182 Reviews
No frills flying experience
TomCat50229 October 2004
Middle of the road comedy about the dreams and experiences of a small-town girl (Gwyneth Paltrow) who longs to be an international flight attendant.

Another forgettable comedy with (supposedly) high-powered talent that seems to be unused. Gwyneth does have a good comedic presence, and she looks good in the skimpy outfits, what with her lean, leggy body and all.

But it's all just light fluffy trek. The movie struggles to even fill its 87 minutes with substance. Basically just girl from small town, longing for high life and glamour, trials and tribulations achieving her goals, and final realization that love and home are really what cranks. My, my, original indeed.

Yes, Gwyneth is OK, not totally sleepwalking through this role. She obviously needs to be stretched artistically, though. The supporting cast don't provide much. Mike Myers' cross eyed instructor provides a few laughs, but seems mostly like an overplayed Saturday Night Live character.

Candice Bergen seems settled into these time-killer comedies, and that is her prerogative. As the grand damme of flight attendants, she does get a couple of humorous lines, and her lispy, stilted, staccato, deliberate vocal delivery is always funny to me.

5/10 because I did laugh a few times. When it's not funny though, it's not much.
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Uneven comedy-drama has sweet and funny moments amongst the silliness...
moonspinner5513 March 2006
Pleasant if unremarkable fluff has Gwyneth Paltrow pulling a Mira Sorvino, playing a hick-town cashier in Nevada who is inspired by a celebrity airline hostess and takes to the skies. Middling comedy-romance about flight attendants has Paltrow in unusually silly spirits; her role isn't realistic, of course, but it's a lot of fun watching her go through the ropes, gaining self-confidence and making friends. Her sweet relationship with Mark Ruffalo never gets in the way of the comedy and provides a nice capper at the end. Film begins skittishly, though it, too, gains confidence and composure despite 'scene-stealing' hams in the supporting cast and an abundance of what appears to be costume designs from the 1970s (yet the film takes place in the present day). Not a big success, but a minor enjoyment. ** from ****
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A Look at Paltrow the Flight Attendant.
anaconda-4065825 May 2015
Warning: Spoilers
A View From the Top (2003): Dir: Bruno Barreto / Cast: Gwyneth Paltrow, Christina Applegate, Candice Bergen, Mark Ruffalo, Mike Myers: Worthwhile comic drama about the climb to success. It stars Gwyneth Paltrow who dreams of becoming a first class international flight attendant. She ends up having to choose between her current relationship or moving up. By the conclusion her success does not overrule her heart. Detailed background with Paltrow's childhood then she deals with betrayal as awful truths indicate that her test scores were higher. Directed by Bruno Barreto who made the superior romantic comedy Bossa Nova. He successfully gives insight into the pursuit of a career as a flight attendant and the hard work to succeed in such an occupation. Paltrow delivers an excellent performance as a woman set on her goals but the outcome choice isn't surprising. Christina Applegate plays her best friend who steals and ultimately sacrifices her friendship and reputation. Candice Bergen is standard as an author whose book inspires Paltrow. Mark Ruffalo is also flat as Paltrow's boyfriend who is basically there to provide her with a dilemma. Mike Myers steals moments as an instructor and adds comic elements that elevate the film a notch. Although more dramatic than funny with its share of narrative problems, it does showcase hard work being rewarded. Score: 6 ½ / 10
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I thought it was a very cute and charming movie
Keri-720 September 2003
I really cant believe some of the bad reviews of this movie that I have just been reading on here! The movie is EXACTLY what it promises to be; cute, charming, and yes, a little bit fluffy!! However, it does not take itself too seriously and that makes its flaws forgiveable. I thought it was very entertaining and refreshing, come on people, LIGHTEN UP!!
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Retrograde sexist crap that should be avoided.
kyrat23 December 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Lesson learned: Getting a man is more important than following your dreams. Clearly a job can never be fulfilling for a woman. She'd rather live in Cleveland, just so long as she's with her man.

