10 Reviews
If only I had another "lost highway"success.
halfcolombian20 May 2022
When I first read the somewhat peculiar name Balthazar Getty I always remember it from Lynch classic "Lost Highway". I can hardly remember him from any other movie. It seems that that fact is something that has gotten clear for the actor himself which urged him to try to cash in on it once again 24 years later.

This movie is hilariously mirroring Lost Highway from start to finish. On the surface for some it may be an identical copy scene-wise but only when it comes to the parts, when you ad the sum of it's part obviously this movie is less.

It is one thing to be inspired by a movie, it's another to make a scene-by-scene imitation like this is.

The cyclist-angle is somewhat weird and doesn't really work with the story. Laughably bad detail. Anyway I saw this on a flight and couldn't stop smiling when I recognized all the parallells. Non-original that tries to rip lynch off but fails a bit. Still somewhat entertaining and could've been better if they toned it down a bit.
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I gave up halfway through
drjacobgrayson28 November 2021
Nothing outstandingly bad about this movie, but after a while i realized nothing's really making sense and it's just not going to go anywhere relevant. And what's up with the French title? This is an English language movie.
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Total Failure
arthurbcruz8 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
A stupid movie with a high rating it doesn't deserve. Immature actors in monotone dialogue that never deliver. Flashback scenes that don't make sense. Fancy title, but don't be fooled it totally sucks. You never know what's going on with who is killing who. There is NO action or thrills, only save when will it be over. There is no direction and action that makes sense in this movie. Nothing fits into place. And worst it has no ending, like the director finally gave up and just cordially said goodbye and the protagonist's leaves without explanation. All I can unravel from this stupidity is something about a stolen painting and money which is never explained in the movie. Acting and direction is the worst I've seen and does not come close to any other crime and dramas. The acting was less than brilliant and the scenery was cheap and limited. Anything else to add is a crime. By far, this movie is a total failure!
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If you love David Lynch, you'll love this
kdelaney-ryan19 May 2022
A wild and trippy ride. Definitely unsettling, and the cinematography is killer. Major David Lynch vibes- no doubt if you're into David Lynch, you'll dig this film!
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tresfalls5 December 2023
This movie was a great watch. Really intense storyline and the acting was definitely memorable. The direction was superb.

The cinematography was brilliant. I re-watch this film several times to catch up on the nuances that were layered in to each scene. And, each time I found even more brilliant moments that I had seen or discovered from either the first watch or the second.

I'm not sure I want to go into the storyline, due to spoilers, but the script is tight and well constructed.

Editorially, the pacing is keeps the viewer in the moment. And, the sound track matches and is well positioned.
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This is ART!
weinert-5261523 January 2022
The cast in this film is amazing. Balthazar Getty, Nicole LaLiberte, Todd Lowe, George Griffith, Sebastian Quinn, Nacho Picasso and Clint Howard all in one film. The storyline is great and the lighting effects show a lot of talent behind the camera. Overall, very impressive. I can't wait to see the Maze Brothers next production.
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heatherlilja17 April 2022
First thing I noticed and enjoyed was the soundtrack!! Every second had my interest. There is so much talent that went into this film! I hope to watch more!!
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Be ready to take a lot in
stlmay-4261115 April 2022
This movie was up my ally. I am a constant channel changer and like to take a lot in at once. There are several stories within stories in this movie but they give you enough of each and wrap it all up in this great production. Well done and looking forward to future productions.
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laxequine17 April 2022
The soundtrack was Sensational. I sat on the edge of my seat waiting in anticipation. This thrill seeking movie had me wanting more! So excited for the sequel!
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Best combo of thriller and crime
nik_kopf25 January 2022
I absolutely loved this film. It was captivating and insanely well written. It kept me in one of two places; either on the edge of my seat or sitting thinking "How did they know?" I highly recommend.
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