Slaughter Studios (Video 2002) Poster

(2002 Video)

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could've been better
movieman_kev17 April 2005
Slaughter Studios was left abandoned after an actor dies on the set of a movie decades back. In the present day, Steve, an aspiring director plans to break into the Studios before it gets demolished. An unseen maniac soon starts killing the unsuspecting crew. This film has the gore. It has the copious amounts of nudity. I just can't help to feel that it would have been better if it were played straighter with less insanely stupid comedy. As it is, I've seen much worse horror/ comedies then this, trust me. Some of those said worse movies are used as stock footage in this one, by the way.

My Grade: C-

DVD Extras: Commentary by Brian Katkin and Christopher Farrell; Original Trailer; Trailers for "Stalled", "Shakedown" and "Lethal Force"

Eye Candy: Serra Ellison, Eva Frajko, Lorissa McComas, and Laura Otis get topless; Tara Killian does full body nudity
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Surprisingly Enjoyable Slasher Flick
gavin694226 October 2010
A new generation of filmmakers has snuck into the abandoned Slaughter Studios to make one last film. However, the studio is haunted by a killer... and, you know, that's bad.

Okay, so I had this DVD sitting on my "to watch" pile for a while, and I thought it would be a pile of trash, coming from New Concorde (who the heck are New Concorde?) and with a cover that seems like a ripoff of "Hell Night". But, surprise, I actually really loved it and my girlfriend laughed hard.

The plot, that this is going to be the last film shot at Slaughter Studios, is sort of true... it was indeed the last film shot at Roger Corman's studio before it was torn down. And it started off as a remake off "Slumber Party Massacre" before a script change, which I think saved it...

Additionally, the DVD has a director's commentary (I haven't listened yet) and some trailers... including a trailer for "Lethal Force" that is pretty funny.

But not as funny as the film's ending (you really have to wait for it).
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Nice girls and er erm hmmm...
fibreoptic30 July 2004
Warning: Spoilers
*Maybe a slight spoiler*

It was three in the morning when i sat down to watch this. Why i wasn't fast asleep is beyond me but watch it i did. It's yet another slasher movie which takes the goofy comedy approach. The characters act stupid which is all well and good but the comedy was very flat. It's very bad when a comedies funniest thing is a girl farting! Slaughter Studios wins 0 points on the comedy scale. However, it does have a gore moment or two but waiting for these moments takes an eternity. Has a few really nice girls in their underwear and the oldest psycho maniac slasher in history (the guy must have been near 70). Also the very end is very stupid but this is them trying to be funny again. I'm giving this 5/10 mainly due to the fit semi naked women and a couple of gory bits.
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airbrat19 January 2003
Oh my God! Best horror flick I have seen in ages! There are a few things I look for in campy B-movie flicks: Hot, erotic chicks, violence and gore, and filthy humor. This film went above and beyond my requisites for a horror movie! Worth every penny it cost to rent. Might even go out and buy. Message to Director Brian Katkin: Excellent job! Please make more like this! I have no idea why/how this film could have recieved negative comments. It was better than all Slumber Party Massacres and Sorority House Massacres put together. Maybe some people rented it with the expectations of seeing horror similar to The Exorcist? I don't know. Anyway, campy B-movie lovers, rent it! You will not be sorry.
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A little too annoying
TdSmth525 October 2004
Overall well-made film. Could have been better as a pure horror film without the comedy. I can't wait for LalaLand to finally give up on stupid political correctness and make horror movies that don't have to "justify" nudity and gore by appealing to comedy. The story of this film is good overall. There are, however, too many annoying characters: the film's director, the Indian guy, the snobby actress. That's just too many annoying people you don't want to see/hear leaving you with only secondary characters about whom to care. The actresses who do nude scenes could be more attractive. The erotic scenes are a strange balance of eroticism and lack of it. I was quite surprised, though, to find out who the killer was in the end.
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Missed attempt to be horror movie
backeaster29 December 2002
Slaughter Studios pictured itself a horror movie--it also tried to be campy and funny--unfortunately it missed on all counts. I found it lacking on all counts--with one exception--the movie bad guy was not expected and for me was the only high point of an other wise forgettable movie. My suggestion would be to rent as a last resort
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a joke, but not funny
almatz14 August 2003
spoofing horror films is something people think is easy. in truth, it isn't. just being stupid doesn't make something funny. it just makes it stupid. throwing a bunch of naked chicks in the flick only makes me think of some porn i'd rather be watching.

