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MPAA Rated R for sequences of strong sexual content, graphic nudity, drug use and language throughout, and for some violence

Sex & Nudity

  • Pervasive female nudity including explicit full frontal shots.
  • Frequent and graphic sex scenes with explicit and full female nudity. Strip club scenes, parties and orgies display many scenes of gratuitous full female nudity.
  • A graphic orgy takes place on a plane with many woman displaying full nudity.
  • A man is shown lying nude on his stomach while a woman is about to sit on top of him. It's very comedic and not graphic
  • A man allows a woman to explicitly tease him while knowing two other men are also watching via a home camera without the woman's knowledge.
  • A man has sex with a woman in a bathroom with female nudity only.
  • A woman displays explicit full frontal nudity when she presents herself to a man naked and then enters the room fully nude and proceeds to have sex with him. Lengthy female breast nudity follows.
  • A man gets a blowjob from a woman in a glass elevator (only the movement of her head is seen). Several people down below can see it happening and they applaud him. However, this is very funny and it is not graphic whatsoever.
  • During a monologue, a woman's head is bobbing up and down while a man is driving. This is not graphic at all and it lasts for about 3 seconds.
  • Both scantily clad and nude prostitutes are hired to entertain men at a work party.
  • A man snorts cocaine off of a woman's exposed breast cleavage.
  • Frequent sexual dialogue.
  • A man lays on the couch of a yacht while several naked women throw money at him.
  • A conversation about masturbation happens
  • A woman tries to have sex with a man who was on drugs with female breast nudity shown.
  • There are quite a few of sex scenes with full female nudity.
  • A man and a woman have sex on top of a bed full of money.
  • On a boat, several fully nude women are explicitly shown. No male nudity.
  • Cocaine is blown through a funnel and into a woman's anus.
  • Genital nudity is seen of both sexes. Fleeting glimpses of (hairy and shaved) vulvas during full frontal female scenes, plus one brief moment where a male character's penis hangs out of his shorts as he masturbates.
  • Frequent strong sex scenes include group sex and elements of sadomasochism.
  • A man and a woman enter a hotel room. It is known that she is married to another man. The man disrobes, and sex is implied, not too graphic at all . Afterward, we briefly see the man naked, though covered.
  • Throughout the entire movieie there are flashes of sex and nudity almost impossible to avoid all these scenes multiple sex scenes with very graphic thrusting, a man blows cocaine into a woman's anus, there is a rape scene, lots and lots of extremely graphic nudity.
  • Not at all appropriate for kids, it's literally Pornography.

Violence & Gore

  • A plane suddenly explodes. It is implied that three people were killed.
  • A husband and his wife argue bitterly. She hits him in the face, and he hits her back. Later, she tries to hit him again, and he then punches her in the stomach, leaving her lying on the floor.
  • Two men hold another man over a balcony and threaten to drop him.
  • Some men are seen fighting in the background at an office.


  • This film contains the most uses of the word "fuck" out of any major Hollywood film in history, as well as being the most profane major Hollywood movie of all time, with the word being said a total of 569 times.
  • "Shit" is said many times.
  • Currently, the film ranks as the most profane Hollywood film of all time.
  • 'Dick' is said many times.
  • "Prick" is said as an insult.
  • "Bitch" is said many times.
  • "Cock" and "cocksucker" are said.
  • "Pussy" is said.
  • 'Twat' is said.
  • 'Tits' is said.
  • 'Asshole' is said.
  • 'Whore' is said.
  • 'Faggot' is said.
  • 'Retard' is said as an insult.
  • Constant strong language, mostly involving "fuck" and all permutations, but also involving "shit," "cunt," "cock," and just about every other obscene word imaginable. Also, anti-gay slurs are used.
  • This is arguably the most profane movie of all time.
  • Stories of past sexual encounters are told with graphic detail.
  • Pretty much every sentence has a swear word.

Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking

  • While a character is using quaaludes, he lists the phases that he goes through.
  • A man snorts from a big pile of cocaine that was hidden in his couch.
  • Lots of people are shown doing cocaine at a pool party.
  • Infrequent smoking.
  • A man is shown blowing cocaine many times.
  • Constant drug use throughout the entire movie. Drugs like cocaine, crack, weed, and quaaludes are all used.
  • A man snorts cocaine with a rolled-up dollar bill.
  • A close-up of a man's nostril is shown as he puts a spoon with cocaine in his nose and snorts it.
  • A man snorts cocaine with a stripper.
  • The main character's a drug addict. He's seen drinking alcohol to excess, snorting cocaine, and taking all kinds of pills, but extra time's spent on his favorite: Quaaludes. The movie describes the effect of taking Quaaludes, and one sequence is dedicated to a memorable night in which he takes an extra-strong dose. The character's closest friend is also a heavy drug user. Cigarette smoking is shown, as well. At the end of the movie, it's suggested that he's cleaned up and become sober.
  • Scenes of drug misuse, including cocaine snorting, occur throughout, occasionally during sex scenes and off naked bodies.
  • During almost the entire runtime Jordan and his associates consume mass amounts of Quaaludes, Cocaine, and other drugs.
  • Drugs throughout the entire movie almost every 15 minutes there is cocaine snorting. People drink and smoke some aswell.
  • Several main characters are highly dependent on cocaine and quaaludes, and they are often shown using them.
  • A man gives a lengthy monologue about how many drugs he takes with flourishes of his arms and big smiles, typical of coke users.
  • A man is seen snorting cocaine off of a woman's bra.
  • Two men smoke freebase crack and behave ebulliently.
  • Characters are shown drinking in a number of scenes.

Frightening & Intense Scenes

  • The movie, for the most part, is a dark comedy, as it deals with topics involving criminal activities on the stock market (hence the eponymous title) and associated sex overindulgence and drug addiction.
  • The scene where the guys hold the butler over the balcony may be frightening to some viewers.
  • All of the party scenes involve extremely reckless and dangerous behavior.
  • We see a plane explode right in front of Jordan looking through the window of a ship. He addresses three people have died inside and the scene is pretty dark.


The Parents Guide items below may give away important plot points.

Violence & Gore

  • A man commits suicide. He is shown in a picture, and the bathtub is full of bloody water and there is blood all over the floor, but he isn't shown cutting his wrists.
  • A man drives in reverse slamming into a brick pillar. He receives a bloody cut on his forehead.
  • A man punches another man in the face three times, and blood spurts from his nose onto people's faces. However, a man vomits after seeing this.

Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking

  • Two men take a large amount of expired "Lemmon" quaaludes and react badly; with one man losing control of his limbs; he then drives in this state, causing a great deal of damage to his car, whilst the other man nearly chokes to death on food.

Frightening & Intense Scenes

  • The main character resorts to domestic violence near the end of the film.
  • The yacht crashes which is very intense.
  • The scene where Jonah Hill almost chokes to death is pretty intense.

See also

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