352 Reviews
Just Like Heaven is a cute romantic comedy with some minor flaws, but you quickly get past them
Smells_Like_Cheese22 February 2006
For a romantic comedy, I felt that this was one of the better one's. Reese and Mark are so adorable in this movie together and all you do is root for their characters for fall in love with each other because it's such a sweet story. I did have one problem that I felt was a plot hole, if Reese's character didn't remember who she was, how did she remember that she spilled cough syrup on her pillow? When you watch the film you'll understand. But besides that plot hole, I did enjoy watching the awesome chemistry between Reese and Mark. They are two great actors who make fun comedies. I would highly recommend this fun little love story, it takes me back into the unchained melody days. :D Seriously, folks, enjoy!

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Earthly and heavenly love collide, bringing hope to two lonely people.
jsaunders00330 November 2006
In a day of love = sex, along comes supernatural love at its finest. Just Like Heaven features Reese Witherspoon as Elizabeth, a well known but lonely doctor comatose from an accident. Mark Ruffalo is David, the widower renting the apartment Elizabeth lived in and now haunts.

Both are in different places in their love lives, David who is suffering from the loss of his wife to a stroke, Elizabeth suffering from the lack of love in her life. They are forced into a heavenly-type relationship where love prevails through daily interaction between the two. At first, this 'person that will not go away' drives David mad but it doesn't take long to see the power of love in each of their actions.

Elizabeth, who is there every time David turns around, shows her jealousy when a flirty apartment neighbor invites herself in to visit David. David tracks down the identity of his mysterious house-guest, which leads him to being chased by a knife and breaking into Elizabeth's hospital room to steal her body.

This supernatural love also affects the people closest to David and Elizabeth. Abby, Elizabeth's sister, decides to give Elizabeth her last wish to show her love for her sister and Jack, David's friend, agrees to break into the hospital with David to help him save Elizabeth, both attempting to do things not normal for them.

Just as Sam and Molly's supernatural love caused them to do unlikely things for each other in Ghost (1990), David does many unimaginable things to try to save Elizabeth's life and find love again. In the end, the never physical love takes shape as David allows his feelings to be expressed in his actions.

Photography is used wonderfully in the movie as shots of the San Francisco skyline and the Golden Gate Bridge are highlighted throughout the film, giving you a sense of looking down from heaven on the growing love between David and Elizabeth, through the earthly and spiritual realm.

This far-fetched romantic comedy shows the power of love in its most ideal form.
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Fine rom-com
SnoopyStyle30 August 2014
Elizabeth Masterson (Reese Witherspoon) is a hard charging San Francisco ER doctor. She is all about her job and she just got a promotion. Her sister sets her up on a date but a truck crashes into her. Landscape architect David Abbott (Mark Ruffalo) is a heart broken widower and moves into Elizabeth's old apartment. It turns out that her spirit is haunting the place and doesn't really know it. His best friend Jack (Donal Logue) doesn't believe him. Darryl (Jon Heder) runs the occult bookstore.

Witherspoon and Ruffalo are a great rom-com duo. They are charmingly combative which is great for passion. This is a light comedy with a romantic heart. Jon Heder is a fine wacky side character. It is funny and likable. It's a fine take on the rom-com formula.
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nice comedy
m_viknaraja11 January 2006
this is a nice, light-hearted fun comedy. it is slightly different to other comedies, in that the story is original. the concept is a bit weird, but interesting and different.

reese witherspoon is very good in the film. she portrays a niceness and has a touching sensitivity which comes across nicely. there is a nice chemistry between the male and female lead characters. it is believable and interestingly fun.

the apartment where some of the conversations between the two main characters takes place, is very suitable. there is a nice view out of the window and the sofas and arrangements of furniture, give a cosy and warm feel.

i very much liked the ending of the film. A bit like a fairytale where the end fits the puzzle.

the film improves as you watch it, and i appreciated it more, once the film was over.
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A charming and sweet supernatural rom-com with two likable leads.
blacklist-124 April 2010
A rom-com with a twist of the supernatural, which makes the story original. This movie plays wonderfully with the audience's expectations at whether Reese Witherspoon's character Elizabeth is real as her and David (played by Mark Ruffalo) try and figure out why he can only see her etc. There are a couple of good twists later on as they piece things together. Though on meeting they resent each other, they soon start to bond and the resentment turns into romance. The transition between dislike and love is handled extremely well at just the right pace making it believable. The script is surprisingly witty making it smart and the acting between Ruffalo and Witherspoon is really good with a lovely chemistry between them. They are so likable particularly Witherspoon at the start, that you care deeply about them and just root for them to be together.

