664 Reviews
A terrific film, featuring one of Nicholson's best performances
eagle_owl24 October 2005
Jack Nicholson stars as a Warren Schmidt, a man who suffers several crises at once. First he goes into retirement, then his wife dies, and finally his daughter marries a no-hoper. Forced to abandon his usual comfortable routine, Schmidt goes on a personal journey of discovery and tries to make some sense of his life.

The beauty of About Schmidt is how well developed and interesting the characters are. They feel like real people struggling with real situations, which is a surprisingly difficult trick to pull off. This success can be attributed to the strength of the script and most importantly to the uniformly superb acting.

This film provides a showcase for Nicholson to display his talent, and he doesn't disappoint, delivering a superb and multi-layered turn, which is a world away from the smirking characters he often plays. He allows his face to droop, and adopts a world-weary expression, as Schmidt continually finds himself at the mercy of events.

One of Schmidt's first decisions when he determines to get out of the rut he finds himself in is to sponsor an African child. This doesn't have much to do with the rest of the plot, but provides an outlet for Schmidt's innermost thoughts, and is a brilliant and original way of allowing the audience inside the head of the central character.

About Schmidt succeeds in tackling the subject of old age, a topic not often addressed in mainstream Hollywood fare, and for that it should be applauded. This is a terrific film, which features Nicholson at his best.
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simply beautiful
f-main24 November 2004
I was dubious when my 65 year old father picked this DVD up from the shelf at Blockbuster. "Great choice dad!", secretly wondering why I let him pick 2 films out of the 3 in the special offer they had going. You see, my father has a penchant for Woody Allen and anybody who has a rather dry sense of humour, this includes Nicholson.

We sat down tonight, and the first thing that hit me was the way that the film was shot. It is shot using rather blue and green hues, so the film is rather subdued. Secondly, the music stands out. Instead of using a typical 'boohoo' orchestra, the film uses beautiful wandering piano and marimba sounds.

The characters, I could easily relate to. Helen, the faithful wife who is excited about getting to spend a new chapter of her life with her husband. The husband, who obeys his wife but secretly resents it. A sudden change which causes a rethink in everything he has done up until that point.

At first, this appeared to be a comedy, but it was soon revealed to be a beautifully poignant film. Throughout, it questions mortality, what you can achieve in life, and how to cope with loss, or change. I don't think I have ever cried as much in 2 hours as I did during this film, and yet at the same time laughed so hard that my sides were splitting.

I would thoroughly recommend anybody to watch this film. It will stay with you for a long time.
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Classic Cinema Art - A "Must See" Film!
trgusa8 April 2006
I spent a day watching "About Schmidt", with Jack Nicholson... and then the evening rambling through reviews, since my wife's perception of the ending differed somewhat from mine....

Conflict can often lead to enlightenment and discovery, but not so in the case of Warren Schmidt. In his case it leads to a life of complacency, denial, delusion, and passive-aggressive behaviors... and eventually, to a meaningless life of servitude devoid of passion or purpose.

Since my wife and I are around the same age as the character, and we ponder the same issues of our lives, the film had more significance to us. I found the work to be a cinema-graphic piece of art laced with symbolism and dark humor (at best). I likened it to previous movies like "Death of a Salesman", "The Apartment", "The Swimmer" (Burt Lancaster), or a short filmed called "The Bridge".

As a cautionary tale (or social comment) on the "American Way" of life, the messages it conveys are slightly exaggerated, but nevertheless there to be debated. We are talking about identity, achievement, interpersonal relationships, and the "average IQ".

In the end, I believe this film will become one that is studied in future classrooms, and it was brave of Nicholson to participate in such a character study and a work intended primarily for writers, actors, and directors. If laughter is "the sound we make when we are surprised (or shocked) by the truth", then the amount of humor you find in this film may be directly related to your own level of naivety or denial. After all, laughter can often be just another defense mechanism, right?

Some movies are straightforward, some are magical, some are mystical, and then, some are symbolic. This movie falls into the last category. The use of time, space, cognitive dissonance, and Irony abound in this work and challenge us to look, think, and feel.

