Unpregnant (2020) Poster


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svader19 July 2021
I enjoyed this movie.

It was fun and easy going to watch.

I've never understood why others make it their business to try to decide what others choose to do with their own bodies.
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I'm Pro-Choice and Didn't Like It. Here's Why.
Doc_Blue14 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I thought the first half hour was great and that the two leads were quite charming throughout, aside from being occasionally annoying. Unfortunately, it eventually becomes a generic road trip comedy that is only distinguished by its agenda, which can't be appreciated due to how heavy-handed it is and how it ultimately goes to contrived lengths to beat you over the head with it.

First off, there's a difference between thinking abortion should be legal and thinking that all states should allow a child to get one without their parents knowing. That's what this film is advocating, yet never really says why a kid should be allowed to get an abortion without their parents knowing. I'm not aware of any medical procedures that a minor can have done without their parents knowing. I'm not saying the filmmakers are wrong, but I'm saying reasoning should be given as to why something as drastic as an abortion should be the exception.

There's nothing in here that will make anyone change their mind, which I think is a missed opportunity. Instead of being insightful and empathetic towards all perspectives, it just acts like thinking children should be able to get abortions without parental permission is common sense that needs no elaboration, and depicts anyone with a different perspective as an idiotic creep. There are pro-life characters who are essentially villains straight out of a cartoon.

And I'm for abortion, but I also acknowledge the emotions involved and the common internal conflict. Not much of that is presented here, other than worrying about what her religious mom will think. It's about a girl who after finding out she's pregnant, instantly wants an abortion, and goes and gets one. And when getting one, it's heavy-handedly presented as this wonderfully blissful experience.

And the road trip elements are really generically executed. I think there's about seven montages. And they also throw in some really unnecessary cliches. A 17 year old character is seduced and kissed by a character who doesn't have their age disclosed, but is clearly much older and is played by an actress who is 28. I don't think it being between two females makes it any less weird and it serves no purpose because she is never seen or acknowledged again, other than being followed on Instagram.

To all the people proudly rating this a 10 who openly didn't think it deserved one or didn't even watch it, and just wanted to combat the ratings from pro-life people......you know you're essentially doing the same thing they're doing, right? It's a movie. Analyze it as a movie and how well-made it is. Don't just automatically give it a 10 because it supports an agenda you agree with. That's just as childish as automatically giving it a 1 because it supports an agenda you don't agree with.
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pro life please go
Misty_Fox11 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I noticed this film getting brigraded by pro-life/anti-abortion people. I almost never leave reviews but I just had to say that anyone who thinks a victim of sexual assault (and yes, the situation as described IS ASSAULT) should toss an Ivy League acceptance letter aside to birth a child is a sociopath.

As for the movie, it was a unique take on the girls road trip genre. A bit cheesy at times but still modern and refreshing. Worth a watch.
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A decent buddy road movie.
Azanspy14 September 2020
Unpregnant is not a perfect movie. It's a good movie which has certain problems but at the same time with so many good moments. The viewer will not get bored because it's a lot of fun and the leading duo have a good chemistry and did a great job. I love buddy movies and I love road movies. This movie has done justice to both these genre and so it's a thumps up from me.
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Really Good
michaeltrivedi10 September 2020
I liked this small movie. Nothing too special here but hit all the right spots, again and again. Joyous movie that really relates.

Got kinda boring towards the last half, but still a great ride. Liked it a lot.

Girl gets pregnant and heads on a road trip to the place to get an abortion. Fun and learning life lessons ensue.


6 stars
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It's not bad but like eh
ForeverChynaa11 September 2020
I think the film is nicely shot and edited. I enjoyed the scenes aesthetically. The subject isn't something that everyone is gonna be like excited about. I mean if your pro choice you'll like this and If you're not then well I doubt you even watched a minute. I Don't think this has much rewatchablity but if you wanna feel better about your choices then I think it'll help.
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Fun, sometimes farce, sometimes serious... but never boring
fire-child27 April 2022
Watched this on a long haul flight as a random comedy pic, and pleasantly surprised. It's not too often we've had a teen female buddy roadtrip movie, so that's refreshing by itself.

