48 Reviews
Great potential
on_the_can9 May 2006
Couldn't help but notice that nobody's commented on this show yet so I thought I would. As far as I know it's doing pretty well in the ratings so far and I'm glad to hear it. I think Julia Louis Dreyfus may finally have a shot at stomping out the Seinfeld curse.

I'll start by saying the premise won't blow anyone off their ass. Christine (Dreyfus) has been divorced for a little while but she has a good relationship with her ex and together they juggle the responsibilities of their son together, focusing obviously more on Christine who the kid lives with. Christine has a brother that lives in the guest house who serves as a nanny (or as he prefers, manny) and her ex has a new girlfriend named Christine, or new Christine, hence the title. The premise struck a resemblance to Reba pretty quickly, but the characters, particularly Julia herself more than make up for the familiar premise. She's got enough of Elaine injected into her personality to satisfy Seinfeld fans like myself but changed enough to carry on a new show. She can be ditsy and over the top like Elaine but she's always concerned in the end about doing the right thing, even if it doesn't always turn out that way. The characters are good too and play off each other pretty well, but I won't get into breaking them down too heavily.

A big plus for the show so far is it hasn't gotten sappy at all. It's a little early to make that comment but I will anyway, so far so good. I hate when sitcoms have those heartfelt moments, they should save that crap for full house reruns. I thought I might be in for some of that stuff given that it's about a divorced mom, but it pokes fun at pretty much every potentially sappy moment, and in the end that's what makes it worth while. It's definitely not Seinfeld but as long as people give it a chance to develop I think it could have a pretty long shelf life.
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Julia Louis-Dreyfus In A Funny Show About Something
atlasmb28 March 2016
Julia Louis-Dreyfus plays the titular "old Christine" in this sitcom about a mother who struggles with day to day issues, mostly because of her own foibles. If you like Elaine in "Seinfeld", you will probably enjoy JLD's portrayal of Christine, which is similar to Elaine if Elaine had a kid and an ex-husband and owned a business.

She is surrounded by cast members whose characters serve as mirrors to her simple neuroses, even if she doesn't want to see them. Clark Gregg, as the ex-husband, has moved on romantically, but he is still in her life and willing to point out her shortcomings matter-of-factly. Wanda Sykes is a friend who also acknowledges Christine's personality shortcomings, but is willing to be her business partner.

But it is Ms. Dreyfus who drives this comedy, with her usual self-deprecating style and the ability to hold an entire show together with her personality and style.
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likable characters, so so writing
anzatzi15 March 2013
This show is a mixed bag, its likable characters managing to prop up its dramatic emptiness an often flat writing.Julia Louis-Dreyfus has aged well, and still can steal a scene with smile or eye roll. Her character here is raunchier than the refined Elaine of Seinfed days. Hamish Linklater and Clark Gregg provide likable foils as Christine's brother and ex-husband. Both have a knack for allowing space for Dreyfus's out sized overacting. The other characters are less successful. Emily Rutherfurd'a new Christine character is somewhat undefined and largely unlikeable. I would have thought the show would center around a counterpoint of new and old Christine, but new Chistine seldom interacts with Louis-Dreyfus at all, and often seems a dramatic after thought. Wanda Sykes plays old Chistine's friend and business associate. Her classic black sitcom stylings seem a little out of place in this white bread comedy. But she gets good lines and proves a likable--if not lovable-- curmudgeon. Its not Seinfeld, but its not bad either.
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Bring it Back
cockezville19 October 2020
Are you listening Netflix? This comedy was one of the funniest sitcoms and grossly underrated. The ensemble cast was all terrific, especially Matthew (Hamish Linklater) Barb (Wanda Sykes) and the writing was smart. In spite of the extreme narcissism of Christine( Julia Louis Dreyfus) you still like her. I laugh out loud each time I see I see Lindsey and Marley's (Tricia O'kelly and Alex Kapp) interactions with Christine. I could enjoy a spin-off with those two. I loved this show and with the talk of reboots, this one should get it. Would be great to see these characters 10 years later! This show should have lasted more than 5 seasons.
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Julia Louis Dreyfus seems to have found a good fit
KUAlum269 May 2006
Having watched a couple of episodes of NBC's experimental sitcom "Watching Ellie" and being unimpressed,I was intrigued by the ads for this new series from CBS. While it is unfair to EVER measure most TV comedies to "Seinfeld",any former member of that series is going to have that comparison thrust on them(to me,only Jerry Stiller' s turns on "The King of Queens" even come close to the kind of work done on "Seinfeld",and has been the most successful) no matter what. I think this might be the closest thing to respectable.

