Slackers (2002) Poster


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Whats wrong with you people?!
jayfril21 May 2003
Worst movie of the year? Ok...the name is SLACKERS! Not Schindlers List Part 2. Why do you people try to pull so much meaning out of these stoner flicks? What are you thinking when you rent these movies? That you'll find a diamond in the rough? A Spielbergian classic?!? I like stupid humor. Sue me. I can laugh dumb nonsense. I've shown this to a ton of people and they all found humor in it. Cool Ethan is quite possibly the craziest character ever written and what his face from Rushmore pulls it off perfectly. Plus whats his face from that Stan video is PIMP in this movie. Seriously...take notes from STAN, eminems greatest fan.

My advice to you critics that downplay a stupid script in the first place is to stop watching comedy's. Stop now while you're ahead. Thank you and good day.
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One of the funnier teen movies
Darkest_Rose28 January 2003
Slackers is a very funny and enjoyable teen movie. Of course it's dumb, but who cares, you'll get a few laughs and feel like you did something worthwhile for two hours. Anyways, Slackers is about three friends that always cheat their way through tests and always get away with it until the psychopathic school geek ethan(Jason Schwartzman) finds out and starts blackmailing them. Unless one of the cheaters named Dave(Devon Sawa) can get the beautiful Angela(James King) to go out with Ethan, he will kick Dave and both of his friends out of the school. Jason Schwartzman was very funny and also Laura Prepon did a very funny performance. She played Angela's sex crazed roomate Reanna. Devon Sawa did also a pretty good job. If you want to see a movie that will make you laugh and just plain relax for two hours, watch slackers. I would give Slackers 6/10
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Schwartzman stole the film,
Matt_Layden6 December 2009
The film is amusing and Devon Sawa plays himself, yet again, in this teen comedy fare that takes place in College. The story centres around these three guys who cheat their way (elaborately) throughout college. This one 'loser' who calls himself Cool Ethan (played by Jason Schwartzman in a stand out role, discovers this and blackmails them in order to get a date with this hot chick that he is stalking. I use the term stalking loosely, he has a shrine dedicated to her, a video of her playing in this shrine 24/7 and he collects her hair all over campus and made a hair doll that he sleeps with/talks to and uses to masturbate. Weird right?

Formulaic script goes on and Sawa falls in love with the girl he was paid to seduce for Schwartzman. She discovers this and hates him, he has to do something romantic and win her back, yawn. Jason Segel is one of the three 'slackers' before his rise to fame and right after his role Freaks and Geeks. It's nothing big, just a supporting role.

The film is really weird and out there, even for a teen comedy. One of the slackers, the ginger one, sings to his penis...and his penis literally sings back to him. He has a sock on it and it sings, mouth moves and everything. Why is this scene here? What does it do for the film? I have no idea. This character is weird and funny though, one standout scene is when he has to finish an exam and the teacher calls for pencils down. He continues to write and flips off the teacher, the teacher yells that he has failed. When he walks up to the desk the teachers says don't even bother handing it in, the ginger asks if he even knows who he is. The teachers replies no, so the kid throws his paper in the middle of the pile of tests and throws them around, then runs away. Funny and something I can see actually happening....singing penis, not so much.

I did laugh, mainly because Schwartzman stole the film. Segel has gone on to be a part of a hit show and a regular for the Apatow crew. Schwartzman has a new show on television and has his bits with Wes Anderson. Sawa? I don't even know what he's doing anymore. He has his fame when he was younger and the girls wanted him. He got ugly and fell off the map. I wanted more of their elaborate cheating schemes and less of the love story that doesn't make sense. They love each other after two or three dates?
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An under-rated subversive take on the normal teen fare
loserchic22 January 2003
I'm actually a huge fan of all teen films, but I think this one was vastly under-rated. Some comments give the impression that it is another gross-out teen romp with nothing new to offer. In actual fact although it may be ranked alongside films such as American Pie Road Trip etc, and though it shares common themes, it is actually a far superior film. As a result, people expect a film similar to the aforementioned, and are faced instead with one which has slightly more to offer. I found this very entertaining and surprising; quite subversive and original in actual fact, more likely to appeal to a greater intellect than that of a 13 year-old the jokes are more ironic and subtle in general, with a few obvious "gross-out" moments sprinkled in between. Though these as well are done with tongue firmly in cheek.