this is a bad movie that isn't scary. it isn't funny. heck, it isn't even gory. it is boring. i guess that's something.
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Really good spoof on 80's Slashers
jluis198427 November 2005
Many reviews give this movie 1 or 2 stars. Many of those label it as "not scary", "stupid" or worse... While maybe the movie does earn those adjectives, it is not because of the stupidity of it's creators, on the contrary; the cast & crew made it stupid on purpose. This is not a common slasher. It's a spoof on everything cheesy about horror films.

Director Brian Katkin and writers Dan Acre & John Huckert crafted a very funny comedy that parodies the cheesy 80's B-slashers while paying homage to the cheesy 50's sci-fi horrors. The beginning sequence sets the tone of the story: Young filmmaker Steve discovers that Slaughter Studios, the place where his favorite B-Movies were filmed, is going to be demolished; so he gets a crew and decides to make a cheap horror film like those he loves in the night before the demolition. Strange things begin to happen and they wonder if the place was cursed after the event that led to it's closure 20 years before: the death of a young star while shooting a scene.

Sure, the movie is predictable, but that's the idea. It follows every rule established by 80's slashers like "Slumber Party Massacre"(1983) or "Sorority House Massacre"(1987): silly jokes, lots of gore, and lots of nudity. There is plenty of eye-candy that undresses by every possible excuse, and the killings are unnecessarily bloody. Everything that made those 80's slashers both enjoyable & silly at the same time.

The initial sequence and the scene when Steve tells the story of the 70's murder at the Slaughter Studios is very original. It's the crew's very personal homage to producer Roger Corman(the 70's director is named "Roman") and the names of Steve's favorite films are parodies of those of the likes of Corman's classics like "Attack of the Crab Monsters"(1957), "The Wasp Woman"(1960) or "Humanoids from the Deep"(1980).

Also, the character of Steve has that Ed Wood spirit, the director that is so convinced that his movie is good that can't see the HUGE flaws in it. I'm sure that many aspiring filmmakers will find themselves identified with him.

The acting for the most part is OK, they play the slasher stereotypes to the letter. Lorissa McComas is particularly funny in it's take on the actress obsessed with the 70's murdered star; and Amy Shelton-White steals the show, she could be more than a b-movie queen.

Something worth the mention is the very good lighting and camera-work showed in the film. While the SFX are very very poor, the direction makes good use of them and makes them work in the context of the movie. Although there were scenes that look as if they had been shot with a DV while in post-production, most of the film is very well done.

Overall it is a funny spoof on everything that made lovable those cheesy 80's B-movies. Worth a rent.

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Bloody Slasher Flick
FrightMeter16 April 2003
If "Slaughter Studios" has anything going for it, it is that it is much more bloody than the contemporary teen slasher flicks that we have seen lately. Equally as significant is the revelation of the killer, which I have to admit was quite clever; I never, ever would have guessed and that is rare for one of these. Overall, I did enjoy the film. It looked good and the special effects were impressive.