Dreyfus is Christine Campbell,a divorced mom of one,and is desperately in need of two things:trying to prove she can be a great mom to her skeptical and bright son and a dating life/relationship to match the relative ease that her seemingly weaselly ex has gotten back into love,having a girlfriend who happens to also be named Christine,hence the title:there's "New" Christine(the girlfriend) and "Old" Christine,the ex. Each episode is another attempt by Dreyfus's Christine to try to fit in to the rich Florida society that she lives in with her son and brother,a wise-cracking ostensible slacker named Matthew who is sort of her best friend. Along for the adventures is Barb(Wanda Sykes-Hall,hilarious,particularly in her stand-up),who you're not really sure if she likes Christine or is really tolerating her(or perhaps doing both).

So far,I'd say the show isn't great,and Dreyfus' Christine seems to be so desperate and pathetic that one loses sympathy for her plight almost as quickly as one gains it. But the writing seems crisp and it actually feels like we're getting to see all the manic elements of Dreyfus' Elaine Benes channeled into a different character,which is something they didn't even TRY to do in "Ellie"(they just pretty much tried to graft Elaine onto another show there!),and that feels just right. I can honestly say I've laughed at at least half the lines on the show and haven't been TOO distracted by some of the plot indulgences(for example,the sharp-tongued acquaintances who are always somehow around the rub in Old Christine's misery,particularly at her son's private school seem to be awfully familiar with her,though they just met her). I'll guess we'll just have to see how this plays out and if CBS wants to stay with it,but so far,I'm pleased,reasonably so.
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It's Good But It Has An Expiration Date
kyle-hannah25 July 2007
It's got an expiration date but it's still a good low brow comedy that has it's moments of greatness.

I'm a big fan of Julia Louis Dreyfus ever since Seinfeld she's become absolutely legendary and I was glad to see her return to the spotlight of TV sitcoms with The New Adventures Of Old Christine. I watched this after it first aired on CBS and i wasn't impressed but i wasn't disappointed this show while obviously will expire was a pretty nice little filler show between How I Met Your Mother and Two and a Half Men.

The shows humour generally comes from awkward situations and embarrassing moments much like American Pie without the crude humour. Christine sets up your suspense for something embarrassing and will have you covering your face due to the sheer irony of the humiliating situation. What i don't like is that nothing stands out as new or groundbreaking but maybe that's just my high expectations. None of the characters seem to jump out at you or develop too much throughout the show and the plot lines rarely continue or wrap up too quick and easy. This show will definitely not be all that successful i predict it will last for one maybe two more seasons depending on The Big Bang Theory and Rules Of Engagement Christine is almost the perfect filler show, it's not too spectacular or overly funny and it's not too stale and boring it's just a nice little show that keeps you giggling until Two and A Half Men comes on. The characters are funny but don't develop or change very much Christine and her brother are the only characters who catch you off guard and make you crack up but Richard, New Christine, and Ritchie, along with Barb are characters that really don't go anywhere and are only their to cause tension, or to spout off a few quick one liners or insults these characters are definitely just good because of the writing they don't contribute any great qualities and all could easily be replaced.

