Ant-Man (2015) Poster


Michael Douglas: Dr. Hank Pym



  • Scott Lang : My days of breaking into places and stealing shit are over! What do you need me to do?

    Hank Pym : ...I want you to break into a place and steal some shit.

    Scott Lang : ...makes sense.

  • [from trailer] 

    Hank Pym : Scott, I need you to be the Ant-Man.

    Scott Lang : One question... Is it too late to change the name?

  • Hank Pym : It's a trial by fire, Scott... or in this case, water.

    [the bathtub fills with water, and Scott jumps out] 

    Hank Pym : Guess you're tougher than you thought.

  • [Scott shrinks himself] 

    Hank Pym : The world sure seems different from down here, doesn't it, Scott?

    Scott Lang : Who said that?

  • Hank Pym : Scott?

    Scott Lang : Yeah?

    Hank Pym : You're full of shit.

    Scott Lang : Oh yeah.

  • Scott Lang : [raises hand]  Excuse me, Dr. Pym?

    Hank Pym : You don't have to raise your hand Scott.

    Scott Lang : [lowers hand]  Okay. I just have one question... Who are you, who is she, what the hell is going on here, and can I go back to jail now?

  • [from trailer] 

    Hank Pym : [to Scott]  It's not about saving our world. It's about saving THEIRS.

    [Scott looks at his daughter] 

  • [from trailer] 

    Hank Pym : [to Scott]  Second chances don't come around all that often. I suggest you take a really close look at it. This is your chance to earn that look in your daughter's eyes, to become the hero that she already thinks you are.

  • Hank Pym : [Hank walks in on Scott and Hope kissing]  When did this happen?

    Hope Van Dyne : Nothing's happening.

    Scott Lang : Whoa, hold on. Something's kind of happening.

    Hank Pym : Well if that's the case, shoot me again.

  • Darren Cross : All those years ago, you picked me. What did you see in me?

    Hank Pym : I saw myself.

    Darren Cross : Then why did you push me away?

    Hank Pym : Because I saw too much of myself.

  • Scott Lang : I think our first move should be calling the Avengers.

    Hank Pym : I spent thirty years protecting that technology from a Stark, I sure as hell don't intend to give it to another! This isn't cute technology like the Iron Man suit! This could change the techs of reality! Besides, they must already have their hands busy throwing cities out of the sky...

  • [Hank tells Hope the truth about her mother's death and she comes to terms with it, then Scott interrupts] 

    Scott Lang : This is awesome. It's awesome. You know, you guys are breaking down walls, you're healing, it's important.

    [Hank and Hope stare at Scott] 

    Scott Lang : I ruined the moment, didn't I?

    Hank Pym : Yes, you did, yes.

    Scott Lang : [Smiles and points at the kitchen]  I'm gonna make some tea.

  • Frank : Long time no see, Dr. Pym. How's retirement?

    Hank Pym : How's your face?

  • Hank Pym : Do not screw with the regulator. If that regulator is compromised you would go sub-atomic.

    Scott Lang : What does that mean?

    Hank Pym : It means that you would enter a quantum realm.

    Scott Lang : What does that mean?

    Hank Pym : It means that you would enter a reality where all concepts of time and space become irrelevant as you shrink for all eternity. Everything that you know, and love, gone forever.

    Scott Lang : Cool. Yeah. I'm... If it ain't broke...

  • Darren Cross : [at a function]  Imagine a soldier the size of an insect, the ultimate secret weapon...

    Hank Pym : [to Hope]  You give godlike powers to everyone, it's gonna be chaos!

    Hope Van Dyne : So how do we stop him?

    Hank Pym : I know a guy...

  • Scott Lang : We're trapped, now what do we do?

    Hank Pym : Do you think that's a toy tank on my key-ring?

  • [from trailer] 

    Hank Pym : Scott, I've been watching you for a while, now. You're different. Now, don't let anyone tell you that you have nothing to offer.

  • Hank Pym : You're throwing 247 off balance.

    Scott Lang : Wait, his name is 247?

    Hank Pym : He doesn't have a name, he has a number, Scott. Do you have any idea how many ants there are?

  • Hank Pym : You've come for more toys for the boys?

    Howard Stark : I came for the suit.

  • Scott Lang : We need a fake security guard on the inside, somebody else to hack into the power supply, and a getaway guy.

    Hank Pym : No, no, no, not those three wombats!

  • Hank Pym : I took on a young protégé called Darren Cross.

    Scott Lang : Darren Cross. He's a big deal.

    Hank Pym : But before he was a big deal he was my assistant. I thought I saw something in him, a son I never had perhaps. He was brilliant, but as we became close he began to suspect that I wasn't telling him everything. He heard rumors about what was called the Pym Particles, and he became obsessed with recreating my formula. But I wouldn't help him so he conspired against me and he voted me out of my own company.

    Scott Lang : How could he do that?

    Hank Pym : The board's chairman is my daughter, Hope. She was the deciding vote.