This belongs in the anti-feminist/backlash category of movies. Like Baby Boom, it shows us that women only think that they have dreams/aspirations in their careers but what is really important is family and that women should give up their jobs (which clearly do not hold the same interest) for their men/kids.

Up until the conservative movement's wet-dream ending, this was a a barely passable light hearted fluff about a woman following her dreams. It was OK -Mike Meyers was funny and Candice Bergan is generally amusing. However, the character's final moment of degradation and pathetic apologizing for pursuing her own life (I didn't see him punished for following his dreams!) was horrifyingly nauseating and infuriating.

Avoid at all costs! It is not only not worth watching, I think it could be psychologically damaging!
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Not bad for what it is - a light hearted comedy
Nobody-275 July 2015
It seems that too many people watch this movie with wrong expectations: first of all, it is supposed to be a mindless, silly comedy, and in that sense it does not fail. The very beginning of the film shows it clearly, so adjust your expectations accordingly, you Ms. Paltrow included :) I mean, there is Mike Myers in a role of an absolute idiotic instructor teaching flight attendants how to pronounce "assess" so it does not sound like "asses", and Gwyneth Paltrow in a role that takes full advantage of her good looks and portrays her as an unambitious (dumb?) blonde (in the first third of the film)... so if you are expecting some Kurosawa, or Bergman type depth, you are being delusional.

View from the top does have some shortcomings: first of all, it was being made just as 9/11 happened, and from what I gather, that influenced the story, editing and release quite a bit. Then, there is the strange cameo by Rob Lowe, which leaves an impression that it was meant to be more than just a cameo... but it ended up being a loose end. And there is a strangely inconsistent accent by Gwyneth Paltrow who usually gets it right ("Sliding Doors" comes to mind), so that leads me to believe that there was some serious amount of re-shooting which made for those inconsistencies...

Even with all that, the film comes loaded with good laughs, my favorite being scenes with Mike Myers who just nailed his role (but I understand that "haters gonna hate"), and even Gwyneth's reactions to his lunacy are priceless.

So, if you are expecting a terrific plot that would make Hitchcock jealous, move on, this is not that type of film. But if you are in for some guilty pleasure of silly laughs with some seriously good acting by the main actors (Gwyneth Paltrow, Mike Myers and Christina Applegate were all great), then you have come to the right place.

This film is really not as bad as people are making it to be. There is nothing wrong with using actresses good looks to make a funny film especially when the film has no pretenses at being another "Seventh Seal". If anything, we need more joy and fun in this world, and this film provides plenty of that.

p.s. Watch this film carefully, there are plenty of jokes that would be easy to miss if you are too busy eating popcorn.

p.p.s. BTW, Christina Applegate just proved again what a terrific actress she is! Wow!
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maddeningly empty
hellbetty23 September 2004
It's not too often that a movie comes along that is so bad it makes me angry... but this is one.

I kept waiting for a laugh that never came, and was further insulted by the non-committal soundtrack. Was it supposed to insinuate girl-power? Maybe if you like country/rock uplifting go-girl artists... maybe its just me.

Mike Myers absolutely stole the few scenes he did appear in, but wasn't enough to make this movie bearable. And although it was painted a la Down With Love, it did nothing to uphold the style statement it seemed to be trying to make.

ooooh pink and blue! It stunk.
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A Total Sucker For Feel Good Movies
statuskuo16 February 2014
On a very slow night, I watched this flick and was generally surprised at the physical comedy Gwen was willing to put herself through. I really enjoyed this film. For it's ridiculous nature. It's fable quality, and real nice (yet mostly overused) concept of home is where love is. And it reminded me that the journey with someone is better than the journey alone. Everyone needs a co-pilot and it's a sweet message (albeit sometimes outdated). I feel. a movie like this is genuine, and returns back to a time where we may not have been so cynical. If that's their angle, I would say...it's not a bad thing to be sweet.
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Mind-Bogglingly Banal
ClairseachGirl31 October 2003
A friend loaned this DVD to me, and I prepared to watch it not with any expectations of seeing a great or even good cinematic product, but merely hoping for a mild amount of entertainment.

I was completely disappointed.

