WrestleMania X-Seven (2001) Poster

(2001 TV Special)

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The greatest wrestlemania of all time and the greatest wwe ppv ever!
davielee1529 April 2010
I finally get to comment this ppv.I remember when I watched this when I was a kid with my dad and his friend and it is fair to say it is the greatest wrestlemania of all time. Also, I have not seen a ppv better than this. It is probably the best ppv ever in sports history.

Match #1- Inertcontinental Title match William Regal vs. Jericho- This was a very good opener with Jericho's high flying manuvers really owned the match and it was funny watching Regal getting his chest beat up. It was really red. 7/10.

Match #2- 6 Men Tag match APA and Tazz vs. Right to Censor- Nothing really great but nothing really horrible it is just a fresh 6 men tag match. Decent. 5/10 Match #3- 3 way dance for the Hardcore title- Raven vs. Kane vs. Big Show- This match was just plain crazy and had extreme moments. There were men going through glass, walls, the crowd, getting ran over by a car and even falling off the stage. Freakin great! 8/10 Match #4- European Title Match- Eddie Gurerro vs. Test- This was solid wrestling and also offered interference. 5/10 Match #5- Kurt Angle vs. Chris Benoit- This one was the first best match of the night and it was superb technical wrestling from both these technical wrestlers. It went back and forth. Each showed how truly great they can be and got the best out of each other. 9/10 Match #6- Women's Title Match Ivory vs. Chyna- This was not a let down from the show and it was a good thing it went short. 3/10 Match #7- Shane vs. Vince Mcmahon with referee Mick Foley- this was an interesting match and it was entertaining. Watching the high flying crazy moves off the turnbuckle from Shane including him beating the crap out of his dad which as freakin hilarious! It also featured a cat fight and very good story lines. 7/10 Match # 8- TLC for the tag team titles Dudleys vs. Hardys vs. Edge and Christian- Match of the night! This is my favorite ladder to watch and it was plain chaos with tones of bodies going through tables and falling off ladders not to mention falling on the floor while hanging on the belts. AWESOME! 10/10 Match #9- Gimmick Battle Royal Match- It was very cool to see the old wrestlers again and it was quite entertaining. 4/10 Match #10- Undertaker vs. HHH- Great brawl between these two and it was more of a street fight than a regular match and it also had some crazy moments. Bloody match. 8/10 Match #11- WWE title match The Rock vs. Stone Cold Steve Austin- What a main event. It is one of the greatest main events to end the show and I believe it is the greatest feud of all time. It was their best match together and features their greatest performances ever in the ring. I also enjoyed the video package leading up to the match. Another bloody match. By the way, you would not believe the ending it had and it is the most shocking twist in wwe history! 10/10 This was an historic night and should be remembered by all wrestling fans in the past and today. I believe this wrestlemania had a huge impact on all of the wrestlemanias after it.