  • [first lines] 

    Hank Pym : Stark!

    Howard Stark : He doesn't seem happy. Hello, Hank. You're supposed to be in Moscow.

    Hank Pym : I took a detour... Through your defense lab.

    [slams a vial of Pym particles on table] 

    Peggy Carter : Tell me that isn't what I think it is.

    Hank Pym : That depends if you think it's a poor attempt to replicate my work. Even for this group, that takes nerve.

    Mitchell Carson : You were instructed to go to Russia. May I remind you, Dr. Pym, that you're a soldier...

    Hank Pym : I'm a scientist.

    Howard Stark : Then act like one. The Pym Particle is the most revolutionary science ever developed. Help us put it to good work.

    Hank Pym : I let you turned me into your errand boy, and now you try to steal my research?

    Mitchell Carson : If only you'd protected Janet with such ferocity, Dr. Pym.

    Hank Pym : Ah...

    [Pym slams Carson's head into a desk] 

    Peggy Carter : Easy, Hank!

    Hank Pym : You mention my wife again, and I'll show you ferocity.

    Howard Stark : [as Carson stares at him]  Don't look at me. You said it.

  • Hank Pym : I formally tender my resignation.

    Howard Stark : We won't accept it... formally. Hank, we need you. The Pym Particle is a miracle. Please, don't let your past determine the future.

    Hank Pym : As long as I am alive, nobody will ever get that formula.

  • Hank Pym : The process is highly volatile. If one isn't protected by a specialized helmet, it can affect the brain's chemistry. I don't think Darren realizes this, and, you know, he's not the most stable guy to begin with.

    Scott Lang : So, what do you want from me?

    Hank Pym : Scott, I believe that everyone deserves a shot at redemption. Do you?

    Scott Lang : I do.

    Hank Pym : If you can help me, I promise I can help you be with your daughter again. Now, are you ready to redeem yourself?

  • Scott Lang : Alright, just so we're clear, everyone here knows their role, right? Dave?

    Dave : Wheels on the ground.

    Scott Lang : Kurt?

    Kurt : Eyes in the sky.

    Scott Lang : Luis?

    Luis : Aw, man, you know it. You know what, I get to wear a uniform, that's what's up.

    Scott Lang : Luis.

    Luis : I'm sorry, I mean, I'm good, I'm good. I'm just excited, and plus you're girlfriend's really hot, so you know that makes me nervous too.

    [to Hope] 

    Luis : And you are very beautiful, ma'am.

    Hank Pym : Oh, my lord.

    Scott Lang : She's not my...

    Luis : Hey, you know what? I was thinking of a tactic, like when I go undercover, like a whistling, you know I'm saying? To like, blend in.

    Scott Lang : No, don't whistle. No whistling. It's not the Andy Griffith Show. No whistling.

  • Hank Pym : [Scott is about to steal tech from the Avengers Headquarters]  He's gonna lose the suit.

    Hope Van Dyne : He's gonna lose his life.

  • Hank Pym : [watching Ant-Man on the monitor]  Abort, Scott! Abort now!

    Scott Lang : It's okay. He can't see me.

    Sam Wilson : I can see you!

    Scott Lang : He can see me.

  • Hank Pym : [after Hope trains and punches Scott in the face]  She's been looking forward to this.

    Scott Lang : No kidding.

    Hank Pym : Hope trained in martial arts at a difficult time.

    Hope Van Dyne : Oh, by "difficult time," he means when my mother died.

    Hank Pym : We lost her in a plane crash.

    Hope Van Dyne : It's bad enough you won't tell me how she died, could you please stop telling me that lie? We're working here.

    [to Scott] 

    Hope Van Dyne : Alright, princess, let's get back to work.

    Scott Lang : Were you going for the hand?

  • Hank Pym : [mid-credits scene]  There's something I want to show you. I realized you can't destroy power. All you can do is make sure that it's in the right hands.

    [unveiling the Wasp suit] 

    Hank Pym : This is an advanced prototype that your mother and I worked on together. She never got to use it. But now I realize that we were... we were working on it for you. Maybe it's time we finished it.

    Hope Van Dyne : [smiling to herself]  It's about damn time.

  • Dave : Looks like Pym's getting arrested.

    Kurt : Scott, we have problem.

    Scott Lang : Problem? What's the problem?

    Kurt : [Dave gets out of the van]  Dave! Dave, that's not part of plan!

    Hank Pym : [talking to Paxton and Gale]  Listen to me. If I don't get into this building, people will die.

    Gale : That's awfully dramatic.

    Paxton : [their squad car peels out, siren blaring]  Are you kidding me?

    Kurt : Problem solved.

  • Hank Pym : That was completely irresponsible and dangerous! You jeopardized everything!

    Hope Van Dyne : [Scott sets the signal decoy on the counter]  You got it.

    Hank Pym : Well done.

    Scott Lang : Wait a minute. Did you just compliment me? He did, didn't he?

    Hope Van Dyne : Kinda sounded like he did.

