I think that the first 250 pages of the first book are some of the best writing I have ever encountered, nuanced and with an imposing sense of dread. The first episode of the Fox adaptation, by contrast, abandons all this for a "by the numbers" vampire tale. Familiar tropes, clumsy writing, poor visual effects. Equally disappointing are the totally unnecessary revisions to cast and characters which I can only assume were as a result of pandering to perceived quotas for gender and ethic diversity (there are already plenty of strong, positive characters of both genders and different races in the novels). The Passage deserved a large production (a la "Game of Thrones") approach or a multi movie deal. What it got was Saturday afternoon cable filler - appalling. Update - In the interest of objectivity I watched all 10 episodes. If I had not read the books I would have rated it a 4 or 5 star out of 10. The problem with the show, however, is not that it is different from the books but that every 'creative' decision taken has rendered the story a weaker version of the written one. The revisions to character and plot have been taken to serve a commercial model, based on Fox's audience, revenue stream and the cable format. They have not been taken to serve the story. Everything that made the novels so compelling has been watered down or removed entirely until what remains is indistinguishable from any other cable series...
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The pilot is so so, but I've found it to be thoroughly enjoyable moving forward.
jjoshhedgepeth7 February 2019
I was excited for this show as a reader of the books. Then I saw the reviews and was worried. That worry was amplified when I realized it was a network tv show which is inherently limiting to sci-fi fantasy shows in my experience.

I won't lie, the pilot stunk of mediocrity. The writing and acting so so. It still has a sort of network tv vibe, but it doesn't feel as bad as the pilot. I'm thoroughly enjoying the story and anxious for the next episode week to week.

I'll be annoyed if the show gets cancelled, but so far it's looking like it could be based on the early reviews and viewership.
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Got off to a good start
stuartmccullough-1562321 January 2019
I haven't read the book the stories based on, but so far I like the show and hopefully it gets a chance. The cast was strong and did a good job. Looking forward to see where this goes.
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