Overall: 10/10
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One of the best Wrestlemania's ever!
rcuppen7923 August 2001
A crowd of 67,925 fans set a new attendance-record for the Astrodome in Houston, Texas at April 1, 2001. And those 67,925 fans got their money's worth because Wrestlemania X-Seven is one of the best Wrestlemania's ever and even one of the best PPV's ever. Of course this Wrestlemania isn't without any stinkers. The match between Eddie Guerrero and Test for the European Championship is bad in every way and is nothing more than an average "Raw-is-War"-match. Ivory vs. Chyno for the WWF's Women's Championship is one of the worst matches I've ever seen. Chyna is a talented wrestler, but you can clearly see that Ivory isn't. She's better of as a henchman than as a wrestler. The rest of the fights are good or even very good. The Acolytes and Tazz vs Right to Censor isn't bad, but it's also rarely memorable. The Triple-Threat Hardcore Championship Match between Raven, Big Show and Kane is one of the highlights of the evening. It's brutal and it features the two largest athletes in the WWF: Big Show (7"2, 500 pounds) and Kane (7", 330 pounds). Chris Jericho vs. William Regal for the Intercontinental Title is also a entertaining match. Kurt Angle vs. Chris Benoit is a good technical wrestling match, Shane McMahon vs. Vince McMahon with Mick Foley as a special guest referee turned out to be a lot better than I thought. The Gimmick Battle Royal was a lot of fun to watch and it brought up a lot of memories with wrestlers like Hillbilly Jim, The Iron Sheik, Sgt. Slaughter, Eathquake and Nikolai Volkov but it could have been a lot better if there were a little bit more famous gimmicks like Hulk Hogan, Bret Hart, Ricky Steamboat or Randy Savage. The other 3 highlights of the evening are the TLC II match for the Tag-Team Championship between The Hardy Boyz, The Dudley Boyz and Edge & Christian. Just like Wrestlemania 2000 (where these 3 teams also battled each other) this is a high-risk and very entertaining match. Triple-H vs. The Undertaker is also a great match and it truly uses the talents of both superstars. The main-event is a WWF Championship match between The Rock and Stone Cold Steve Austin. This match was a lot better than their match at Wrestlemania XV, because it's a lot less predictable. This is definitely one of the best main-events in WWF history. Wrestlemania X-Seven is great and it's almost perfect. So far the year 2001 is one of the best years in WWF-history.
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WrestleMania X-Seven was the pinnacle event of WWE Attitude Era (1997 to 2001).
ironhorse_iv9 September 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Wrestlemania 17 was awesome! WM17 was the first WrestleMania held in the state of Texas and the first at the Reliant Astrodome in Houston, Texas. It was also the first time in 9 years that World Wrestling Federation sold out a stadium and the last under World Wrestling Federation company name, as the company would be renamed World Wrestling Entertainment due to legal problems with the World Wide Fund in 2002. The event broke all-time attendance records and also became one of WWE highest grossing PPV at the time. The opening video package to this PPV was pretty awkward, but kinda interesting, as it showcase people from all over the world listening or watching Wrestlemanias of the past 16 years. The video doesn't make a lick of sense, seeing how most of these people feature for this video doesn't look like the normal wrestling fans at all. There's a lots of old farm people watching this PPV radios or small television in horse stables, barns, and hay-houses. Who watch wrestling in a barn!? Even the young people that looks like wrestling fans, look awkward, by watching the PPV in an old car or a shop window. Then you got poor foreigners running in the fields, listen to it on radio, despite the PPV never being broadcast on Indian radio. If that was cheesy enough, there is an old Chinese man in a fish market who happens to be watching one of the worst PPVs in the world, Wrestlemania 9. I really doubt, my Asian grandpa knows what pro-wrestling is or care about it. The worst had to be the oddly place smiling clown toward the end as if this was a joke. Then the video ends with the saying that Wrestlemania is supposedly a celebration of life. What!? No, marriage is a celebration of life! Giving birth is a celebration of life! Wrestlemania is nowhere near those levels. Anyways, the video package is shot really good, had big production values, with inspiration music and really good narrating by wrestler Hall of famer, Freddie Blassie. WWE's production team did wonders with it. It's hard not to feel hype for the PPV. The theme song to Wrestlemania 'My Way' by Limp Bizkit match the tone of the big fight night feel. While, I'm not a huge fan of Limp Bizkit, I found this song great to listen to. The commentary by Paul Heyman and Jim Ross was amazing to listen to all night as both really shine here. Heyman joined the WWE shortly after the fall of Extreme Championship Wrestling as a replacement for Color commentator Jerry Lawler whom left a few weeks earlier due to a dispute with the WWF with the mis-treatment of his then-girlfriend, Kat (Stacey Carter). The opening match to the PPV was William Regal VS Chris Jericho is for the Intercontinental title. The buildup to this match, featured a guy peeing in another man tea, and also a clown. Only here in the WWF would it make sense. Great opening match -Decent, but short opener. They did as much as they could in 7 minutes and Jericho sold the hell out of the shoulder throughout. The next match was Right to Censor (w/ Steven Richards) (In their last match as a group) vs. The APA (w/ Jackie) and Tazz. Match is really forgettable. WWF Hardcore Title: Raven © vs. Kane vs. The Big Show is next. Great brawl that mostly spill outside the ring. It probably suck to watch this at the stadium since most of the match was backstage, but on TV, it was really good stunt match. WWF European Title: Test © vs. Eddie Guerrero (w/ Perry Saturn) was just disappointing, as both really mess up and botch most of the moves. Kurt Angle vs. Chris Benoit was next. Awesome match here with a crappy ending. It's good, but not as good as their match at the 2003 Royal Rumble. WWF Woman's Title: Ivory vs. Chyna was next. They had a storyline of Chyna getting her neck broken by RTC that they could had use more in match storyline, but the match was just one-sided squash match. Disappointing. Street Fight: Vince McMahon (w/ Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley) vs. Shane McMahon with Mick Foley is your special ref for this one. This storyline had Vince keeping his wife, Linda sedate, so he can sleep around with Trish Stratus, while Shane McMahon took offend of. The storyline add more gasoline to the fire, when Shane went to buy the WWF's rival promotion at the time, WCW from under his dad's nose just 6 days earlier. This may actually be the best storyline involving the McMahon's ever and the match was pretty damn awesome, for two non-action wrestlers. Overbooked as hell, but they tied up quite a few story lines with it, and gave us a match with a lot of memorable moments. TLC II: WWF Tag Titles: The Dudley Boyz © vs. The Hardy Boyz vs. Edge and Christian was next. It was a really dangerous match that you can't believe your eyes that these 6 men really pull it off. Gimmick Battle Royal was next. Nice to see a lot of late 1980s and early 1990s wrestlers return for this gig. Nostalgia feel right there. Harmless fun. We get a video recap of the HHH/Taker feud. Nice to see the heavy metal band, Motorhead plays their version of HHH's them as he heads to the ring. Taker was still in his biker phase, had a great entrance. The build to this was pretty good actually, but not as good as their later Wrestlemania feud in the 2011/2012. The main event hype for Austin/Rock II was great. It was just an epic, kick ass brawl with one of the hottest crowds you will ever see with a twist ending you didn't see coming. Overall: It's clearly is one of the greatest WrestleMania, and it gets for vote for it.
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Greatest Wrestlemania ever!!
MotorheadOnly127 August 2002
The Event was the best, A crowd of 67,925 fans watching the event in the arena and the Billions watching around the world. The 3 best matches in that event was TLC, Triple H and The Undertaker, and Stone Cold vs The Rock. TLC was a great match the only bad thing is the The Champions walking in left the with the titles. Triple H and the Undertaker, Motorhead did a fantastic job playing THE Game to the Ring it was great publicity for them and The Undertaker Entering the Ring with a HIGH rate of speed on his Motorcycle. The Match was great and The Undertaker ended the match with his record of 9-0 undefeated at Wrestlemania. Stone Cold and The Rock was the BEST OF THE BEST Stone Cold definitly had more fans on his side in the match you can tell. The Rock was basically a heel in the match because every time he would hit austin the more fans would boo him and the fans that were cheering him you couldn't hear from all the boos. I think Austin should have won that match because he deserved it more then any wrestler he came back after a year of healing from spinal surgery. Fans new it was his time to shine in the WWF and he went to rule the WWF for most of 2001.
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A Wrestlemania WWE wish they could do again
josh2310947 July 2011
Warning: Spoilers
This is my opinion is the best wrestlemania of all time, fabulous matches, incredible plot twists it had everything Start to finish this event was fantastic, TLC 2 was without a doubt the best TLC match WWE have ever put on. Triple H vs The Undertaker was so damn good, the fighting outside of the ring was awesome. Match of the night and also main event Stone Cold vs Rock for the WWF Title, 2 of the greatest heels of all time fight it out in a match that is perfectly executed, the twist at the end where Vince helps Stone Cold win is one of the most shocking and most perfectly executed moments u will ever see in the WWE. All in all this is a wrestlemania that WWE wish they could make again, but simply can't anymore because of the lack of talent.
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Wrestlemania 17
The best Mania ever, but some matches were still crap.

First match didn't catch my eye and that's a shame. William Regal and Chris Jericho have all the tools to be brilliant in every match they star in, but something didn't click in this match unfortunately. Y2J wins.

Match 2 was OK. Tazz and the APA taking on Right to Censor members Val Venis, Bull Buchanan and the Goodfather. APA and Tazz win when Bradshaw clotheslines the Goodfather.

Next match was just awful! I mean I was laughing at how Kane, Big Show and Raven acted this one out. Kane threw Raven through a window backstage which was sugar glass, Big Show and Kane went through a paper wall together. Kane made the error of accidentally running over Raven's ankle in a golf buggy! and at the end of the match Kane jumped on top of Big Show and Raven for no apparent reason, and made many fans and viewers wandering what on earth he was doing! Kane won this 'match'.

Next up Chris Benoit and Kurt Angle put on an excellent match, and this is followed by the famous TLC match pitting Edge and Christian, The Hardy Boyz and The Dudley Boyz against each other. Edge and Christian won.

Next up The Undertaker battles Triple H in a solid outing, even though the match seemed to drag on for about 5 hours, but Taker gets the win after delivering the Last Ride to The Game. Next up was the gimmick Battle Royal which consisted of The Iron Sheik, Sgt Slaughter, Tugboat, Earthquake, The Goon, Repo Man, Kamala, Doink the Clown, Nikolai Volkoff, James E Cornette, Michael Hayes, The Gobbledy Gooker, The Buswackers, Brother Love, Hillbilly Jim, Kim Chee, Harvey Wippleman, One Man Gang and Duke Drosse. Nothing to say except it was nice seeing the old faces coming back. Shiek got the win.

Then 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin takes on The Rock for his WWE title. This was a no DQ match up, which saw Austin turning heel and becoming allies with Vince McMahon!

Regal vs Y2J - 5/10 Tazz/APA vs Right to Censor - 6.5/10 Vince McMahon vs Shane McMahon - 7.5/10 Kane/Raven/Big Show - 4/10 Gimmick Battle Royal - 3.5/10 Taker vs HHH - 7/10 TLC match - 8.5/10 Test vs Eddie Guerrero - 7/10 Benoit vs Angle - 9/10 Austin vs Rock -8/10
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Ally-4215 May 2001
When sitting down to watch this I hoped that what I would see would be impressive and maybe even match some of the WWF's highlights over the last few years (Survivor Series 1998 springs to mind). I was not disappointed. With the exception of the Women's title match and the European title match every fight was better than average match. Particular highlights were:

Kurt Angle v Chris Benoit. An excellent and brave match considering how out of vogue purely technical matches seem to be these days.

