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Sex & Nudity

  • Cleavage barring dresses and some kissing but nothing over the top.

Violence & Gore

  • This film is deliberately very inaccurate to the real story of The Titanic, there should have been a lot of deaths and lost lives, but there aren't any.


  • The dog raps, and uses swears you can't even imagine.

Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking

  • Some characters smoke, including a "Sherlock Holmes" ripoff/homage/parody character who smokes a Meerschaum pipe some drinking of wine, although it is never said it is wine and could simply be brown water while trying to put out a fire, a person uses whisky

Frightening & Intense Scenes

  • Although the Titanic is shown breaking apart and sinking, these scenes are quite tame.

See also

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