The show has problems , it's not going too far but enjoy it while it lasts because this is one of those shows that is charming and cute i.e The Winner, Still Standing but didn't really develop or change any of their characters and were finished in their forth season or like The Winner after five episodes. Overall it's a great filler show ad will provide some laughs but don't expect Seinfeld, Friends, or even Just Shoot Me status.
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Long overdue
k-f-griffin5 January 2012
I am an idiot! I, apparently like many viewers, did not give this show a chance during its first run. I recently discovered it in reruns at 11:30 p.m. and fell in love with the show. Have you seen any of the current sit-coms? None of them (at least with my minimal cable access) can even elicit a smile out of me, and I'm a fairly easy audience. "Christine" is so refreshing, and now it's gone! I can't find it on anywhere, but I couldn't let it go without giving it my applause in print. What this show had was a great comedic cast, and what made them great was their dialog AND delivery. Few entertainers have what I call good comedic timing. It's the difference between Johnny Carson and Jay Leno, and I don't think it can be taught. For the actors on "Christine," the comedy seemed to come naturally, and the timing was perfect. I'm sorry it took me so long to pay attention, and I'm so grateful for all the laughs. If I can buy these shows on DVD, I'll just have to re-re-re-re- run them all.
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Hang in there to really enjoy it
heidibokor6 February 2022
This is the type of show you just gotta watch all 5 seasons of because it gets better as it goes on. There are moments in this show that are not funny at all, and then there are moments that are laugh out loud funny. It's really all over the place until the very last episode. But the one thing that remains constant is that old Christine played by Julia Louis Dreyfus is so awkward, crazy, bonkers, and insane that it's super entertaining! She is super entertaining! Sometimes her character is so cringe worthy to watch it's just great and you can't take your eyes away! Lol. The first few seasons have some dull moments and the cinematography looks terrible (it's just because it's those years TV looked terrible). But after season 2 things look better and the storylines move forward. Wanda Sykes is the next best character in the show and she gets more screen time as the show goes on too. Anyway, hang in there and enjoy the moments that are very funny.
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What a shame it was cancelled
songbirdmc25 April 2018
I really enjoyed this show! The entire cast was great and played so well off each other. The last season did get a little odd as sitcoms often do when they run out of fresh ideas, but then it sort of bounced back. I'm assuming it was cancelled without warning due to the last episode not really tying any loose ends up. You would never know it was the final episode. In fact it seemed as if they were setting up the next season which sadly never happened. Damn these networks!
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A pretty good little show
lnoft9722 June 2015
Watching late night re-runs of a show I never watched, I was hoping I had stumbled across a hidden gem, but this was just a bit of disappointment. I think the cast is good, but the show is ......

OK, after re-watching for quite some time, I am changing my review and opinion a little from my original all out 'bashing' review. I do like the actors, I like some of the outre dialog, it's often a bit outrageous and cleverly written. It's certainly not a show for everyone, as Christine and her brother are promiscuous, ditzy, and borderline incestuous. Plus the brother's sick relationship with their mother. And I like Wanda Sikes a lot, but she is badly miscast in this show, I don't think IRL she would be such a friend and enabler to a mess like Julia Dreyfuss portrays. The show is often quite cringe-making. (that can be fun, depending on your tolerance for watching someone make an amazing spectacle of themselves.) And it seems if I'm up awake watching in the middle of the night, I am seeing the same handful of episodes over and over and over. Maybe it wasn't on that long, but come on!
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Hello!?! Does Julia know how bad these lines are?
msr4828 April 2006
What are these people thinking? The writing for this show is totally lame. I really like Julia Louis-Dreyfus and I cannot believe that she can even say the lines written for her part without regurgitation spewing from her lips. I have watched every episode and I have been giving the show the benefit of the doubt thinking that maybe it will get better. Nope. This show will never last with writing this bad. I felt this way from the first episode. Friends of mine say the same thing. America loves Julia Louis-Dreyfus. American television is filled with silly shows. Some of those those shows are funny because they are so silly. Look at "The Family Guy". That show is filled with jokes and lines that really have nothing to do with anything in the show. That works because the jokes are so far away from what is really happening. But with "Christine" the jokes are just insipid. We are not as dumb as the writers and producers of this show think.
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Hilarious and underrated
hnt_dnl1 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
As someone who is a huge Julia Louis-Dreyfus fan and think that Elaine Benes was not only the best character on Seinfeld, but one of the greatest in TV history, I must be one of the few people that actually loved her immediate follow up series THE NEW ADVENTURES OF OLD CHRISTINE. I thought this was one of the most sharp, clever, funny, re-watchable comedies that came out in the 2000s. There's no question that Julia was superb. She actually won an Emmy for this role too, in addition to Seinfeld and Veep, making her one of the few actors who have won the award for a starring role in 3 major series.