This film possesses no positive attributes that I can think of. Everything from the costumes to the sets to the script was banal, brainless, and obviously churned out of the Hollywood schlock machine simply to make a buck on the names of the film's hapless stars.

Three-quarters of the way through the movie I took to skipping 'chapters' in a vain attempt to reach a scene worth watching. Ultimately, I abandoned the effort.

This is the kind of movie that makes one wish desperately for commercial breaks, so that one can have some kind of relief.
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Not bad at all
kellielulu17 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
It's not a heavy, serious movie and that's ok . It's lighthearted fun with some silliness and some meaningful moments. We need more of that . I love how Donna ( Gwyneth Paltrow) had a goal to becoming the to flight attendant to actually becoming a pilot! I didn't expect that ! I love it!
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DUSTYGRIMP22 March 2005
Warning: Spoilers
This may have been the single worst large studio production I have ever seen. Beginning with the acting, Gwynneth Paltrow sleepwalks through this one like no actor I have ever seen. The one thing she displayed in this putrid mess was spectacular posture. Her dialog lacked life, which was largely due to it's laughable nature. Her attempts at physical comedy were so amateurish that I began to wonder if the whole thing was a spoof. Christina Appelgate couldn't have been worse if she were deceased. Candice Bergen tried desperately to reprise her Miss Congeniality role even though her character was written without any personal depth. Even the likable Mark Ruffalo came off poorly when confronted with the terrible direction and revolting writing that backed this travesty. When Mike Myers provides the best performance in your movie, you know you are in trouble.

I watched the movie alone and I asked myself, aloud, if this were the unfunniest comedy I had ever seen or the least moving drama. That is, the movie was so bad I was talking to myself. The story of a small town resident trying to get away has been done so frequently that undertaking it again requires something special. A View From the Top lacked that something. The nadir occurs when Appelgate and Paltrow fight in the galley of an otherwise empty plane, spilling peanuts and drink carts along the way. Maybe that sounds amusing, but when you see the actresses looking for things to knock over you know you are in the midst of a bad dream. Actually, check that. The nadir occurs when several of the students, including our heroine, first go to Sally Westin's (Bergen) house for dinner and we are subjected to a stream of jokes surrounding the homosexuality of Randy Jones (Josh Molina) that are at best unfunny and at worst offensively homophobic.

Before I get myself worked up any more over this, let me just say stay away from this film.
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Lightweight Escapism (not that that's a bad thing)
JacquiQ1 April 2003
If you want silly, fun stuff, this is the movie to see. Mike Myers was grand... nice to see him in a small movie. Gwyneth Paltrow predictably good indeed and Candice Bergen perfectly cast as the "big-haired mentor".