I would highly recommend this film, and prepare to be presently surprised by a film that most people fobbed off as another teen movie, but which is actually a lot more than that.
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Below Average
Meredith-74 November 2003
This film looked promising but it was actually pretty bad. The premise was O.K, but the plot itself was terrible. The actors tried their best with limited material, but they could not rise above the mean spiritedness of this tacky college film. Jason Schwartzman was once again immensely irritating - even more so than in Rushmore, the rest of the cast were quite non-eventful. Scenes that should have been fun turned out to be off-putting & incredibly juvenile. Tries to be a Road Trip/American Pie but fails dismally on all levels. A total waste of everyone's time.
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Very Entertaining "Rent this Movie"
roadie6228 January 2004
I don't know why so many people disliked I found it really entertaining even though it's not the funnest movie in the world it still has a really great story and the acting by both James King and Devon Sawa is great please go out and rent this movie again you will end up liking this movie you will end up liking it.
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I think they were aiming far higher than it seems, but it didn't work
whatch-1793114 December 2020
It's a bit different than other of its ilk, roughly in the American Pie (and if you're old enough Porky's).

I don't think they were going for cheap laughs, I think they were actually trying to do something with more depth and complexity, but it just didn't come together at all and became a disaster. After all, there is a topless shot of a woman literally 50 years too old for a topless shot in a teen exploitation film.

I actually think it's a 2 or 3, but I bump up my score a bit for effort.
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"How to Meet Girls and Alienate Friends"
Kamurai2510 March 2021
Decent watch, could watch again, and can recommend.

I don't think this is a movie anyone is going to watch again and again, but I believe it's memorable enough to be somewhat infamous.

This is the movie with the hairdoll.

My big problem with this movie is that the protagonists are scumbag liars and cheaters, and while the antagonist is somewhat crazy, he's the villain because he catches them in the act of misdeeds. That he uses the information to his advantage is actually somewhat symbolic of heroic stories, but he's such a nutcase that it is twisted.

I'd love to see a reboot of this with Schwartzmen's character as the protagonist, but with some proper character development would be a great movie, this is, at best, a good movie.
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another cheap story...
rak7822 May 2002
Love, hate, fun, blackmail, cheating, slacking, faking, should be good huh ?! Well, once again, WRONG. It's another cheap story, with no action, low humor and some collage underlife. Waste your money on something else, this sucks. I'm sorry for the casting, maybe in some other screenplay they would be better...
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rbverhoef21 May 2003
You have the old high school and college movies like 'Risky Business' and 'Ferris Bueller's Day Off' which are funny and pretty innocent. You have the new high school and college movies like 'American pie' and 'Road Trip' which are pretty funny and not so innocent anymore. And you have the latest editions of these movies that have lost all there innocence. 'Van Wilder' in my opinion still was nice and now we have 'Slackers'. I don't know if it is really such a bad movie, but it does anything to get a laugh. And by anything I really mean anything.

I had some kind of fun, I guess, watching this movie. I think I had fun because I still am in my high school and college years. The movie starts with two guys cheating on exams. The way they do it will probably never work in real life, but it looks kind of cool. One of the guys Dave (Devon Sawa) makes a mistake by giving his phone number to a girl Angela (James King). Another guy Ethan (Jason Schwartzman) who is desperately in love with the girl know the truth and blackmails Dave and his friends. They must get Angela and him together. Of course Dave starts to like Angela himself and we have the comedy with all its dirty jokes.