This isn't really funny though I laughed a few times. It's more the comedy that makes you smile as it's charming. There are also some touching scenes as well that tug at the heartstrings but not in a way that's too sentimental like slush. In the end this was a lovely rom-com and even though this came out in 2005, after the recent ones I've seen at the cinema like The Bounty Hunter, The Proposal and The Ugly Truth (which were awful with leads that act sexist and immature and who you can't root for making it unlovable and not funny). Just Like Heaven joins my list of others like Date Night, (500) Days of Summer and arguably the best ever rom-com Love Actually in the likable category. Enjoyable entertainment for it's length that puts a smile on your face. If you haven't seen this yet and want a good rom-com. I would recommend Just Like Heaven because I felt like I was on it with feeling happiness as I watched it. Just lovely.
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Wonderfully acted comedy; sensitive, silly and sweet
paulala3438 September 2005
Just saw a preview of this film last night, and I have to say, I can't wait to see it again. Usually, I'm not a huge fan of "otherwordly" type films, but this one is original and fun. Mark Ruffalo and Reese Witherspoon have great chemistry, and the script is smart. He's a depressed landscape architect trying to get his life back together; she's a disgruntled spirit, wondering what ever happened to hers. After their initial frustrations (she hates how he doesn't use coasters or pick up trash in HER apartment, he hates how she appears without notice in what he now considers HIS apartment) they try to piece together the course of events that have left her in this state of limbo. What I loved about this film is David and Elizabeth's progression from animosity to genuine affection, as they alternately pester then rely on one another. He becomes dedicated to trying to help her, despite appearing insane to everyone in San Francisco, except for a wonderfully quirky psychic bookstore clerk played by Jon Heder (aka Napoleon Dynamite.) Not since Patrick Swayze quarreled with a Whoopi Goldberg in "Ghost" have I been so amused by a spirit haunting a mere mortal. This is a great chick flick, but would work out nice for a date, too. Just have a tissue handy!
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jotix10025 October 2006
Warning: Spoilers
No sooner has David Abbott moved into his sublet apartment in San Francisco when he begins seeing a ghost. He is not scared because he likes what he sees: a beautiful young woman who wants to get his attention in helping her. Since the apartment is a rare find, David decides to stay. Elizabeth, the young woman who comes in and out of his life, seems to be suffering from a case of amnesia because she doesn't seem to remember much of what happened to her.

Elizabeth true identity surfaces casually one day when David enters a fancy restaurant. A man who is having dinner collapses on the floor and Elizabeth guides him to do the appropriate procedure that saves the man's life. It's clear that Elizabeth had been a doctor in a nearby hospital. What David discovers is another Elizabeth in a coma, attached to a respirator. The ambitious Dr. Rushton, who is seen bragging about his new car on the phone has done well when he inherited Elizabeth position.

David falls in love with the ghost who suddenly becomes real and who he plans to help by kidnapping her from a sure death because Elizabeth didn't believe in being kept alive on a respirator.

Mark Waters, a director who seems to deliver good entertaining films, shows, once again, he is a man who clearly knows what to do to make us like his movies. Working with the screen play by Peter Tolan and Leslie Dixon, he creates a romantic film, even if it keeps reminding the viewer of other films with the same premise.

Reese Witherspoon proves once again why she is one of the sunnier stars working in movies these days. She has such an easy time projecting positive vibes into her Elizabeth, that any movie that capitalizes on her presence is a winning one. Mark Ruffalo, another excellent actor, makes the most with his David Abbott. The others in the cast do a great job supporting the stars and include the wonderful Ben Shenkman, Donald Logue and Dina Spybey, among others.

"Just Like Heaven" is a light entertainment enhanced by Reese Witherspoon and expertly directed by Mark Waters.
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This couple does romantic really well
aharmas10 September 2005
It has been a good season for romantic comedies. Earlier on Diane Lane and John Cusack proved that comedies didn't have to be stupid, as it was properly demonstrated in a recent sex comedy. Stick to the conventions, find people with good chemistry and good looks, and you might strike gold. Witherspoon has shown incredible amounts of charm in previous outings, and this time she is on fire. The amazing surprise is Mr. Ruffalo, as her smitten "friend". He is a pleasure to watch, matching Witherspoon scene by scene and stealing a few on his own. He has fantastic comedic timing and knows how to charm his audience.