Vince McMahon v Shane McMahon. A bit predictable at times but it shows that despite being the son of a multi-millionaire (billionaire?) Shane is a superb athlete and is willing to put his body on the line for the company (see Backlash 2001 for further proof).

T.L.C. II. I thought the original Tables, Ladders and Chairs match was impressive, this one was better, more competitors, more destruction of tables and more destruction of bodies. How the wrestlers manage to do this is beyond me.

Triple H v The Undertaker. Everything about this match was good, from Triple H's entrance to a live performance of his music by Motorhead to the ending with some excellent wrestling in between. Triple H really has proven himself to be the best in the WWF. Not the most popular or the most photogenic, but the best at selling his own moves and selling his opponents moves. He seems to be one of the few wrestlers who will make himself look bad or cowardly to make others look good.

The Rock v Stone Cold Steve Austin. What was looking to be a good match between the WWF's two most popular fighters was taken far beyond expectations with the most unexpected and shocking heel turn for a long time. When The Rock turned heel at Survivor Series 1998 it was surprising, and made that Pay-Per-View the best I had ever seen. Stone Cold's turn was more shocking and pushed this one close to Survivor Series 1998.

What totally confirmed this PPV as the WWF's best ever was the highlights shown immediately afterwards. As 'My Way' by Limp Bizkit played over action from earlier in the night the full extent of how good this event had been was shown. Hopefully somehow this will be improved upon but I have absolutely no idea how.
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Wrestling History.
dimstepho1 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
You will never see another PPV this iconic. To this day listening to Limp Bizkit - My Way while the full highlights of WMXVII are playing still gives me goosebumps.

P.S. The Rock got screwed. Never was an Austin fan.
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Greatest event ever
jason-66527 July 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Wrestlemania X-Seven

The end to the Attitude Era and what a way to end!

Chris Jericho defeated William Regal to retain the WWF Intercontinental Championship A great opener and a good start to the rivalry, one of Regals best Matches.

Tazz and The APA (Bradshaw and Faarooq) (w/Jacqueline) defeated Right to Censor (The Goodfather, Val Venis and Bull Buchanan) (w/ Steven Richards) This match was short and sweet and we finally saw the RTC get brought down.

Kane defeated Raven (c) and The Big Show in a Triple Threat Hardcore Match to win the WWF Hardcore Championship Absolutely brilliant easily, Ravens best match in the WWF.

Eddie Guerrero (w/ Perry Saturn) defeated Test to win the WWF European Championship A good match where both men brought out the best in one another and we saw a typical Eddie Cheating to win.

Kurt Angle defeated Chris Benoit Great technical wrestling from two of the best.

Chyna defeated Ivory to win the WWF Women's Championship Okay it was never going to be a classic but it was great to see Chyna get revenge on Ivory, which for those who had followed their rivalry was great.

Shane McMahon defeated Vince McMahon (w/Mick Foley as special guest referee) in a Street Fight Father vs Son and a climatic battle that had great highlights and got us warmed up for the InVasion

Edge and Christian defeated The Dudley Boyz (Bubba Ray and D-Von) (c) and The Hardy Boyz (Matt and Jeff) in a Tables, Ladders, and Chairs match to win the WWF Tag Team Championship Equally as great as the first many great spots and the added bonus of interference from Rhyno, Spike and Lita

The Iron Sheik won a Gimmick Battle Royal featuring: Bushwhacker Luke, Bushwhacker Butch, Duke Droese, Doink the Clown, Nikolai Volkoff, Tugboat, The Goon, Earthquake, Gobbledygooker, Hillbilly Jim, Brother Love, Michael Hayes, One Man Gang, Kamala, Jim Cornette, Repo Man, and Sgt. Slaughter.

Short and sweet it was as it said a gimmick, great to hear Bobby Heenan and Mean Gene doing the commentary

The Undertaker defeated Triple H A brilliant match which was taken right into the crowd and saw Triple H nearly end the streak.

Steve Austin defeated The Rock in a No Disqualification match to win the WWF Championship WOW!! Is the best and only way to describe this match, it really shows how great Austin and The Rock worked together. The ending is one that will be remembered for a long time.

Overall this was just simply great and can be talked about for years as the perfect end to the Attitude Era.
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wrestlemania 17
phillies151210 August 2009
i thought wrestlemania 17 was one of the best wrestlemania's in history. first match Chris Jericho vs William regal to decide the intercontinental championship, a pretty solid match to open up the show, but i thought maybe there was a little more in the tank between these two, but all the same a pretty good match. the second match the apa and tazz vs right to censor, an OK match at the least with the Texans the apa and tazz coming out on top. third match Kane vs big show vs raven, i thought this match was interesting, funny and hardcore, a lot of good spots in this match like, raven going through a window, Kane and big show going through a door and a wall, and Kane jumping off the stage onto show. fourth match Eddie Guerrero vs test, one of the best matches on the card, the radicals get involved a lot in the match, a good and entertaining match. Kurt angle vs Chris Benoit, definitely a 10 rating match, Kurt stole the victory but a lot of great action in this match. chyna vs ivory, this match should have no taken place on a ppv, but chyna wins so it's all good. TLC, i have never seen a more perfect ladder match then this one, Lita, spike and rhino interfere, to help the favorites edge and Christian take the gold. undertaker and triple h put on one hell of a match that deserves a good rating. stone cold and the rock put on the best match of the night along with the hell turn of stone cold with Vince McMahon
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Probably the best Wrestlemania and the single event too
amanwhorocks9 June 2015
Warning: Spoilers
1. WWF Intercontinental Title Match: Champ-Chris Jericho Vs. William Regal - Jericho took great beating in a great technical match! But he retained. 9/10

2. Right To Censor Vs. Acolytes/Tazz - What a power tag match! Strength moves and believably victory by Acolytes. I love clothesline from hell! 8.5/10

3. WWF Hardcore Title Match: Champ-raven Vs. Kane Vs. Big Show - Kane won in a funny brawl :-( Did Raven even won on PPV? 7/10

4. WWF European Championship: Champ-Test Vs. Eddie Guerrero Jr. - Eddie won the title by cheap way. Crowd was not into that thing. 7.5/10

5. Kurt Angle Vs. Chris Benoit - Really solid bout, Angle won. 8/10

6. WWF Women's Title Match: Champ-Ivory Vs. Chyna - Chyna looks like 80's glam rock weirdo. And easily won that title. 7/10

7. Shane McMahon Vs. Vince McMahon - Stupid feud with Thrish and Linda McMahon transformed into that another "great" feud. But... Plus points for Shane! He is hard-worker and all the small stories and scripts in the match were pretty entertaining. 8/10

8. WWF tag Team Title TLC Match: Hardy Boyz Vs. Champs-Dudley Boyz Vs. Edge & Christian - Spear from Edge in the air was excellent. And Jeff Hardy should go to wrestling pedestal :) 10/10

9. Gimmick Battle Royal - Oh dear God, I have to watch Bushwackers again, NO!! At least the Iron Sheik Won. 6/10

10. Triple H Vs. The Undertaker - Wow, Taker cleanly won. Never thought Hunter will do a job in that kind of way. 8.5/10

11. WWF World Heavyweight Title Match: Champ-The Rock Vs. Stone COld Steve Austin - That is one of the greatest matches in the history of Wrestling. Austin turned heel, BUT AGAIN defeat sweet babyface The Rock and proved he is better. Complete destruction of your hero - The Rock. 9/10
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The Greatest WrestleMania of all Time
morantjavonte6 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
WrestleMania X-Seven Thoughts

WrestleMania X-Seven was the 17th annual WrestleMania taking place at the Reliant Astrodome in Houston, Texas. The first WrestleMania held in the state of Texas as well. With a record breaking attendance and success in advertising, this WrestleMania has been regarded by many fans and critics to be one of the greatest PPVs of all time and possibly the best WrestleMania. It was described as the end of the Attitude Era as WWE went on a new chapter. Not to mention WCW getting purchased a week before the PPV aired. This even was notable for the Main Event where a shocking twist happened between arguably the biggest Babyface and Heel of the era. The show also had 2 mega five star matches. Is this show as good as many say it is?