Like I said, I had some kind of fun. You probably will not have any. Almost any other review will say you will not like it. I would give it a try if you are a student yourself, but only then!
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Slackers fails to deliver the laughs
christian12317 May 2005
Slackers is just another teen movie that's not really worth watching. Dave (Devon Sawa), Sam (Jason Segel) and Jeff (Michael C. Maronna) are about to graduate from Holden University with Honors in lying, cheating and scheming. The three roommates have proudly scammed their way through the last four years of college and now, during final exams, these big-men-on-campus are about to be busted by the most unlikely dude in school. The plot is very stupid and there's no reason why to watch this unless your looking to shut off you brain for a little while. Slackers is just a predictable teen flick that really adds nothing new to the genre. The comedy in Slackers is either hit or miss but there's no real true funny or original moment in the movie. Its really just a collection of gags and some are actually pretty funny. Though for every joke that works there's at least eight more that don't. The screenplay is full of penis and breast jokes that some high school and college students may enjoy. Even if they do they probably won't remember this film after awhile as its not a very memorable comedy. Jason Schwartzman plays the freaky Ethan and after appearing in some good comedies he has stoop pretty low. Jaime King and Devon Sawa are the other main stars but they do a rather poor job in this film. This is directed by Dewey Nicks and this is his first film so you can't blame him too much. The funniest character was probably Laura Prepon though, she's not in the movie very much. The film is very short at only 86 minutes long however, that may be too long for some people who don't really like this type of humor. Slackers isn't the worst film of 2002 but certainly is below average. When compared to other films in the genre there's a lot better out there such as Not Another Teen Movie, American Pie and its sequels , Scary Movie 1 & 2 etc. So unless you have seen most of them and you're looking for something new then Slackers might fit that bill but its better if you just watch something else. Rating 4.3/10 a below average teen comedy that's worth skipping.
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Funny College Movie
General_G22 October 2005
If you like teenage/college humor and dirty jokes, this is your movie. The whole movie is basically goofy college humor and most movies like that don't really have a well thought out movie. With this they had all of that without forgetting about what the movie was about or ruining the story at the end. I felt very sorry for Dave when Ethan lied to Angela about him. Luckily they got everything settled out. I liked some of the actors and actresses who played minor characters in the movie too like Michael McDonald, Retta and Jim Rash. I'm surprised actor Michael C. Maronna isn't as big as he is because he was funny in this movie. He should get himself into more movies like this. See this movie if you haven't seen it. If you have, see it again.
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Slackers Adjectives
trappjl23 December 2005
Slackers is one of the most unbalanced, bizarre movies I have ever seen! Half is chock-full of sexually charged, psychedelic, often disturbing, gross-out gags while the other is a tame, boring, run of the mill love story (lots of adjectives, I know). Despite its flaws though I found that on second viewing Slackers became a considerably more respectable movie then I had originally thought. Firstly, it has a great soundtrack which includes an orchestrated version of "Baba O'Reilly" and a choir version of "the Sign". Secondly, it has Jason Schwartzman and Michael C. Maronna whose craziness plays well off the gross-out gags. Finally, I'd like to commend this movie for how insane it really is once you get passed the boring plot.

Unfortunately I can't bring myself to like Devon Sawa, whose great guy that gets the girl is utterly pathetic and too counter crazy to help this movie. Whenever things start to pick up it seems his character is always there to slow them down again. Jason Segel is also a difficult actor to like because his high-school/college stoner persona is always clouded by his naivety. And while we're on the subject my college experience showed me more sarcastic college characters (like the T.A.) then ones naive enough to believe in "true love". The final problem I have is that although I like Jason Schwartzman, its hard to find his psychotic character all that funny.

Final verdict is a 6 of 10
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not a good movie (spoilers)
mattd12413 September 2002
Warning: Spoilers
Well, I just ordered this on my pay-per-view at home because I was bored and needed a laugh. I have to admit, I did chuckle a few times, but I don't even remember what parts they were at. I don't understand why this movie was made. It claims to be a comedy but seriousuly, I don't find a singing penis, or a naked 70 year old woman very funny. This movie was trying to fit itself into the 'gross-out' comedies of recent years such as American Pie and Road Trip, but it just failed miserably. It was way to much gross-out then it was comedy. Also, why on earth did Cameron Diaz attach her name to this movie?!?! The only thing I liked about this movie was when Dave and Angela were in the pool. I thought it was sexy and enjoyable and well-done. Besides that, avoid this movie. 3/10
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"Slackers" slacks on story but not on laughs.
wip3out1 February 2002
Warning: Spoilers
Every once and a while a movie comes out that the critics can't stand. In fact, it seems like every other week doesn't it?