Notes: we would have cut or altered the "Percodan scene" at the rehearsal (as overdone), also note- the cattle at the funeral who later appear on the freeway, inside jokes about Des Moines and Denver, Randall's "Certificate of Attendance", the look on Jeannie's face at the end of Warren's speech at the Wedding Reception, the use of "overstatement", details of wall decorations, and Warren's obvious attraction to the trite, idealistic, delusional, and superficial.

If you are a thinking, feeling, serious movie-lover, you should SEE this film once, and then STUDY it the 2nd time!
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Alienated from life
Ford-kp5 November 2006
It is hard to recommend About Schmidt to anyone, without actually knowing that person. Not only does the story seem unconventionally uneventful to most of modern audiences, but it also moves with an unhurried patience that will let many viewers shift in their seats. It really depends on whether one can develop an interest to the film and its subject matter, which shows a retired man suddenly facing the void and meaninglessness of his existence.

About Schmidt moves slowly, but it moves with grace. The film's success is deeply in debt to Jack Nicholson, subordinating his personality to the character of Warren Schmidt. It must have been difficult for somebody like Nicholson to display the role's required lack of passion without letting Schmidt lose his human touch. Yet, his portrayal is excellent in its understatement, and his numerable supporting actors do not disappoint either. Fans of Nicholson will be assured in their belief, that their favourite is not only one of the best, but also one of the most versatile actors still working today.

Apart from the acting, director Alexander Payne's film is also well crafted. The somewhat saddened mood is only enhanced by documentary-like shots, constantly making us aware that what we witness is really an everyday-tragedy. The script shows intelligence, and although it contains many subtleties, most of them will not go unnoticed with attentive viewers. Even though About Schmidt is billed as a comedy, it really is a drama. Many of the humorous situations are more tragic than funny, and truly hilarious moments are rare occurrences.

I've often wondered whether the title of About Schmidt has been chosen with any clear intent. The German surname Schmidt equals Smith in English and is one of the most common. So about Schmidt could actually mean "About Everybody". Everybody can wake up one day and discover that everything he or she has devoted himself to, amounts to nothing. It's a frequent social phenomenon, that people suddenly wise up that their lives are almost over, without ever having fully lived them. Maybe that's how all the sea cruises and world tours of old pensioners can be accounted for. Like Schmidt, they are all making a desperate effort to catch up on a time that's long done and over with.

The film does not exactly give answers and, like in reality, does not end with any true revelations to escape all bleakness. But there is something it often likes to apply, namely the self explanatory power of irony. Like one time during the film, when Warren Schmidt decides to adopt a six-year old African foster child by mail. A cheque of twenty-two dollars, which he dutifully provides on a monthly basis, assures that little Ndugu can go to school, gets sheltered, fed and clothed. Yet, in one of his letters Warren writes to him: "What difference has my life made to anyone? None that I can think of. None...at all!"

Well, think again, Mr. Schmidt.
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About life
Prismark1026 September 2013
There some familiar ingredients here. Another dark comedy-drama from Alexander Payne with a Nebraska setting.

Jack Nicholson being less Jack and daring to be more of the kind of character he played in The King of Marvin Gardens. Whereas in that film he played a depressed radio host telling stories to the listener, here we have Schmidt telling stories to a sponsored child in an orphanage in Africa.

Schmidt has newly retired from a lifetime of working in the insurance industry. His replacement a young hotshot has no time for him.

Schmidt is secretly irritated by his wife and she by him after we find out when she suddenly dies that she had an affair.

They planned to have a road trip after they retired and he is now on his own, travelling to his daughter's wedding. Her daughter resents him, her husband to be is a jerk, he is excellently portrayed by Dermot Mulroney.

The film is a character study, a man who failed to be interesting, worked to provide for his wife and family and realising that he will soon be forgotten.

Schmidt is empty, sad and even resentful inside when he realises his wife never understood him and he never really understood her.

His daughter cannot see that the husband although very nice is a bit of a jerk with get rich quick schemes.

The film starts slowly, gets absorbing but despite the emotional pay off at the end, I did find it less than enthralling.