The Good - Rock vs. Stone Cold Steve Austin was the best ending to a show in WrestleMania and probably PPV ending. Yes the two feuded before 2 years ago but it was to a whole different level as the Rock pretty much was as big of a star as Austin was. The two tore the house apart. Austin and Rock both bleeding as well as the intensity of the 2 headed towards the match made this match an all time great. The most memorable thing about this was how Vince helped Austin after Austin beat downed the Rock with chair shots repeatedly and Turning his back on the WWF fans. It was something fans didn't see coming. What made it so special was how the Rock and Austin's rivalry got so personal that Austin aligned himself with his greatest enemy of his career. The TLC II was the best TLC in WWE history with so many bumps taking with shots that dropped many jaws. The Hardys, Edge & Christian, and The Dudleys really turned things up with the amount of scary damage. Having an ally interfere for each team made things more interesting. Undertaker/Triple H and Vince/Shane both were awesome matches too as they helped with the midcard. The crowd was great and Jim Ross was tremendous commentary.

The Meh - Nothing really I could consider decent.

The Bad - Only matches that are worth forgetting is the Women's Championship match (as that was a squash for Chyna to celebrate) and the gimmick battle royal. Both you could assume were for bathroom and smoke breaks.

Overall - YES THE best wrestlemania of all time. A perfect PPV that you will rarely see. Not one single match or moment that really is considered infamous for the show. By far the GOAT of PPVs

0 = Terrible: 1 = Bad/Lackluster: 2 = Decent: 3 = Good: 4 = Awesome: 5 = One of the Best of all Time:

1. Chris Jericho vs. William Regal: Intercontinental Championship - 2.5/5

2. Right to Censor vs. A. P. A & Tazz - 2/5

3. Kane vs. Big Show vs. Raven: Hardcore Championship - 3/5

4. Test vs. Eddie Guerrero: European Championship - 3/5

5. Chris Benoit vs. Kurt Angle - 3.5/5

6. Ivory vs. Chyna: Women's Championship - 0/5

7. Shane McMahon vs. Mr. McMahon (Street Fight) - 4/5

8. Edge & Christian vs The Hardy Boyz vs. Dudley Boyz: World Tag Team Championship (TLC) - 5/5

9. Gimmick Battle Royal - 0/5

10. Undertaker vs. Triple H - 4/5

11. The Rock vs. Stone Cold Steve Austin: WWE Championship - 5/5

Best Match - The Rock vs. Stone Cold Steve Austin/TLC Match

Worst Match - Gimmick Battle Royal

Most Memorable Moment - Edge's Spear of Jeff Hardy from up high

Top 5 Performers

1. The Hardys/Dudleys/Edge & Christian

2. Stone Cold

3. The Rock

4. Mr. McMahon

5. Shane McMahon

Score - 10 out of 10: One of the Greatest of All Time.
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Best Wrestlemania EVER!
ceiny20004 August 2001
This is the best Wrestlemania I have ever seen! The matches on here are all great, my favourite was TLCII (tables, ladders and chairs 2). All the other matches are very enjoyable and fun to watch, such as the gimmick battle royal. The main event Stone Cold Steve Austin vs. The Rock is a very good match and a dramatic end that changes the face of the WWF forever. All in all this WWF event is possibly the best WWF event, let alone the best Wrestlemania I have ever seen! Make sure you watch this one you cant afford to miss it!
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They don't make 'em like this anymore
ciaranmcguinness15 September 2018
Truly the best Wrestlemania ever from start to finish it's a roller coaster with amazing matches, I think Vince needs to go back and watch this again he should make the whole creative teams of both Raw and Smackdown sit down and see what great wrestling storytelling is The Rock v Stone Cold is still the greatest Main Event in history, The Rock started off like Reigns, hated and shoved down throats but he improved with great writing and his own natural acting ability, he got over naturally, the storytelling in that main event is incredible, it didn't need to be a 5 star technical masterpiece, not every match needs to be, it can be 5 stars in story alone, Also the greatest twist in Professional Wrestling History happens and it's a doozy!!!
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Good stuff!
sarinfmw7 December 2001
Wrestlemania 17 was the best Wrestlemania since 14 back in 1998. The two in between were so terrible, it was nice to see a good Wrestlemania. The 60,000+ crowd at the Houston AstroDome gave it a nice "old school" feel back to the early Wrestlemania's, when there weren't 12 pay-per-views a year, and when they seemed to mean a lot more. All the matches were solid except the Woman's Title match(which was just a waste) and the "Tables, Ladders & Chairs II" match, which was just dumb. I HATE the TLC matches. There is not one good thing about them. Hopefully there will be no more of them. They stop guys from using piledrivers, but they let guys fall off of 10ft ladder through tables. TLC and the Woman's Title match were the two low points, but everything else, especially the main event(I am no where near being a fan of The Rock, but this was probably the best match of his career), made up for it. Thumbs up.
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Great Wrestlemania
onehanditbandit32 January 2003
This was one of, if not the best Wrestlemania's of all time. Maybe it was just because I was there live but maybe not. WM X-7 was my 3rd WWF(E) show I ever went to and by far the best. It had 11 great matches and not one dull moment. 10/10
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i was there i know.
sir_turquine2 August 2002
Some of the best matches I've ever seen! The street fight between father and son, Vince and Shane McMahon, and special guest referee "hardore legend" Mick Foley is the first to come to mind. Both men gave it there all, but it was the son Shane-o-Mac that came out on top. Then, arguably the best technical wrestling match ever, Chris Benoit vs Kurt Angle. Both competitors told a great story, and had great ring chemistry that night. But in the end, your olympic hero, Kurt Angle came out with the 1-2-3...it's true! Who could forget about the best tlc(II) match ever? The Dudleyz vs the Hardyz vs the E & C connection. Once again these 6 men risked a lot to put on a good show for everyone. Words cannot truly say how amazing of a match this was. But it was the canadian's Edge and Christian who made it to the top of the ladder to win the tag belts. Last, but certainly not least, the main event, Stone Cold vs The Rock(champ)...who could of guessed that this would be as shocking of an ending that it was. I'm not going to tell what happened. You'll have to check it out yourself!
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This was a unbelievably great Wrestlemania
kliko4004 April 2007
Warning: Spoilers
This was a really great Wrestlemania. Not one thing to complain & not one thing bad about it. Totally fantastic & excellent.

