Kristin (TV Series 2001) Poster


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What A Waste
meghajmehta30 October 2007
It's unfortunate this show didn't come together, because I think it could have been better. The premise wasn't bad for a situation comedy, and the show did have a few good moments, but the overall execution just didn't work.

While Ms. Chenoweth and Mr. Tenney were well cast and showed a marked improvement in just a few episodes, the supporting players were weak. The writing was also sloppy and pedantic, although after a pretty rough start it did improve a bit. Even then, however, most of the dialogue and plot lines were sub-par at best.

The shame here is that Ms. Chenoweth's remarkable talent wasn't given a better format. I'll agree with those who said that overall the cancellation was a blessing, as it opened the door for Galinda/Glinda in "Wicked." And her career on stage, screen, and television has blossomed. However, it would have been nice to see this be successful.
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NYC 400 - #369 - "Kristin"
DeanNYC27 April 2024
There are some performers that are just so packed with talent, they could either potentially do anything or are so difficult to categorize they are challenging to find the proper role for. And there are others who have such a unique life story, producers want to tap into that element and maybe use some of those facts to help create stories. That gets us right to "Kristin."

Kristin Chenoweth is the person I'm talking about when it came to those elements of both incredible talent and interesting life story. And this show was intended to be tailor made for her.

Here, a secretary named Kristin leaves her native Oklahoma to come to New York to pursue her dream of acting. What she doesn't know is that Tommy (Jon Tenney), the guy who hired her from a local NYC Baptist Church congregation, needed to use her good graces; he planned to use Kristin to help repair his image after a sexual scandal threatened his career (we're talking the summer of 2001 here). Tommy was apparently a sex addict, as there were a number of scandals to mop up, and it seems he was somewhat attracted to Kristin, as well.

Plots of the show involved the homespun wisdom of the titiular secretary who displayed more religious virtuosity at times than you might get on an episode of "The 700 Club" and Tommy's constant need to use her to clean up some other issue that the press was having a field day with, regarding his personal life.

Kristin was aided in her personal odyssey by her best friend Santa (Ana Ortiz) and by her Reverend from the church (Christopher Durang). While Tommy had his assistant Aldo (Larry Romano) and employee Tyrique (Dale Godboldo) to lean on.

What's most puzzling is how they had all of the puzzle pieces to make a really inciteful, interesting and genuinely funny series and it just didn't fit. And there were so many ways they could have gone with it!

They could have focused on Kristin's personal story, being from Oklahoma and her attempts to audition for roles and the elements involved with that. They could have more closely examined the religious side of things, with the relationships within the church, and placed that in context with New York, generally, and made commentary about how organized religion had been declining for many reasons for many years. They could have had Tommy and Kristin hashing out more about their differences and their similarities, with maybe each of them on the opposite side of an issue, and by the end of an episode, wound up agreeing about it. There was a subtle Devil vs. Angel undercurrent going on in the narrative. They might as well have gone to the max with that concept.

Heck, they could have even done the standard "Fish Out of Water" thing and had Kristin dealing with the culture shock of leaving the tiny town she was from into the biggest city on the continent. PLENTY of material to draw on there, as so many other shows have done!

And there was the most glaring issue: all but ignoring Cheno's amazing singing voice. If her character wasn't a member of a choir or if she wasn't striving to succeed in show biz, I could see leaving that element out. But the thing was, it would have been perfectly fine to have Kristin sing regularly, since she could have performed Operatic passages or Hymns without there being a problem with current or future royalties.

In the end, it was probably best that this show didn't become successful. If it did, Cheno likely would have stayed with it for a few years and wouldn't have had the chance to audition for an alternate take on the story of "The Wizard of Oz" on Broadway. That would have been a Wicked shame.

Much like 380's "For The People" (1965), it kind of makes this show more notable for its cancelation than its existence!
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She's Great; The Show Isn't
tgibbs27913 June 2001
I'm writing this after seeing the second episode of the show. It was much better than the pilot, though almost anything would be. In a nutshell, Chenoweth is wonderful. She's beautiful, talented, and full of life. When she's on screen, the show is tolerable. Without her, it's dead.

I have to ask this question: do we really need ANOTHER show set in New York City? I have nothing against New York, and there's nothing wrong with having a FEW shows set in the Big Apple. (Indeed, "Seinfeld" and "All in the Family" were great shows that SHOULD have been set in New York.)

But enough already! It seems like NBC can't do a sitcom set anywhere BUT New York! There's a whole COUNTRY out here, guys. Would it kill you to do a show in Peoria, Paducah, or Pocatello, Idaho? America doesn't stop at the Hudson River.

Back to "Kristin": keep Chenoweth and lose the office setting. Jon Tenney doesn't add a thing. In episode two, the scene with Kristin at her church was by far the best scene. Play up the "innocent Oklahoma girl tries to break into show business" angle.

The pilot was bad. The second episode was better. I'm rooting for this show to improve each week. Kristin Chenoweth deserves a good show. She could be a TV superstar if a network can fashion a quality show around her.
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Now I understand Neilson
GarryQ16 March 2004
Over here I'm used to the BBC allowing a new show one more 6 part series to find their niche. American networks cancelling a show on the first night seemed strange, even ridiculous. `Kristin' just hit cable here in England.

The only thing strange and ridiculous about this is how it even got to pilot stage. The contrived plot and obvious scenes were not helped by wooden performances. Several of the writers have worked on good shows – Becker, Frasier, Cosby etc. but for this they did not bother to produce their best, and combined with the `talents' of the likes of Kristin Chenoweth and Larry Romano and the show was destined to failure. In 1954 we had one BBC channel and nothing else. If Kristin is 50 years of progress, let's bring back Lord Reith and the Hays Office.
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"Kristin" Is A Keeper!
KJRad1434 July 2001
Miss Chenoweth gives a dynamite performance in this new show. It goes to show good things come in small packages. She does a wonderful job considering the "writing" on the show. If the show has a "weak link" then give it to the writers. I love the way the show is able to include her versatile singing styles. Way to go Kristin and NBC. Good luck.
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adorable new comedy!
CountessM5 June 2001
I just saw the premiere of "Kristin" and was really impressed. They could have made it sappy or too cynical, but it was a great balance between the two. The stars had a great feel for their roles and their characterizations were fun to watch. I'd recommend it as a great new show to keep your eyes on.
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Another NBC failure
abdnj19 June 2001
After seeing Kristin for the first time I couldn't believe a show of such low caliber is on the same network as "Ed" and "Frasier." Something else I was shocked to learn is the title character is actually a Tony Award winner. Now you would think that someone who has won such a prestigious award would know a flop from something new and fresh, but in this case, I guess not. It did, however, make one list with flying colors, and that is the list of NBC's Failed Experiments, scoring a 1/10. (The same as "Cursed" and "The Michael Richards Show.")
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Sometimes the best shows air during the Summer!
luzerne15 June 2001
I was very impressed with Kristin. It was a show that could hope make NBC a better network. With a lot of 30 minute shows boring this one made sense. Forget Frasier this show belongs on the list. You want tv to be different and interesting. One thing that needs to go is a serious reduction in Dateline which I find is useless. In short give Kristin snatched an 83/100 and it is a small little wonder. Here's to the Summer!
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tracy_carson6 June 2001
I have never seen a show that I disliked more. Kristin is the worst show I have seen period. It has no redeeming qualities what so ever and the lead actress' voice is way worse that Fran Dresher.

Having "Kristin" come on as some Christian who abstains from sex is the only positive point in the show.
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