The film itself will not break any grounds, instead it pays tribute to a few classics in the past. What it doesn't do is draw too much attention to itself by being too clever, dry, or indulge in the use of four-letter words gratuitous. It recalls comedies of the past, when characters were developed and actors work their magic on the screen.

There are a couple of interesting twists along the way, and some of the romantic scenes are lovingly shot and directed. The supporting cast is very effective, making the experience light and yet very fulfilling. A+
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not original but good
MLDinTN19 October 2006
This is another romantic comedy in which one of the leads is a ghost. It's been done several times before, but this version was still entertaining. The 2 lead actors, Reese and Mark, worked good together. Reese plays, Elizabeth, a work-a-holic doctor who is involved in a car accident. Next we meet, David, who is looking for an apartment and rents Lizzy's. Next thing he knows, he sees Lizzy telling him it's her apartment and to get out. Only problem, she's walking through objects and is a ghost. Only David can see her. He helps her discover who she was and what happened. They discover she's at the hospital in a coma and not dead. It's up to the 2 to figure out how to get her spirit back into her body before the plug is pulled.

I thought it was cute and it did have some funny moments. Most of them being David seemingly talking to himself as witnessed by others since they can't see Lizzy. It ends how all romantic comedies ends.

FINAL VERDICT: Fun, entertaining. I recommend it.
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Best romantic comedy in a long time
jenniferhb1062 January 2006
Its been a long while since i've enjoyed a romantic comedy so much - possibly the last romantic comedy I enjoyed as much was Two Weeks Notice in 2002. The cast is fantastic - Mark Ruffalo and Reese Witherspoon make for great on screen chemistry and the script is sharp yet it is not all out and out comedy, it has subtle moments and enough tender moments to make it gel and become believable. Even the men in the group enjoyed the film, they were laughing and sighing along with us girls, which is quite impressive as usually they regard romantic films as girly trash to be avoided like the plague. While we didn't set out to see this film, we actually wanted to watch King Kong but tickets had sold out, it is well worth watching and I can't wait to see it again on DVD!
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I was entertained
jlwalker19-125 September 2005
Why is a movie starring the wonderful Reese Witherspoon labeled a chick flick? Seems to me any male would want to see it. The viewer cannot help but love her character in this movie. Motherhood and marriage must agree with her, as she has never looked better.

Of course the storyline is quite fantastic and not very realistic. But who cares? I get up in the morning to face reality every day. I don't need to see too much of it at the movies.

Mark Rufalo did a fine job of acting, but to me it was Reese's movie all the way. I wonder why our movie critics and voters for Oscars and such don't give much weight to comedic actors and actresses? It takes just as much talent, and actually there are in my estimation less who really pull off comedic roles well. Reese Witherspoon has done it many times, and doesn't disappoint here. Most modern so-called comedies to me are simply not funny. However, this movie did make me laugh. The guy who works in the psychic bookstore was hilarious.

But this movie isn't all about comedy. It does touch at the heartstrings of any member of the human race who feels left out, feels like they are missing it. Usually a movie has one person who the viewer can really relate to. In this case, both leads played people who I could relate to.

If constant special effects, extreme violence, streams of foul language, or total realism are for you, then perhaps you should skip this movie. For the rest of us who can enjoy a romantic comedy, I can't imagine not being entertained by this movie. I left it feeling great.
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Good movie; misleading trailer
harry_tk_yung24 November 2005
Warning: Spoilers
The trailer would want to have you believe that this is another "Ghost", or "All of me" or "Heavens can wait". Surprise! It's none of the above. If you really want to make up one of those tediously unimaginative summary lines of "what meet what", call it "Sleeping Beauty meets The Constant Gardener" and that would be the closest you can get.