Well, this week it's Slackers, the very disjointed, (but still funny), comedy Starring Devon Sawa, James King and Jason Schwartzman. Dave (Devon Sawa), Sam (Jason Segel) and Jeff (Michael C. Maronna) are the best cheaters on campus cheating their way though college with elaborate scams and cons that probably take more planning and energy than it would take to actually study hard. No, there will be no moral judgement here. It's just an observation. Besides, the scamming looks like it's more fun than cramming for finals. Luckily, it's fun for the audience as well.

Things are going alright for our 3 man crew until Dave makes the mistake of taking Ethan's (Jason Schwartzman) seat during an exam. Dave also screws things up by flirting with and giving a phone number to Angela (James King). The problem isn't that Dave gave his phone number. It's that he wrote it on a teachers copy of an exam... which Angela didn't take with her.

When Ethan finds this incriminating evidence he threatens to get the boys kicked out of school unless they hook him up with his dream girl, Angela. So, our "slackers" set out to do the impossible by finding out what makes Angela tick by visiting her dorm room and parents home, stealing her notebooks and copying e-mail files. This is all for not because the socially awkward Ethan doesn't have a chance. Especially since it's Dave that she likes and not "Cool Ethan".

As with all teen comedies there is conflict. Some newly found trust issues temporarily break up the threesome and when Angela finds out that Dave may have seduced her only because of Ethan's blackmail scheme she breaks up with him. Eventually our cheaters figure out that their friendship is more important than a diploma. With his friends help, Dave finds the courage to finally confront Angela and tell her the truth as well as how much he loves her and how he found his true self by loving her blah, blah, blah. Nothing really new here.

What is funny about "Slackers" are the frequent fantasy sequences and dick and fart Jokes. Some gags are very funny such as Ethan's fantasy making out with 2 girls at once and a sequence portraying the friendship of the "slackers". Of course some are not so funny such as Ethan groping a 70 year old Mamie Van Doren. Ugh!).

The real standouts of the flick are Jason Segel and Michael C. Maronna. You may remember Segel from his guest performances as Eric, Lizzie's on again off again boyfriend on TV's Undeclared and Maronna playing a "real" slacker in the Ameritrade commercials. These two upstage Sawa and Schwartzman easily. It also helps that they are included in the films funnier scenes. They also seem like they had the most fun on the set. Laura Prepon (That 70's Show) has a small role as Angela's very sexual roommate. She really doesn't have much to do except masturbate on a couch and complain that the test in a woman's magazine rates her "two points above skank" (Go Figure).

The major problem is that while many of the gags in the flick are funny on their own, many of them seem out of place and seem to be there only to break up the "run of the mill" love story. Also, upon closer inspection the blackmail plot is full of holes. Our heroes could have easily stolen all of the evidence back making Ethan's case very weak.