FIRST MATCH- CHRIS JERICHO VS. WILLIAM REGAL FOR THE WWF INTERCONTINENTAL CHAMPIONSHIP Good way to start off Wrestlemania. Good match as well if it only took a little more time, then it would of been good. Jericho wins after a Lionsault on Regal for the win & to retain his WWF Intercontinental Championship. 4/10

SECOND MATCH- APA {BRADSHAW & FAROOQ W/ JACQUELINE} & TAZZ VS. RIGHT TO CENSOR {BULL BUCHANAN, GODFATHER, VAL VENIS & STEVEN RICHARDS} IN A 8 MAN TAG TEAM MATCH Good tag team match, I really enjoyed it. Nothing bad about it to complain. APA & Tazz win after a Clothesline From Hell by Bradshaw on one of the Right To Censor members for the win. 5/10

THIRD MATCH- EDDIE GUERRERO VS. TEST FOR THE WWF European CHAMPIONSHIP Test showed most of his toughness in this match, but the match did not go for very long, but it was still okay. Perry Saturn & Dean Malenko interfere during the match which leads to Eddie Guerrero nailing a Frog Splash on Test for the win & to become the new WWF European Champion. 4/10

FOURTH MATCH- RAVEN VS. BIG SHOW VS. KANE IN A TRIPLE-THREAT HARDCORE MATCH FOR THE WWF HARDCORE CHAMPIONSHIP Great Hardcore match which showed the excitement for the match when they started brawling backstage. I can't believe Raven isn't even scared to go up against big wrestlers like Big Show & Kane. Kane knocks Big Show & Raven into electrical equipment next to the stage, Kane covers Big Show for the 3 count to become the new WWF Hardcore Champion. 5/10

FIFTH MATCH- KURT ANGLE VS. CHRIS BENOIT Great technical match between these two, whenever you have Benoit & Angle in the ring wrestling, you know your in for a slobber knocker of a match. Angle wins after a roll-up. 5/10

SIXTH MATCH- CHYNA VS. IVORY FOR THE WWF WOMEN'S CHAMPIONSHIP Wow, this match was not long, but it was entertaining & funny the way Chyna showed her absolute toughness against Ivory. Chyna slams Ivory & covers her for the 3 count to win the WWF Women's Championship & beat Ivory in like 3 minutes. 3/10

SEVENTH MATCH- DUDLEY BOYS VS. HARDY BOYS VS. EDGE & Christian IN A 3 WAY TLC MATCH FOR THE WORLD TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIPS Unbelievable, shocking, fantastic & excellent. You know not one word can describe how AWESOME this match is. The best match ever, & I mean ever in the history of WWF & WWE. There are so many highlights in this match, like Edge spearing Jeff Hardy off a ladder, or Jeff Hardy nailing a Swanton Bomb off a high ladder on Bubba on a table below. I have never seen a ladder match that had so many sick spots & high risking moves like this one. Edge & Christian overcome this brutal match & grab the title belts hanging high to become the new World Tag Team Champions. 10/10

EIGHT MATCH- TRIPLE H VS. UNDERTAKER Another good match, which showed that HHH & Undertaker can wrestle well against each other in the ring. The best highlight in this match is when HH & Undertaker brawl in the crowd & up a stage, where Undertaker Chokeslams HHH from the top & all the way down to the floor, that was sick & awesome. They fight back in the ring {Where the referee who was knocked out recovers}. HHH pounds Undertaker in the corner, but Undertaker nails a Last Ride for the win. 6/10

NINTH MATCH- SHANE MCMAHON VS. VINCE MCMAHON IN A STREET FIGHT MATCH SPECIAL GUEST REFEREE: MICK FOLEY Good match, but I was expecting a bit more since it was Wrestlemania & it was son vs. father. Shane McMahon puts Vince in the corner, then nails a Van Dam Terminator from the other corner on Vince for the win while he had a garbage can in front of his face. 5/10

TENTH MATCH- GIMMICK BATTLE ROYAL IN THIS BATTLE ROYAL IT HAD LEGENDS LIKE SEARGAENT SLAUGHTER, IRON SHEIK, DOINK THE CLOWN, REPO MAN, KAMALA & OTHER LEGENDS WHICH I DON'T REALLY KNOW SPECIAL GUEST COMMENTATORS: MEAN GENE ORKELUND & BOBBY 'THE BRAIN' HEENAN Good battle royal, I really enjoyed it since the age of these legends were very familiar. Iron Sheik eliminates Seargeant Slaughter last to win the Gimmick Battle Royal. After the match, Seargeant Slaughter takes his frustrations for losing right on Iron Sheik by choking him out with the Cobra Clutch. 5/10

ELEVENTH MATCH- ROCK VS. STONE COLD STEVE AUSTIN IN A NO DISQUALIFICATION MATCH FOR THE WWF CHAMPIONSHIP Very good match, the futures of WWE & WWF are fighting against each other in the main event of the biggest spectacle Wrestlemania. Very good match, as I have no complaint or problem with the match whatsoever. Vince McMahon comes in the ring & helps out Stone Cold Steve Austin to nail Rock numerous times on the back with a steel chair, then covers for the 3 count to get the win & also to win the WWF Championship. After the match, a bloodied Austin celebrates with Mr. McMahon with a beer as this is a shocking & surprising way to end Wrestlemania. 10/10

Great Wrestlemania, so far this is the best I've seen & also Wrestlemania XX. but still good. But hands up to definitely the best match of the night is the TLC match, never ever have I seen such a ladder match where they risk everything just to win a title. Hardy for risking his body for the fans & still not winning the title, may God bless him for that. Thumbs up to a very great & excellent Wrestlemania, as this Wrestlemania will go down in the history books.

Overall I'll give it 10/10 & a A+
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you have to love wrestlemania
xquicksilvergirl1 November 2005
it is the best pay per view ever. in the history of wrestling!! so if you are looking to buy a DVD wrestlemania 17 is the one to get. and it will make you wish they were still on. when you watch this you will wanna watch it over and over again the best matches are 'the table ladder chairs match' with 'christian' and 'edge' the 'hardy boys' the 'dudley boys' and the main event is also very good :] worst match , the APA and 'tazz' versus right to censor. if you are giving this 8.1 give it 10. cos its amazing. and i guess you can buy it yourself to see what you think and i'm pretty sure you will all agree with me. good prices at amazon.com :) + play.com hope this review helped.

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best mania ever !!!!!!
readie-123 December 2005
Warning: Spoilers
wrestlemania 17 at the astrodome in Houston Texas this to me of the ones I have seen is the best (I've seen 14-21) so here is my match by match review 1. Chris Jericho defeats William regal to retain the ic title.

good start Jericho is impressive 7/10 2. tazz and the apa defeat the rtc.

bit dull but luckily very short so not to bad 4/10 3. Kane defeats raven and the big show to capture the hardcore title.

great hardcore match fought all over the astrodome 8/10 4. Eddie Guerrero defeats test to capture the European title.

average match with a poor ending 5/10 5. kurt angle defeats Chris Benoit.

by far the best technical wrestling of the night both gave there all shame angle cheats to win 9/10 6. chyna defeats ivory to capture the womens title.

like most womens matches this is a waste of time but at least it is short 3/10 7. Shane defeats Vince in a street fight with mi ck Foley as the ref.

decent street fight although neither can wrestle with a great ending move 7/10 8. edge and Christian defeat the Hardy's and the Dudley's to capture the tag titles in a TLC match.

amazing !!!!!! best encounter between these three so far best match best match of the night 10/10 9. gimmick battle royal iron sheik wins.

disappointing match would of like to see the likes of Bret hart,hogan and randy savage init 4/10 10. undertaker defeats hhh great match both men are very impressive would of made a great hell in a cell match 9/10 11. stone cold defeats the rock to capture the wwf title in a no DQ match.

very good the best in there series of match's biggest shock of 2001 at the end also 9/10 overall 9/10
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My Favorite WrestleMania!
the_kiss_army_456 January 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This Was My favorite WrestleMania of all time! Heres a list of the matches and my comments.