It was relaxing to enjoy a lightweight comedy/romance with NO BIG MESSAGE, just smiles and a large number of giggles. I gave it 8 of 10.
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I love this corny movie
kmskeels10 November 2018
It is gloriously ridiculous and I've seen it so many times I can quote most of it. Gwenyth does a brilliant job bringing such earnest altruism to her character. And Christina Applegate can play trashy like no one else. Kelly Preston's small role is played well and Candice Bergen is great in anything. Mike Meyers did go a little too far, but that's what he does. I know this isn't the most brilliant movie, but it's fun and lighthearted and I will watch it many more times.
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This movie was like a lesbian porn with the sex scenes taken out
kylekawada8 August 2005
I saw this movie when it was in theaters and was horribly disappointed. With the cast it had I thought it would be at tolerable despite the story line. I was mistaken. The dialogue was terrible and corny, and the only actor that was even mildly amusing was Mike Myers. This movie was so bad infect, I felt that each of the corny dialogue were going to lead into some kind of lesbian porno situation. That is just how bad this movie was. If you want to see a bunch of big breasted women in air line attendant uniforms, without ever seeing any nudity, then by all means watch it. But without a doubt this is one of the worst movies I have ever seen and would not recommend it to anybody that I cared about.
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great looking Paltrow.
jimakros3 April 2007
This movie cant decide what it wants to be.It's not a Mike Myers comedy but spends an awful lot of time with Myers.It doesn't bother to develop any decent kind of romance for its main character but then takes too much time worrying about her romantic needs.It spends most of the script have the girls do stupid things and the rest has super glamorous Paltrow run around super glamorous hotels and European locations.I think this was meant to be a chic romantic comedy but the script revolted and tried for three stooges.If one likes Gwyneth its a must,she absolutely looks stunning here.Thats about the only reason to watch this.
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I bet the quality cast wish the'y left this one alone
barker-adf30 September 2006
What a terrible movie. Some good actors competing to see who can make themselves the least credible in this badly written drivel. It is highly sexist, inaccurate unfunny and filled with music presumably to take your mind off the bad screenplay. The plot is weak but could have been improved to at least make something vaguely entertaining. The viewer is constantly made to think that it will get better but it never does. There is no point in describing the plot because the title summary at the top of the page tells it all. It really is as shallow as that. I'm so glad I did not see this in a cinema. As it is I'd like to claim my electricity money back. Alas I can never have back the 90mins of my life that I wasted. Somebody should be sued for this! One tiny redeeming feature was the use of pseudo Technicolour which was moderately interesting (for about 2 minutes. Do not waste your time on this movie.
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nice View, but should have remained over The Top
RavenGlamDVDCollector18 March 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Word on the Net is that Ms Paltrow does not consider this one to be her crowning glory. Well, if this was her biggest mistake, then a fine life she has lead cause this can't be that hard to live with. Might I be allowed to dwell on mentioning that Gwyneth looks scrumptious in a skimpy bikini that according to the script is about to fall down, but sadly doesn't. Nice legs, hot body, and, ooh the hair! I loved the hair! But not the overly sophisticated $40 haircut when she went International, but the long, loose hair of the romantic scenes. By the way, I'm sure Mark Ruffalo can only sigh when he remembers he once held Gwyneth Paltrow in his arms. :) There is some excellent casting done in this movie, but none more so than that lovely little girl at the beginning of the movie, Chelsey Cole. She instantly gave the film a warm feel, and she fit in wonderfully, and I would like to believe that's exactly what a beautiful creature like Ms Paltrow looked like when she was a kid. Both Mike Meyers and Candice Bergen were great as well, but the fun casting was Christina Applegate, yeah baby!

The second half of this picture loses height like a DC-3 with a burning starboard engine. Somebody up there in the wild blue yonder should have realized that us little folk down here would enjoy the 'big hair, short skirts, big smiles, flying gamblers and drunks' bit a whole lot more, and the movie could rather have been about a seat-of- their- pants airline much like that forgotten old TV series FLY BY NIGHT. Rob Lowe would have been an excellent choice for that. Instead, as she realizes her ultimate dream, the whole look becomes boring, yawn- worthy. But all is not lost. She realizes her mistake, and the fox is soon totally hot again. That cockpit wink at the end of the movie has got to go down in cinematic history.

Great music too, by wonderful vibrant sexy-voiced talent including LeAnn Rimes, that really gives sparkle to the movie. That one, two, three bit during the plane lift-off scene was 100% perfect.

So, Gwyneth is ashamed of having appeared in this one? Why, my dear, this was such a great showcase for your beauty and charm. Don't worry, we know you are a serious actress, and this is just something much less creepy to remember you by than that one where your head ended up in a hat-box!
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most disappointing movie
purplemilka30 December 2003
I usually like Mike Meyers and have enjoyed his Austin Power movies. I knew this was supposed to be a silly comedy so I did not expect real 'value' by the movie experience other than entertainment. I was thoroughly disappointed. I don't remember laughing once. I was annoyed at the stupidity. The acting was over the top. Gwyneth does not have acting skills - I still wonder how she got that Oscar! Don't waste your money on this one.
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Nothing could have prepared me for this movie
cliffwislon-6284313 January 2020
This is a one star movie, but simply because a bread roll saved her head from being caved in by her jealous best friend I have awarded it 7 stars.