While it sometimes veers a little bit into surreal farce territory, and sometimes the acting and script occasionally is a bit clichéd and OTT, it's still consistently entertaining and has some quality original moments. It's not Juno, but it never claims to be. It's also sometimes brilliantly heartfelt in the right moments.

That's quite something, considering the subject matter has already really polarised people. So if you're in one camp, you'll probably despise it, just for its topic. Others looking for comedy genius I've seen have already trashed it, which is saddening snobbery. Abortion and family life, considering the recent national debate and outcry in some quarters, needs movies to sensitively and at times humorously try to portray both sides of the coin.

Altogether, while it doesn't then for me quite top a previous Hailee Steinfeld movie gem (also coming of age, and also had this film's star), it does touch on a really important subject for the 2020s with bravery. It does it with touches of real verve at times.

And if nothing else, it's a solid film for family watching for older teens - female or male. It could well help broach some tricky subjects if parents find it tough to start.

Watch, learn, and sometimes darn well enjoy.
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angieortiz-ri12 September 2020
Unfortunately, when you have a film centered around a "controversial" topic such as abortion, there's going to be thousands of biased, 1 star ratings that bring the average score down real low. The majority of which from people who didn't even watch the movie. "Unpregnant" is not your average "chick flick." In fact I watched it the first time with my male friend and he really enjoyed it. It's witty, adventurous, and pretty original. In most of these teen adventure/comedies, the humor is too forced, storylines are cliché and not well developed. However, nothing about "Unpregnant" seemed too forced. The humor was casual and enjoyable, it had a great, catchy soundtrack, and character development. Along the way, the girls met many interesting characters and faced various obstacles that were actually unexpected and fun. It was a good mix of silly and serious. None of the scenes dragged out, it had a good pace, and a satisfying ending. So again, don't look at the ratings and listen to these 1 star reviews... if this movie interests you, give it a try. I think it's worth the watch, and it's free on HBO MAX so why not!
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sop-8653210 May 2021
Loved Barbie Ferreira in this! Wish the movie was a little more realistic at some points, but overall it was a good time!
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Had potential, degraded into a Planned Parenthood add from the 90s
athensspringer-523503 February 2023
I am pro-choice, but I am also pro-decent movie. This movie had a lot of potential. Unfortunately all of that was overtaken by pure pro-abortion messaging toward the end. It really was impossible to remember the good scenes that came before as the movie rapidly degraded into a pure planned Parenthood add while it depicted pro-life people as lunatics that literally kidnap pregnant mothers considering abortion.

This was insulting to every reasoning person, regardless of which side of this topic you take. It was a constantly intellectual insult beyond a certain point. It effectively insults the entire pro-choice position by boiling everything down to unrealistice stereotypes. It left me wondering it they were literally phoning in the writing work past a point because they had lost funding.

Extremely disappointed in what could have been an important tale.

Extreme bias ruins every argument.
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Lots of people that miss the point of the film
the_hawk819 September 2020
A 17 year old women gets pregnant accidentally and cannot tell anyone she knows. Her family are extremely Christian and her "best friends" are looking for drama in the school. She cannot ask for aid from anyone. She has no one. Then she discovers she cannot get an abortion in the state she lives in. That is reality for women that live in states like Missouri. That is what the film is conveying: these decisions are difficult, they require proper support to come to the best conclusion for the women. She is deprived from this and makes a decision to drive a 1,000 miles. Who would want that for there kid? A lot of reviewers are focusing on a "women getting an abortion is bad" and not thinking about what put her there to make that decision alone.
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That's new
Shiran199824 September 2020
I think booksmart is a film that created (or recreated) a new type of college and coming of age movies and this is the second film on this kinds of films. I liked it because in the 2010s the comedies really deteriorated and did not renew anything. Unpregnant and Booksmart are trying to bring some style and insights for the young and the general. I really liked in personally the idea to make it also a road film. It's amazing. Good script, great visuals.
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The pregnacy mystery
nogodnomasters19 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Veronica (Haley Lu Richardson) is 17 and pregnant. Her biggest problem is she lives in Missouri and must go out of state to take care of the issue without parental consent. And by out of state, we mean New Mexico. Circumstances place her and a former best friend back together, misfit punker Baily (Barbie Ferreira) who is no longer part of her clique. Together they take a road trip in a borrowed car, where they neglected to tell the owner they borrowed the car.