Strip the plot to the bare bones, it's one of the most told tales, of a workaholic young woman's discover of romance and love. Another surprise! But there is some originality in the plot, although I'm not quite prepared to swear that it has not been done before. A spirit in limbo trying to save her body in a coma provides interesting material. Some critics however make too much out of the issue of a patient's right to life, forgetting that it's only a necessary part of the plot and not intended to turn this light romance comedy into heavy social drama. The little twist in the end - that the person she falls in love with is the person whom someone originally wanted her to meet - is directly from the hugely successful Korean "My Sassy Girl".

The important thing about this genre is not really WHAT it is (provided that the plot is not too far-fetched) but HOW it is done. In general, the pace of this 90+ minute movie is fine, maybe dragging just a tad in the middle after the initial momentum has worn off – but not a big flaw. Some of the scenes are beautifully done, particularly the rooftop scenes with the ethereal light. On acting, the inimitable John Heder from "Napoleon Dynamics" is a delight to watch. Underrated Ruffalo has turned in good performances before, in varied roles such as the flamboyant detective in "In the cut" and an everyday IT man in "Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind". Here, he employs a certain degree of minimalism to portray a heart-broken young widower. The star of "Just like heaven" is, of course, Reese Witherspoon. The more you watch her, the more you become aware of some of the shortcoming of Meg Ryan (such as being over-sappy at times) and Julia Roberts (such as the one-expression-suits-all approach).

Despite the misleading trailer, "Just like heaven" is not a remake of any of the ghost-linked romance comedies you've seen before, but has a character of its own – a joy to watch.
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It's not too bad
bbewnylorac27 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
People who hate rom coms will loathe this one. It not only has a starry eyed young couple dancing round each other until - well, you know what happens in the end - but it has that extra supernatural element. Yes, our heroine Elizabeth (Reese Witherspoon) is in a coma after knocking her head on the way to a date with our hero David (Mark Ruffalo). The twist is that her spirit, in the form of an imaginary friend that only he can see, appears to Ruffalo, when he rents her former apartment. He comes to understand that her physical self, unconscious in the hospital, isn't brain dead, and he tries to stop her family turning her life support machine off, but he can't explain to them why. Ruffalo and Witherspoon are both appealing, intelligent actors and it's hard to say whether they're treating it all as a laugh. Ruffalo just plays his usual adorable self. The young, perky Witherspoon has about three expressions - doe eyed, frowning and happy. But they do have good chemistry as a couple, and the final scenes in the hospital are funny. The very underrated comedian Jon Heder (Napoleon Dynamite, Blades of Glory) puts in a hilarious cameo as a stoned, unhinged clairvoyant in a shop who the couple consult.
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Saccharin overload! Remarkably naff & implausible
dj-burton27 January 2007
As one who is quite fond of romantic comedies (providing they are done well) there were several problems I had with this film. The main one is how implausible it was, and the second was how predictable the ending and all the bits in between were. Rees Witherspoon is a brilliant actress, and does the best she can with a poor script and a plot that lacks credibility. Jon Heder puts in a good performance as the surfer dude psychic, which was quite funny at times. The San Francisco setting was pretty impressive with some great views over the bay & city, but sadly this work was more remarkable for how naff it was. I came away feeling the effects of a saccharine overdose, topped by "The Holiday" which is out at present. Sorry folks, this is just a bit rubbish.
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Wow, even better the 2nd time
MickyG33326 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
"Just Like Heaven" was under-appreciated the first time I saw it 15 years ago. Only now do I recognize the impact these two power house actors have imprinted on Hollywood. Had this movie been made just a few years later, the budget could not afford them both.

Witherspoon's and Ruffalo's charm shimmers, and they have an immediate best friend vibe. Their magnetism undeniable and the more time they spend together, the more fun we have taking part in this romantic journey with them. But, when he suddenly professes his love for her, we as an audience are dazed, and ill-prepared, and it's too much to comprehend. It's okay, because there is a reason for this premature act on his part, which we eventually learn as the movie progresses.

I've fallen in love with Reese Witherspoon many times, and this is no exception. She gives us one of her most subdued on-screen personalities, but she pairs it well with Ruffalo's character, who shares her out-of-sorts position in life. The theme is derived from this sentiment, because they were supposed to meet; but due to a freak accident which threatened to sabotage destiny, they did not. As the story unfolds, fate was not lost, but only diverted for a time.

Put simply, this is about how fate and soulmates intersect. This movie shows how fate may NOT ONLY extend beyond the grave, it exhibits power over death itself. It's an almost tragic love story where one must find himself, and she must see herself through his eyes in order to live.