Julia plays "Old" Christine Campbell, a newly divorced mother who raises her son jointly with her ex-husband Richard (wonderfully played by AoS star Clark Gregg), who she is still on good terms with. She also gets emotional support as well as babysitting help from her younger brother (deftly played by Hamish Linklater). The show also has "New" Christine, Richard's girlfriend, well played by Emily Rutherford. and a couple of scene stealers in the "Mean Mom" characters Marley (Tricia O'Kelley) and Lindsay (Alex Kapp). Wanda Sykes was introduced in Season 2 as Christine's partner and eventual best friend Barb. When a show is so good it makes me actually thinks Wanda Sykes is funny, that's a keeper! LOL

Old Christine is a very "quiet" comedy. Unlike most shows, it doesn't settle for cheap jokes. The humor is very dry and mature. It's no Seinfeld, but personally, I find it a lot more watchable than Veep. The brilliant Louis-Dreyfus first proved with this series that SHE could be the centerpiece and anchor that carries a show. Seinfeld gave Louis-Dreyfus her start and she hasn't slowed down since.
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Funny and sexy a real winner for Julia Louis- Dreyfus
blanbrn11 December 2006
Again CBS has picked up another comedy winner, though I never watched Dreyfus from her stand-up or "Seinfield" days, I always knew she had great comedic talent and she proves this with her own series "The New Adventures of Old Christine". This series has Julia as a sexy divorced single mother whose near 40 and raising her son in crazy and competitive L.A. and she experiences the problems that any single mother would have, that's why so many divorced mothers relate to this show. And plenty of witty and funny lines make this show relative and understandable, the writing is just great. Along with this show's blend of romance and adventure we all are hoping that Christine finds the right man, and that should happen with her sexy and witty ways. This is a real winner the writing, acting, and relative feelings you just get from this show is so good and the sexy and funny Julia Louis-Dreyfus makes it so good and watchable at least for now.
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Who is the real beneficiary of "Seinfeld" curse?
criticman200031 May 2006
There's been a lot of yada yada yada about the "Seinfeld" curse, so-called, because none of the cast of that beloved show have found successful vehicles since it ended. There are reasons for this. The most obvious is that much of what they've produced has just been crap. Look at Jason Alexander. Aside from the wonderful "Duckman" cartoon, his two live action series, "Bob Patterson" and the recently canceled "Listen Up" (which was unwatchable, formula treacle), were both ratings duds. This is a guy who, on Broadway, was practically George M. Cohan! Same with Michael Richards (Kramer). His lone attempt at solo fame ("The Michael Richards Show") was mystifyingly terrible. It seems that all of the "Seinfeld" cast have made bad career moves since the show ended. At least, Julia Louis-Dreyfus has tried to be conscientious. She's been in some duds, sure, but her previous attempt, "Watching Ellie", was a good show, that just needed a little retooling. The cast was sharp, it was well-written and she was bubbly and easy to watch. The major problem it had, was that it felt like some of the later Laurel and Hardy movies, the plotting was a little trite. I understand she had a lot invested in that program, her husband wrote it, they both produced it. So when the nincompoops at NBC decided they weren't going to give it a fair shot, it must have been a bitter pill to swallow. She's been on hiatus for a few years; I suppose, just to let the smoke clear. Now, she's back with "The New Adventures Of Old Christine", and believe me, this one is complete junk. For starters, she looks terrible; wan and sickly, with circles under her eyes and primarily, she plays a punching bag. If Elaine Benis was rife with insecurities, Christine's insecurities are eating her alive. Here's the premise: her husband (a lackluster milquetoast of a man) and her were having marital difficulties, so they went to a therapist, who, we find out, episodes in, is a nasty incompetent who was having sex with the guy. Like everything on this program, the shrink is a broadly drawn cartoon. If this woman were your marriage counselor, you'd be looking for a new one mid-way through your first 45 minutes. But, okay. So, when the series begins, Christine's spouse has already walked out on her, for a younger, NICER woman, who is also named Christine; hence, NEW Christine. Brutal. She's moved into a not so great apartment, has trouble making ends meet, nobody likes her... . I mean, how do the producers think that anybody who's EVER lived through a divorce (what- 75% of the USA now?)could find humor in this? Mostly, Old Christine doesn't even have suitable responses to the group of sharks around her. The supporting cast either doesn't care, doesn't have any use for her or they simply want her gone. None of this is even mildly amusing, let alone witty but worst of all, there's simply