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Sex & Nudity

  • 2 brothers are implied to have an incestuous relationship, though we actually never see this happening. These brothers however only appear about once or twice a season.
  • Almost all episodes have no sex or nudity at all (other than dialogue), but some episodes have brief sex scenes (nothing graphic).
  • Season 11 features a non graphic implied scene.
  • In the episode The Gang Hits the Slopes. A woman goes into a hot tub topless as Charlie watches her. Charlie is uncomfortable and nervous in the situation but the woman asks if he does not like her breasts. The woman invites Charlie into the hot tub and they start kissing and Charlie takes his clothes off. In the next shot, Charlie and the woman are shown having sex in a hotel room. Although the woman's breasts are blurred out the entire time.
  • In the episode The Gang Goes to the Jersey Shore. Charlie, Dennis and Dee walk under a boardwalk and they walk by a couple of homeless men having anal sex and they're shocked. There's brief nudity of the men's buttocks.
  • In the episode The D.E.N.N.I.S. System. Dennis and his girlfriend have sex but the scene is brief and dark. They tongue kiss too.
  • In season 2, episode 1, the guys go to a strip club and multiple strippers are seen wearing very skimpy clothing. Strippers are dancing on tables, lots of cleavage and buttcheeks are shown. They also take two back to their room and the strippers are in their bra and underwear having a pillow fight.
  • In the episode Charlie and Dee Find Love. There is a recorded video of Mac and Trevor in Dennis' room. They're both shirtless and oily. It shows them having sex for a few seconds and the video stops.
  • Prostitution is a recurring subject matter, but it is usually played for dark comedy. As such, prostitutes are never hired.
  • There are two sex scenes, with only one that contains nudity as well many positions, lasting around a minute, but both of these occur in the much later seasons.

Violence & Gore

  • In Season 13, a character is stuck in a bear trap and continues to hurt himself worse and worse trying to get out. A large blood puddle is seen on the ground from the wound, but this is supposed to be humorous.
  • In Season 5, the gang stumbles across a torture chamber of severed limbs and corpses.
  • In Season 5, a man has a trash can thrown at his neck which slices it open and causes a large amount of blood to squirt out.
  • The violence is very violent for a sitcom, with blood included.
  • In Season 3, several severed heads are shown in a serial killer's fridge.
  • There is a recurring character named Rickety Cricket that has a new injury or scar each time he is shown.
  • Occasional graphic violence typically portrayed with a surreal, comical tone.


  • Every episode features casual profanity throughout, both severe and mild.
  • Slurs like "faggot", "retard", and the n-word are sometimes used, but infrequently.
  • Throughout all of the series, to date the word "shit" has been said 1,707 times, "goddamn" has been said 723 times, "asshole" has been said 141 times and "fuck" has been said 77 times.
  • As the show goes on, the word "cunt" is said more and more often, even though it's still pretty infrequent. However, some examples are the episodes: "Hero or Hate Crime?", "The Gang Makes Lethal Weapon 7", and most notably "The Gang Gets Cursed".
  • "Fuck" is used infrequently, but is most frequently used in 'A Very Sunny Christmas' (mostly during one scene). Though beginning in Season.12 the word is used more casually.
  • The word "fuck" becomes more frequent as the show goes on. Season 16 has the most uses of fuck so far.
  • The word "Dammit" is frequently use in every episode.
  • Crass sexual terms are sometimes used, such as "dick" or "pussy", but stronger words like "cum", "cocksucker", "cock" and "cunt" are also used infrequently.
  • In the beginning of Season 12, no profanity is censored.

Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking

  • Dennis and Dee have an addiction to crack.
  • In some episodes, the side character, Cricket, uses PCP heavily.
  • Bath salts are also used.
  • The show takes place in a bar, and a lot of drinking occurs.
  • The majority of the show takes place in a bar and every major character is an alcoholic. Characters also use different harder drugs throughout the show, less frequently. It is all meant to be comedic.
  • In nearly every episode, characters drink very heavily.
  • 5 of the main characters are alcoholics.
  • Drugs are featured a few times per season, and some examples of these scenes include.
  • Frank smokes weed from a bong.
  • Charlie huffs glue.
  • Frank drops acid.
  • Dennis drops acid.
  • Dennis drops ecstasy.
  • A side character, Bill Ponderosa, is an alcoholic and a drug addict. We see him drinking heavily, use meth, acid and cocaine.
  • Dee and Dennis smoke PCP.
  • Frank snorts cocaine.
  • There is exceptionally more drug use but these are just some examples of the type of drug use in the show.

Frightening & Intense Scenes

  • A character is stuck in a bear trap and he continues to hurt himself. Although the sequence is hilarious, it may be disturbing for some viewers.
  • The sitcom's humor is very dark.
  • There are some dark and intense topics dealt with throughout the show but they are always presented in a comedic light.
  • Every member of the gang is a depraved egomaniac who constantly insult each other and others around them via their arguments or plans and schemes. Many of these plans involve some level of exploitation and some touch on issues in the news at the time, and these issues are often dealt with by the characters with a level of insult and arrogance, but almost all of it is satirical and makes a point about the issue.


The Parents Guide items below may give away important plot points.

Sex & Nudity

  • It is implied that Charlie and Dee had sex.
  • It is implied that Charlie was sexually abused as a child by his uncle. His musical "The Nightman Cometh" has multiple references to this and it's a very sad topic.

Violence & Gore

  • Charlie mutilates someone by biting their ear off, and it is somewhat disturbing. In the same episode, there's a surreal stop motion scene inspired by old Christmas films in which the gang brutally murders Frank in lots of graphic ways, such as cutting his eyes out or hanging him by his spinal chord.
  • In Season 11, a game that's meant to be fun, is quickly turned into a horrific, gory death trap.
  • Frank comically waterboards his daughter.

Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking

  • In one episode, Dee and Charlie are shown taking too much steroids. They are high, and this happens in an episode where Dee and Charlie prepare to fight people.

See also

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