So, while you shouldn't expect the worst comedy of the year, (so far, that honor goes to Kung Pow: Enter the Fist), "Slackers" belongs in the "guilty pleasure" file. It's not bad enough that you'll hate it. But, it's not good enough to recommend it without feeling embarrassed that you paid "good money" to see it.
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gag me
FulhamFan327 December 2004
Warning: Spoilers
This is the worst movie I have ever seen. I was deceived into thinking it might be good because a couple of my favorite actors are in it. Now I want to punch Jason Schwartzman in the face for taking this role. I was physically ill after watching this film. I really don't understand Hollywood sometimes. There are so many people trying to break in that I'm sure you can skim off the top and get the very best. That way the worst movie you make is equivalent to Ferris Beullar instead of this sludge. The gags like the hair doll and blatantly ripping off jeans commercials added to the humorlessness of the film. Glad I avoided this film and watched it on TV. This proves that you should avoid January releases at all cost.
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Cool Ethan
kantario22 November 2005
Though there is an inherent stupidity in every teen/college comedy, this particular one shines as a goal for your Road Trip II's and Van Wilder spin offs to aspire to. The great thing about this movie is Jason Schwartsman. Cool Ethan is the poster-child for unrequited and creepy love and adoration and is as convincing as a love-starved weirdo in this movie as he's ever been in his other movies, in which he also happened to be a love-starved weirdo. Anyway, there are other redeeming elements in this movie which make it a classic. The use of music such as the choral Ace Of Bass rendition or the piano scene in the Denny's are dead-on great. When Ethan sings that song at the end, his character sticks in your head for the next week. In summation, I think that Slacker is definitely worth renting or seeing for free. Maybe you shouldn't buy it on the off chance that the cookie-cut, run-of-the-mill love story doesn't tickle your fancy, but it's an otherwise funny and interesting movie and worth the time.
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A comedy..... this ain't
jersas13 February 2002
I could barely come up with a chuckle during this mess of a movie. Obviously some people have low standards for humor, and they can watch a poorly written flick like this and find it amusing. It seems we are in one of those periods where the theaters are glutted with mediocre movies that should have gone straight to video. I am glad I did not pay for this trash, because I would have been even more disappointed. If you want to see manipulating cheaters glorified, and poor psychotic nerds who are pitifully desperate, go ahead and check this one out, but don't say I didn't warn you.
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Not for the plot. Not for the humour. Not even for the acting. For the honesty.
Howlin Wolf6 March 2005
It's hardly a surprise that the critics (and indeed a number of cinephiles on here) seem to reserve a special kind of scorn for "Slackers. It's appallingly 'loose' or endearingly ramshackle, depending on your view; and does not in any way let itself down concerning the mandatory 'vulgarity quotient' that appears inbuilt into pretty much every teen comedy these days. The performances, as weirdly appropriate as they seem to be for this kind of material, won't shake the foundations of 'the method' either; so from this quick overview, there appears to be not much to recommend it, and one begins to understand the vituperative comments hurled its way. Indeed, initially I was casting my eye upon it in much the same manner, until...

... something new became apparent to me; a 'freshness' not normally present in Hollywood product that was able to gradually sneak up on me precisely because it was so unexpected. It's produced unerringly from the perspective of its characters, is true to them, unflinching from their idiosyncrasy to the extent that the finished result feels the least 'manufactured' it's possible to get in todays climate. It's made by people who seem to know what it is to BE 'slackers'; (and that's a compliment!) so small wonder that bumptious critics were virtually falling over themselves to cock an easy snark at such a decadent and wasteful way of life. Of course, THEY work hard, THEY are cultured, worldly and sophisticated. The fact is though, a distinct 'subculture' exists who possess NONE of those attributes; and expecting an informed judgement to come from those who are completely alien to such a lifestyle is sheer foolishness. It's nice to see a piece of work come from those who know of which they show. So often these days we get films about collegiate people made by those whose indolent days are obviously well behind them. (if they ever existed at all) This is that rare film that gets it right; capturing authenticity, and then selling it so perfectly back to us that no wonder some people are turned off by what they see. If you've been there, though, then you'll be one of the few who 'get' it... This is a script that understands how sometimes certain people say random 'odd' things that nevertheless sound hilarious to the attuned ear.