nobody to root for. Hamish Linklater, as her odd, clueless, immature brother, is the closest thing here to funny, but his part is written in such a peculiar way, that I wouldn't be surprised if, in a future episode, we all find out he's a serial killer. Her ex-husband is a shadow, her young son is one of these kids who was hired on cute quotient, not ability. The 3 rich, snobby mothers at her son's school are beyond contempt, but compared to Dreyfus' mewling, neurotic, battered, apologetic Christine, I almost feel sorry for them; at least they can stand on their own two feet. This is a show about how a decent woman who's made some mistakes, gets smacked down by life at every conceivable turn. It's painful to watch and it needs to go. As for that "Seinfeld" curse, I'm beginning to think it's on us.
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Great show! Julia Shines as Christine!!
laura-berko6 January 2011
This was one of the BEST comedies on TV. Julia Louise Dreyfus is adorable and incredibly funny as Christine, and amazing at what she does(comedy). I think played the character great. The show made me laugh out loud every episode, had a lovable cast, and was just good. How can they cancel it after 5 seasons, especially without a real finale (does anyone remember how they did that with Las Vegas). It's upsetting to viewers to get attacthed to a show and characters for sex years then it end all of the sudden like that. This show was way better than a lot of the stuff they have on now that isn't really funny at all and all try too hard to be funny.I am really, really disappointed with the Network and I hope they bring it back, I love watching Julie Louise-Dreyfus act, she's fantastic!! (the rest of the cast was good too, they all worked very well together, but without Julia it wouldn't have been half as good.)They need to bring this back! I honestly didn't even know about this show until now, so I guess the marketing was bad, but I just spent a couple weeks catching up on all seasons and am now really sad to learn it's cancelled.
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This show is getting better
j_eagles14 June 2006
I was completely irritated by this show at first, but now it's gotten better. I was getting depressed about evening television. I thought i was stuck watching reruns of will and grace, Frasier, and friends for all time. but i hate giving up. this show made me laugh. i agree with other reviewers, she is a pathetic character on the show, but the writers are getting better. I say if you want to try an episode, try the one where she goes to the grocery show to pick up a one-night stand. There are definitely similarities to the ridiculous situations found on Seinfeld, and how these situations might look to outsiders. I also can recommend staying far away from the HBO show "curb your enthusiasm." now, that show is terrible. trying to trick people into believing that grainy film quality means "it's a reality show." come on. how contrived is that.
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The Seinfeld Curse is Broken
phillipsa917 December 2006
The New Adventures of Old Christine may have too long of a title and may have the format of a stereotypical sitcom but it is pure genius. This show is one of very few in recent history that has made me laugh out loud. Christine is pathetic, but not in a Ross Gellar sort of way, she is as pathetic as all of us feel at times, she really just can't catch a break. What makes this show so great is that it is all very down to earth and you can honestly relate to the characters. There have been so many recent shows that have tried to get by on gimmicks and showmanship and ignored the idea of comedy. Most of the Characters aren't any funnier than regualr people, in the New Advetures of Old Christine it is the Situation that is the comedy, isn't that what a sitcom should be? If you aren't watching, you should be.
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Different Opinion - Love It!
big_ojos2712 February 2008
I have to say this is my favorite show. I don't like a lot of TV shows out there - the writing of most shows is awkward and contrived. However, I tune in every week for this show and ONLY this show. Julia's character is a riot, and I think Julia is perfect in this role. Even my husband watches this show with me, and if he laughs out loud, then I think it's pretty darn good. Christine's day to day complexes, obsessions, and awkward interactions make me smile and laugh because they're so similar to what I, as a woman, often feel. Of course, the show magnifies these complexes, but that's what makes it so ridiculous and funny. Definitely worth your time.
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The Curse Is Still Upon Her
abaddon7308731 January 2008
This show is without a doubt the worst and driest sitcom I've seen in years. Of the episodes I've waited through to actually watch something good, I only laughed or snickered like once or twice of which none of them were from Christine. The only time I laugh is when Matt is making fun of his ridiculous sister or someone else is saying how lame she truly is.