The film has the expected drama and comedy scenes. It is clearly a stab at states closing access to clinics. It is not that abortions will stop, it will just cause money to leave the state and go elsewhere. Bob was cool.

Guide: I don't recall any F-words. No sex or nudity.
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acherry-7781228 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This movie had a decent comedy and the actors were okay. At the same time what parent let's their 17 year old go missing for 3 days with no information of where she's at? This movie certainly over-golorifyed what an abortion is actually like. First she had no feeling of guilt or even care that she was going to do this, sure some will say women aren't supposed to feel guilty but that doesn't stop...if you dont feel guilt of some kind you're a sociopath. Second, she walked out of the clinic like nothing happened.....getting an abortion is painful and uncomfortable for weeks following the procedure and she seemed perfectly fine. This movie was just filled with unrealistic plot twist.
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A warm hearted movie about friendship, teen pregnancy and abortion
flowerstardust197920 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
First of all, if you are pro life then this probably isn't the movie for you. As someone who is pro choice, I really appreciated this movie. As someone who has been through this, but at an older age than the girl in the movie. And yes you can have an abortion and not have it destroy you! And yes women can feel relieved afterwards! For all the pro lifers who have slated this movie without even watching it, I wish you could see the situation from the other side. Without spilling my whole story, there are reasons in life where it is a woman's choice, and no the man should absolutely not have a say in it when the sex was not consensual and they are a dangerous human being! For example! I like the way it was portrayed in the movie, it wasn't depressing.

It's a warm and funny road trip movie about two childhood friends reconnecting during a stressful event.

I feel grateful that I live in the UK where you don't need an adults consent to have an abortion. It's obviously very different in certain states of America as highlighted in the movie.
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A decent movie, strongest aspect is the actors and their chemistry
tpindustries6 January 2021
The movie is okay, not groundbreaking or great, not terrible either, a driving factor behind the criticism of the movie is that the topic of abortion is still controversial nowadays, therefore many negative reviews for the film seem to he based more on the topic than the film itself, calling it "abortion propaganda", which I think is ridiculous.

All I will say is that the actual abortion kind of fell by the wayside in the story, it felt like more of a destination or a plot point than something emotionally compelling, the abortion procedure isn't really cast in a positive nor negative light.

The protagonist, Veronica, has already made her decision as soon as she finds out that she's pregnant, mostly based on fact that her circle of friends were very unsupportive, her boyfriend was possessive and generally she just felt unprepared to have a child at the age of 17.

The main focus of the film was more about Veronica mending her friendship with Bailey and re-evaluating the other relationships in her life, the story feels kind of basic, it's a road trip movie, there haven't actually been many of those recently but it doesn't really break new ground in terms of what it does, it's a decent, solid movie, I wouldn't say it's a must-watch nor a mustn't-watch film, just more like something to check out if you want to and you have the time, I might be biased as I have a soft spot for road trip movies, and I've only laid out the premise, I won't go into the plot because I've probably already spoiled something.

Despite all of that; I will say that all of the actors in this film are fantastic, they all have such great chemistry together, they're all very talented, and they're definitely the strongest aspect of the movie, I have almost nothing negative to say about their performances, if it wasn't for them; I would rate the movie a 5 or a 4 at the most, but they carried their scenes well, so I think 7 is a fair modest score in light of that.
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A Tropefest Sure, but Well Done
chron9 October 2021
This is really a classic buddy, road trip movie. It was full of tropes and archetypal people and situations. However, it was well acted and well-done. I was pleasantly surprised and recommend it for light-hearted viewing with some poignant moments.
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Story a bit lazy
isaacochoterena18 October 2021
This movie has a social message, but the story doesn't completely focus on one thing.