Where the movie lost points is in the incredibly dull and dragging middle. Nothing of any importance happens for at least 45 minutes, except bad acting. Yes, the movie also looses points because nobody in can act worth a crap. Yes, we know you are in a no-name, low budget, direct-to-video horror flick, but at least TRY to act excited. The plot centers around a group of young filmmakers who go to the legendary but now abandoned Slaughter Studios, where years before a popular actor was killed in a freak accident (or was it?) to finish the film that never was finished. Of course, a killer shows up and starts mutilating the cast in very bloody ways. As I mentioned, the killings in this are pretty bloody; we get pick axing, head smashing, head-spearing, and head hooking. Most of this comes at the end-the middle of the film is basically nothing but these actors trying to make the movie. The end comes from left field too and I really, really enjoyed the simpleness and cleverness of it, though nobody will ever figure out who the killer is until he is revealed. A good effort, especially for a direct-to-video feature. A little cheesey in parts, but enjoyable nonetheless.
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Scary and Funny 'B' movie send up
max-1335 October 2002
What a delight! Finally, someone has made a send-up of 'b' horror movies that is both hysterically funny and scary at the same time. The premise is simple: A group of young film makers (think hot, scantilly clad babes) break into a dilapidated movie studio hours from the wrecking ball (the studio was closed years before after the tragic accidental death of a teen idol)to make the last movie ever there. Through the course of the night, the actors and crew are picked off one by one by a killer. Is it a ghost, or one of their own doing the horrific deeds? The fact that this was THE last film ever shot at Roger Corman's famous Venice studio is not lost, in fact the flim makers play up Corman's history with aplomb. Director Brian Katkin stylishly designs scenes to play off the no-budget elements and raises the bar. Clever, well directed, Katkin keeps his tongue firmly in cheek as he takes material that could have been pedestrian and adds both wit and silliness to make it come alive. But don't let this fool you. The film is genuinely scary, walking a tight-rope between farce and fear. Murder and mahem abound as freely as do the breasts. Again, playing off 'b' movie stereotypes, the audience is treated to an enjoyable romp. Producer Damian Akhavi (Shakedown) who had a hand in the script, show a sure hand and eye for this material. The ensemble cast of mostly unknowns create funny, memorable characters that the audience genuinely cares about and their untimely deaths are certainly felt. Kuddos also to composer Christopher Farrell (a long time Katkin collaborator) whose effective score guides the viewer from laughter to fear and back to laughter with ease.
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Just what you'd expect... only better
BloodTheTelepathicDog1 March 2011
This is far more entertaining than any of the A-list tripe you'll view at the Megaplex. Although not quite a horror film and not quite a comedy, it melds the two genres and makes a rather decent film. Think of Slaughter Studios as kind of a combination of Cover Me Babe starring Robert Forster and Susanne Benton with the off-the-wall zaniness of Re-Animator.

This film centers on a group of aspiring filmmakers/actors who sneak into the abandoned Slaughter Studios to film their version of some hokey 1950s monster movie. Steve (Peter Stanovich) is the dictatorial director who bosses around his girlfriend Madigan (Amy Shelton-White), belittles his clueless actresses and like so many film-school losers, is convinced of his own brilliance. But everything that can go wrong does for the arrogant twerp, including a deranged murderer picking off his crew one by one.

STORY: $$$ (Nothing splendid here but genre fans will like the references to B-Grade filmmaking throughout the picture. We get lines like "I bet Eric Roberts didn't have to go through this," to a scene from one of the Sorority/Slumber Party Massacre flicks. The screenplay adds plenty of laughs and guffaws while also giving us that favorite Agatha Christie motif: people trapped at a location with a killer in their midst).

ACTING: $$$$ (A heckuva lot better than you'll see in most B-Grade movies. You won't find any of those "actors" that Troma Studios or Fullmoon pictures employs, but a young, able cast that gives it their all. Peter Stanovich is effectively arrogant as Steve and Amy Shelton-White is easy to root for as his ever put-upon girlfriend. Darren Reiher does a terrific job in his brief role as the male lead, giving over-the-top line readings when something far more subdued would be in order. Nicolas Read shows range as Kevin but perhaps the best performance comes from Tara Killian as Portia. She is splendid in the role of the demanding blond actress, calling "cut!" when things don't go her way).

NUDITY: $$$$$ (There is plenty of it here. The filmmakers clearly hearken back to the Sorority House Massacre days--think films with Robyn Harris and Melissa Moore--where breast exposure were the film's main draw. Almost every female cast member doffs her top in this film with the exception of Shelton-White. Poking fun at the Sorority House Massacre genre, all the nudity is gratuitous which makes the skin come off more lampoonish in nature rather than sleazy).
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Let's Get NAKED
zekepabski-wereboar5 February 2005
You only care as to who gets naked, so here's the long and short of it: o Goth / Raver Chick: Yes! Mostly at the end, on video.

o Old Blonde With Huge Cans: Yes! Throughout, in fact. Including a shower scene with another chick.

o Bitchy Blonde Girl: Yes, however, the least number of times and the least quality of times when it does happen. Also passed out throughout most of the thing, if you're into that.

o Brunette With Obvious Recent Boob Job: Yes! Spends most of the movie naked. It doesn't seem like it at first, but trust ole Zeke on this one.

o Flat Blonde With Nice Legs: Yeah, you'll get plenty of her in this.

o Director's Girlfriend: No, sadly! You warm up to her by the end of it, plus she ends up making some quality decisions as to who to really hang around which only increase her worth in this thing.