I do find Payne's films rather heavy going and although well acted, the pacing makes it off kilter.
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Enormous emotional impact.
MrVibrating11 December 2005
This is the saddest movie I've seen in years, maybe in my entire life. People who say it's comedy are dead wrong. It's a realistic, brutally true example of a failed life, and it's so tragic.

Nicholson plays Warren Schmidt, an insurance salesman, whose life crashes down on him when he retires. Nicholson, someone I've loved ever since I first saw him, gives his best performance since "One flew over the cuckoos nest". He's so subtle, so sad, so hollow. You don't doubt for a second that he is Schmidt. He has let his body age for the role, which makes him even more real.

Alexander Payne's direction is flawless. Everyone, simply everyone, does a great job portraying the various characters, from the hotshot newly educated young man who takes Schmidt's job, to the embarrassing buddy of Schmidt's daughter's fiancé.

This is a must-see movie. Even if you hate Jack in all his other movies, you will love him in this one. Don't expect a "hilarious comedy", though. This is a thoughtful movie and not "Anger Management".

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A fine performance, in a less than usual role
mjw23053 February 2006
Firstly, both Jack Nicholson and Kathy Bates portrait their characters superbly in this touching and sentimental comedy. Warren Schmidt is retired and has reached a point in his life where he is left wondering - What do I do now? What do I want? And what have I achieved? We follow his journey through heartache, indecision, and discovery. While at the same time laughing at the irony, madness, and subtle humour of many real life situations.

Although I prefer my comedy, a little more manic and in your face than this, I can still appreciate the sheer brilliance in the writing and performances, and I still found it to be a very entertaining movie.

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The poetry of deceit and loneliness
Ana_Banana13 August 2005
This film must be watched very carefully. If you're not paying enough attention to it, you would miss it (some did). It's in the frames, the atmosphere, the tiny details, the situations, the acting, everything. But it's not that obvious, unless you enter that world. Simple story? Sure. Life is simple. So is great art. All in all, "About Schmidt" is a really great film. Bitter humor, all-pervading lie, the infinite sadness of loneliness and failure, sincere egoism, everyday dullness, desperate and quiet hope - this is life, and in a non-blatant, nor melodramatic manner. But you're going to weep (and smile) at the ending (I did!). And one more question: is The Mulholland Man the greatest actor ever or not?
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About Kathy!
jonr-315 June 2004
An OK movie, entertaining in its black-humoresque way--but what made it worth watching, for me, was the astonishing performance by Kathy Bates. I've known people exactly like this character, and I'll bet so has she, and her portrayal was so right-on-the-money it couldn't be better. Wow. The movie only gets a vote of "six" but her contribution deserves "ten."

I never know whether to be annoyed or not that Jack Nicholson always seems basically to play...himself. My feeling is that he never actually inhabits a role. Unquestionably he's a fine actor, but I never expect any surprises from a movie starring Mr. Nicholson, and I haven't been surprised yet. I dunno...

Apart from Ms. Bates's extraordinary performance, what I enjoyed most in this film was the text, and especially the conclusion, of the first letter to Schmidt's foster child. Tasteless and priceless!
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One of Jack Nicholson's best and certainly to be remembered as one of the best films of the first decade of the 21st century
mrcaw124 May 2004
Warning: Spoilers
Jack Nicholson was robbed of another deserving Oscar for his portrayal of the lead character in this movie. This movie was very funny, but in a very dry, painfully realistic manner, like hitting your funny bone.

Nicholson plays a man, who upon retiring, loses his wife of many years. His daughter who lives in another state and who he isn't very close to informs him that she's about to marry. He goes out to meet the future son-in-law and his family who turn out to be basically one rung up the ladder above trailer trash.

Dermot Mulroney turns in another excellent performance this time as the dim witted fiancé. Why he's not more respected in the industry I'll never know. Hope Davis is perfect in this role as the daughter who somehow always gets the short stick in life. Kathy Bates as an abrasive, obnoxious mother of the groom is something to see. She deserved her Oscar nomination as well.