Are you prepared to challenge your pre-conceptions?

This movie is placed partly in the comedy genre, however it seems more romance, save one hysterical scene shared with Donal Logue, who briefly ignites a string of intensely humorous events, and the chemistry he and Ruffalo share is undeniable.

If you enjoy fairy tale adjacent romances, you must see this. I'd recommend "13 going on 30", "Begin Again", or "Thanks for Sharing", for Ruffalo fans, and "Four Christmases", "Water for Elephants", or "Sweet Home Alabama" for Witherspoon fans.

I've seen some better romantic/comedy/drama/fantasy movies, and so I'd give this 7 stars, only because of Ruffalo and Witherspoon. Each of them adds a full star to this otherwise so-so movie.
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This is a great movie
shiguangmimi20 April 2020
I did wonder if this would be a poor rip-off of Ghost, but actually it turned out to be a lot different with a witty script.. I found the idea of Elizabeth's ghost appearing even though she was only in a coma an interesting idea that I hadn't encountered before. I wish the film could have been longer than just an hour-and-a-half!
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Worth Seeing
kristin_pettit16 September 2005
I rated this movie a nine because I feel that it has really accomplished what movies like this should accomplish. It IS a chic flick, and it is not going to be nominated for any academy awards, but it is has a very solid story with a great cast and great chemistry. Unbelievable as it may be, the story is one that should be told, and was told well.

This is a movie that everyone can enjoy from beginning to end. It is entertaining, genuine, and original, bringing a fresh and worthwhile love story to life in a way that many others have tried and failed.

I would compare this movie more to films like 50 First Dates and A Walk to Remember than I would others such as Maid in Manhattan or Wedding Date...
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Decent and sweet RomCom
burgerman9321 March 2022
The first third of the movie was slow, but I ended up enjoying the story and ending. Ruffalo and Witherspoon had terrific chemistry and it was easy to root for either character.

The movie was a bit sappy at parts and most of the supporting cast was lackluster. I still have to give praise to the emotional appeal and brief comedic moments.
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better than I thought
albell100611 September 2005
When I went to see this movie, I went in with high hopes and I was not disappointed. I enjoy Reese as an actor, and am becoming a fan of Mark Ruffalo's. Reese, as always, was the perfect main character that you just fell in love with from the very beginning and I really like Mark's ability to be a very physical actor, which Just Like Heaven took wonderful advantage of. The movie's storyline is good, it does have a couple of somewhat predictable turns, but what movie doesn't? The acting is very well done, I haven't laughed that much in a very long time and Reese and Mark have great chemistry on-screen. If you are looking for a really good chick flick to make you laugh, cry, and feel every motion in between, this is a great movie for you.
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A very sweet, completely preposterous fairy tale
PaulusLoZebra4 December 2022
Just Like Heaven works because the two stars, Reese Witherspoon and Mark Ruffalo, have great chemistry and are great actors. But even more importantly, it works because they play it straight. There is nothing tongue-in-cheek, no sly winking at the camera, no pulling if punches, no subtle messages to the audience that they know what we know, namely that the story is preposterous and the film awful. It's a very, very sweet fairly tale and the two leads are genuine in every scene. While it's billed as a romantic comedy, there are only a few comic scenes. Instead, it should be called a romantic fantasy. So when you sit down for this one, leave your cynicism at the door and go along for the ride.
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Two seconds made this movie
pinbyte4 March 2006
First let me say that the phrase 'romantic comedy' always makes me cringe and not want to watch that particular 'chick flick'. Even worse is that there is a character that nobody else can see. But, other IMDb reviewers helped me give this a try.

This movie was not bad, and was entertaining. A good solid piece of fluff. Nothing to write home about, or even to IMDb, but I am doing it anyway since I just watched it. Thankfully, the jokes weren't about how stupid the person that 'was the only person who could see the ghost' looked to those who didn't. (If it were, I would be unqualified to write a review, because I would have not viewed it in its entirety.) It's funny how like many men, the romantic comedy idea is a put-off for me, but yet I still find I enjoy many of them anyway. Put this film in that category. Watch it with your wife/girlfriend/family/kids/in-laws, I think most people will enjoy it despite its flaws.