I give this movie a 7 as the girls are nice and spend a lot of time naked, especially for a flick made in 2002. It's otherwise complete garbage and should not be viewed by anyone for any purpose.
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Dont let the title fool you
ZombieFan1 September 2003
This is not a horror movie. Its one of the funniest movies I have ever watched. The token Hindu guy was hilarious. The chicks are very good looking, but most of them are washed up porn actresses. Pretty good for a cheap laugh, check it out.
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Surprisingly good fun.
poolandrews16 February 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Slaughter Studios starts as an actor named Justin is shot & killed on the set of his latest film, was it an accident or something more sinister? Either way Slaughter Studios has remained unused & empty ever since... Jump forward 20 years & aspiring low budget horror filmmaker Steve (Peter Stanovich) is going to break into Slaughter Studios & use the unused but still intact stages for his latest project. To help him he has assembled a crew of friends, production assistant Madigan (Amy Shelton-White), Gary (Matthew J.Roseman) the cameraman, Ollie (Anand Chulani) the sound-man, & his cast of actors, Kevin (Nicolas Reed), Chad (Darren Reiher), goth babe Trisha (Eva Frajko), Rebecca (Laura Oatis), Darlene (Serra Ellison), Candace (Lorissa McComas) & Portia (Tara Killian). Together they break into the abandoned Slaugher Studios & get to work, however it appears that they are not alone as a killer stalks the corridors of the once busy studio...

Edited & directed by Brian Katkin I really liked Slaughter Studios. On paper the script by Dan Acre & John Huckert looks pretty lousy, a horror comedy about a bunch of annoying teenagers being killed by a mysterious killer but in fact Slaughter Studios turned out to be a really likable & decent film. I hated Ollie but I found the rest of the character's very likable & were quite funny with some nice witty dialogue. The whole film-within-a-film, Blair Witch Project (1999) anyone?, has been done before but Slaughter Studios incorporates it really well & the whole self referential jokes & mickey taking is done with a certain affection for the genre. There are a few good laughs here including a pretty funny farting in a tent gag! I really liked the ending as well, I definitely wasn't expecting it & was both a clever & satisfying way to round the film off. Slaughter Studios never takes itself seriously, it moves along at a fair pace & is never boring or dull & makes for good entertainment. Don't get me wrong as it's far from a masterpiece but believe me you could do a hell of a lot worse than Slaughter Studios when you compare it to the straight-to-video crap that litter video shop shelves these days.

Director Katkin does an impressive job, the lighting is excellent with bright neon greens, blues & reds along side the dark shadowy corners. The film looks great throughout & only the cheap looking digital video used to shoot it on gives it's low budget away. There is plenty of nudity, some lesbianism including a funny exchange of dialogue with the director convincing Portia that going nude & participating in acts if lesbianism would make her a better actress! The gore isn't so plentiful, a pick-axe in someones stomach, someones throat is cut with some film & someone has a pitchfork stuck through them & there's a decapitated head.

With a supposed budget of about $50,000 the filmmakers have worked absolute miracles. Slaughter Studios went straight-to-video but looks really good from start to finish & they obviously made that $50,000 go a long way. The acting varies, Chulani is absolutely awful. Frajko as the goth bird Trisha is a bit of a babe & really easy on the eyes.

Slaughter Studios surprised me, a lot. I thought it was a highly entertaining & funny spoof comedy horror slasher. As a horror film fan you have to be able to take a chance on a film you've never heard of that will in all likelihood turn out to be complete & utter crap, most low budget straight-to-video horror films fall into this category. But once in a while you are rewarded with a bit of an unexpected gem & Slaughter Studios was just such an occasion for me, definitely worth a watch.
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Hugely enjoyable slasher outing
Woodyanders26 March 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Slaughter Studios has a legendary reputation as the place where a slew of classic low-budget horror movies were made. Long since abandoned and now in ruins, a group of aspiring filmmakers led by overzealous writer/director Steve (robustly played with lip-smacking hammy gusto by Peter Stanovich) decide to break into Slaughter Studios to make one last B-grade creature feature on the premises before it meets the wrecking ball. However, Slaughter Studios proves to be the stalking grounds for a vicious psycho.