1. Intercontinental Championship Chris Jericho def. William Regal to retain, this was a great match , and a great way to open WrestleMania. 8.5/10

2. Bradshaw, Faarooq & Tazz def. Right To Censor, not a bad match at all. With some good bumps. 7.5/10

3. Hardcore Championship Triple Threat Match Kane def. Big Show and Raven to become new Hardcore Champion. This was a very entertaining match-up. Great bumps and weapon use. 8.5/10

4. European Championship:

Eddie Guerrero Def. Test, to become the new European Champion. This was a great match-up with two great athletes. (R.I.P Eddie) 8/10

5. Kurt Angle Def. Chris Benoit, in possibly the best match of the night. When these two get together, its amazing. 9.5/10

6. Women's Championship Chyna def. Ivory to become new champion, pretty quick and boring match. The worst match of the night in my opinion. 4.5/10

7. Street Fight Shane McMahon def. Mr. McMahon (Mick Foley was special guest referee). This was an alright match, despite the fact that it had two mcmahons in it. Sorry people but Vince McMahon was not made to be a wrestler. Shane however is good and is ready to put his body and life on the line. 7.5/10

8. Tables, Ladders and Chairs Match for World Tag Team Championship Edge & Christian def. the Dudleys and Hardy Boyz to become new champions. This was an amazing match. Great high flying and High risk moves. 8.5/10

9. Gimmick Battle Royal The Iron Sheik def. Brother Love, Bushwhackers, Jim Cornette, Doink, Duke "The Dumpster" Droese, Earthquake, Gobbledy Gooker, Goon, Michael Hayes, Hillbilly Jim, Kamala, Kim Chee, One Man Gang, Repo Man, Sergeant Slaughter, Tugboat and Nikolai Volkoff. Pretty boring match. Just a little bit better than Chynas match. But still pretty bad. 5/10

10. Undertaker def. Triple H, great match up. Lots of bumps taken. And Taker yet again comes out on top at WrestleMania. 8/10

11. WWE Championship Main Event Stone Cold def. The Rock to become new champion, this match changed everything in the WWE that was built up from 1998-that night. Great match. Very Entertaining. And a very surprising and memorable ending. 9/10

Anyways that about does it. That was my favorite WrestleMania of all time. 10/10
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One of the best Wrestlemania's! (Recap)
Spawn Devil29 June 2002
Match 1: WWF Intercontinental Championship: Chris Jericho vs. William Regal. Match starts off with Regal throwing punches. Clothesline by Jericho. Flying forearm by Jericho. Back heel kick by Jericho. Jericho flies out of the ring on Regal. Jericho drops Regal across the guardrail. Back in the ring Jericho goes up top and hits Regal with a back elbow for a two count. Regal throws Jericho into the ring post two times. Regal with a arm wringer takedown. Back elbow by Jericho followed up by the lionsault but Regal gets the knees up. Regal with a belly to back suplex for a two count. Regal exposes the top turnbuckle and throws Jericho into it twice. Jericho with a enzeguri. Jericho goes up top and hits a missile dropkick for a two count. Uppercuts by Regal. Regal with a double underhook superplex for a two count. Jericho looks for the walls of Jericho. Regal reverses and locks on the Regal stretch. Jericho makes it to the ropes. Chops by Jericho. Regal with a big boot. Jericho with a bulldog. Jericho with the lionsault for the pin. Winner: Chris Jericho

Match 2: Tazz & APA w/ Jacqueline vs. Right to Censor (Bull and Goodfather w/ Steven Richards) Richards tries to do some mic work but is cut off by Tazz's entrance. Match starts off on the outside with Tazz and Val. Tazz clotheslines Val out of the ring. Richards jumps in and Jackie gives him a ddt. Referee restores order. Faarooq powerslams Bull for a two count. Bull with a big boot to Tazz. Double team on Tazz. Val with a side russian leg sweep on Tazz for a two count. Goodfather with a leg drop on Tazz. Goodfather with the ho train on Tazz. Goodfather misses a second rope splash. Bradshaw with a backdrop on Goodfather. Bradshaw with a fall away slam on Val. APA double slam Val. Bradshaw with a top rope belly to back suplex on Val. Bull and Goodfather double slam Faarooq. Goodfather misses the ho train on Bradshaw. Bradshaw hits Goodfather with the clothesline from hell for the pin. Winners: Tazz and APA

Match 3: WWF Hardcore Championship: Big Show vs. Kane vs. Raven. Raven brings his cart full of weapons to the ring. Raven attacks Kane with weaponds. Big Show comes out. Kane has regained the advantage on Raven. Kane press slams Raven onto Show. Kane comes off the top to the outside on Show. Kane and Raven fight in the crowd. Show follows them out and hits Kane with a big boot. They make their way to the backstage area. Show shoves Raven and the referee into a fenced in area and locks the gate. Kane breaks through the padlock. Raven chokes Kane with a waterhose. Kane pushes Raven through the fence. Kane chokes Raven with the waterhose. Kane throws Raven through a window. Show throws Kane through a door. Kane and Show bust through a wall. Raven tries to get away on a golf cart but Show stops him. Kane follows after Show and Raven on a golf cart and almost runs over Raven's leg. Kane throws a plastic cart on wheels at Show. They make their way to the top of the stage. Show clotheslines Kane. Show attempts to press slam Raven off the stage but Kane knocks them both off. Kane jumps off the stage with a leg drop on Show for the pin. Winner and New Hardcore Champion: Kane

Match 4: WWF European Championship: Test vs. Eddie Guerrero w/ Perry Saturn. Match starts off with both men trading punches. Test with a powerbomb for a two count. Both men fight on the outside. Back in the ring Eddie backs Test into the corner with punches. Test with a clothesline for a two count. Back elbow by Test. Test with a top rope back elbow for a two count. Eddie lowers the ropes and Test gets hung up in them. Saturn gets his shots in. Eddie starts working on Test' knee. Back in the ring Eddie sits on Test' leg across the bottom rope. Eddie jumps on Test' back and puts a sleeper on. Test falls to one knee. Eddie lets go of the sleeper. Test with a tilt a whir slam. Test with a tilt a whirl powerbomb for a two count. Eddie with a mule kick. Saturn suplexes Test. Eddie gets a two count out of it. Eddie with a brainbuster. Eddie goes up top and misses. Test with a pumphandle powerslam for a two count. Test with a big boot to Saturn. Test hits Eddie with the big boot. Malenko interferes. Test knocks Malenko off the ring apron. Saturn throws Eddie the belt. Eddie hits Test with the belt for the pin. Winner and New European Champion: Eddie Guerrero