The movie is an extremely stark, gray, black humor piece that is frighteningly true to life. Pushed a few more degrees in another direction and it could have been just one long root canal, but the director, Alexander Payne, walked just this side of that fine line between comedy and tragedy. Will most assuredly be one of the best movies of the fist decade of the new century.
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Decent direction by Payne, impressive Nicholson
calspers17 September 2019
"About Schmidt" (2002) co-written and directed by Alexander Payne is a film about Warren Schmidt, a vice-executive who faces retirement and the identity issues that follow when his wife dies.

Brilliant staging to the premise of the film by director Payne, with smooth character development and interesting choices. Fitting production design and score. Most of all though, I think it is the writing and direction that excels in this film.

The man, the myth, the legend, Nicholson is sensational as usual in mastering the art of simultaneously channeling complex and opposing emotions as grief and humour in an impeccable way.

In spite of all my praise, I think it stalled a bit towards the third act. Still, a recommendable little film.
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Outstanding. Plain and simple.
TOMASBBloodhound19 December 2004
Warning: Spoilers
About Schmidt is the story of a man left with the curious task of trying to find meaning in his life at age 66. Most people by this age would have hopefully figured out how and why they make a difference on this Earth, but Warren Schmidt suddenly realizes he is insignificant after all these years.

Schmidt is played to perfection by Jack Nicholson. This is not the Jack Nicholson we have all grown up watching in films like Easy Rider and The Shining. This Jack Nicholson is subdued, almost lifeless at times, like the character he portrays. You keep waiting for him to explode or break out like Kevin Spacey in American Beauty, but it just isn't right for the character. He's too old, and weak by his own admission. He finds himself on a quest to make a difference in life before its over. And the film takes him for a leisurely ride.

About Schmidt is directed by Alexander Payne. He's a man apparently on a quest of his own to put our great(?) state of Nebraska on the map of the film-making world.

After some obligatory shots of downtown Omaha, we see Schmidt sitting in his office on his last day of work before retirement from the Woodman insurance company. He sits alone and quietly waits until the last seconds of the work day tick off and he's then presumably a free man. However, once the clock strikes five, nothing special happens! In most films, we might expect bells to go off, or music to start playing as the character joyfully begins his new life. Not here. Schmidt has no grand plans for the rest of his life, and that fact is punctuated by this dreary scene.

We then see Schmidt at a ho-hum retirement dinner at Johnny's Cafe, then he gets started on his ho-hum retirement. It appears the only thing he plans to do is go traveling with his wife in their giant camper which ends up as Schmidt's primary mode of transportation the rest of the film. Only there's one thing Schmidt didn't count on. His wife drops dead one day while he's out getting a Blizzard at the DQ. (It appears they shot that scene at the one over in Millard.) After his wife is in the ground, Schmidt goes through some difficult days. He really misses his wife. She seemed to completely take care of his every need as well as run his life in the process. He appears on the brink of despair at her passing until he finds evidence of an adulterous relationship with his best friend!!! After throwing out all of her belongings, he sets off on a sight-seeing tour of our great(?) state before planning to attend his daughter's wedding in Denver.

In one particularly touching scene, he pronounces forgiveness for his wife's affair and resolves to do one important thing before he leaves this earth. And that thing will be to break up his daughter's wedding. She is planning to marry a simpleton who sells water beds for a living and comes from an odd, new-age family of losers. Schmidt drives out to Denver on a mission, feeling as strong and focused as ever.

Once in Dever however, things don't go according to plans. His daughter really loves this loser, and won't hear of leaving him. Her love for this guy is as impossible for Schmidt to imagine as his contempt for her new family is for her to imagine. Schmidt and his daughter couldn't be any further apart. Kathy Bates is typically outstanding as the over-bearing mother of the man his daughter is marrying. Be forewarned though: Bates DOES in fact get naked in a scene, and it would be wise to cover your eyes lest you turn to stone! Her family is annoying and you can just tell their house smells like her feet which she has out in plain view once Schmidt first arrives there.

