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MPAA Rated PG for brief language and suggestive content

Sex & Nudity

  • Nora Krank's cleavage is seen in the tanning bed scene, and one of her breast slips from under her swimsuit top.
  • There's a brief scene where a woman thinks that she and her husband are going to have sex. She unbuttons her shirt excited, but her husband stops her. Nothing more is shown.
  • There is a brief scene in which a man and a woman are laying next to each other in bed. They are fully clothed. They are irritated with each other, then quickly resolve their dispute. The woman smiles, them begins to climb on top of the man as he says - "It's not even Saturday night!", before the scene ends. No nudity is shown.
  • While getting tans, the two main characters show a good bit of skin. The female is in a bikini, with a lot of cleavage, and the man is in a very, very tight speedo.

Violence & Gore

  • A woman slams her head inside a tanning bed.
  • A policeman chases a man, but slips and hits his head on a metal banister. He is fine.
  • A woman crashes on a display.
  • A montage shows Luther watering his front lawn into an ice rink. A mailman and a group of Christmas carollers slip on it.
  • A man dressed in Santa hits a robber with an umbrella and is hit on a car.


Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking

  • A man has a pipe in his mouth, but it is never shown being smoked.
  • Wine is used with every meal, but nobody is ever drunk.

Frightening & Intense Scenes

  • In one sequence, Luther tries to put Frosty on the roof but slips and falls, but his fall is stopped by a rope hanging around his leg. Later, a man robs a house only to be stopped by police officers who happen to be there.

See also

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