Director Brian Katkin, working from a witty script by Dan Acre and John Huckert, keeps the entertaining story moving along at a constant snappy pace, pokes infectiously affectionate fun at cheesy dimestore schlock cinema, makes fine use of the cobweb-strewn rundown studio location, stages the murder set pieces with considerable style and flair, and delivers oodles of tasty gratuitous female nudity along with a handy helping of juicy gore. Moreover, it's acted with tremendous enthusiasm by an eager cast, with especially lively and amusing contributions from Amy Shelton-White as harried production assistant Madigan, Tara Killian as stuck-up bitch Portia, Eva Frajko as foxy make-up girl Trisha, Anand Chulani as the hopelessly geeky Ollie, Matthew Roseman as earnest cinematographer Gary, Darren Keefe as idiotic and untalented wannabe actor Chad Daniels, Laura Otis as the klutzy Rebecca, and Lorissa McComas as the ditsy Candace. John Matkowski's slick and dynamic cinematography gives this picture an impressively glossy look. Christopher Farrell's spirited shivery score hits the stirring spot. Slice'n'dice fans should get a big kick out of this one.
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nogodnomasters2 June 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Horror fan Steve (Peter Stanovich) wants to make a video/film in an abandoned and possibly haunted studio of his idol. The studio was stopped being used when an actor died while filming. The script he has in mind is: "Naughty Sex Kittens vs The Giant Praying Mantis." The film must be shot in nine hours in 55 minute intervals. The lights must be out 5 minutes of every hour while the deaf night man makes his rounds.

Yes, it is campy. In some ways it spoofs horror slashers, but doesn't do it well enough to be a spoof. It is just a silly film with a lot of nudity.

Perv Guide: F-bomb. F/F sex. Nudity (Tara Killian-"American Pie Presents Band Camp"; Eva Frajko-"Sex Sells: The Making of 'Touché' ; Laura Otis-'Legend of the Mummy' ; Serra Ellison,Mia Zottoli- soft core actress; Lorissa McComas- Playboy model d.2009 ruled a suicide)
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Should have stuck to comedy
Dr. Gore11 July 2003
Warning: Spoilers

Low budget filmmakers make a low budget movie about low budget filmmaking. Steve Berg, (Peter Stanovich), wants to make his magnum opus, "Naked Sex Kittens meet the Giant Praying Mantis" or something like that. The only place to film it is at the hallowed grounds of Slaughter Studios. So much low budget horror was churned out there that Berg's masterpiece has to be a part of that tradition. The geeky guys and busty girls break in to shoot their cheapie epic. Oh drat. There's a killer on the loose. Who will survive this shoot? Cut! That's a wrap.

It's very important that you approach this movie as a comedy and not as a horror flick. If you come in thinking you're going to be scared, you'll be crying. The gore is plentiful but it all looks fake. The victims are covered in red paint. The blood was a little too bright. The scares were non-existent as well. Somebody was stalking the cast but no one seemed to care until the last twenty minutes. Weak horror film.

However, the first hour or so is a fairly funny comedy about low budget filmmaking. I was enjoying myself. You had the horny Ollie ogling and fondling the girls. The director tries to placate one of his demanding actresses, "You're a fine actress. You're even better than.Madonna." I also thoroughly enjoyed the tremendous amount of unnecessary nudity. Almost all of the women get naked and there are some fantastic sights to see. The improvised sex scene between the two girls was great. Steve Berg was a genius. The shower scene was the sweet cherry on top.

Unfortunately, the movie decides to try to be some sort of slasher/action flick in its last twenty minutes. It should have stuck to being a bloody comedy. "This script is bulletproof! Get the girls...and some actresses too if you want." Funny stuff.
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I'm Surprised I Finished the Movie!
Collins3153 January 2003
I am sorry but this movie was so horrible. First of all, if you want to make a good horror movie, cut down on some of the nudity and sex. I know, I know, that every horror movie has the obligatory nude shot but this movie went over the top. The lines were so corny that at some points they didn't even make sense. There are some B-Movies that are fun to watch but don't even think about this being one. I got so bored during it. The music was so bad it didn't even set the mood for a good horror movie. If you ask me, I could make a better movie than this.
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