Schmidt isn't having any luck stopping the wedding and it looks like he'll have one last chance to make his point. At the reception, after a ghastly toast by the best man, it's Schmidt's turn to make a speech. And once again you think, "Here it comes! Here's where he'll go off and tell everyone what he thinks about them in one big comic rant!" But no, it doesn't happen. That's just not something his character is capable of. He can merely swallow his pride and say the only good things he can think of. Most of the wedding party seems to buy it, but you can tell by the look on his daughter's face that she knows it's all b/s. Schmidt is in fact too weak to break up the wedding. Witness the despair on his face as he stands at the urinal after giving the speech. He missed what he feels was his last chance to make a difference in this world.

Now Schmidt has nothing left to do but go home to die. Only in the film's last frame to we see any redemption to this tragic man's life. And a very touching moment it is. I was in tears, and that doesn't happen too often when I watch a film.

This film is worth all ten stars. This Alexander Payne appears to be for real. We already knew Jack was!! ps: Did anyone else notice the symbolism with the cows? First at the retirement dinner with his picture up next to two prize cows. Then the cattle truck being washed off near his wife's funeral. Then as he's driving down the highway in a big truck just like they are. Then at the wedding reception as the beef is being sliced while he's in obvious pain about how things have gone.

Food for thought.
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Death of a Salesman's Wife
wes-connors22 June 2010
"Warren Schmidt is about to experience a bittersweet slice of life. Newly retired, he and his wife Helen have big plans to see America - but an unexpected twist changes everything. Now, Schmidt is determined to stop his daughter's wedding to an underachieving waterbed salesman. From meeting the groom's eccentric parents to sponsoring a Tanzanian foster child, Schmidt sets off on his mission… and gets lost along the road to self-discovery," according to the DVD sleeve. New Line Cinema is alive and well.

This film, by director Alexander Payne writing with Jim Taylor is a mostly successful comedy-drama, but the satire gets a little lost.

The "Best Actor" Oscar-nominated performance by Jack Nicholson carries the drama, with the hilarious-in-a-hot-tub "Best Supporting Actress" turn by Kathy Bates (as Roberta Hertzel) stealing away with the comedy. This is helped by the smaller part given Ms. Bates being so perfectly written, and Nicholson's obvious "have at it" attitude. As Nicholson's daughter, Hope Davis is puzzling but effective; she must have been a mama's girl. As Bates' son, fiancé Dermot Mulroney is a chip off the old block.

******* About Schmidt (5/22/02) Alexander Payne ~ Jack Nicholson, Kathy Bates, Hope Davis, Dermot Mulroney
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Could you depress me a little more?
suawiyp24 January 2003
About Schmidt is clearly the most overrated movie of the year, and has the most misleading ad campaign of the year. The ads make it look like a light-hearted romp, when really it is dark and depressing, interspersed with a few mildly humorous (yet oddly sad) moments. In the movie, Schmidt is a man who just retired to realize his whole life has meant nothing. So he makes a few feeble attempts to change that but learns that he can't. He is sad, depressed, and worthless at the start, and sad, depressed, and worthless at the end. And that is the problem with this movie -- it doesn't GO anywhere. It's like watching depressed friends discuss their problems for two straight hours as they forget that you are there. To be fair, the performances are amazing, and the dialogue is very real, but it just sits there, like a slow day of flipping channels. If you want to be depressed by a good movie, see Leaving Las Vegas, or even The Man Who Wasn't There. This one has nothing to say -- just a blank demonstration of how depressed good actors can make you.
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Life's quirks
diane-341 September 2004
I love Nicolson and I thought his work in this film was as good as any I have seen him do in any of his previous films. My accolades must begin with the writers for creating such a beautiful novel and script-a perfect canvas for the many fine actors in this film upon which they wove their considerable magic. There were no killings, no car chases, no violence of any kind-I'm surprised that Hollywood distributed it.

Such a slice of life-American life with it's many warts-warts that the Americans probably don't even recognize: Winnebagos like moving palaces, freeway monuments to genocide, business that consumes it's workers only to dump them unceremoniously, too much of everything that amounts to emptiness, etc., etc. The novel by Begley, upon which the film was based, illustrated this consumer emptiness brilliantly by the inclusion of the bookends to the film, the sponsorship of the Tanzanian child by Schmidt. The child's material emptiness was contrasted with Schmidt's emotional emptiness in a way America does not recognize much less watch on the screen.