And to make matters worse, with Christine's new season hysterical shows like Rules of Engagement and Big Bang Theory are on the chopping block to bring her back.

So to make a long story short, Christine is just plain pathetic. I'd give her no stars if I could but I guess one will have to do.
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Very Underrated
jpugly1319 March 2008
This show is so good and the fact that most people will never know that really brings me down. The thing about this show is that you must watch several shows to get the jokes. Most of the jokes are relative to past shows and really are only funny when you know the characters. I look forward to watching this show any time i can. I have taken the time to tell people about the show and anyone who has taken the advice to watch four shows has turned into a huge fan. I just ask that before this show is pulled off the air that some of us ban together and really give this show a shot.

If that does not get you then maybe just try watching it again. I believe that show has realized that the idea of really good smart comedy is overlooked. So they have put a lot more just in your face comedy. Some of the moments in this show are so funny that have laughed until i hurt.

Go out and try something new.
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If only Old Christine weren't in it...
eschetic21 March 2007
I only wish someone could explain to me why anyone saw fit to build a decently written situation comedy around as loathsome (on virtually every level) a character as "Old Christine" (Julia Louis Drufus - OK, the writers - pushing her "edgily oblivious" persona from the old Seinfeld show to new levels of self centered repulsiveness).

A genuinely first rate supporting cast has been assembled around her from the always charming Clark Gregg as her long suffering ex husband, Richard Campbell, to Hamish Linklater as her refreshingly laid-back brother/nanny Matthew and even the fresh faced Trevor Gagnon as her (thus far dramatically unchallenged) son Ritchie Campbell (destined for a lifetime of therapy with this horror of a "mother"). IMDb doesn't see fit to list . . . , Christine's best friend and business partner - and the only actual life-like woman in the show - among the lead characters and more's the pity. She almost saves it from being an unalloyed half hour exercise in unfunny misogyny and the only nearly unwatchable entrant in an otherwise first rate Monday night comedy lineup on CBS.

The old Seinfeld crew slowly piled up the dysfunctional quirks for most of the run of the show so that we got to LIKE the characters before their "quirks" became psychopathic. The final episode somewhat ridiculously relegated them to a jail cell which few fans could honestly lament, but we stayed to the end because of that deep well of affection and identification we had built up before they went off the deep end (well, the *supporting* Kramer was always pretty much there, but we were only given him in relatively small doses).

"Christine" has been something like a female Kramer, embodying the worst nightmares of any acquaintance we've ever had from the very first episode. Whatever masochism allows "fans" to laugh at her in the same "at least my friends and I are not THAT bad" - or worse, though it's difficult to believe - "see, I'm *normal*" mode many looked at Archie Bunker with through the years of ALL IN THE FAMILY escapes me.