From the beginning the plot is revealed but the film focuses on something else, on repairing the friendship, it is difficult to keep up with it since it is a constant change between what it exposes at the beginning and the theme of friendship, it rambles in exposing in a way specify the two situations. The film is fun, the chemistry between the protagonists is good, the social message it exposes is understood and the feelings of whoever faces the problem are understood, the performances are good, as are the scenes involving cars. I did not like that there are many characters and almost all of them end up being discarded without much explanation, I also did not like some inconsistencies and conveniences that the script has.

It is a film that exposes abortion in minors seen from a fun and sincere perspective, presenting a clear message towards state governments, but its lack of script work can be detrimental to capture the forcefulness of the message it exposes.
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Refreshing and original
sherylchilders8210 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I was so afraid she wouldn't end up getting the abortion, and I was so happy when she did. We are so used to seeing this topic portrayed in seemingly empathetic light, only to have our hearts ripped out (as women), when the "moral" of the story is always that abortion is something that happens to "other people". Sure, it's ok if it's someone else, but "we" don't believe in it for ourselves. This attitude is reflected by the mother in the end, which brings us back to reality and offers a sobering effect. But, the real gravity of this film comes form the main portrayal of a young teenage girl who is still a child, but grown up enough to make a conscious and definitive choice for herself.

When I think about it, I don't think I have ever seen a portrayal of abortion from the unique perspective of a young person. It reminds you what it was like to be young, and how unserious life was, but that doesn't mean there is not wisdom and understanding, that they cannot make their own decisions. As is so well displayed by the lead actress - she is old enough to get pregnant and give birth, but not to get an abortion?

I've never seen such a convincing and comforting expression of a feminist and reproductive rights perspective. The "pro-life" people as horror characters was a bit over the top, but somehow necessary. Because, this is truly how these people look from the other side. So many abortion debate portrayals are unnecessarily sensitive to the anti-abortion side, when there is so much exploitation and manipulation from them. It was refreshing to see them portrayed for what they are - total weirdos who make other people's business their own.

This is a comedy, so it doesn't get into the complicated and heavy stuff regarding morality and social issues surrounding abortion. It doesn't address the power dynamics of keeping women in positions of parenting over professional life, but I think a smart person can extrapolate the implications. Ultimately, this is an important work of feminism. But, it was also very entertaining and fun, which is a little weird considering the topic. Maybe I won't remember this a year from now, but I have no doubt it will have made an unconscious impression.
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marmar-697804 October 2020
Unpregnant was a nice film that had a cool idea and premise and it had a interesting concept behind it and used in a very enterteining way.Cast did a good job here,their characters were very releatable and i found myself caring for our lead and her friend.They had great chemistry between them and they sold every moment together in a very good and fun way that also deals with tough subject but in a very lighthearted way that doesnt concernes itself from insulting some people with its subject and ideas and that is plus from me.Unpregnant was a cool film ,its not on level of Booksmart but it was fun watch
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Name of this movie need to be FAKE HAPPINESS
zvoonee8 December 2021
A film that strives to show the "happy" side of abortion that doesn't really exist at all. Does not show any consequences but only wants to show young people how abortion can be performed in 5 minutes and with a smiling face.
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nlparker-4046112 September 2020
Unpregnant is the type of movie I wish existed when I was a teen. Informative, cute, emotional. Please, more real girls exerting control over their bodies and choice in buddy road trip films. The narrative around abortion is riddled with so much fear and shame, this needed to be made.
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All politics aside -
xlaim30 September 2020
This movie was pretty good. A fun watch. I enjoyed it.
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I'm pro-choice, but this movie is bad!
todd-ramirez14 September 2020
I kept forwarding because the dialog, plot and everything else is so bad I couldn't wait for it finish. It was also 90% predictable. But hey I'm pro-choice. But that's not enough for me to even give it more than 2/10.
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Overall Good movie from Pro-life perspective
mmaglio-5409015 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This movie was not horrible to start. The acting and the messages of friendship and acceptance were really well written. It was comical at many points and the story was written well and heartfelt. Controversial movies are not to be censored, but they should not be antagonistic to those who believe in Pro-Life. You can be Pro-life to enjoy this movie and still not agree with 'the decision'. The stereotype for the Pro-Life family was not needed to make a well movie, and hopefully people can learn to accept choices that people make without hatred, just like the conclusion of the movie entailed.
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