The last part of the movie dealing with the marriage of Schmidt's daughter to a man who came from a diametrically opposite "new age" family was an unstated acknowledgment by his daughter that she wanted nothing of her father's values-she wanted a complete break and she was going to marry the break.

A fascinating, complex movie and I'm sorry I didn't see it much earlier.
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Not as good as Sideways but worth watching
christophe-cloutier-118 April 2012
I did not know what to expect. I had previously seen two Alexander Payne's movies: Sideways, which I really enjoyed, and The Descendants, which sucked really bad. Overall, About Schmidt stands between the two, not as enjoyable than Sideways, but far much than The Descendants. Great acting for Jack Nicholson, who plays the role of a recently retired and widower who wants to reconnect with his estranged daughter before she gets married. As in Sideways, a road trip gives the protagonist the occasion to think about his life, past and present. Good supporting cast also. I on a personal note really enjoyed the performance of Hope Davis, who play's Nicholson daughter, and Dermot Mulroney, who plays her husband. Although it is listed on IMDb as a comedy and a drama, do not expect to many laughs. Fairly good movie overall, but a little too long and that's why I give it a 6.
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Life Is A Joke
alexkolokotronis28 June 2009
Of course we would hope that is not the case but watching a movie like this certainly puts the idea of life into question. This is a funny movie but looking back its probably not quite the kind of jokes you appreciate laughing at.

In the lead role as Warren Schmidt is none other then Jack Nicholson, with an already astute résumé, only further strengthens his long career with his subtle and charming performance. The charm never wears off with the audience as Schmidt's morals and interest for the most part stay in place in his heart and mind. Unfortunately in the tale of Schmidt in the film not only does his charm wear off but he is seen as a liability by those who he thought of as his loved ones. His life takes this crash when he retires from his career and an insurance agent. Soon after he realizes he may have wasted his entire life away. The downward spiral of his life and his sense of purpose hangs on the thread of a boy he has never even met.

As subtle as Nicholson's performance is, so is the writing. It is quietly very witty which almost inconspicuously gives off a whole lot of cynicism. Along with Alexander Payne writing the screenplay he directed the film as well. The movie is certainly not all style and why should it be when that could possibly be the only thing that could really hurt this film. The film is about humanity in a raw and complex way, sometimes the best method of showing this is through simplicity to the point where you are almost certain there is something else that lies behind the curtain of it all.

There is no doubt I would recommend this film but don't expect a pure comedy. Instead try and take a fresh and real look at the entire movie and the events that take place. Depending on who you are, you may find certain points of this movie to be either sorrowful and dejected or slightly uplifting and optimistic. Just don't make a heartless joke of it, because none of us want to think of our life as that; a joke.
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Did we really have to see that!
texasadman21 July 2003
Kathy Bates naked and Jack's bare butt? I have to hand it to them, that took guts. This movie was too hyped for me. I gave it a 6 because it was a good movie, but I was expecting so much more out of it. It does tell a good story though.
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Great note on appreciating what you have while still have it
jbonzon28 November 2003
This is an inspiring story. It teaches me so much about what is important in life. Jack Nicholson, with a great performance as Warren R. Schmidt is an example of an American middle class after retiring. For many years he has worked as an actuary at a big insurance company. After retiring, Jack at home, while watching television, he decides to sponsor a six years old boy (Ndugu) from Tanzania. Sending a check of US$ 22,00 every month, he is also required to write a letter to the boy. In the process of writing these letters, he vents out to the boy about his life frustrations, his lost dreams and the dilemma he is in. He is married for forty-two years with his wife Helen (June Squibb) and he has a daughter living in Denver, Jeannie Schmidt (Hope Davis) who will marry a looser pretty soon. He misses his daughter. A few days after his retirement, his wife dies, and Jack realizes how important the wife was in his life now even though he never appreciated her. The director of the movie, Alexander Payne takes the audiences with Jack on a trip in a trailer to visit specific places in America. He mainly makes Jack visit the places where he has been before physically but at the same time Jack was revisiting his own life inside. In this trip he realizes what really matters in life - friendship, family and sharing- then why it is important to appreciate them whenever you have a chance.