First class. (International to Paris)
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How could this movie be so bad?
dave-imdb-64 June 2005
For the number of big stars in this movie, I'm surprised more care wasn't taken to ensure it wasn't so horrible.

The movie starts out promising, with kind of a campy nostaligic feel, but soon progresses into crapland. The script is awful, and it seems like the actors know it. Hearing Gwyneth Paltrow say "what about your hickeys?" in any context is just wrong. And Christina Applegate's acting style fit in on Married with Children, but that's because she was SUPPOSED to act poorly. On a feature film, that approach doesn't work. Mike Myers just should not be in this movie. His character is poorly thought out, and he just pulls out the same old shtick to compensate for a stupid character.

This movie gave me that same sinking feeling I got when watching "Cellular". I knew it was just going to get worse and worse, that's what bad movies do.

I gave this movie 3 stars. I don't know why I gave it that many. Maybe because Gwyneth looks good.
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Mike Myers is the best part of the film.
shrek20044 July 2003
Warning: Spoilers

I admit, this isn't a very good movie. In fact, the only laughs I can remember being delivered in the theatre are when Mike Myers was on screen and of course, the fight scene between Donna and Christine. Most of the jokes were given away in the commercials. However, that was just the "comedy" part of the movie. There was also the romantic, dramatic, and courageous parts that are also defenitely worth seeing. If you don't care about any of that, see the movie for Myers alone--he's really good! Candace Bergen also gives a worthy performance as well.
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SUE-671 November 2003
This movie makes it easily to be the worst I have seen in 2003. Iam utterly suprised to see Gwyneth Paltrow in this trash-movie. What was she thinking? We shouldnt forget that she has won an Oscar once and should be more careful to accept roles in C-movies. One more of this quality movies and the Academy should consider re-claiming their Oscar. Dont waste your money on this!!
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View from Top-Successful Career Isn't the Only Thing ***1/2
edwagreen18 August 2012
Warning: Spoilers
The idea that a young girl from a dysfunctional Nevada home attains success and happiness in her role as a stewardess, despite being betrayed by her alleged best friend marks this 2003 film. It's the old story that love counts as well.

Gwyneth Paltrow is perfectly cast as that girl. Success comes her way, but in the process she gives up boyfriend, Mark Ruffalo.

This kind of picture will always come along with the element of good advice; in this case, given by Candice Bergen who looks as charming as ever.

Happiness must include your personal life as well.
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Uneven comedy but has its fun moments
SnoopyStyle12 April 2014
Donna Jensen (Gwyneth Paltrow) is a trailer park girl from Silver Springs, Nevada. She follows the example of famous flight attendant Sally Weston (Candice Bergen) and gets a job. Her first flight with Sherry (Kelly Preston) is quite eventful as she has never flew. After awhile, she even got her own trainee Christine Montgomery (Christina Applegate). After seeing flight attendants from better airlines, she convinces both Christine and Sherry to apply to Royalty Airlines. They encounter trainer John Witney (Mike Myers) with a wonky eye. After getting the job, Donna is shocked to get only a commuter line to Cleveland while clueless Christine gets the prime route to Paris. Also there is the boyfriend Ted Stewart (Mark Ruffalo).

It's a clunky uneven comedy. Sometimes it works. It just has a tough time maintaining one specific tone. Is it wild and wacky? Or is it more subtle? Gwyneth Paltrow isn't a natural in over the top humor. It's not the worst idea to have a female led wild comedy. I wish the movie kept to either that or a rom-com or something less outlandish or more heartwarming drama. There are some fun moments but there needs to be more of them.
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Funny? I think not.
dbs-214 November 2003
Watching View From the Top wasn't bad, I have seen worse movies that make feel like your in pain. It wasn't that bad, but it certainly wasn't good. Attempts at humor did not succeed and I had a hard time distinguishing this from a pure-romance movie. Other than Mike Myers, the movie just fell flat on it's face and really didn't have a strong story or good acting. The funniest part of the movie was the end credits. I would say, don't rent the movie and if it were on TV and the only other choice would be watching infomercials, pick the infomercials, it would probably be more entertaining.
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