Match 5: Chris Benoit vs. Kurt Angle. Angle brings a mic to the ring with him. Angle says it is no secret that he is not a fan of Texas. Angle says the Texas flag is missing 49 other stars. Angle says tonight he will illustrate a point, that he will beat Benoit. Match starts off with a takedown by Angle. Both men do a series of mat wrestling moves and do the ECW standoffs to a loud pop. Benoit tries to go for the crossface but Angle makes it to the ropes. Angle decks Benoit and throws him to the outside. Angle bounces Benoit's face off the announce table. Angle sends Benoit into the ring steps. Back in the ring Angle hits a suplex for a two count. Angle with a side suplex for a two count. Chops by Benoit. Angle with an overhead belly to belly suplex. Angle with another overhead belly to belly suplex. Short arm clothesline by Benoit. Benoit with a knee to the gut. Benoit with a reverse elbow for a two count. Snap suplex by Benoit for a two count. Benoit with a superplex for a two count. Benoit puts the ankle lock on Angle. Angle kicks him off. Crossface by Benoit. Angle gets out and puts the crossface on Benoit. Benoit gets his foot on the rope. Benoit bumps Angle into the referee. Benoit puts the crossface on Angle. Angle taps out but there is no referee. Benoit gets the referee up. Angle hits the olympic slam for a two count. Angle slams Benoit, goes up top, and lands a moonsault on Benoit's knees. Benoit goes up top and hits the swan dive for a two count. Mule kick by Angle. Angle rolls up Benoit, pulling the tights, for the pin. Winner: Kurt Angle

Match 6: WWF Women's Championship: Chyna vs. Ivory Match starts off with Ivory hitting Chyna with the belt. Ivory stomps on Chyna and pounds on her neck. Chyna throws Ivory across the ring. Chyna kicks Ivory down in the corner. Clothesline by Chyna. Back body drop by Chyna. Powerbomb by Chyna for a two count (Chyna lifted Ivory up at two). Chyna press slams Ivory for the pin. Winner and New Women's Champion: Chyna

Match 7: Street Fight w/Special referee Mick Foley: Vince McMahon vs. Shane McMahon w/ Stephanie. Shane gets on the mic and gives a shout out to the young WCW wrestlers, shown sitting in the skybox. Match starts off with Vince slapping Shane. Vince chokes Shane in the corner. Shane with a clothesline. Shane spears Vince. Stephanie enters the ring and slaps Shane. Stephanie runs out. Shane hits Vince with a baseball slide. Shane hits Vince in the head with a metal sheet. Shane sends Vince into the ring steps. Shane comes off the guardrail with a clothesline on Vince. Shane pulls a kendo stick from under the ring and hits Vince in the back and stomach with it. Punches by Shane. Shane clears off the announce table. Shane hits Vince with a TV monitor. Shane lays Vince on the table. Shane goes back in the ring, goes up top, and jumps out on the table and misses Vince as Stephanie pulled Vince out of the way. Trish rolls Linda down to ringside. Trish checks on Vince. Trish slaps Vince. Stephanie slaps Trish. Trish spears Stephanie into the corner of the ring. Stephanie tries to escape but Trish catches her in the ring and beats the hell out of her. Foley pulls Trish off of Stephanie. Stephanie slaps Foley. Stephanie runs away but Trish runs after her to the back. Closeup of Vince calling Linda a bitch. Foley tells Vince to get away from Linda. Foley tries to get Linda out of harms way but Vince hammers him with a chair. Vince pulls Linda out of the chair and rolls her into the ring. Vince sets up a chair in the corner and sits Linda in it. Vince throws Shane back in the ring. Vince throws 4 garbage cans in the ring. Vince hits Shane over the head with a garbage can. Vince repeatedly hits Shane in the back with a garbage can. Linda gets out of her chair and kicks Vince between the legs! Foley re-enters the ring and opens up on Vince. Foley with a running knee in the corner on Vince. Shane puts a garbage can on Vince in the corner. Shane does the Vanterminator on Vince for the pin! The WCW wrestlers are shown again in celebration for Shane. Shane and Linda hug. Winner: Shane McMahon

Match 8: TLC II: Dudley Boyz vs. Hardy Boyz vs. Edge & Christian. Match starts off with everyone going at it. Dudleys double flapjack Christian. Poetry in motion on the Dudleys. E & C hit Matt and the Dudleys with the ladder. E & C double team Matt in the corner. E & C do a double drop toe hold on Jeff on a chair. Matt climbs the ladder but Edge clotheslines him off. Jeff dropkicks Edge off the ladder. Hardys double baseball slide a ladder into the Dudleys. Hardys jump off opposite ladders onto Christian. Dudleys throw the Hardys out of the ring. Dudleys do the whassup headbutt off the ladder on Edge. Dudleys bring two tables into the ring. Buh Buh powerbombs Jeff on Edge through the table. Dudleys stack 3 tables on the outside. Buh Buh hits Matt in the head with a ladder. All six men climb the ladders and they all fall off. Spike runs in the ring and gives Edge the acid drop. Spike acid drops Christian through a table. Rhyno enters the ring and spears Buh Buh. Rhyno spears Matt through a table. Lita runs down and pulls Edge off the ladder. Spike low blows Rhyno. Lita with a huricanrana on Rhyno. Edge falls off the ladder onto the ropes. Dvon clotheslines Rhyno off Buh Buh's shoulder. 3D on Lita. E & C clear the ring with swinging chairs. Jeff sets up a HUGE ladder on the outside. Jeff climbs it and hits the swanton on Spike and Rhyno through two tables. Christian and Dvon climb the huge ladder in the ring. Matt moves the ladder leaving Christian and Dvon hanging from the belts. Christian and Dvon fall. Jeff climbs a smaller ladder and hangs from the belts. Edge on the huge ladder, spears Jeff hanging from the belts. Rhyno pushes Buh Buh and Matt off a ladder to the outside through 4 tables. Rhyno, with Christian on his back, climbs the ladder and Christian grabs the belts for the win. This was the best match of the evening! Winners and New Tag Team Champions: Edge and Christian

Match 9: Gimmick Battle Royal The contestants come out in this order: Bushwhackers, Duke The Dumpster Drose, Iron Shiek, Earthquake, The Goon, Doink The Clown, Kamala w/ Harvey Whippleman and Kimchee, Repo Man, Jim Cornette, Nikolai Volkoff, Michael PS Hayes, One Man Gang, Gobbly Gooker, Tugboat, Hillbilly Jim, Brother Love, and Sgt. Slaughter. Tugboat throws Gobbly Gooker out. Earthquake throws Tugboat out. Kamala throws Earthquake out. Brother Love throws Kimchee out. Doink throws Duke the Dumpster Drose out. Bushwacker Luke got thrown out by someone. Volkoff and The Goon get thrown out. Kamala throws Doink out. One Man Gang throws Michael Hayes out. The next set of throw outs happened so fast I could not keep up with them. Sheik and Slaughter are the only ones left. Sheik throws Slaughter out for the win. After the match Slaughter comes back in and puts the cobra clutch on Sheik. Winner: Iron Sheik

