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MPAA Rated PG-13 for language/sexual references

Sex & Nudity

  • There is a scene on a boat where a bikini top strap breaks, and the character has to hold it in place while a man helps her secure it. No nipples are shown; this moment is played for comedic and romantic tension.
  • In the beginning of the movie, the mother of the main character can be seen in the background wearing a very short nightgown.
  • There are multiple occasions where the main characters kiss passionately, but no nudity is depicted.

Violence & Gore

  • Near the end of the film, there is a comedic fight scene between two female characters aboard an airplane.


  • At one point, Mike Myers' character says "shit" about 5 times in the space of a minute, along with some other mild profanity sprinkled throughout and a mention of Men's genitalia at a dinner early in the movie.
  • 1 use of gosh, god, for god sakes, piss, good lord, stupid, oh god, screw and thank god 2 uses of hell and ass 3 uses of damn 10 uses of shit 3 paired with bull 11 uses of oh my god

Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking

Frightening & Intense Scenes

See also

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