    Hank Pym : I was good, wasn't I?

    Scott Lang : Hey, how about the fact that I fought an Avenger and didn't die?

  • Hank Pym : The final phase of your training will be a stealth incursion.

    Ant-Man : It's freezing! You couldn't make a suit with a flannel lining?

  • Hank Pym : Your mother convinced me to let her join me on my... missions. They called her the Wasp. She was born to it. And there's not a day that goes by that I don't regret having said yes. It was 1987. Separatists had hijacked a Soviet missile silo in Kursk and launched an ICBM at the United States. The only way to the internal mechanics was through solid titanium. I knew I had to shrink between the molecules to disarm the missile. But my regulator has sustained too much damage. Your mother, she didn't hesitate. She turned off her regulator and went subatomic to deactivate the bomb. And she was gone. Your mom died a hero. And I spent the next ten years trying to learn all I could about the quantum realm.

    Hope Van Dyne : [crying]  You were trying to bring her back.

    Hank Pym : But all I learned was we know nothing.

    Hope Van Dyne : It's not your fault. She made her choice. But why didn't you tell me that sooner?

    Hank Pym : I was trying to protect you. I lost your mother. I didn't mean to lose you, too.

  • Scott Lang : Sir, I'm sorry I stole the suit. I don't even wanna know why you have it.

    Hank Pym : Maggie was right about you.

    Scott Lang : How do you know about...

    Hank Pym : No wonder she's trying to keep you away from Cassie. The moment things get hard, you turn right back to crime. The way I see it, you have a choice. You can either spend the rest of your life in prison, or go back to your cell and await further instructions.

    Scott Lang : I don't understand.

    Hank Pym : No, I don't expect you to. But you don't have many options right now, and quite frankly, neither do I. Why do you think I let you steal that suit in the first place?

    Scott Lang : What?

    [flashback showing Hank setting things in motion] 

    Hank Pym : Second chances don't come around all that much. So next time you think you might see one, I suggest you take a real close look at it.

  • Hope Van Dyne : Good morning, Hank.

    Hank Pym : Hope. Would it kill you to call me "dad"?

  • Scott Lang : Yeah, I don't know what you're doing grabbing me and kissing me like that. I was a little surprised myself. I have to get somewhere. I'll see you later, Hank. Really, Hope.

    Hank Pym : Scott.

    Scott Lang : Yeah?

    Hank Pym : You're full of shit.

    Scott Lang : Oh, yeah.

  • Darren Cross : What do you call the only man who can arm the most powerful weapon in the world?

    Hank Pym : The most powerful man in the world.

    Darren Cross : You proud of me yet?

  • Hank Pym : You need to be skillful, agile, and above all, you need to be fast. You should be able to shrink and grow on a dime. So your size always suits your needs.

  • Hank Pym : You can stop this, Darren. It's not too late.

    Darren Cross : It's been too late for a long time now.

    [his HYDRA buyers turn their guns on Pym] 

    Hope Van Dyne : Darren! What are you doing?

    Darren Cross : He wasn't any more capable of caring for you than he was for me.

    Hope Van Dyne : This is not who you are. It's the particles altering your brain chemistry.

    Darren Cross : [HYDRA is about to shoot Pym; lunges in front of them]  Wait! Wait, wait, wait, wait. You're right. I have to be the one to do it.

    [turns his gun on Pym] 

    Hope Van Dyne : [elbows a HYDRA buyer and grabs his gun, pointing it at Cross as the HYDRA buyers turn their guns on her] 

    Mitchell Carson : Here we go.

    Hope Van Dyne : [to Cross]  Drop... your... gun.

    Darren Cross : You know, I came to the house the other night to kill him. But you were there!

    Hope Van Dyne : You're sick and I can help you, just put the gun - down.

    Darren Cross : I wasn't ready to kill you then. But I think I am now!

    Hope Van Dyne : DROP YOUR GUN NOW!

    Darren Cross : You picked the wrong side, Hope!

    Scott Lang : [smashes through his "prison" and knocks down all the HYDRA buyers] 

  • Mitchell Carson : Long time no see, Dr. Pym. How's retirement?

    Hank Pym : How's your face?

  • Hank Pym : Darren. How the hell did you get in here?

    Yellowjacket : You left the front door open, Hank. It's official. You're old.

  • Hope Van Dyne : Are you sure they can handle this?

    Luis : Oh we can handle it, we're professionals.

    Hank Pym : You'll forgive us if we're not instilled with confidence.

    Dave : Wait, everybody. Just kick back and relax a little bit, man. We know our business. We broke into this spooky-ass house, didn't we?

    Hank Pym : I let you.

    Dave : Well, one could say that I let you let me.

  • Yellowjacket : You tried to hide your technology from me, and now it's gonna blow up in your face.

    [Pym punches Cross in the face] 

    Yellowjacket : Wow. Wow! I mean, I saw the punch coming a mile away but I just figured it'd be all pathetic and weak.

    Hank Pym : Well you figured wrong.

See also

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