I don't want to give this mediocre film too much reverence, but the last two seconds put the icing on the cake for me.
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Just Like Heaven Really is Just That ****
edwagreen15 October 2006
Warning: Spoilers
An excellent comedy starring Reese Witherspoon as a devoted physician who spends all her time at a hospital taking care of patients. The problem is that she is left in a coma following an automobile accident.

The fun begins when Mark Ruffalo, a young widower, takes her apartment and sees her ghost. The film deals with how the two fall in love while Ruffalo is the only one who can see Witherspoon.

The plot thickens when a doctor at the hospital wants to get her off life support system and Ruffalo must try to save her from that awful fate awaiting her. This becomes hilarious.

This is a film dealing with second chance and it's time to smell the roses as well.

Wonderfully acted by Miss Witherspoon and Ruffalo, who have excellent chemistry on the screen.
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Heart warming Reese Witherspoon flick
davispittman21 June 2016
Just like heaven is a very entertaining Reese Witherspoon and Mark Ruffalo comedy. I really enjoyed this movie I've always enjoyed the whole Ghost out of body spiritual kind of film. The chemistry between Mark and Reese is really what made this movie click. They had a great romantic chemistry and also had great witty dialogue to throw at each other. That's another thing the writing was very well done and entertaining. One thing that I didn't particularly enjoy was where the scene where the slut next-door disrobes. I think we could've done without her character, I mean I know it was for comedy but I just didn't think it worked. Mark Ruffalo really showcased his talent. Also the movie was very sweet and warm hearted, it was just one of those cute Saturday afternoon chick flicks that makes you feel good. So basically in a nut shell, if you're looking for an Academy Award, then this is not the one for you, but if you are looking for a sweet lighthearted funny and romantic entertaining movie then this is the one for you. The ending was very good too, I thought it was well done and cute. Now there were some moments that were just a little drab, but luckily they didn't go on too long, and the comedy didn't always work but most times it did. 7/10 for just like heaven.
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Good Film
Michael_Elliott28 February 2008
Just Like Heaven (2005)

*** (out of 4)

When a man (Mark Ruffalo) rents a new apartment he soon learns the soul of the woman (Reese Witherspoon) who lived their earlier is haunting him. It turns out she's really in a coma and needs his help in getting her soul back in her body. Here's a romantic comedy that actually manages to be sweet, smart, funny and at times very touching, which isn't an easy thing to do especially considering how many bad films are in this genre. Witherspoon's charm certainly steals the show but Ruffalo is also very good in his role. The best aspect of this film is that it manages to be very touching in its more serious moments but at times it becomes a tad bit too depressing.
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Decent comedy, saccharine romance
marissas7527 January 2006
I saw "Just Like Heaven" for free on an airplane, and it mainly reminded me why I don't usually pay money for this sort of thing. It's a contemporary romantic comedy, one of those movies where the characters live in gorgeous, unaffordable apartments, and the soundtrack consists of snippets of old pop hits whose lyrics have some vague connection to the plot (this movie uses "Lust For Life" at least twice, as befits a story about a ghost).

Reese Witherspoon plays Elizabeth, an uptight, workaholic doctor--she thinks nicknames are childish, and stays at the hospital for up to 26 hours straight. Driving home after one of these long stints, Elizabeth gets hit by a truck. Then, her spirit starts appearing to David (Mark Ruffalo), a depressed widower who is renting her old apartment.

The first half of the movie is fairly amusing, with some good jokes. David and Elizabeth bicker constantly--at first Elizabeth doesn't believe she's dead, and she almost manages to convince David he's going crazy. Then she realizes she needs David's help in order to figure out what happened to her (she remembers almost nothing from her former life), but her rather prickly personality doesn't make things easy for him. Jon Heder contributes to the humor, as a slacker who thinks he has paranormal powers.

But in the second half, the comedy becomes much more ludicrous, contrived, and infrequent. And a whole lot of schmaltz takes the place of the humor. The last few scenes are totally predictable--just think of what would be the sappiest, most pseudo-romantic ending possible, and you'll figure it out too.

Witherspoon and Ruffalo are convincing as antagonists/reluctant friends in the first half, but that makes them unconvincing lovers in the second half. Though I've liked both actors in other projects, they seem to just go through the motions here. But I can't really blame them for not giving their all to such an emotionally manipulative, clichéd movie.
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