In 'Citizen Kane' (1941), the director Orson Welles portrays the same idea when creating Mr. Kane. The movie is more than the story of a tycoon's rise and fall; it is an account of what is ultimately important in a person's life. Even though Kane attains riches and prestige, he is far from happy. He ends with two failed marriages and few friends. At his dying bed, all he has left is his reminiscences - and something called "Rosebud." In 'About Schmidt' the director Alexander Payne uses voiceover to convey Jack's thoughts and memories throughout the movie. To be specific it is when Jack is writing a letter to the boy he sponsors - (Ndugu), at the same time Payne is informing the audience about Jack's regrets and pain concerning his wife and daughter while the movie is still rolling on. I think this is a great technique.I believe this has been a great adventure and wake up call to many Americans as to what is important in life and why we should cherish every moment of it.
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Deeply flawed but at least makes you think
drhickmann13 July 2003
I didn't particularly enjoy this movie because I wanted it to get up and go but it merely went away. I take it as a depressing, cynical, condescending look at a retired insurance actuary's life in retirement. It was an indictment of midwestern life, its people, and the way they act. This aspect was done much better in "Fargo". In the first place, Schmidt was a simpleton, a dolt who couldn't comb his own hair - not particularly accurate for the actuaries I've known who are generally brilliant people. The gloomy panning of the Omaha skyline is a not too subtle cheap shot at the midwest, as is the entire movie and its characters. The in-law family and the wedding scene were actually quite accurate in depicting the goofiness some people and families display at functions in everyday life. It wasn't particularly interesting to watch such people and I wonder if the makers of this film understand that we see movies to be entertained, not bored by the underbelly of society. This movie wants to say that Schmidt is a hopeless dolt who cannot handle his retirement and his life and whose emotions are so bottled up that it looks like he's ready to explode at any minute. Is this enjoyable, instructive, meaningful, entertaining? I think of it as just another pretentious attempt to create a classic of filmdom while managing to bore the Hell out of the majority of us viewers. Consider the bonus material on the DVD. There are long strings of text as preambles to the outtakes that we have to wade through before viewing them. A simple suggestion to the director - how about you telling us about each outtake with your voice instead of forcing us to read the drivel that precedes them? Yes, we're forced to read that material and we're forced to think about Schmidt's dilemma, not all bad, but it is so utterly depressing in the process that on balance we are not stimulated or entertained and if we don't have either of those we are not pleased with the experience. Giving it a rating of 6 is very generous.
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A true perfect 10 drama/comedy
pkzeewiz26 April 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Warren Schmidt is 66 years old and he's retiring. He had a great job and now some young guy is trying to fill his shoes and he is going home to just relax and live the retired persons life. What does one do after working for so many years and having a good routine going for themselves and then being told to stop, go home, do nothing, be bored. Warren has a nagging wife, who he loves, but the nagging and boredom of his life has made it hard to take. Eventually his boredom find him watching a commercial about the poor unfortunate children in Africa on the Childreach program. He becomes a participant and becomes the donating foster parent of a kid in Africa named Ndugu. He has no one to talk to and not much to do with his life and Ndugu becomes his way of venting and getting it all out of his system. He opens up and talks about what he is feeling to the child.

Warrens wife dies and he heads out to Colorado to try to talk his daughter Jennie out of getting married to her "ninkempoop" fiancé. He hops in his RV and heads across country for a wild adventure before going to watch his only child be wed. He stays with the in laws and finds life is no better when you try to run from it.

The story has many adventures and many truths and just when you think you're no longer of importance or no longer worth the life you hold, you may find that you do matter of a great deal to someone and be very important to them.

I LOVE THIS MOVIE! this makes maybe my 6th time watching it and it is pure perfection to me. The story is so sad and I cry almost all the way through it, and the beautiful thing is when I am not crying I am laughing hysterically. From the subtle face Jack makes to the dinner table scene complete with a lazy Susan and a box of milk bones to Kathy Bates naked hot tub dip to the crazy vows and silly songs at the wedding, this movie is perfect.