As a life long (if liberal) Republican, I suppose "red state" right wingers want to believe Christine is what moderates and liberals are *really* like (in their Rush Limbaugh/Pat Buchanan dreams). To that extent, the show isn't just unfunny, it's actively offensive - but then, no one ever said conservatives could be funny. To the extent this ...CHRISTINE remains on the CBS schedule, it may be the first commercially successful right wing attempt at "satire." More's the pity.
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Julia is great in this show!
buddyrichfield29 January 2007
I think this show is great. It has the comic feel of old shows that developed likable characters instead of six people with much the same personality or a show based on one-liners. The people on this show seem like real people, instead of overblown cardboard cut-outs that are just playing verbal volleyball. I may be in the minority, but I like shows where you can relate to, rather than people with such extreme personalities that that they don't seem real. I've laughed out loud at this show, and it's been a while since a recent show did that for me. I hope it sticks around. Julia is talented, has great comic timing, and comes across as a likable person that you like spending a half hour with each week.
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Such an amazing show!!
chester1297 July 2019
I did not see this show when it originally ran on tv. I watched it in syndication. I should start by saying, I did not EVER watch Seinfeld. So I did not know Julia from that show. This show is one of my favorite shows of all time. It has everything... great cast! Besides Julia who is so funny, it has Clark Gregg (who I know from the Avengers)...he is hilarious. Hamish Linklater is the greatest brother of all time...as Matthew he truly steals every scene that he is in. And Wanda Sykes, my favorite comedian of all time. I originally watched this show because of her. She is (in my opinion) the best part of this show....incredible!! Oh and those awful moms on the show...not my favorites, but they serve a purpose. I should just mention the boy Ritchie....he is usually just an afterthought. Emily Rutherfurd as New Christine is perfection...sweet and innocent, until she isn't!! This show has everything. I just bought every digital season, so I can watch this show at the click of a finger, and I watch it over and over. It is a great show!
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Take it from me...this show is HILARIOUS
shawnw0076 April 2021
Let me preface by admitting that I am not a fan of sitcoms (most of them just aren't funny). However, I found myself binge-watching this series night and day, which is odd because I had never actually heard of this show during its initial run. Fortunately, to the powers that be, I came across this wonderful little gem on HBO Max and it's been an incredible ride ever since!

Julia Louis-Dreyfus plays the titular character to perfection. She exudes an awesome mix of beauty and humor, yet neither characteristic comes off as superficial while she's on screen. "Christine" is certifiably a hot mess, but her good intentions and frequent self-deprecating behavior make her entirely loveable. In a nutshell, many of us working moms can relate to this woman. She tries, she fails, and she tries again. Of course, there's always a lingering curiosity as to what craziness Christine will encounter next, and the writers certainly never fail to disappoint!

Admittedly, one of the greatest components of the show is the palpable and very credible friendship presented between Wanda Sykes and JLD. I found myself wishing that a spinoff could've been formulated with just Barb and Christine. The chemistry between the two actors is extremely natural, and both women carry personalities that complement each other easily. When Christine's histrionics begin to manifest, we can already tell what Barb is thinking just by mere facial expression. Furthermore, the show casually incorporates interracial dating, homosexuality, sex, pregnancy and a number of progressive concepts without the need to ever acknowledge them as social "taboos". In other words, the writers have developed a series that appeals to all audiences without the need for heavy scrutiny or political correctness.

What surprises me the most is that this show only existed for 5 seasons. The final storyline ((SPOILER ALERT)), which introduces Christine's interest in returning to college, could've supplied a treasury of humorous storylines. I suspect that either the actors all simultaneously decided to call it quits, or the network prematurely pulled the plug when they should've left well-enough alone (I'm going with the latter). Either way, "New Christine" has become a family favorite and is easily one of the most underrated sitcoms I've ever encountered.
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Not everyone can be funny - even with canned laughter.
yatahai29 May 2006
It would be nice if a comedy show were actually scheduled in this time slot! This show is pathetic and far from funny. You spend more time being embarrassed for the heroine than on any other emotion (well - maybe irritation). If all else fails, just thru in a "big boob" joke? If this was supposed to appeal to the 17 - 20 age group, it may be doing fine. Many have been divorced and found the way, this shows writers and lead have no clue -funny or otherwise. On the plus side, the little boy is cute and the uncle IS funny. The ex-husband and new girlfriend are played by well known master comics, able to carry the show on their own,
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