If you're a slacker, then you'll like it; even with reason trying to tell you that perhaps you shouldn't. For the rest - stay away; it was never meant for you anyway. F.U.B.U - For Us, By Us... !
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James_967012 April 2005
Warning: Spoilers
It was so terrible. It wasn't fun to watch at all. Even the scene where the girl is using a vibrator, even that's not fun to watch in this movie. I say again, the scene where a girl is masturbating with a vibrator is not even fun to watch. Or maybe if that was the only part of the movie that you watched, just girl on couch using a vibrator. Maybe they should have just released that one scene in theaters, maybe then the movie would be enjoyable on a certain level. My advice, fast forward to that point, watch it, rewind the movie, watch it again, rewind, repeat. Maybe you could enjoy yourself for 2 hours that way. This movie ranks alongside I spit on your grave and Doom generation in the category of worst movies that I have ever seen.
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Unlikely characters star in a typical teen comedy. Not so often you watch something like it.
insomniac_rod17 August 2009
I enjoyed this movie mainly because I didn't have any expectations on it. I just programmed it on Sky on a Monday night. I watched it, and ended up liking a lot because it's a movie where the main characters and villains (if you can call them that way) are unlikely. What do I mean? The lead character played by Devon Sawa got the guts, the cool attitude, and the on-screen charisma. The antagonist, Jeff, is a freak with some anger problems and really gets on your nerves. Still, he works perfect as the pain in the ass.

The supporting characters do their work pretty well and you can remember about your "Saved by the Bell" years.

The situations are funny and will truly transport you to high school or college.

The only problem I found about "Slackers" was it's over the top situations, and unrealistic climax. Hey, it worked as mindless entertainment at least.

Oh, special mention for Jaime King who looks hotter as hell.

Watch this movie if you're into the kind of humor that goes on high school.
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The state of American filmmaking hits a new low
kjm5 February 2002
The American Heritage Dictionary lists approximately 14 definitions for the word "suck." I would like to nominate a 15th: "Slackers." It's not funny, it's not campy, it's not so-bad-you-have-to-laugh funny, it's just limp and lifeless. Kick it and it may twitch, but just as a reaction. There's no independent life inside. That scratching sound you hear in the background in certain scenes is the screenwriter and director scraping the bottom of the barrel of other teen comedies looking for some laughs. It's a derivative example of a derivative genre. It's redundant. It has Mamie Van Doren in a bathtub. It has non-actors portraying non-students. It's a non-film, anti-art and flatulent, but not in a fun way.
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A great comedy from college comedy times
ComedyFan201021 November 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Somehow I missed out on this movie when it came out and didn't even know it existed until I now randomly found it. This is even surprising since Jason Segel is in it. But I am glad it happened because now many years after the college comedies were a big thing I got to enjoy one as a new. And maybe I liked it more now than I would have back then because it seemed so different unlike it probably was then when it was just one movie of many similar ones.

I must say I have laughed through most of it. The story is simple and pretty fun. The cast is great. For many this movie was in the beginning of their careers and we can see now how far they went from it.

Jason Schwartzman was absolutely perfect as Cool Ethan. He is a geeky psychopath and we are glad he didn't get the girl at the end but at the same he is a total pleasure to watch. Everything he does makes me laugh. He really stole the show.

I felt bad for Laura Prepon who was in this movie for no reason whatsoever, played a very boring character (masturbating on the couch didn't help) and was pretty useless for the story. But other than that I loved it and would watch again.
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Norrin Radd9 February 2002
is it high art? no. but this movie will definitely find an audience on video. i had extremely low expectations for this movie, but wanted to see it for jason schwartzman. it starts with a symphonic version of Baba O'Reily which pretty much immediately won me over. this is definitely a guilty pleasure movie and it has a horrible title. but i think history will be kinder to it than most of it's other contemporaries fare. plus james king is smoking.
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Truly Awful
cory-spicer21 July 2009
I'll start by saying I wasn't offended because of any raunchy or debauched stuff. I am not sensitive at all when it comes to sex humor or any sort of sophomoric low-brow stuff. If it's funny, I like it.

That's the problem though: this piece of crap movie simply was NOT FUNNY!!! It's just a stupid, worthless collection of "this is how crazy college guys live" stereotypes, with a truly cringe-worthy love story slapped on top. I don't think there was a single line that I found interesting or unique in any way.

Again, I am the last guy to be offended by anything "explicit". But I am offended when formulaic BS crap is passed off as comedy.
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