Directing is great and has so many beautiful scenes, the music is absolutely dead on with the moods and the little touches of brilliance that you see on camera throughout are superb. The sets were so real and appropriate as well, especially with Roberta's house. Acting was perhaps the best I have seen in years Jack Nicholson did his best work right here and got many awards and much appreciation for it. Kathy Bates did her best here too, I never thought she could top that of Misery but she did here, such wonderful actors, everyone on this film was just amazing.

I can recommend it very proudly as one of my very favorite films, its a tear jerker, but it is extremely laugh out loud funny...10 perfect stars
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Not About Schmidt
Zekesboy16 March 2005
I remember reading, when this film was released, that the writer on whose novel it was based, Louis Begley, thought the screen adaptation was a good job.

Either Mr. Begley had been paid extraordinarily well for the rights to his book, or he was just lying.

It's not that this is a bad film. Not at all! It's quite well-done. But any resemblance between this film and the novel on which it was based is coincidental.

Mr. Begley really ought to be permitted to sell screen rights to his book a second time -- the story he penned has never been made into a movie!

The tone, the social class of the characters depicted, the relationships among the characters -- all are vastly different in book and film.

To me, the best adaptations are those that the viewer finds recognizable -- familiar -- rewarding because of some proximity between one's separate experiences as reader and as film-goer.

But "About Schmidt" was not about Schmidt. It was about some other guy. An interesting guy; funny guy. A guy that poignant things happened to. But not Schmidt.
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OUR rehearsals for retirement....
dbdumonteil19 April 2006
Jack Nicholson is part of these unique actors who are not afraid of playing demeaning parts.While most of his peers in their sixties/seventies are still playing heroes ,see what he does.He has almost never played the brilliant-lawyer-with-good-prospects.Two examples :"one flew over the cuckoo's nest" and the overlooked "Ironweed" which almost nobody knows and which paired him with an equally extraordinary Meryl Streep.

"About Schmidt" is a very good film,cause it succeeds in blending comedy and drama.And this drama involves US ,cause like Schmidt we are all potentially retired people .We are afraid of losing our job for good (the scene when Nicholson returns to his office is revealing),we are afraid to live with a partner getting old (who's THAT old woman living in my house?) ,we try to enlighten our children for fear they might go astray (and the daughter's family-in-law has nothing to recommend them)... and most of all,we are afraid of this: when you reach 65,you take stock of your life and you realize it's an unfulfilled one.Then you live in the past conditional.

That's why the little African boy is so important;although we never see him ,he's a character in the story: a confident ,and finally,when Nicholson begins to cry,the one thing he can be proud of.The letters he writes to his foster child provides the movie with an unusually inventive use of the voice over.

There are numerous memorable scenes:my favorite is Nicholson's speech during the wedding meal:his attitude is in direct contrast to the praises he says to everyone ,particularly to his daughter's mother-in-law ( Kathy Bates is sensational).

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Accurate portrayal of the less attractive aspects of life in America
zeppo-515 October 2007
This film is the most accurate portrayal of the less attractive aspects of life in America that, in my opinion, has ever been screened. The man who has devoted his entire life to his work and can't get over the shock of retirement; the wife who looks after him but makes him obey her strict rules; the discovery of the wife's love affair with his best friend; the banality of the retirement dinner; the headstrong daughter who insists on marrying a totally unsuitable wimp; the crudeness of the wimp's family, just to mention some of the all-too-common and negative aspects of American life, interpreted in this film by a splendid cast headed by Jack Nicholson and ably directed by Alexander Payne. Don't look for anything edifying in this film but it is definitely worth seeing.
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dascottishterrier4 January 2005
About Schmidt is a very boring film.

Even though it has a good cast who deliver great performances and a touching storyline about an old man who has lost his wife, the fact of the matter is it feels as if you, the viewer, are waiting for something to happen. But something never happens so you wait, and wait,and wait,and wait,and wait,and wait,and wait,and wait,and wait,and wait,and wait,and wait,and wait,and wait,and wait,and wait,and wait,and wait,and wait,and wait,and wait,and wait,and wait, and wait, and wait, and wait, until the film ends and you realise that you have spent two hours of your life waiting for nothing to happen.

Complete waste of time. 1/10 (only because I can't give a zero).
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