Killer Contractor (TV Movie 2019) Poster

(2019 TV Movie)

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Horrible acting.
svogel112029 October 2019
I am watching this movie now and I'm an hour and 40 minutes in. The acting in this movie is horrendous. Horrible.
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windsorenquirer16 October 2019
It felt like a cheap Hallmark movie. Pretty predictable. But watchable so it gets 4 stars from me.
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One of the Worst Lifetime Movies EVAH!
luvmyjenna17 February 2020
I don't watch Lifetime often, but I decided to give it a chance. Within five minutes I realized it was going to be a disaster. The plot was lame. The acting was poor. The writing was formulaic. The directing was embarrassing. And the 'surprise twists and turns' were downright laughable. There were several times that this left me in stitches, howling at the ridiculousness.

So you ask, "If it was that bad, why didn't you turn the channel?" Well, it was like watching a train wreck that you couldn't help but stare.

I gave it two stars instead of one because I hadn't laughed so much while watching a movie in ages. Of course, it was not intended as a comedy. However, I've watched plenty of comedies that barely made me smile, and this film provided some unintended comedic relief that I very much appreciated.
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Boring and predictable!
lion_month26 October 2019
Killer contractor is a very slow movie, boring and predictable. I watched it just half of the movie and changed it to another movie instead! You cannot see natural acting of the casts and as a so-called thriller movie you cannot enjoy the story and the scenes if you are a tough fan of horror and thriller movies. I believe that this movie is not worthy to spend time for! I rated 1/10.
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Good twists but bad technical issues
vidmanddm9 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I thought it was an interesting plot. A little predictable except for the good guy ending up being the bad guy and the brothers mother being involved. I thought the brother was the nut who was trying to do the family in but he was just strange but harmless and wanted to just be a part of the family. The trouble I had was with the technical issues in the film. The girlfriend who gets hit by the van for instance. She was running out into the street for awhile before being hit. The driver said she jumped out in front of her. If that was the case, she should have been hit right away when she enters the street. The other thing that bugged me was the door locks. Anyone that knows door knobs at all, would see that you cannot have the hand turning lock on the outside of the bedroom door as well as on the inside. We see the villain turn the lock by hand as to trap the mother and daughter in their rooms. The mother takes a golf club, which is conveniently in her room, to bash the door in. Why didn't she open or break the window to get out? Their bedrooms don't have windows? Also, the front door appeared to have dead bolts that could turn from the inside and yet the mother could not open the door and had to use a golf club to bash the door open. This too was not believable. Over all an interesting plot but typical LTM stuff and a little over acting by some of the cast.
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Horrible writing
Sherich8716 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This here is horrible. No common sense whatsoever! During the fire, the mom nor daughter apparently never knew how to unlock the door! It was so simple! When they got down stairs, she never attempted to unlock the door, she immediately began hitting the door and window with a golf club. Now at first you would have thought it was the brother. But as time went on, you can tell it it wasn't. It would have been too obvious. Then of course, the police ALWAYS shows up at the last minute. They're good actors, I can see the potential, but the movie deserves to be on Tubi! Waste of my life that I can never get back! Lol.
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Twisty and exciting thriller
phd_travel15 October 2019
A single mom and her girl return to deal with her dad's house after he dies in an accident. She hires a weird contractor who knew her dad. Things start to go wrong in the house in a final destination way. Then things get complicated in a way that isn't predictable and quite exciting. The cast is good too.

One of the better ones.
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Mrs. Norman Bates-Type FIlm
lavatch17 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
"Killer Contractor" featured a strong screenplay with a tightly focused narrative on the revelations of the past of the protagonist Kerry McLeod. After the death of her father, who apparently fell down the stairs but actually was murdered, Kerry returns to her hometown to settle his affairs. Part of her task involves the hiring of a contractor for repairs on the home. Two contractors vie for the job and for the affection of Kerry, and the filmmakers pull off a brilliant "bait-and-switch" in the process.

Kerry is a successful illustrator of children's books, and she brings her daughter "Ella Bella" along. Meghan is Kerry's bestie from high school, and she will play a significant role in the events. But the principal secondary characters are the two contractors, Mike "Mikey" Dean and Jason Carr.

Mikey Dean is clearly a deeply troubled man. Apparently infatuated with Kerry since high school, he is disappointed when she does not even remember him from history class. Mikey gets the contracting job, but is soon fired due to his outbursts. He is replaced by a real charmer named Jason Carr.

Behind the scenes, Mikey is living out a nightmare under smothering influence of his mother, Eleanor. The mom is the incarnation of Norman Bates' mother, constantly berating and humiliating her son. There is a secret that they share that explains why Mikey had a special bonding with Kerry's father. It also explains the purpose of the stack of $1,000 checks Kerry discovered that were written by her father to Mikey.

Horrible things begin to happen while Kerry is living in her dad's home. At one point, there is an explosion in the oven that nearly blasts Kerry into oblivion. Noxious fumes will be let loose in the ventilating system. But the most outrageous moment is when Kerry is in the attic and the floor gives way with the heroine crashing into the room below.

The film may seem to plod along slowly in places. But the filmmakers pull the rug out from under us in the stunning finale. Kerry referred to her worthless ex-husband as "Mr. Liar McCheatface." But she had never encountered anything quite like the killer contractor with whom she must do battle in the fight to preserve the image of the most cherished part of her life and the film's most essential theme: the importance of family.
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Enjoyable Lifetime movie, with a twist!
patticoxxwriter10 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The Lifetime actors were typical until the plot twist. The writer did a great job in entertaining Lifetime viewers with a twist that was unexpected and the initial villain did a great job in the role. There were many characters, mother and daughter, mother and son, best friend, and an actual hired killer. Well thought out script, plot, and background. So what, if no one thinks to escape using a window, and there just happens to be golf clubs, kept in a second floor bedroom of a deceased 72 year old grandfather. Hey, it's Lifetime, low budget entertainment but the golf clubs were nice! Will there be a contractor killer II, only Lifetime knows! Would love to write a future script, it's my favorite genre, simply Lifetime!
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monicaspurpledoor26 March 2021
I don't understand why this film has so many negative reviews. It's interesting and provides a good plot twist. I thought the acting was perfectly fine. I've seen much worse. There were a few silly predictable moments but it's a good watch.
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Chiller, Killer Thriller!!
paulgibson-298063 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
If golf and DIY are up there as two of your favourite pastimes, then Killer Contractor will both delight and terrify you in equal measure!

I won't regurgitate the plot lest I spoil what is a thoroughly enjoyable roller coaster of a movie, but, needless to say, the storyline will keep you hooked right until the final credits roll.

The Director of this celluloid classic has managed to assemble a cast of thespians at the peak of their acting powers and together with a haunting score and superb storyline, this smorgasbord of delights keeps the viewing public entertained throughout.

Although all the players perform admirably, especial mention should be reserved for the wonderfully named Zac Titus who plays the part of the seemingly unhinged contractor Mike Dean. This thespian is an actor of undoubted talent and it wouldn't surprise me in the least if his name isn't up there along with other giants of the silver screen such as Connery, Moore and Sandler.

Overall, this blockbusting masterpiece should act as a warning to all attractive young mothers to avoid hiring young gentlemen who are handy with a screwdriver and pliers and for all fans of DIY to avoid attractive young mothers who are handy with a 5 iron.

Hopefully a sequel is in the offing and a suitable title for such a highly anticipated movie could be 'Killer Contractor-Return of the Toolbox'

Highly recommended!
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