Match 10: Triple H vs. Undertaker Match starts off with UT and Triple H fighting on the outside. UT knocks Triple H through the spanish announce table. High knee by Triple H. Ut gets right back up and throws Triple H in the corner with punches. UT back body drops Triple H. Running clothesline by UT. Powerslam by UT followed up my a missed elbow drop. UT with a flying clothesline. UT goes for the tight rope walk but Triple H throws him off. Neckbreaker by Triple H for a two count. Triple H with an elbow to the back of UT's head. Triple H with a swinging neckbreaker for a two count. Triple H with the facebuster. Triple H goes over to the announce table and gets his sledgehammer and brings it in the ring but the referee takes it away. UT counters the pedigree and catapults Triple H into the referee in the corner. UT gives Triple H a chokeslam for a two count. UT attacks the referee. UT throws Triple H out of the ring. Triple H sends UT into the ring steps. UT backdrops Triple H over the guard rail onto the concrete. Triple H and UT fight towards the techical area. UT throws Triple H onto the next level of the technical area. Triple H repeatedly hits UT with a chair. UT chokeslams Triple H off the camera tower to the concrete floor. UT jumps off the camera tower with an elbow on Triple H. EMT's check on Triple H. UT attacks the EMT's. UT and Triple H go back to the ring. UT grabs the sledgehammer and Triple H begs off. Triple H low blows UT. UT with a big boot. Both men trade punches. Triple H tries the tombstone but UT counters with a tombstone of his own, but the referee is still out from earlier. UT goes for the last ride but Triple H picked up the sledgehammer as he was being picked up and used it. Triple H gets a two count out of it. UT is busted open. Triple H backs UT into the corner with shots to the head. UT counters the corner shots with the last ride powerbomb for the pin. Winner: The Undertaker

Match 11: World Wrestling Federation Championship: Stone Cold Steve Austin vs. The Rock Fink announces that this match will have NO DQ's. Match starts off with both men going at it. Austin hits the Thezz press followed up by the elbow drop. Swinging neckbreaker by Rock. Austin throws Rock out of the ring. Rock and Austin fight in the crowd. Back in the ring Austin hits a superplex for a two count. Austin exposes the turnbuckle. Rock clotheslines Austin out of the ring. Austin hits Rock with the ring bell. Rock is busted open. Back in the ring Austin gets on top of Rock and hammers at his forehead. Austin with a swinging neckbreaker for a two count. Rock explodes out of the corner with a clothesline. Rock sends Austin face first into the top turnbuckle. Rock hits Austin in the head with the ring bell for a two count. Austin is busted open. Rock with right hands. Rock with an elbow to Austin's chest. Austin drops Rock across the guard rail. Austin catapults Rock into the ring post. Austin hits Rock in the head with the monitor. Back in the ring Austin gets a two count. Rock puts the sharpshooter on Austin. Austin makes it to the ropes. Austin flips off Rock and puts the sharpshooter on him. Rock powers his way out. Austin puts Rock back in the sharpshooter. Rock makes it to the ropes. Austin puts the million dollar dream on Rock. Rock gets out of it with a rollup for a two count. Rock with the stunner on Austin for a two count. Vince comes down to ringside. Austin with a spinebuster for a two count. Rock with a spinebuster of his own. Rock hits the people's elbow. Rock goes for the cover but Vince pulls him off of Austin. Rock stares down Vince and chases after him. Rock walks into a rock bottom from Austin for a two count. Rock counters the stunner and shoves Austin into the referee, knocking him to the floor. Austin low blows Rock. Austin tells Vince to give hit Rock with the chair while he holds him. Vince hits Rock with the chair. Vince puts the referee back in the ring and Austin gets a two count. Rock bottom on Austin. Vince distracts the referee. Rock pulls Vince in the ring and lays the smacksown on him. Rock turns around into a stunner from Austin for a two count. Vince hands Austin a chair. Austin hits Rock in the head with the chair for a two count. Austin repeatedly drives the chair into Rock's chest and head for the pin. After the match Austin and Vince shake hands. Austin and Vince drink a beer together over the Rock's body. This was a very very good match! Winner and New World Champion: Stone Cold Steve Austin

A great Wrestlemania with 11 awesome matches!! I wouldn't say this was the very best Wrestlemania, but it was still very good and entertainning. This PPV deserves an A
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The Best Pay Per View EVER!
virginiacavs611 August 2001
The Rock vs. Austin was the draw.........the undercard was the most incredible sight ever witnessed.....just imagine if the Heartbreak Kid were allowed to participate, GOODNESS GRACIOUS! Kurt Angle vs. Chris Benoit was easily the best of the night as the two best workers in the business today were able to put on an incredible display of athleticism and dramatic intensity without using ladders or tables and whatnot, just plain good wrestling. The TLC match itself was incredible as well as the battle between the Grim Reaper and The GAME. The Main Event put an immediate and amazing punctuation on the evenings festivities with a Hogan like turn. One more thing, ROCKY SUCKS......OH HELL YEAH!
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Best wrestling PPV of all time...
roondogbb28 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This ppv is an instantaneous 10/10. Right from from the start. Normally I don't like to give spoilers when reviewing movies and tv shows but since this is wrestling I'm keen to make an exception here.

I'm sure most of the people reading the review will either be familiar with this particular ppv or with wrestling in general. So I want to explain why this ppv was so monunental beyond the amazing wrestling and storylines within the show. In reality at the time a wrestling war of sorts had been talking place between WCW a subsidiary company of Time Warner and the WWF between 1996 and 2001. The war was an injection of adrenalin and electricity into the wrestling world and at the end of it WWF prevailed and bought the remnants of WCW from Time Warner. There was a sense of change, possibility. Being at the top of the wrestling mountain as the WWF after many many decades was the only major wrestling company left. Wrestlemania 17 was a ppv worthy of being at the top of the mountain.

The card was stacked from top to bottom and each match had a good story behind it. Which added to the good wrestling that most if the matches had. The first match was between Chris Jericho and William Regal. A great opener for the intercontinental championship.

The show had many types of matches, from the hardcore championship which had a few comedy spots in it. The womens title match was a bit ehh but it served its purpose. (starting the downward fall of the Right to Censor) The match between Angle and Benoit was a technically amazing match. The TLC match was amazing with countless great spots. And the Vince and Shane match (built around the buying of WCW) was not so much a good wrestling match as it was a drama based around the buying of WCW and the McMahon family.

Taker beat HHH here and it could be argued that this is perhaps around the first wrestlemania that started to recognize his Wrestlemania winning streak. 9 and 0 at this point I believe or something close to it.

Then ofcourse we have the main even. The two top wrestlers of the attitude era. The Rock and Stone Cold Steve Austin.... The build up must have lasted a month, baaically as simple as Austin saying, You have the world title and I want it!!! Also out of character, these two guys had a rivalry to be the best and it showed in ring and each tried to be the best they could. The match had a no DQ stipulation suddenly added to it. Leading to a intense ferocious battle.... Eventually Vince McMahon walked out, the sworn enemy of Stone Cold during this era and they joined sides until The Rock lost. This in hindsight was seen as a mistake and was a going to be a fast and quick way to turn Austin Heel. Yet it backfired. People just didnt like the logic.

After this show. It was definitely a downwards trend. Not a free fall but a saddening change. WCW had been the motivation for innovation in the WWF and without competition, complacency sets in. Also the roster became bloated. With people arriving from the now sunken WCW ship... Eventually WWF became p.g (albeit a few years later) and family friendly and corporate. Due being put onto the stock market..... It was never the same and couldn't be. However this peak still exists on the WWE network and YouTube has clips of it, so one can indulge in the nostalgia of what once was. 10/10.
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numenorsniper-6639630 April 2022
This WM is the Lord of the Rings of wrestling, but where Sauron wins at the end. It's the best, and will likely never will beaten.

The matches are insane, especially the high flying tag match.
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